Evil Insect God

Chapter 1626: At the end of the day, let's kill

As the spirit formation and the twelve main canyons were cleared out, the iron wooden gates were rampant on the entire Tianxing sect, and some bone towers that were previously hidden by Huo Hai were also found out one by one.

Without the formation of a quantitative advantage, the leadership of intelligent creatures, the blessing of the spirit formation, and even the high-level forces cannot resist, these bone towers cannot be supported for too long. The defense of the bone towers is just to allow the bone towers to bear more. After a few attacks, the bone tower itself had no fighting ability and was quickly cleaned up.

The two great guardian formations, under the attack of a large number of masters, the strength is constantly weakening, and the spirit and spirit crystals that Huo Hai left at the beginning are basically almost exhausted. "What should we do, we will not last long. ."

The Grand Elder shook his head bitterly: "Many disciples now have the idea of ​​wanting to rebel, and even if that is not the case, our spiritual formation may only last for a few days." The Grand Elder is mainly responsible for this.

It’s not easy to be able to persist for half a month. If it’s not for worrying that the attack is too strong and the counterattack force caused is too terrifying, these guys would have already attacked with all their strength. In that case, the time supported by this spiritual formation will definitely be. Even shorter, even within the sect, many traitors have been arrested during this time.

After the last incident, the monitoring of these people within their own sect was also stricter. Sure enough, some traitors wanted to take advantage of this time to sabotage internally, and even took the initiative to break the spiritual formation and let the enemy in. .

If the suzerain and others had not been prepared for a long time, they would really have succeeded by these people. Even if they would not open the spiritual formation, they would have suffered heavy losses at that time. These people had secretly disappeared under the orders of the suzerain. .

I don't know if the sect can hold on to the final judgment of these people. The sect master and others don't want to make these people feel better. Seeing that the sect is about to be broken, everyone is silent at this time, and even despair emerges in their hearts.

At this moment, Huo Feng's expression suddenly lifted, and then he took out a spar, "Great, Xiao Hai has sent a message, let us hold on for one day, and Xiao Hai will come back one day later." Huo Feng was excited. Speaking to the people around, when they heard the words, a ray of hope suddenly appeared in their hearts, and their complexions suddenly changed.

"Is it true? This is great. Elder Huo is finally coming back." Everyone looked excited, but the Sect Master and a few people still looked ugly. At this time, what use could even Huo Hai come back.

There are at least thousands of Spirit Sage masters outside, and so many Spirit Sages do their work at the same time, even if Huo Hai has reached the peak of Spirit Sage, he is definitely not an opponent of these people. Sect Master does not know how many Star Gus Huo Hai has.

Only the people in the family such as Huo Feng know that Huo Hai has thousands of spiritual worms in the realm of Spiritual Saint. If he really fights, Huo Hai is actually no worse than the outsiders, but in this way, some spiritual worms will be lost. That's all, in Huo Feng's eyes, these spirit worms are not as important as their families. After the spirit worms die, it is nothing to cultivate.

But Huo Hai realized in his heart that the life of his family is more important than his own spirit worms, but if it is for those who are irrelevant to the family, Huo Hai will not let his spirit worms casually sacrifice, Huo Hai does not value these people at all.

Along the way, Huo Hai’s side quickly transmitted. After receiving Huo Hai’s news, Huo Feng kept telling Huo Hai of his current situation. Huo Hai did not expect that the Huo family’s situation had reached this point. The family guardian formation was broken open, so his family would definitely not end well. Tiemumen's reputation was not very good, this Huo Hai knew very well.

But fortunately, the family seems to have nothing at this time. The guardian formation set up by itself has not been broken. "Speed ​​up, can't wait anymore." Huo Hai and the six-winged butterfly array shuttled through the space with all their strength, without a trace Dare to waste time.

When Huo Hai came to the sky above the Sky Star Sect, he found that the barrier of the Sky Star Sect had become very weak. If he came back two or three days later, the Sky Star Sect and the Huo Family would no longer exist. The iron wooden door masters are surrounding them, and several spiritual saints are constantly attacking to consume the power of the spiritual formation, and everyone else is just waiting.

"The **** of the iron wooden door, dare to be so presumptuous while he is not here. You can't stay here today." Huo Hai's voice exploded at high altitude, like a thunder. Below, the iron wooden door finally noticed Huo Hai's arrival. .

"Very well, I didn't expect you to come out of the giant wood forest, but today in front of us, you don't want to leave this place." Huo Hai was able to escape from the Mu Family's pursuit, which made Tiemumen's The person in charge was shocked, but thinking of the masters around him, he was less worried, Huo Hai was only one person.

Even if he has a few hundred spiritual worms of the spiritual sage realm, what will happen to those spiritual worms at a glance, they must have certain flaws, this is their judgment based on the past performance of the spiritual worms, they don’t know about Star Gu How powerful.

As long as they can kill Huo Hai, what can the spirit worms do? Either disperse or die with their masters. This is the case with the worm spirit masters and the beast spirit masters. After the death, the remaining things are not worth worrying about. .

Seeing these guys rushing towards him, Huo Hai laughed instead: "Hehe, do you think so? Forget it, what are you doing so much to tell the dead." Huo Hai has discovered that Tiemumen points In the Ministry, I am afraid that almost all the masters have already come out of the station, if they are in the station, Huo Hai really dare not do anything casually.

Now? It's different. Huo Hai didn't use spirit worms. Instead, he took out a dark gourd, "This is the first time I use this gourd, I will use you to test it today."

Huo Hai completely ignored the attacks on him. Star Gu had already issued a space barrier around him to block all these attacks. Before the second wave of attacks arrived, Huo Hai aimed the gourd below, and his mental power was gently touched. a bit.

Then, the gourd began to spin at high speed, and a large amount of pitch black like thick fog floated out of the gourd. This kind of magic weapon is very rare in the heavenly spirit realm, but the iron wooden door is not even true. How worried, they also have this thing in their own sect, and the power of this thing depends on the quality of the items used to refine the treasure.

"Ah..." At this moment, some screams suddenly sounded, and the people with the fastest impact in the air have entered the dense fog. Unfortunately, their spiritual defense has no effect on these dense fog.

The black mist easily entered their bodies, and these people hugged their heads with painful screams and fell from the air. It didn't take long for these spiritual sages to lose their vitality and were directly perished from the soul level.

After the soul is destroyed, the inner world of these people can't be kept. Under the oppression of the power of heaven and earth, they will soon be swallowed and absorbed by the source of heaven and earth. "No, this is the fog of God, **** it, how can it be? There is such a strong addiction to the fog." Finally, an iron wooden door master recognized the true face of this thing, this is the addiction to fog.

If it's an ordinary **** addiction mist, it will not have much effect on the spiritual saints. Even if there are a lot of them, it will take a long time to corrode to have an effect, but what Huo Hai collected is a large piece of high-level **** addiction mist.

These psychedelic mists themselves have a strong kill to the spirit saint, and when Huo Hai later used them to temper the gourd, these psychedelic mists were also tempered again, and now they are more dense and even more terrifying.

In this psychic fog, Huo Hai is sure that even if it is Dai Feng Lingsheng, it is absolutely impossible to resist too long. Of course, the premise is that the other party does not have special secrets and treasures, otherwise there is no problem to escape.

A large amount of psychic mists spread in an instant, and the people below did not react at all. Those below the spiritual sage realm were eroded and died in the first time. There is no way to protect them no matter what method, and the spiritual sage masters , And only people above the sixth layer of heaven can barely support it for a period of time. At this time, everyone used various methods one after another.

Huo Hai glanced at it, and couldn't help sighing. It is indeed a large-scale sect. The foundation is extraordinary. Many masters above the fifth layer of the Spiritual Sage have displayed various methods, some using foreign objects, and some using secret methods. of.

After these secret techniques were displayed, they actually blocked the erosion of the psychic mist for a while, and even Huo Hai saw a few that were not greatly affected. Needless to say, these people must have soul fixation beads and the like. thing.

But after all, there are not many people who can avoid being corroded. Huo Hai looked at it, and there were only a hundred people at most. It's just that these hundreds of people, every one of them is a master of the fifth heaven and above of the spiritual sage, and feels the influence of a large number of sects Death, the expressions of these people changed from joy to ugliness, and this attack caused them to receive a fatal blow.

Huo Hai didn't care about that much. Except for the two guarding sect's large arrays, Huo Hai covered all the areas with the fog of psychic. There were a lot of fog of psychic he collected at the beginning, enough to cover a large area.

Later in the process of constant tempering, the gourd’s psychic fog became more and more terrifying, and the number was even more significant. If it weren’t for this thing to have no effect on Huo Hai’s level of combat, and the thing’s destructive power was too strong, Huo Hai It's not that it's been used for the first time until now. There is no one on the battlefield, and at first glance they are all enemies.

This gourd is the best to use at this time. It can also be used as a deterrent weapon in the future. Huo Hai saw the terrifying power of the gourd for the first time, and he couldn’t avoid it. Somewhat shocked.

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