Evil Insect God

Chapter 1628: Reactions from all sides

It’s no wonder that the ancestors of Tiemu were so angry. In his opinion, there are definitely not many people and forces who can uproot their own Ironwood Gate branch, and there are probably only a few forces who can do this so quickly. That's it.

And most of these forces participated in the previous war, no matter how much they lost now, they would not continue to participate in the war. Besides, participating in such a battle would not be able to survive the ghost medicine sect and also lose the strength of their own sect.

So the only sect that can destroy its own sect branch in such a short time is the ghost medicine sect. Although the defensive spirit array of the branch is not strong enough, with the support of so many spirit saints, It's not that easy to be destroyed by others, he didn't know that these people had left the guardian formation on their own initiative, otherwise Huo Hai would have no choice.

"My lord, the branch's teleportation array has been destroyed. We don't even know what happened over there." At this time, another guard ran in. They just wanted to check it out, but they found that the teleportation array was no longer available. Up.

Even after the incident happened for such a long time, no one returned to report through the teleportation array. Hearing this, Old Ancestor Tiemu squeezed the armrest of the chair directly with his palm, and his face was flushed.

"Check, let me find out what happened, otherwise you won't use it to see me." Old Ancestor Tiemu exploded, and under this anger, he broke through the bottleneck that hadn't been broken through for many years. The peak of the tenth heaven has suddenly entered the eleventh heaven, and as long as it is stable for a period of time, it can truly reach the eleventh heaven.

It's just that the ancestor Tiemu was not at all happy at this time, which shows how strong his anger is.

The people around were silent. Who would have thought that this foolproof action would have received so many obstacles and blows. The change was rapid, dizzying, and the loss of the sect, which made everyone feel distressed.

Before long, another elder walked in, "Sovereign, we have already inquired that Huo Hai has escaped from the giant wood forest before, and the Mu family did not capture Huo Hai." Hearing this, Old Ancestor Tiemu Suddenly became even more annoyed.

"Trash, it's all a bunch of trash, it's all... well, go down." Old Ancestor Tiemu realized that he couldn't say bad things about the giant wooden door and the Mu family at will, even if he thought it that way. At that time, it aroused the resentment of the giant wooden door, and the heavy-loss iron wooden door would be even more dangerous. Originally, they planned to get the support of the Mu family.

Who knows, this time I actually took the excess power of the sect to completely lose it. At this time, the remaining power of the iron wooden gate can only fight against its own enemies, and it is impossible to extract the excess power to do anything.

If this time offends any other big forces, then the situation of Tiemumen is really dangerous.

After another while, a report was sent over. Ancestor Tiemu looked at the report and his hands trembled. "How come this is happening, don't these wastes have a brain." Old Ancestor Tiemu was ruthless. Ruthlessly threw out the paper in his hand.

When the other people flew down the piece of paper, their eyes were concentrated, and they read everything on it in an instant. The piece of paper that no one caught just fell on the ground. In the entire hall, everyone’s expressions looked like Like eating flies.

The report has already stated that because of the full attack on the Sky Star Sect, the situation is very good. Almost all the people in the station have left. After all, after this battle, they can return to the sect. Therefore, the branch does not need to pay too much attention. At that time, Huo Hai suddenly fell from the sky, and also used a very special treasure to attack on a large scale.

Because of the help of this special treasure, Huo Hai, together with his own large number of spirit worms, forcibly turned the whole battle around with his own power, so many spirit saints were also dead in Huo Hai’s hands. This is indeed, It shocked everyone.

Moreover, according to the information above, the treasure of Huo Hai is very powerful. Although it will not be shrouded in the fog of fascination if it is discovered at the beginning, there is no realm of spirits and gods, and there is no way to take this treasure.

Once used for a sneak attack, unless it is hiding in the guardian formation, otherwise no matter who it is, I am afraid that it will not be able to bear it. Fortunately, the speed of this fascination is not very fast. Otherwise, will they have a good life in the future? , Of course, if the gourd is really so powerful, I am afraid that without them, the ghost medicine gate will not let it exist.

At the same time, the Mu family had already received the news. At this time, everyone in the Mu family looked at each other. They learned that Huo Hai had returned to the eastern region after receiving that Huo Hai had destroyed the Iron Wooden Door branch. run out.

"What do you think, this matter seems to be a little troublesome." The Mu Family Patriarch looked around with a depressed expression.

"Yes, Insect Sage has already risen to this level. If it continues at this speed, it may be another spiritual **** who is out. At that time, even if our ancestors of the Mu family did it, it might not be easy to deal with him."

An old man next to him immediately said: "Nonsense, no one can break through the spirit god, just a casual cultivator, what qualifications to break through the spirit god, their entire Sky Star Sect is only a spiritual saint, I see his potential It's exhausted." Most people have this view, a casual cultivator, what qualifications to become a spiritual master.

I have to say that facing Huo Hai at this time, people like them are very jealous. Such a young guy can improve so fast all the way, if I change to them, it would be great.

"Don't talk about it, let's talk about how we should treat him. Now, our Mu family is already immortal in the eyes of this kid. According to his character, sooner or later, he will come to trouble us." The Mu family patron is calm. Said.

The old man just now yelled loudly: "He dares, even a casual repairman dared to oppose our Mu family. Why should he dare to move our Mu family? Would the giant wooden door let it go?" Today's giant wooden door has already been confronted. With Huo Hai, Huo Hai's current strength can already influence a certain situation in the peripheral area without being able to show his spirit.

"Okay, okay, let's just say a few words. Now the sect is also eyeing the Insect Saint. My sect must also want to catch him. There are definitely some unknown secrets in his body, but in the eastern region, we It's not easy to do it."

This is the biggest problem. The Ghost Medicine Gate can tolerate the establishment of a branch in a short time by a super-class sect in the southeast region, but they will never allow giants like the giant wooden gate to enter. Once the giant wooden gate enters the eastern region on a large scale, It has a huge impact on the Ghost Medicine Sect, but there are fewer people going there, and there is nothing to do with Huo Hai now.

The Mu Family is having heated discussions at this time. Now is not the time to regret it. Of course, everyone in the Mu Family is still regretting it. If they arrested Huo Hai earlier, they wouldn’t be like this. There is nothing to do.

Among the Ghost Medicine Sect, some people also gathered at this time. Facing the Sky Star Sect, many people in the Ghost Medicine Sect are very disgusted from the bottom of their hearts. If it is just a Sky Star Sect, the Ghost Medicine Sect does not care at all, their strength Not strong either.

What they are really annoyed about is the existence of Huo Hai. Huo Hai is obviously from the Sky Star Sect, and the Sky Star Sect has already returned to the Ghost Medicine Sect. However, this guy is still in the state of loose repair, and the Wu family has provoked it. The reputation of the Ghost Medicine Gate is not very good. At the beginning, the Ghost Medicine Gate didn't care about the existence of Huo Hai very much.

However, Huo Hai made big noises time and time again, and now Huo Hai’s cultivation level has improved so fast, even the Sky Star Sect is constantly improving its strength, and there is a vague departure from the management of ghost medicine. .

There is no special reason. Even the Ghost Medicine Sect cannot easily destroy a first-class sect, otherwise it will cause a backlash from all other major forces, so the Ghost Medicine Sect is even more dissatisfied with the Sky Star Sect.

Huo Hai refused to surrender, and he still had a powerful force. After this incident, it may be difficult for the Heavenly Star Sect to obey the Ghost Medicine Sect in the same way as before. The Yan family who has a good relationship with the Star Sect now wants to control the Star Sect It is not an easy task. Watching them continue to develop, some of the ghost medicinemen feel very uncomfortable in their hearts.

"Hmph, let the giant wooden door continue to do it, as long as they don't enter on a large scale, use their power to eliminate the **** Huo Hai." An old man with a gloomy face and a skin like bark shouted in a low voice.

The others looked at each other and didn't say anything. They couldn't do it casually. Nowadays, apart from wanting to move the giant wooden door of the Sky Star Sect, he couldn't think of anyone else who could come and clean Huo Hai. This guy can no longer deal with it casually. .

"Cough cough." Suddenly, a cough caught everyone's attention, and a young man slowly walked over not far away: "Everyone, it is Huo Hai that we are going to deal with. It is a person, not a sect, so Even other forces can't say anything, Huo Hai is not easy to do in the Sky Star Sect, but he has come out."

Everyone's eyes lit up, yes, their ghost medicine gate is in their own area, and they can't just destroy a first-class or more sect, but it's different if they want to deal with one person, even if this person is a spiritual god, they have an excuse to deal with.

In the past, many disobedient spirit gods were secretly solved by them in this way. Otherwise, the ghost medicine gate controls the eastern region. The other eight gates are actually the same. If they are disobedient, they will be solved. The forces are basically linked together to fight against the eight sects. I am afraid that except for the eight sects, there is no spiritual **** in the outer area.

"You don't want to know, is there any secret in Huo Hai's body? He can improve so fast. I don't believe it because he cultivated himself." The others nodded, expressing the truth.

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