Evil Insect God

Chapter 1629: Replanning

After completely annihilating the Ironwoods’ last resident, Huo Hai returned all the way to the sky above Huo’s family. At this time, the senior officials of the Sky Star Sect were all gathered in the Huo family. Compared with the headquarters of the Sky Star Sect, it was still here. The spirit array is stronger.

This is not to say that Huo Hai valued the Huo family, but that Huo Hai valued his family more, family members whom he recognized. Otherwise, such a big matter should be discussed at the headquarters of the Sky Star Sect. After Huo Hai returned, All the people cheered suddenly. At this time, the rest of the people outside had been killed and wounded, and a few had also been arrested.

These people were destroyed by Star Gu personally in the inner world, and at the same time controlled not to let their souls fly away. After Huo Hai came back, he sent out a star line to seal all the people, these people could no longer escape.

"Put these people in the dungeon and deal with them slowly later." After all, they are some spiritual saints. It would be a pity to kill them like this. These people, whether it is their understanding of iron wooden doors or some of their experience in cultivation, is very important.

After Huo Hai fell, the guardian formation was closed. "Xiaohai, has the Ironwood Gate branch been destroyed?" Huo Feng asked nervously. The Ironwood Gate is a mountain that has been pressing on the top of the Tianxingzong during this time. As long as they existed for one day, everyone in the Sky Star Sect would have trouble sleeping and eating. This time, they almost wiped out the entire Sky Star Sect.

Huo Hai nodded: "Yes, it has been wiped out. With the current strength of Tiemumen, they probably won't have the ability to continue to launch such a large-scale battle against us." Hearing this, the surrounding people suddenly became a piece of cake. cheer.

In order to ease everyone's mood, Huo Hai didn't lower his voice. On the contrary, he spread his own voice throughout the resident area. It didn't take long for even the people at the headquarters of the Sky Star Sect to receive the news.

Huo Hai breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that Fang Biya and others were fine, and that his family was very safe now.

Huo Hai showed a smile on his face, and then said loudly, "Everyone played their part in this battle, so I decided to reward by meritorious deeds. Well, the spirits will be rewarded with Heaven-removing Pill. I personally come out the Heavenly Pill." Huo Hai's words made the spiritual masters who were not very excited also cheered.

Especially the Anemone clan. In this battle, the Anemone clan contributed a lot. Many anemone incarnations were mixed among the beast teams to attack, which greatly increased the number of the beast teams, although the strength of these incarnations was not very good. .

However, because of this, almost everyone of the masters of the sea anemone clan was injured. The sea anemone clan is mainly to protect their homeland. Of course, it is also an unexpected joy to be able to obtain the Heaven-Stopping Pill now.

In this battle, the losses were almost all the methods left by Huo Hai. The masters of the sect did not lose much. After all, everyone's cultivation base was still too low, and the battlefield hardly had the qualifications for them to play. But after this battle, Believe that all people will digest the battle gains, their strength will be improved more or less, and it is not impossible to cooperate with the breakthrough of the Heaven-removing Pill.

Some people who did not reach the Spiritual Venerable originally, after this battle, many people will break through. The Heavenly Star Sect has been silent for too long. This time he has played his morale. Huo Hai believes that in the next period of time, the Heavenly Star Sect will definitely enter the Great Stage of development.

After talking about this, Huo Hai walked into the main hall. At this time, there were only a few high-level sects who followed Huo Hai. This time, the trouble was too big, and other people would not be able to suppress Huo Hai. .

Entering the main hall, the surroundings suddenly became quiet. Outside, there was a thriving and lively scene, while inside, the atmosphere at this time was a bit solemn and serious. "Let’s talk about the loss of this battle."

Huo Hai’s voice rang, and Sect Master Sky Star was prepared. When Huo Hai started destroying the Iron Wooden Door branch, he had already made statistics. At this time, Sect Master Sky Star directly took out a piece of information, "This time , Our personnel loss is not great, but some traitors have been killed by us in advance."

Hearing that the loss of personnel was not great, Huo Hai breathed a sigh of relief. Now the biggest factor that bothers the development of the Sky Star Sect is not the other, but the insufficient number of people and insufficient population base. How could it be possible to give birth to so many masters.

Huo Hai nodded: "Those traitors die if they die, talk about other things." Huo Hai's tone eased, and the surrounding atmosphere is no longer so dignified. For other things, Huo Hai is not at all. In my eyes, these guys with anti-skeletal tendencies have been eliminated, and the remaining people in the sect are all elites.

"This time the battle, the main losses are our fierce beasts and skeletons." Sect Master Sky Star said as he passed the information to Huo Hai. Seeing these losses, Huo Hai also had a headache.

The skeleton I left here was almost destroyed, and there was not much left. Huo Hai, a normal puppet skeleton, didn’t care, but there were normal skeletons in the bone lair, but it needed the light of the soul to make it. of.

These skeletons have been lost, and it is very difficult to replenish them. Because of the traitor’s relationship, the bone tower has been exposed, and the spirit circle left by him has also been taken down. It can be said that the Star Sect has been removed from beginning to end. Go over it.

In order to resist the attack of the iron wooden gate, the fierce beasts and the Gu beast army suffered heavy losses. At this time, those who reached the spiritual sage have been completely destroyed, and there are not many spiritual ones left. Those who are still in the sect are only those who are not strong. Well, they are not qualified to be on the battlefield at all. They have good potential, but they don't even reach the heavenly level, so they can only be pets at present.

"Well, I will deal with the fierce beasts when I have time. There has just been a big battle in the Bamen area. Many wild fierce beasts will not be noticed. It is no problem for me to catch some."

After a pause, Huo Hai said again: "The light of the soul gained from this battle is enough to replenish the skeletons. For the rest, I will find a way." At the end of the battle, Huo Hai will let Xiaoyun pay attention. Now, at the last moment, Huo Hai also collected some light of the soul. The overall quantity is small, but the quality is high.

There are also those who are caught by themselves, which are also the raw materials for the light of the soul. Some of the light of the soul in their hands has been contaminated by the fog of the addiction. Fortunately, there are not many. Just take the time to remove them.

This would waste some of the power of the light of the soul, but it was nothing to Huo Hai. Anyway, he didn't want to use a complete one. Hearing that these can be added, Sect Master Sky Star was relieved.

"During this battle, I found that there are still big loopholes in the management of our sect. We need to discuss it during this time." This is a major event related to the sect, and the lord also took advantage of this time to speak out.

Huo Hai waved his hand: "I don't participate in the management of the sect. You don't need to ask me about these things. If you say so, I have also discovered that there are many loopholes in the methods I have arranged before. It’s been revised, so let’s re-establish a resident and put the Huo family and Zongmen headquarters together, which is more convenient."

Huo Hai didn’t want the Huo Family to be directly merged into the Sky Star Sect. In fact, it’s not easy to merge it now, but it would indeed be safer to put them together. Regarding this, the Sky Star Sect Master no longer knew what to say. Up.

For example, now that the two locations exist at the same time, it is also very troublesome to communicate back and forth, especially when someone is beaten to the door of the house, it makes the suzerain and others entangled.

Even if the Sky Star Sect is really controlled by the Huo Family in the future, it will still be the Sky Star Sect, just like the Huo Men today. After complete control, Huo Hai will be more helpful to the Sect. After thinking about this , Sect Master breathed a sigh of relief, and maybe he could relax a little bit later, but it was a pity that Huo Hai never liked being this Sect Master.

"Also, even though the masters of the Iron Wooden Gate have been killed, there are still many low-level disciples nearby. They will not be able to return to the southeast area in a short time. Send someone to hunt them down."

After a pause, Huo Hai said: "You can leave some rewards for those who participate. I think after this battle, our Sky Star Sect should be able to show more masters." A light flashed in Huo Hai's eyes.

After thinking about it, Huo Hai said again: "Now I have reached the eleventh heaven of the Spiritual Sage. Next, we can train some Nine Ranks Broken Sages. I have already cultivated the Huo family's dead. Leave those dead men in the door to me too, and I will train them together." Huo Hai's words made the Sect Master and the Great Elder excited.

Although for the time being, the strength of these dead men will far exceed their own, but dead men are dead men. They have no other ideas, just like tools, no matter how powerful the tools are, they will not hurt themselves.

As for the future, the Sect Master believes that he will definitely be able to rely on his own breakthroughs to become a true spiritual saint. Now he is not as good as Huo Hai, but with the help of a lot of resources, the Sky Star Sect Master is sure to become one of the best masters in the sect in the future.

"Okay, I'm going to prepare now, Great Elder, you go and gather the dead soldiers." The dead soldiers can't play a role in this terrifying battlefield, so the team of dead soldiers in the Sky Star Sect is still very complete. Yes, with the discussion, various orders continued to spread, and the entire sect began to operate. At this time, the Heavenly Star Sect was equally powerful.

When Huo Hai was in the Sky Star Sect, neither the ghost medicine gate nor the giant wooden gate made any obvious movements. Just taking advantage of this time, Huo Hai could also develop the sect well and adapt himself by the way.

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