Evil Insect God

Chapter 1637: New threat

It didn't take long for hundreds of people to gather nearby. The visitors didn't mean to hide their identities at all. Also, the people of the ghost medicine door didn't need to worry about making trouble.

"The target is about to approach here. It should pass from here. Everyone is in ambush." ​​A person in the lead said in a low voice, and then waved his hand, and a cloud of black aura spread out, and the black aura quickly swept around, just After a while, all the people disappeared, and there was no abnormality in the place.

Huo Hai didn't know what happened here. The gain this time was really great. Huo Hai had to go home and clean it up and digest it. Now the situation of the Sky Star Sect is not good, and Huo Hai can't leave for too long.

When Huo Hai was on his way, suddenly, a black gas appeared around him. Before Huo Hai could realize what was going on, the surrounding sky became completely black. Looking around, except for the black gas. Can't see anything.

"The space has changed. This should be a spiritual formation. No, it's not a normal spiritual formation. I'm afraid it can be regarded as a realm." After Huo Hai felt it for a while, his face was a little ugly, capable of forming a realm spirit formation. , This is simply not something that ordinary spirit formations can do, even Huo Hai can't arrange such a spirit formation now.

Needless to say, the people who did it must be the people of the big powers, but I don't know who the people who did it this time are, and what they want to do, "It's not bad, you deserve to be a worm saint, the experience is really extraordinary."

In the void, a figure formed strangely. Although his face could not be seen clearly, the clothes on his body could be clearly seen, "Guysongmen, I don't know what you want to stop here."

The figure in front of him is not a physical entity, so the attack has no effect. I believe that in this area, no one dares to pretend to be a ghost medicine door to deal with himself, but Huo Hai does not understand how these people found themselves.

The man in black said calmly: "It's very simple. We stopped you and naturally wanted to kill you. My ghost medicine door kindly invited you to join, but you dare to refuse. This is not giving me the ghost medicine door face. In that case, then Just go and die." The reason is really nonsense, and Huo Hai thought silently in his heart that he would destroy it if he couldn't control it, and he said so grandly.

Huo Hai also knew that the Ghost Medicine Sect probably had no reason to attack the Sky Star Sect casually, and could not destroy the Sky Star Sect casually, so it would only come to deal with himself, otherwise, how could the Sky Star Sect maintain the status quo.

Having been a spiritual saint for so many years, Huo Hai has some understanding of the situation in the eight gate area. The major power alliances hidden in the dark are actually not worse than the eight gates, but because they are all scattered sand, so When facing the Eight Doors, I can only resist at most. I want to be fully integrated, I am simply dreaming.

In the same way, the Eight Sects did not want to push these forces too eagerly, otherwise conflicts would really arise. By then, both sides would suffer minor injuries. In a place like the southern region, if other forces are united, the Golden Tumen can only be destroyed. .

The Ghost Medicine Sect didn't dare to attack the Sky Star Sect casually, but it would be different to do it alone. At least the meaning was different, and without oneself, then the Sky Star Sect would have no value and no future.

"It's a good calculation, but I want to know how you found me here." This is the strangest thing about Huo Hai.

The man in black seems to be confident and has no idea of ​​concealing, "It's very simple. Haven't you been helping the Sky Star Sect to create a protective sect formation, but after more than a year, the protective sect formation has not been completed, but you Disappeared."

After a pause, the man in black continued: "With the accumulation of the Sky Star Sect, it is very difficult to make a spiritual formation to such a degree, so we judged that you must have gone out to collect materials, but we used special methods. I found that you are not in the eastern region, but entered the northeast region. In the northeast region, we can't go deep, we can only wait here at the border. You actually made us wait for such a long time to show up. What do you think we should deal with you? "

This time, the Ghost Medicine Gate had never thought of capturing Huo Hai. What they had to do was to kill Huo Hai directly. Their idea was completely different from that of the Mu Family. If you really need something, it's the same when you get the soul.

Regarding the various secret methods of the soul, the ghost medicine gate is quite good, second only to the spirit fairy gate, Huo Hai nodded, he finally understood where he was exposed, unexpectedly, it was just such a humble one. sign.

Just such a little sign can also enable them to catch the clues and find themselves abruptly. Huo Hai found that he still underestimated these powerful sects that have been passed down for a long time, and they can find themselves outside of their own perception. Being able to set up an ambush so that I can't feel it, this matter today is really dangerous.

"Huh, I want to kill me. It depends on whether you have this ability. There are a lot of people who want to kill me, but I haven't lived until now." Huo Hai knows that these guys are preparing for this field, but he doesn't. Method.

The other party was talking to himself, not delaying time. After all, Huo Hai couldn't get out of this domain, and the domain's methods were not ready, these people couldn't do it, talking to themselves, it should be just idle and boring.

"Really, let's give it a try. Even the spirits and gods cannot escape the person my ghost medicine is going to kill, let alone you."

Huo Hai shook his head and said: "Haha, is your ghost medicine gate much stronger than the giant wooden door? The giant wooden door has dealt with us and haven't killed me for so many years. Why is your ghost medicine gate." Since it is an enemy, Huo Hai is also I don't intend to save face to the people of the ghost medicine school, but the people who did it this time have very good mental qualities, and they have no intention of being angry at all.

After a long time, the shadow said faintly: "As a spiritual saint who can make us so valued, it is your honor to die in the forest ghosts. Enjoy the last time."

After speaking, the black shadow slowly disappeared, but the surrounding black energy began to surging, "This thing really is a ghost, let me see, what are the methods of your ghost medicine door?" Huo Hai Said to himself.

Can use ghost energy to such an extent, apart from the ghost medicine door Huo Hai can't think of other sects, the group of ghost energy quickly condenses, and finally formed a large ghost head, these ghost heads are dark at first glance. The blue-faced fangs, watching for a long time, filled people with all kinds of negative emotions. Once they are contaminated, they will never end well.

Moreover, these ghost auras are launching dual attacks of spirit and spiritual power, which are very difficult to deal with. After a ghost head has formed, it rushes towards Huo Hai. This thing has no thoughts, but its instinct is not bad.

Speaking of it, it seems that Huo Hai is actually facing this very special attack method of the Ghost Medicine Gate for the first time. With a wave of his hand, a sword aura has been emitted. This sword aura now has a lot of law aura, it is not an ordinary sword at all. gas.

Even if it was a ghost, it was still directly cut in half by Huo Hai’s sword aura. The sword aura swept across the ghost and sank into the ghost. After that, Huo Hai lost his sense of sword aura, and Huo Hai’s expression was stunned. Change, I don't know if my sword energy was swallowed or blocked. This place is really weird and weird.

But at this moment, Huo Hai discovered that the ghost head that had just been cut open by himself, unexpectedly merged again strangely. Although it was not as big as the last time, this thing could continue to attack, which looked very difficult.

"Is it an undead body that can automatically recover? No, it should be energy accumulation. As long as the energy cannot be consumed cleanly, this thing will always be resurrected. It seems that this is an intention to consume with me." Huo Hai's heart is roughly already. Knowing the real purpose of these ghost heads, but without special means, it is difficult to consume them with ghost heads.

Huo Hai was different. He had everything he could do. Huo Hai, who didn't know if he could survive, felt a little relieved in his heart. He hadn't been afraid of anyone, let alone now.

In order to supplement the consumption of the sect, this time Huo Hai has harvested a lot of spiritual crystals and spiritual marrows. The spiritual crystals are of no use to him, but these spiritual marrows, combined with their spiritual power recovery speed, are enough for him to use for a long time. .

"Huh, isn't it just consumption? I want to see who consumes more energy." As he said, Huo Hai sent out a purple flame. With the control of the law, Huo Hai's flame gradually changed from silvery white. It turned purple, and when the purple flame came out, it quickly entangled the ghost head completely. Under the continuous burning of the flame, the ghost head struggled for a while and disappeared without a trace.

"Quack, worm saint, enjoy it slowly, this is just the beginning." When the ghost head was dying, he suddenly spit out such a sentence, and more and more ghost heads around began to take shape, one after another ghost head eyes Stared at Huo Hai.

If ordinary people see this kind of sight, they will really be shocked, but Huo Hai curls his lips in disdain: "Scare people? This kind of atmosphere is much worse than ghost movies, Zhendie, come out and help." Huo Hai With a move in Hai's heart, the six-winged butterfly has appeared.

A spirit formation was emitted, and Huo Hai also released the star line at the same time. The two spirit formations cooperated with each other to form a powerful force. Then, Huo Hai released the star fire, and the purple flame continued to burn and rise, bringing a piece of land near Huo Hai. The area was completely shrouded, and at this moment, with a wave of Huo Hai, Xiaodie also appeared beside him.

"Fluttershy, the Fire of Extinguishing Soul, give me fusion." Upon receiving the order, Xiaodie immediately mobilized her Fire of Extinguishing Soul and merged into the fire of stars. After adding the Fire of Extinguishing Soul, this power became more and more terrifying. stand up.

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