Evil Insect God

Chapter 1638: Strong ghost

"Bah..." A sound as if a soldering iron was put into the water, and it seemed to be frying something, every ghost head entering Huo Hai's purple flames would produce such a sound.

At the same time, a strange ghost whistling sound continued to be heard. This is not a sound, because only the soul can feel it. Even Huo Hai feels his spirit trance, "A strong mental attack, if not My mental power is strong, and it will really be affected." Huo Hai has already noticed that this is the last blow after the death of the ghost.

Ghost qi is originally formed by the fusion of death qi with the soul. It is essentially a very evil aura. It is precisely because of this kind of ghost qi cultivation that the reputation of the ghost medicine door in the eight sects is not very good. On the contrary, it is still the worst. Kind of.

After death, even the soul is not let go. This is nothing, but if the soul is absorbed to cultivate, it will be criticized. This is why Huo Hai has not exposed the means that he can use the soul. .

This is not a big deal, but it will invisibly affect his reputation and other people’s senses, but this kind of power is indeed very powerful, Huo Hai even discovered that a trace of it appeared on his Soul Destroying Sword. The ripples, "You want to use this method to deal with me, you think too much." Huo Hai smiled coldly.

The purple flame keeps burning all over the sea of ​​fire. As long as all ghosts dare to approach, they will all be destroyed by Huo Hai. What Huo Hai is most worried about now is whether the other party finds that he can't help himself, will he find someone else.

He couldn't leave, and he didn't have the help of a powerful master. Everything was passive. In every battle, Huo Hai was almost always pursuing a quick and quick solution. If he couldn't solve the battle as soon as possible, it would be bad for him.

This time is the same. Huo Hai is in an invincible position, but he is not in a very good mood, "I don’t know, can my flames affect this ghost." Huo Hai’s research on the spirit formation is not comparable to ordinary people. In comparison, the general spirit array does not have the advantages of the domain, but it also has some characteristics that the domain does not have.

If it is a spiritual formation, it is very difficult to find the rules of the spiritual formation. It is very difficult to force a breakthrough, but the domain is different. Even if this special existence is made into a spiritual formation, it can still break through with strength.

Real masters do not worry about this kind of problem in the realm of display. In fact, the inner world projection that Huo Hai encountered at the beginning is the prototype of a kind of realm, but this one has obviously exceeded the limit of the spiritual master, but has not reached Spiritual God.

Therefore, if you can find a way to quickly consume such a spirit array type domain controlled by others, Huo Hai can still break it. Anyway, there are so many spirits that can be consumed quickly in a short time. This method It was very suitable for him. Thinking of this, Huo Hai threw a ball of flame into the black air under his feet.

The flame was permeated, but soon the flame disappeared without a trace. Huo Hai felt it for a while. The flame had been completely disconnected from himself, and no trace was found. Huo Hai didn’t care, but another flame was thrown. Go down.

Huo Hai nodded with satisfaction after throwing more than a dozen groups in a row: "It seems that I was right. My attack was not swallowed by the horror ghosts, but was offset. This offset. It will also simultaneously consume the power of Senluo ghost mythical creatures. With the purity of my spiritual power, the power of this Senluo ghost mythical creature will never be less than what I consume."

At this time, a voice sounded: "It's really worthy of being a worm saint. It is really different from ordinary people. I can see it so quickly. That's right, this forest ghost is made using the inner world of several spiritual saint peak masters. In terms of strength, it is indeed not as strong as you." Speaking of which, Huo Hai was able to do this, which shocked them.

I never thought that the special realm formed by the fusion of several pinnacle spiritual sage inner worlds could not be compared with a spiritual sage master in terms of purity and strength of laws. This is really shocking. .

Huo Hai was taken aback. For a long time, what Huo Hai knew was the death of a heavenly master. The inner world would be completely shattered, and then completely swallowed and absorbed by the source of heaven and earth. He had never heard of someone who could leave the inner world.

No, it's not right. There are records. In the ancient books obtained from the Spirit Fire Sect, there seems to be records saying that the inner world is used for alchemy or the like. Then, after the death of the heavenly masters, their inner world can What remains is just a very special method, at least this method, Huo Hai has never heard of it.

And these inner worlds are things that even the origin of heaven and earth are greedy. Once left, they can be used to do a lot of things, but Huo Hai did not expect that this ghost medicine gate can actually integrate these inner worlds into a territorial spirit. Array.

In other words, now he is almost equivalent to being in the inner world of a master, and Huo Hai himself can do this, but it is a pity that ordinary heavenly masters would not do this. It is very easy for the enemy to enter his inner world. Have a huge impact.

"That's it, then I can rest assured." If it is a general field, Huo Hai may not know how to deal with it. After all, Huo Hai lacks experience in this area, but Huo Hai is very familiar with fields like the inner world. In other words, every celestial master is actually very familiar with it, and they themselves have an inner world.

Since it can be consumed, then forcefully break it open, "Now, let us try to see how much spiritual power you have to use." The inner world cannot communicate with the power of heaven and earth, otherwise it will be targeted by the source of heaven and earth. .

Therefore, Huo Hai is very relieved. As long as the power here is exhausted, countless sword auras burst out of Huo Hai's body, and new spirit formations are formed in Huo Hai's body. These spirit formations have been Huo Hai's all these years. The results.

Sword Qi passed through the spirit formation, and the strength was increased by a large amount, and the consumption of spiritual power did not increase, but it was used to attack the domain, but it could make the power of the domain consume more. Huo Hai’s spiritual power was continuously released as if he did not need money. Sword aura and flames showed up without hesitation. I don't know how long it has passed before the ghost aura around them began to become stagnant.

"The black energy has become a little shallower, it seems to consume a lot of money." Huo Hai smiled slightly, and there is no problem. If that is the case, then Huo Hai is even more worried, and Star Gu quickly appeared around Huo Hai.

The Star Gus jointly mobilized space power and attacked in all directions. However, no matter how strong these space attacks were, they would not be able to break through this field. Huo Hai doubted whether spirit gods participated in the manufacturing of this field.

However, every time the space is torn, the ghost energy here can be greatly consumed. Huo Hai, who makes a full shot, does not care about other things at all, even the power of Star Gu is used, and Huo Hai has not many cards left. Up.

Gradually, the black in the domain has become very shallow, and even Huo Hai can see some sunlight, "No, this kid is so strong, don’t give up, try your best to output spiritual power, if you fail, you It looks good." Hundreds of people outside poured their spiritual power into the one in front of them.

The few people in front are the masters who control the entire field. There are twelve in total. Each of them is a master above the tenth heaven of Spirit Saint. There is a small box in his hand, which continuously transforms spiritual power into black ghost energy.

After that, ghost energy continued to diffuse out and merged into the domain. Unless it was supplemented by the ghost energy from the outside world, this domain simply couldn't last for such a long time. Things made from the inner world were powerful and powerful, but their limitations were not small. Once there is any communication with the power of heaven and earth, it will soon attract the swallowing and absorption of the heaven and earth origin.

"Haha, you won't be able to hold on for long." At this time, with the weakening of Senluo ghost mythical creatures, Huo Hai's voice was slowly able to be heard directly, and people around him became even more annoyed when they heard this voice.

Seeing the outer shell of the domain, a faint crack has appeared, and the people in the ghost medicine door don't know what to do at this time, "Hold on, that kid definitely doesn't have that much spiritual power to use, we must stick to it."

The leader does not want to ask for help, because he knows that this is an opportunity. If he succeeds, his status in the sect can definitely rise a lot, but once he asks for help, then even if he succeeds, the credit is basically He doesn't have much of himself, so even if he sees a disadvantage, he still doesn't want to ask for help.

I really don't know what kind of monster it is inside. Those ghosts have dual attacks of spiritual power and spirit, and they are very powerful. If they are replaced by ordinary spiritual masters, let alone one, even ten can be easily wiped out.

In the end, the person inside was either caught, or swallowed by the domain after death, and used to breed more ghosts, but the person inside was really terrifying, and could actually use the help of the spirit worm to make use of it. The method of depleting their own domain is close to collapse, and they are almost unable to keep up with the use of spiritual supplements.

"Damn it, what did the intelligence department eat? This kid has at least three thousand spiritual worms in the spiritual holy realm, why the news is only five hundred." This can no longer be regarded as their own fault.

The difference between three thousand and five hundred is very large, and the news mentioned that these spirit worms are only nine heavens at most, but what is going on with these eleventh heavens? Could it be that the people here are all blind.

At this moment, a voice came out: "This young master won't play with you anymore, the last blow, let me smash it." Huo Hai's voice spread out without concealment, and then a terrifying force came from the domain. Broke out within.

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