Evil Insect God

Chapter 1639: One after another

As early as the beginning, Huo Hai was already preparing. In order to conceal the existence of Star Gu, even though Huo Hai kept making Star Gu attack, in fact, Star Gu came in batches.

It is precisely because of this that the number of Star Gus in Huo Hai’s hands has never been really discovered by outsiders. In fact, for the most time, Huo Hai only released two thousand Star Gus, the three thousand said outside. It's just exaggeration under anger. If you don't exaggerate a bit, doesn't it mean that you are incompetent? Many people will do this.

This field is made with the inner world, and in fact it has the same characteristics as the inner world, that is, the power inside is not actually consumed, but after being used, it will fall into silence.

The ghost energy injected by the outside world is mainly to activate this power and make it work again. That's it. If the power inside is really consumed, it will be an irreparable loss for the entire field. .

Huo Hai can do it, but he won't do it like this. To truly eliminate the power of the law, he can only use the power of the law at the same level. This is not in the outside world, and he cannot borrow the power between heaven and earth. To achieve a qualitative change, you can only use Huo Hai's own power, but doing that is absolutely thankless, because his own power will also be permanently lost.

I finally reached the peak, and seeing that I might break through, how could I lose my foundation at this time? This kind of loss, if you want to replenish it later, it takes a lot of effort.

However, with Huo Hai's attack, the forces in the inner world gradually fell into silence. After these forces fell silent, they condensed to the lower part of the inner world, like a lake, while the upper part was free.

I don’t know what’s going on in this inner world. The outer barrier is actually translucent. Huo Hai looked up at the sky. It’s really rare to see the sunlight in the real world in the inner world. But now, Huo Hai reveals A sneer: "Break it to me." Huo Hai roared in his heart, and all the Star Gus were released at the same time.

Most of the Star Gus were hidden in Huo Hai's body, but this time the power broke out completely, and the space of the inner world was completely shattered, even forming a piece of space storm, sweeping toward the surroundings.

The domain space seemed to feel the danger too, and the last force burst out to resist, but unfortunately the previous power was offset by Huo Hai, and he fell into silence at this time. The power that can burst out at this time is really limited.

The ghost medicine masters outside suddenly felt a huge burst of power, and the ghost energy he injected could not compete with this power. The next moment the "boom", the entire inner world barrier was full of cracks and continued to expand. Eventually it exploded, and the huge impact, the first to bear the brunt was the twelve people around who were controlling the spiritual formation.

The domain was destroyed, and the formation base that integrated the domain was also destroyed. This force continued to impact along the domain, and immediately tore the box in their hands completely. Under the backlash of the spirit array, twelve people spouted out a mouthful. Blood.

The people behind them are not feeling well, they have consumed most of the day. At this time, they have consumed a lot of spiritual power. Faced with this shock, they are injured one after another. Fortunately, this shock, most of them are sent from the inner world after the explosion. of.

At the same time as the explosion, the space storm released by Star Gu was also dissipated and offset by this force, and the power of the inner world, this is a force coveted by the origin of heaven and earth, has just been emitted, and has not waited to show its hideous side. , It is directly swallowed and absorbed by the origin of the heavens and the earth, otherwise, this kind of field explodes, and the people around don't think that there is one that can survive.

"Hehe, it seems that your domain is not easy to use. What are you planning to use to catch me." Huo Hai smiled slightly, and secretly took the Star Gu back. On the surface, Huo Hai seemed very normal, and there was nothing wrong with it. .

But in fact, Huo Hai’s loss just now is not small. All the Star Gu’s spiritual power has been completely exhausted, and he is absorbing the spiritual marrow and recovering quickly, and Huo Hai’s own spiritual power, if not always absorbing the spiritual power , I am afraid it has also been exhausted.

Huo Hai barely managed to break through this kind of territorial powerful spiritual formation, but it is still impossible not to pay a little price. At this time, Huo Hai is hurrying to recover. Otherwise, facing these people, he will easily fall into crisis. .

"Damn it, if these people hadn't belonged to the Ghost Medicine Sect, I would have killed them all." Huo Hai's eyes were red, but his heart was extremely aggrieved, because he was the spiritual sage of the Ghost Medicine Sect, and his level was not low. , So Huo Hai couldn't kill, or that Huo Hai didn't dare to kill, no matter what aspect he considered, he was far from the opponent of Ghost Medicine Sect.

Sometimes, just to be a man with his head down, Huo Hai also hopes to be happy, but the premise is to have such strength, otherwise, Huo Hai is not ready to bear the consequences.

In the face of spirit gods, you can’t avoid them by hiding. Some of those spirit gods have methods to find a spirit saint, and even they can follow the lines of the laws of heaven and earth to find the people they need to find, even if Huo Hai himself Able to hide, but for the family, it is too simple for the Ghost Medicine Sect to deal with a Sky Star Sect.

"Damn it, everyone go together, I don't believe how much spiritual power this kid has." Seeing Huo Hai come out, the head of the person snorted and actually did it directly. This person was not involved in the spiritual formation just now. Under control.

The powerful strength of the pinnacle spirit saint realm, coupled with the special methods of the ghost medicine gate, just shot, a huge ghost head has been formed, Huo Hai's eyes narrowed slightly, he found that the power of the ghost head was not more powerful than the sword energy he issued. difference.

"You really deserve to be a master of the ghost medicine door, it's really not easy, but do you think you can deal with me this way." Huo Hai sneered, the sword aura came out, the power of the ghost head is no worse than his own sword aura, but He couldn't use his sword aura to be so flexible, and it couldn't be compared in terms of quantity. Huo Hai's several sword auras made this person in a hurry.

The other people who had reacted also started to do it at this time. Once the core master of the ghost medicine gate did it, the surrounding area was full of ghosts, and the unique attacks formed by various ghosts were really hard to resist when replaced by ordinary people.

The dual attack of spiritual power and spirit, and being contaminated by this evil ghost energy will create an effect similar to a curse. The difficulty of the ghost medicine masters can be seen, but their toxins, Huo Hai does not care much. .

"It's really lively here, friends of Gui Yaomen, do you need our help." At this moment, some white-clothed figures flew over. The Gui Yaomen leader who had originally planned to ask for help noticed the arrival of these people. At the time, he stopped, and if he could not ask for help, he still tried his best not to ask for help from the sect.

"It turns out to be a friend of the Yuan Lingzong, help us get this person quickly, and I will thank you afterwards."

Upon hearing this, the leader of the group of people in white said loudly, "Haha, don’t be so troublesome. The relationship between this insect sage and our Yuan Lingzong is not good. If it weren’t for this guy, our Yuan Lingzong wouldn’t be so passive now. ."

Huo Hai cursed secretly in his heart. It turned out that it was a member of the Yuan Lingzong. This Yuan Lingzong was the sect that discovered the secret realm in the eastern region. Later, because of cooperating with the Lingxian sect to chase him down, he finally exposed the secret realm.

But I didn't expect that after this matter was over, these people still didn't leave the Eastern Region. At this time, they actually found them, "Great, then we will work together. We will share the things on this kid. "The master of the ghost medicine sect is extremely happy, the strength of this Yuan Lingzong is not bad at all.

Especially this time, there were more people coming than them, more than one hundred and fifty, and every one of them belonged to the Seventh Heaven and above. This power, even for the Yuan Lingzong, is impossible. A force that was ignored.

Huo Hai's eyes flashed raging anger: "Very well, you are here at the right time. People who can't kill the ghost medicine door, is it possible that they can't kill you yet." Huo Hai naturally knows the power of this Yuan Lingzong, they may There is also a hidden spirit.

However, the Yuan Lingzong is a sect in the northwest region. It is not easy to think about it. Their spirits cannot be dispatched casually. Otherwise, it is probably not impossible to be killed by the people of the eight sects. , As long as there is no Spirit God to do it, Huo Hai doesn't care, this Yuan Lingzong dares to trouble him, just to use them to vent his anger.

"Okay, it's settled." The leader of Yuan Lingzong said aloud, and then rushed towards Huo Hai, and the spirit power gathered together, and the danger of attack was no worse than that of the masters of Ghost Medicine Sect.

"I don't show off your might, you treat me as a sick cat and die for me." The killer move is not daring to follow the ghost medicine door to use it casually. This is because Huo Hai has scruples, and he has been in a bad mood for so long. , Let this resentment vent on these people, "Block them for me, and I will deal with these bastards." Huo Hai roared and let out his spirit insect.

Xiao Jin Xiaoyun released poisonous fire and cloud mist as soon as he came out. Xiao Shui made his first move after breaking through the spiritual saint. The spray in the sky directly involved all people in it. With the sky cloud image, it was only four. Let the people of Gui Yaomen rush.

Fluttershy consumes too much, and the six-winged butterfly is the same. As for the death moth is not suitable for use at this time, after all, the power of the death moth is difficult to release. Seeing these people are entangled, Huo Hai also let go of his hands and feet and started killing. .

"Soul Destruction Sword, die for me." Huo Hai roared, his mental power was condensed into a long sword, and it pierced directly forward. A large amount of spiritual sword aura formed a pattern of spiritual formations, interacting with each other and amplifying each other's power. .

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