Evil Insect God

Chapter 1640: The magician strikes

As for Huo Hai’s soul attack ability, most people actually don’t know it. Huo Hai rarely uses this ability, and everyone who saw the Soul Destroying Sword was basically killed by this trick. under.

Huo Hai suddenly used the Soul Destruction Sword. These masters from the Yuan Lingzong didn't react for a while. They have always used soul attacks against other people. Few people would use soul attacks against themselves. , But this time, they miscalculated, Huo Hai's Soul Destruction Sword, in essence, was a god-level quality war spirit art.

Moreover, after Huo Hai's own improvement and strengthening, this time he absorbed a lot of light from the soul to enhance his spiritual power. Huo Hai's soul power strength has been increased to a level that these spirit bodies cannot match.

"Ah..." With a scream, the first person who came into contact with the Soul Destruction Sword was cut in half on the spot. It is hard to imagine that being a spirit body would be cut in half, not only that, Even their souls were destroyed.

This is how the soul attacks against the spirit body. It is easy for the soul to be destroyed, but the inner world still exists. After the soul is destroyed, the inner world suffers from the erosion of the world's origin, and is destroyed bit by bit. But the Soul Extinguishing Sword that had just killed a master did not stop at all at this time, but continued to attack backwards.

The Soul Extinguishing Sword came too fast, but the masters of the Yuan Lingzong had some problems with their response methods. At this time, they wanted to change, and it was too late. A sudden sword caused the masters from the Yuan Lingzong to be directly killed by Huo Hai. More than twenty.

This is no ordinary master. These twenty-odd people are spiritual sages, and they are all spiritual sages above the seventh heaven. Even in normal times, this loss is enough to make Yuan Lingzong feel distressed for a long time.

After the last full-scale war, the Yuan Lingzong originally suffered a lot of losses. Now that such losses have caused the Yuan Lingzong masters to be angry and regretful. They originally thought that the Ghost Medicine Sect was dealing with Huo Hai, so it was basically possible. They controlled Huo Hai, they just saw Huo Hai, and wanted to retaliate and vent their previous grievances.

Who knows, the ghost medicine gate actually gave themselves such high conditions, but now they discovered that this is how the ghost medicine gate is generous, this is that they can't deal with this person at all, the reason why they were entangled before, I am afraid it is him People who dare not kill the ghost medicine door.

Their Yuan Lingzong is different. They just arrived and became Huo Hai’s target. In the distance, the ghost medicine master who was originally entangled by Huo Hai’s spirit worms and sky cloud elephants, after seeing Huo Hai’s power, Suddenly felt a chill in my heart.

This Huo Hai is simply not something they can deal with. If they really push him into a hurry, who knows if he is dead or the danger of a soul attack, how can they not know it, never thought that Huo Hai would have such a terrifying soul attack ability, at this time these ghost medicine masters already had the idea of ​​escape.

When the Yuan Lingzong master in the distance saw this scene, he suddenly lost his anger. He obviously came to help. How come he has been slaughtered now, and the master of the ghost medicine gate is not caring about anything. What do these guys want? What to do.

Huo Hai didn't care so much. The grievances in his heart needed to be vented at this time, "Asshole of the Yuan Lingzong, I was looking for you. I didn't expect you to come here by yourself. Let me die." Huo Hai The eyes flickered.

Huo Hai is not at all polite to deal with these Yuan Lingzong people, who let these guys chase him down before, the Yuan Lingzong masters who came here, although their level is not low, there is no one from the twelve heavens. , Couldn't resist Huo Hai at all, Huo Hai released his soul attack while constantly attacking his sword aura.

At the same time, Huo Hai’s Long Wei has also begun. Once Long Wei came out, the power of all the people around him dropped by at least 30%. Now, facing Huo Hai’s attack, these people are even more difficult to resist. .

Before long, under Huo Hai’s almost crazy attack, the people of the Yuan Lingzong who came here lost nearly half. What a huge loss, "Huo Hai, you remember for us, we Yuan Ling Zong and you are not at odds." Finally, the leader of Yuan Lingzong collapsed. At this time, his soul was also seriously injured, and half of his body disappeared without a trace.

These are spirit bodies. The body is not a normal body. The injury is equivalent to the soul injury. Although the inner world of the heavenly master is everything, in fact the soul is the root. The soul is damaged, which is more troublesome than the inner world.

With a wave of his hand, the master of Yuan Lingzong escaped directly. Huo Hai wanted to pursue it, but found that the leader of Yuan Lingzong suddenly threw a spar. Then, a terrifying soul storm engulfed Huo Hai in it, and waited until When Huo Hai came back to his senses, these Yuan Lingzong people had disappeared without a trace, "Huh, you run fast."

Huo Hai felt a little dissatisfied. He didn't expect Yuan Lingzong to have such a method. Even Huo Hai felt a little dizzy just now. If he had changed his soul, he would have suffered heavy losses in this storm.

It's a pity that now the people of the Yuan Lingzong have escaped, and most of Huo Hai's grievances have been vented. Seeing the ghost medicine master who is still entangled with his own spirit worm, Huo Hai waved his hand and wanted to take the spirit worm back. .

But at this moment, some powerful aura came straight in the distance: "Hahahaha, I didn’t expect that he was from the ghost medicine gate. Just so, let me see the ghost medicine gate that made that guy jealous. How strong." Huo Hai was shocked, thinking that he was here to deal with him, but what he didn't expect was that this time he came here and couldn't get through with the ghost medicine.

With a move in Huo Hai's heart, he took all the spirit worms and the sky clouds back, and then quickly backed away. After a while, a black cloud rolled, and dozens of figures rushed forward carrying the black cloud. Huo Hai took a closer look. Look, the number is about thirty.

It’s just that the people who came here this time are all from the twelfth heavens and above. Their overall strength is only stronger than those of the Ghost Medicine Sect. The most important thing is that the Ghost Medicine Sect people are already injured at this time. Is the opponent of these people.

"Devil Qi, this is the magician." Huo Hai felt strange, how could this magician appear here.

The complexion of the people in the Ghost Medicine Sect changed quickly, "Are you friends of the Demon Sect? I don't know what you are doing in my eastern region." At this time, the Ghost Medicine Sect people don't want to deal with Huo Hai, but all Watching these people alertly.

Huohai suddenly understood that there are so many powerful demon masters, who were originally from the demon sect. As one of the second sects, the overall strength of the demon sect is even stronger than the total strength of the eight sects. The eight sects unite against the central area. Yaomen is no exception.

"We, of course, we have our business. Your ghost medicine gate dare to take care of my Demon Sect's affairs. You really don't know how to live or die. I just don't know if you have this ability." The Demon Sect is filled with demons. , Faintly surrounded these people, it was obvious that these guys just wanted to do it, and they didn't mean to cover up at all.

"Boy, how about these people leave it to us? I think you and Guiyaomen have hatred, so let's leave." Although they were discussing, the tone of the person who came was obviously ordering, and Huo Hai was also helpless, who let these guys The backgrounds are all that big.

If you kill them and you won’t be found out, it’s fine, but they clearly have the ability to kill them, but they can’t stop the communication after their death. As long as you dare to kill, they will find out. Huo Hai doesn’t dare to chaos. Hands on.

"Huo Hai, are you planning to unite with the Demon Sect? The Demon Sect has always been ambitious towards the Eight Sects."

Hearing this, Huo Hai was very bachelor and spread his hands, "I didn't unite with the Demon Sect. Besides, the eight sects are the eight sects. I am me. You just wanted to kill me. Do you still expect me to help you? No resistance, all enemies of the Demon Sect, even if you do it, I haven't seen anything today." Huo Hai made it clear that he didn't intend to help.

Mozong and Guiyaomen bite each other's dogs. No matter who is killed, it has nothing to do with them. Even if Guiyaomen is angry, how can it be blamed on oneself for this kind of thing?

"Okay, I really know the current affairs, much better than these guys." The leader of the demon sect gave Huo Hai a look that counts you. Huo Hai completely regarded it as if he hadn't seen it. Who made his own strength not enough?

"You were sent by Wu Sheyun, that kid also has an enemy with Huo Hai, don't you stop him." Suddenly, the old man of the ghost medicine gate changed the subject, he wanted to pull Huo Hai into the water, Huo Hai also just learned that Wu Sheyun didn't die back then, and he also joined the Demon Sect. This guy's life is really big enough.

The leader of the Demon Sect said disdainfully: "On the basis of Wu Sheyun, his strength is not as strong as mine. What qualifications does he have to order me? I just want to see what strength the ghost medicine sect that cultivates that wasteful medicine has."

Glancing to the side, the team leader continued: "As for that kid, what does he do to me." From the fluctuations in the battle just now, these people already know that Huo Hai's combat effectiveness is good. Although the people of the Demon Sect are perverse in character, They are not idiots, plus a Huo Hai, they will definitely not feel well today, it is better to bully the ghost medicine people.

Regardless of the strength of the eight sects, they unite against the central area, but in fact the top sects in the central area really did not take the eight sects seriously, especially the top sects. Every time they go to the surrounding areas, It is also common to bully the Eight Sects. An extreme sect like the Demon Sect has a bad relationship with all forces.

"Mozong, very good, I remember you, don't let me have a chance, otherwise I will definitely not let you go." The people in the ghost medicine school also know that today's things can't be better, no more people, don't Want to escape.

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