Evil Insect God

Chapter 1644: Re-entry

"I'm going to the central area." Huo Hai whispered. Although his voice is not loud, everyone around him can hear him clearly. Everyone is a spiritual master and has even reached the peak of the spiritual sovereign. The voice is inaudible.

Fang Biya shook her hand, and then returned to normal, "You, you must be careful." As early as before, everyone had discovered Huo Hai's mind. It used to be that the Sky Star Sect was not peaceful, so Huo Hai would stay here. Years, although foreign enemies are still looking around, in fact, the situation is much better than before.

It can be said that as long as the Spirit God does not take action, no one can break through the Sky Star Sect's resident, and apart from dealing with Huo Hai, any sect with Spirit God will not use the Spirit God on the Sky Star Sect. This is really not true. worth it.

Today, when Huo Hai gathered all the people together, everyone had already noticed something, so now that Huo Hai said it, everyone was mentally prepared, "My husband, this time, how long will you go." Qu Siyu asked in a low voice. To.

Everyone looked at Huo Hai with tears and dim eyes. The grudge made Huo Hai feel that his heart was about to melt. He shook his head and threw this feeling behind his head: "I don’t know, this time may be It’s very long. I don’t know when I can find an opportunity. So, if I can’t find it within 30 years, I’ll be back.”

Thirty years is actually not a lot of time. It’s just that for separation, let alone thirty years, even three years will make people feel very long. "Okay, don’t do this, maybe just retreat. I came back a few times."

At this level, it takes a long time to retreat in many situations. "Now you are about to break through to the Spirit Saint. Remember what I said, you can't worry about breaking through the Spirit Saint. Maybe, after you break through, I will be back."

For a person who really wants to adjust his law pattern to a perfect state, in fact, thirty years have not been long at all. When everyone heard the words, they also nodded, yes, take this opportunity to work hard to improve.

Although it is impossible to keep up with Huo Hai, they do not want to be a burden to Huo Hai, "Hai, don't worry, we will leave the family affairs to us in the future." In fact, Fang Biya has been involved in managing the family for a long time. He is very familiar with things at home, and Huo Hai feels relieved a lot with them. It should be nothing for thirty years.

"If this is the case, then I will leave, rest assured, I will be back soon." Huo Hai waved his hand, before everyone could continue to speak, he turned into a stream of light and disappeared into the sky, even though it had been separated many times. , But it still feels sad.

"Let's go back, too." Fang Biya turned her head and said to everyone, and then walked back a little absent-mindedly, but every few steps, everyone would always look back at the direction Huo Hai left, as if that The figure is still there.

Twenty years have passed, and it’s nothing to the Heavenly Spirit Realm. Huo Hai flew all the way out, but he could still see the devastation on the road. The battle more than 20 years ago is still vivid at this time. Ordinary people, twenty years have been a very long time in their lives, and even twenty years, a generation has grown up.

But for real masters, twenty years is really nothing. At this time, the aftermath of the war did not even dissipate. There are still some forces, and small conflicts continue to erupt because of the original war.

Fortunately, everyone was relatively restrained, otherwise it would have been messed up long ago, and the initial loss in a mere twenty years could not be made up, but after such a long time, everyone temporarily stopped.

Where Huo Hai passed by, there were still a lot of discussions about the original war. "Twenty years is really nothing to them." Huo Hai shook his head. Many forces are still on guard as they were twenty years ago. Without letting up, Huo Hai ignored these people, but flew all the way south and soon reached the border.

This time Huo Hai was going to enter the central area, but with Huo Hai's current strength, he did not dare to fly directly to the central area. You must know that the separation zone between the central area and the surrounding area has beasts in the realm of Spiritual God.

It is too dangerous there, so it still needs some means. For example, a large teleportation array. This is Huo Hai’s goal. The ghost medicine gate also has it, but Huo Hai dare not use it because the ghost medicine gate is still looking for his own trouble. .

Huo Hai is going to the southern region, and he can be regarded as a person from the battle hall. The identity badge is still on his body at this time. With his current cultivation base and identity, it is not impossible to use the teleportation array. thing.

It’s just that you have to be more careful this way. Huo Hai doesn’t want to be caught by the people of the Ghost Medicine Sect and the Giant Wooden Sect. Over the years, not only the Ghost Medicine Sect is constantly looking for himself, even the subordinate forces of the Giant Wooden Sect often appear. Near the Sky Star Sect, it's just that Huo Hai didn't want to make things too much, so he didn't take the initiative to find trouble with these people.

These people, too, did not dare to rush into the defensive area of ​​the Sky Star Sect. The danger inside was no secret. Huo Hai flew fast all the way, because he knew that he would be found by the ghost medicine gate soon after he left. .

When he came to the border area, Huo Hai finally breathed a sigh of relief, "I finally came out, and in the southeast area, even the ghost medicinemen dare not chase it." Huo Hai thought slightly, but still Did not slow down.

After all, the giant wooden gate is not very good for their senses. Fortunately, the Golden Tumen in the southern region is more maverick. They value most powerful people, especially those who are strong in close combat. Others do not value it much. .

"Is this the iron wooden door, it is really magnificent, huh, if there is no time, I will kill you today." When passing by the iron wooden door, Huo Hai deliberately went to take a look, this iron wooden door is really greener than the original sky The palace was much stronger, and from far away, Huo Hai felt a lot of powerful auras, the most powerful one actually reached the eleventh heaven of the Spirit Saint.

Speaking of it, if it weren’t for Huo Hai’s incomparably powerful mental power now, his perception had not been magnified by how many times, and the breath inside would really not be able to do it through the guardian array, at least a few thousand spiritual masters in it would also let Huo Hai did not dare to act rashly.

Now that there is no time, first enter the central area and talk about it. If you reach the realm of the spirit **** as soon as possible, then you can solve these things as soon as possible. I believe that if a spirit **** returns for revenge, no one will trouble him casually.

Huo Hai feels a headache when he thinks of the powerful eight gates and the messy rules of the eight gates. The strong man in this world is respected. I believe that one day, he can bring shocking power to break these shackles to the southeast. Among them, Huo Hai was cautious all the way, passing through here, at least three days.

The main reason was that after Huo Hai came here a day, he was still noticed by the giant wooden door. Huo Hai didn't know how he was discovered by the eight people, so he could only avoid it.

Three days later, Huo Hai finally came to the border, "Hehe, I want to ambush me here, but unfortunately the methods are too old-fashioned." When Huo Hai just came here, he found many special clues, many of which were pointed directly at some. treasure.

But from a distance, Huo Hai can feel a lot of familiar auras of giant trees. With Huo Hai’s current perception, it’s really too easy to feel these giant trees. Do you really think that something can tempt you to be fooled? Now Huo Hai There is only a breakthrough in the heart, and when you reach the realm of spirits and gods, these so-called treasures are not all garbage.

Huo Hai completely ignored the trap of the giant wooden door, found a gap, and quickly walked through it. When he reached the southern area, he could finally breathe out. Huo Hai changed his robe and put on an armor.

Only this kind of armor would not be noticeable in the southern region. After a long time, Huo Hai finally came to a battle hall branch in the southern region. He showed his badge, and Huo Hai easily entered it. .

"It turned out to be you. I didn't expect your strength to increase so fast. This time, are you planning to enter the central area." Soon, Huo Hai met a familiar person, the elder closest to the Eastern Hall. , Huo Hai suddenly thought that he was only looking for the battle hall at close range and forgot about it. Obviously, his identity had been made public at this time.

Huo Hai nodded: "Yes, some things have to go to the central area." The strength is not enough, no matter where he wants to go, he still needs help from others, but now Huo Hai can easily see the cultivation level of the elders in front.

It turned out that this elder had reached the Seventh Heaven of the Spiritual Sage. I really didn't know how such a master would be sent by Jintumen as the master of a war hall sub-temple. Could it be that the spirituality of Jintumen was too much to use.

"If this is the case, then go, you have to be careful. The central area is not the periphery. It is more arbitrary there, so it is more dangerous." The elder of the battle hall looked at Huo Hai with deep meaning, as if there was something in the words, but Huo Hai But he didn't know what he was talking about, Huo Hai could feel that the elders of the Zhantang had no malice towards him, on the contrary he was full of goodwill.

"I will, I have broken through so many dangers, and I believe I will be able to go to the end." Huo Hai's eyes are full of determination. Huo Hai's so-called final is completely different from what others thought.

The elder nodded: "Perhaps you can really succeed. I have seen so many people for so many years, but I have never seen someone like you. Now your cultivation base is higher than mine. I have said nothing. use."

After a pause, the elder got up and walked back: "Come with me, this time you are a lot of trouble. Enter the central area as soon as possible, and you can avoid some disasters." The elder said no more.

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