Evil Insect God

Chapter 1645: Enter the central area

In just a moment, Huo Hai arrived at the rear teleportation formation. This teleportation formation was not the first time Huo Hai had used it. Perhaps it was originally a commonly used spirit formation for the masters of the Golden Earth Sect.

When he first came here, Huo Hai saw a lot of people who wanted to go to the central area just like him. However, unlike him, these people were not very strong at all, or in Huo Hai’s eyes. It is very strong, the strongest one, and only the Spirit Saint Fourth Heaven, Huo Hai can be said to be able to kill it with a wave of his hand.

"Haha, here's another one. There are really a lot of people going to the central area this time. Let me just say, the law tide, it must be very attractive." Hearing this, Huo Hai was slightly taken aback. No wonder there are so many people asking for it. Go to the central area.

No matter where it is, there will be a lot of people competing for something that is good for you. This time the tide of the law seems to be the same, but the things that are related to the spiritual sage seem to be of no use to them.

"Isn’t it, Law Tide, this is not something that you can often encounter. It’s a fluke to be able to see it once. If you are lucky, you might get some Law Fragments. Speaking of which, this Law Fragment is really a good thing. No matter whether it is used or refined into a weapon, it is a rare treasure. You said whether we can find it this time."

A Jintumen master next to him said with a disdain: "It's up to you to still want to get the fragments of the law, don't dream, is the fragments of the law can be obtained by anyone? Saint entered, but our strength..."

Needless to say, everyone knows that just a frontier battle hall teleportation point, there are so many spiritual saints going, let alone other things, you must know the law fragments, but even the spiritual gods need it.

If there is a lot of original power contained, and the fragments of the laws are huge, it is probably not impossible for the spirits to directly use them. The central area is not the edge area. There is no such rule that the spirits masters cannot use them.

In the marginal area, once the spirit **** masters do it, the consequences will be very serious, but the central area is different, there are too many spirit gods there. Besides, the spatial stability of the central area far exceeds that of the surrounding areas. Locally, even if it is a spiritual and spiritual action, it usually does not cause too serious consequences. This is the reason.

Moreover, there are many more sturdy secret realms in the central area. Some secret realms are said to be broader than the Heavenly Spirit Realm. Although these secret realms are dependent on the Heavenly Spirit Continent, there may not be so many resources, but it is good to fight here. of.

It is said that there have been many spiritual wars, all because they were in these secret realms, so they did not affect the outside world.

"I said, it's better to form a team, otherwise, with us, I am afraid that there is no way to get a piece of spiritual power containing the power of the law. The guys in the central area are not good things. You'd better be careful."

A person next to him immediately nodded and said, "Yes, the people in the central area have always been very crowded out of our eight doors, so it is understandable that we teamed up. After entering, maybe we will have to team up with colleagues in other outer areas, I said , Most of us here are members of the Zhantang, why not let Zhantang take the lead. How about we go together."

When the people around heard the words, they all agreed: "Okay, I agree with this plan." "It's great, I'm worried that my own strength is too weak." The people around have already heard a few people discuss it. Heart moved.

In fact, Huo Hai was also very excited at this time. After all, this is a fragment of the law. The most important thing for him to enter the central area is to get the fragment of the law. He didn't expect to get the news before he left.

There is nowhere to go anyway, so it's better to be like this, "Add me, and I just want to go." Huo Hai whispered, the aura that Huo Hai showed at this time is the second heavenly spirit, not high Not low, but not bad.

So the people around heard that Huo Hai was going, and didn’t say anything, and soon joined Huo Hai. Huo Hai just wanted to let these people lead the way for him, otherwise he would never even think about it. When they found the place, they thought that as the battle hall, they must also know the location, Huo Hai secretly smiled.

"Don't say anything, the teleportation formation is about to start, give me a little quiet." At this time, the elder who presided over the teleportation formation was a little annoyed. He was also a spiritual saint at any rate, and was actually sent to preside the teleportation formation.

Also, this time because a large number of people are going to the central area, and there are many spiritual masters among them, if you don’t find some powerful masters to suppress, God knows if there will be troubles in the teleportation array, especially in the southern area. There are a lot of guys who don't care about anything, and Jintumen needs to be more careful.

Hearing this, all the people suddenly closed their mouths. The Golden Tumen still holds a very high status in the hearts of these people. The surrounding space forces slowly gathered, and as the spiritual formations moved, a strong burst suddenly erupted. fluctuation.

Huo Hai felt this spatial fluctuation very clear, much clearer than before. After the fluctuation, the scene in front of him had completely changed. The place where it appeared again was a square similar to the last time.

"There are a lot of people here. It seems that we have to be more careful. How about, any of you know some masters, we join the past, only a few of us can't do it." Come to this place, the people around you The sound was immediately lowered a lot. Many people around the square and in the surrounding cities are not simple. This is not just a place to transfer.

It can be said that in the entire southern region, most of the teleportation points of the ultra-large teleportation array are gathered in this place. This is the territory of the Golden Tumen in the central area. If you don't send it here, other places are not suitable.

As soon as he came here, he could feel the countless powerful auras around him. Huo Hai was secretly surprised. The number of this spiritual saint was indeed very large, and he couldn't see it at all, but it was completely different now.

After closing his eyes and feeling it, Huo Hai could immediately discover that at least the aura of tens of thousands of spiritual saints was around him. Is this so-called law tide so attractive? Huo Hai at this time was even more looking forward to it. This time, the number of Peak Spirit Saints who came here is very large. It can be said that the people below the fourth heaven are all like cannon fodder.

"No, there isn't one, can we just hang around outside, so that what we can get is very limited."

Seeing that there was no one talking, the faces of the surrounding people were even more ugly. Originally came here with enthusiasm. I didn't expect that there would be so many masters here, and their strength was nothing.

There are also some people who seem to have thought of this situation a long time ago, so they didn't care. This is not an ordinary event, but the law tide. The law fragments are things that even the spirits and gods are moved, not to mention their spiritual sages.

Once the right fragments of the law are found, then these spiritual sages can definitely allow their cultivation to grow rapidly, and even with the help of the understanding of the fragments of the law, it is not impossible to break through some bottlenecks, and it will be more helpful to the spirits. Because they have not yet begun to condense their own law power, they can use the fragments of the law to perfect their own laws.

Huo Hai didn't speak either. Facing so many masters, even if Huo Hai felt a burst of pressure, Huo Hai made a comparison in his heart. If he confronted so many masters at the same time, there would be absolutely no dead residue left.

Shaking his head, these people are not all along the way. Looking at the mess here, especially the way the masters are guarding each other, Huo Hai is more relieved about this matter, "Perhaps, I can really get what I need. ."

"Let's go, let's go, this time there are too many people, don't worry, we are people from Zhantang, these people absolutely dare not do anything with us." If it is true in normal times, but there are too many people now, Speaking of which, these people have no bottom in their hearts. Every time such a grand occasion, they don't know how many people will die before they can be calmed.

"Let's hurry up, first come first served. Although there are many of these people, our luck may not necessarily be bad." Finding law fragments and spiritual power fragments is not just relying on strength, luck is also very important.

Some people are lucky, and the appropriate law fragments are sent to the front. This kind of thing is not uncommon. Of course, once people know it, it is not good. Without strength protection, it is easy to be killed.

However, this fragment of the law is quite special, and the aura emitted from the whole body is very powerful. Even if the fragments of the general law are placed in the inner space, they may not be able to completely block the aura. The stronger the fragment of the law, the more terrifying the breath. The relationship with heaven and earth is getting closer, and there are still some fragments of laws that can't even be included in the inner space.

Huo Hai knew that this was because their inner space level was too low, their capacity was too small, and because they couldn't accommodate the law pressure caused by law fragments, so they couldn't get income, and he was different.

Huo Hai's current inner space is no longer known how much larger than before. The area of ​​the entire inner space is definitely comparable to the size of an empire, and the ordinary fragments of the law are put into it, and it will definitely not make people feel aura.

Soon, Huo Hai followed these people out of the square. There were definitely a lot of people who had the same thoughts as them. Everyone went in the same direction, but the mutual alertness could be felt without looking.

Even on the road, Huo Hai found some fighting, but because everyone was in a hurry, the fighting was not very fierce, and it was over soon, and the opponent could not be quickly destroyed, so let's wait until later.

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