Evil Insect God

Chapter 1646: Glacial sea

A group of people flew almost at the fastest speed. Those who were not good at speed but were not good at speed were almost left behind. There were too many people doing this this time. Even if they set off early, there were a lot of five or six layers. Master of the day.

"Let me tell you something about the law tide, I think some people here are not clear." Indeed, many people know that law tides have law fragments, but very few know the specific details.

"This time the law tide occurred on a sea of ​​glaciers. This is a special method of our eight schools. Many people in the central area should know it. There are few people from our surrounding areas, so we must It must be more united. This law tide is an explosion of power from the origin of heaven and earth..."

As the leader of the team told him, Huo Hai gradually understood what the tides of this law are all about. In fact, just like panting, the origin of heaven and earth sometimes flows, so some special phenomena will occur.

When the power of the origin of the sky and the earth flows in a large area in some places, it is easy to produce constant fluctuations of the law and the origin power. At this time, this phenomenon is the law tide, and a lot of the origin power of the world will be released.

Among them, a part is aura fragments, this is a special product formed after the heaven and earth spiritual power is highly condensed, which contains a large number of outer and shallow original powers. This is a good material for Huo Hai to refine the heaven-removing pill, the same, other People have obtained these things, and they have a variety of different usages. These things that contain the power of the law are not simple.

At the same time, the deep-seated power of the heaven and the earth will also dissipate. These deep-seated origins are fragments of the law. Some people who have not broken through the realm of the spiritual deity can even instantly become a spiritual deity by relying on the fragments of the law.

Moreover, after absorbing the fragments of the law, as long as it is not stuck by other masters in understanding the law, then the speed of improvement will definitely be very fast, of course, the spirits that appear in this way are just pseudo-spiritus.

The real role of the law fragments is to help those spiritual saints and even the spirit gods to improve their control of their laws. Huo Hai even hopes to introduce the following refining methods of the heaven-removing pill. Huo Hai believes that the refining of the law-fragments is heavenly Dan is absolutely useful for spiritual masters, therefore, no matter what kind of law fragments, Huo Hai needs it now.

Although this law tide will burst out law fragments, it is not a very safe thing. In addition to dealing with other people who **** law fragments, there is also the power of the law of riots between heaven and earth. They will form a variety of s attack.

These attacks, even if they are masters of the Spiritual Saints, are not uncomfortable to be involved in them. The most powerful attack can directly kill the Peak Spiritual Saints. If it is not for the agreement reached by the major forces that the Spiritual God is not allowed to do it, there is still There is something about them.

"Everyone must remember that once the law tide erupts and the power of the law is chaotic between the heavens and the earth, even if there is a death message in your body, it will never be passed back to the sect in this environment, so here, the only ones who are killed It’s not being seen by others, no one will know at all. You can **** it without worry, but be careful of other people.”

Everyone's expressions became a lot more serious. With their strength, it is really not an easy task for them to **** them. Perhaps, only those spirits who do not live or die can become their targets.

Huo Hai breathed a sigh of relief. He didn't dare to kill the disciples of the big forces casually. This matter had already caused Huo Hai to succumb for a long time, but now it is different. He finally has the opportunity to do it.

Huo Hai sneered in his heart: "Huh, giant wooden door, ghost medicine door, it is best not to let me see your people, otherwise, I will charge a little interest." Huo Hai thought in his heart, but in fact It didn't show up at all. God knows how much impact these things will have if they are known, and the hidden dangers can't be kept.

"There is another point that everyone must remember. In areas where the law is rioted, some special treasures cannot be used, and there are some war spirits. The use restrictions here are also very large. You must be careful."

Everyone nodded their heads. It seems that many large-scale spells cannot be used indiscriminately. In fact, many people know that rashly using large-scale spells here can easily cause confusion in the surrounding laws, and it is not impossible to even swallow oneself. .

While talking, everyone has arrived at the destination. The destination at this time is a glacier ocean. "This is a glacier. If I don't say it, I really don't know that there is an ocean below." Huo Hai sighed, where is it? The ocean, just like the North Pole in the previous life, is completely a piece of hard ice, covering everything below.

It's just that Huo Hai's current cultivation base can't feel the cold at all. He gradually deepens into the depths of the ocean before Huo Hai feels that the ice here is very strong, "No wonder such a strange ocean is formed here."

"This place was once a relic left by an ancient cold ice spirit god. It is supported by the law and power left by the cold ice spirit god, so it can always be maintained like this. The iceberg here is very hard, so you can rest assured that you can do it."

With that said, the team leader punched an iceberg not far away, hitting the Spirit Saint realm and the powerful four heavens attacked, and landed on the iceberg. It was only a little ice slag, let alone. It was broken, there was not even a crack, Huo Hai thought for a while, I am afraid that he, the peak spiritual saint, would not be able to cut an iceberg.

It is indeed a relic left by a master of Spiritual God, each is not simple, the more Huo Hai thinks about this, the more yearning in his heart, as long as he can break through, he can have this kind of power.

The surrounding area was icy blue and snow-white. It was either icebergs or thick snow. A group of people flew forward cautiously. At this time, it was not only them, but also many other masters.

"Be careful, someone is approaching." The leader of the team suddenly said. Huo Hai nodded. In fact, he had already felt that the strength of the incoming person was not as strong as they were. It was just a team of three spirit saints. After turning the corner, seeing these people, the three of them turned around and left without even saying a word of nonsense. The degree of understanding is horrible.

At this time, the team members don’t want to chase. It’s not good to have trouble here. "Let’s go quickly, don’t wait here. If there is someone behind them, we won’t be able to leave." The leader said quickly. One sentence.

Everyone understands the current situation and naturally they will not run around randomly. After flying for a short time, Huo Hai's eyes narrowed: "What's that in front." Following Huo Hai's eyes, everyone looked forward.

Ahead, a huge white giant more than five meters high is actually made of ice and snow. "That is a snowman. It is affected by the laws here and formed a special creature. The snowman may have ice and snow essence. Look at this snowman. I am afraid it is of no use to us, at most it can only be used by the spirits with the ice attribute."

After a pause, the team leader continued: "If you want to get a little ice and snow essence, then look for a snowman over ten meters. Only a snowman over ten meters can reach the realm of spiritual sage, but I advise you not to hit these things. Note that many of these things live in groups. Besides, we have other things to do now."

Feeling the looming law riots around, the team leader whispered: "Now the law tide has begun. Although it has not yet erupted, there may be something valuable."

Looking around, in fact, if you look carefully, you can often see some figures flying by. With the strength of the spiritual masters, such a glacier ocean is nothing at all. It usually only takes a day or two to fly back and forth here. .

I’m afraid there is only the central area close to it. Because the ice is too strong, most people cannot approach it casually. However, Huo Hai has been roughly determined that only in the central area is the place with the most fragments of the law. , Most of the top experts will go to the center to wait, and Huo Hai is no exception.

Huo Hai nodded: "I understand, but I still want to try." With that, Huo Hai let out a sword aura, this kind of snowman with only the realm of Spirit Venerable, faced Huo Hai's sword aura without any resistance. ability.

The sword aura flashed by, and the snowman died on the spot. Huo Hai grabbed a piece of ice-blue ice and snow crystal in Huo Hai’s hands. Huo Hai looked at it, and this thing can be regarded as a source spirit treasure. The upper level is a heavenly level, and there is a slight law power contained in it, this is the law power that has been tempered, not the law of the world itself.

If it is directly absorbed, it can increase the spiritual growth of the ice-type masters and help them break through some bottlenecks. It seems that this place should usually be a holy land for the ice-snow type spiritual masters.

Others glanced at Huo Hai and didn't say anything. Although this thing is rare, it is not precious. For Lingsheng, this thing is no different from chicken ribs. If they want something similar, they just need to do something. That's it.

At this moment, a vortex suddenly appeared strangely in the front, and fierce law fluctuations radiated from here, "Quick, there is a tidal vortex ahead, I feel spiritual fragments appear, we speed up." Feel this. As the stock fluctuated, the team leader yelled, ignoring the others, and rushed forward quickly, and the others followed closely.

At the same time, the nearby people who felt this wave of fluctuations rushed towards here one after another, the fragments of spiritual power, for these low-level spiritual saints, are also very precious items and cannot be let go.

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