Evil Insect God

Chapter 1647: Law vortex

This is the first time that Huo Hai has seen this vortex from the original power. Although Huo Hai also knows that certain changes in the world will generate special products containing the power of the law, and even fragments of the law.

But such a big change, such a sudden formation, as if it were born out of nothing, Huo Hai really saw it for the first time.

Looking from a distance, a huge invisible vortex is constantly rotating in the air. This vortex, if ordinary people, is impossible to detect, even in the realm of Lingdi, I am afraid it will only feel that there is a force in the sky.

Only after reaching the heaven level and ascending to the law level, can you truly feel the special features of this power. At the level of Huo Hai, you can even clearly see some law patterns in the air, this kind of original power contained in the world, The law power derived from it makes Huo Hai feel so profound, far beyond himself.

Some people with inadequate xinxing will be completely attracted when they see this, and they may eventually become puppets of the origin of heaven and earth. This kind of puppet is not only a pseudo-spiritual deity, but also a pseudo-spiritual deity that has lost oneself.

The huge vortex circulates continuously, without suction or repulsion. It can be said that there is no power emitted. If it is not seen in person, it seems as if it does not exist at all, but the power contained in it is still so shocking.

Once this power really broke out, Huo Hai was sure that he didn't even have the power to resist, "This is the power of the heavens and the earth, I am afraid that only the power of the spirit **** can compare with it." A voice came from the side, positive It is the leader of this team. Like Huo Hai, this person is also the first time to see this kind of scene, and he can't help feeling a little bit emotional.

"Let's hurry up, or else everything will be robbed later." Another person also recovered and immediately urged others to hurry. The vortex is not very far away from them, and it only takes a few seconds to hurry. Arrivals.

The leader nodded: "Yes, let's go over quickly. Have you seen some of the two points in the vortex? Those are spiritual fragments. Maybe there are law fragments hidden in them, but this is not what we can tell. You must be careful, if you approach such a whirlpool casually, once the whirlpool power is triggered, it will be swallowed directly."

What he didn't say is that this kind of vortex is also divided into levels. A general vortex can only swallow people below the realm of spirit gods, and some spiritual saints can also escape, but many powerful vortices are even low-level spirit gods. Can be swallowed.

When a group of people arrived here, there were already many people waiting here, and there were even two spiritual saints who reached the sixth heaven, but these two people were on guard against each other, regardless of the others. .

"It's troublesome. I didn't expect that this place has attracted so many people's interest." Although I was prepared when I came here, the team leader still felt very annoyed when I came here. Others didn't say anything, but this At that time, everyone didn't dare to talk nonsense, especially those spiritual saints who only had one or two heavens, so they didn't dare to say much.

Not far away, there are some spiritual sages who dare not approach at all. They can only wait in the distance. Maybe they are lucky and can get a little fragment, and then maybe they can pick up some things from the dead spiritual sage.

Sure enough, the strength can only be truly revealed by comparison. When did the spirits stand on the edge, just like the people below the sky level at the time, Huo Hai shook his head and ignored these people.

At this moment, a voice suddenly sounded: "Quickly, the vortex has exploded, grab something." The vortex in the air suddenly expanded after a rapid rotation. The vortex did not explode, it just expanded a bit, and then disappeared. There was no trace, but it was just such an expansion that completely disrupted some of the balance in the vortex.

A large number of two points were aroused, as if countless rain fell from the sky, Huo Hai narrowed his eyes and seized one of them calmly. This colorful fragment is the so-called spiritual fragment.

The piece in Huo Hai’s hand is an irregular diamond crystal, which contains a very strong power of law. “It’s so pure and powerful that it can be compared with my Heaven-removing Pill. But also pure."

The moment Huo Hai got the fragments, he already had this feeling. His own heaven-removing pill was refined by absorbing the original power of heaven and earth. After all, it was formed through forced refining, so every time he absorbs it, After that, you must wait for a few days to recover before you can continue to absorb, but these things are different, these can be continuously absorbed.

It can be said that as long as it is not stuck by the bottleneck, then it can be smoothly promoted, and there is no need to worry about any hidden dangers. Perhaps for others, this thing is similar to the Pill of Heaven, but it is different for Huo Hai.

Huo Hai was a little bit emotional. If he had such fragments in the first place, it would be so troublesome to use them. By directly using these fragments of spiritual power, Huo Hai can be promoted to the peak state in a short time, and only need to consolidate the battle spirit art. That's it.

For a person who can refine the Heaven-removing Pill, this thing is actually not very precious, but it is different for others, even if it is a person from a big power, there is a pill similar to the Heaven-removing Pill. Medicine, but if you don't have a strong backing, it's impossible to get these things casually, and the value of these pieces is still very high.

Moreover, the law and power contained in these fragments of spiritual power is very strong, and it is not comparable to the Heaven-removing Pill. It is just a small piece that can support a low-level spiritual sage to increase several levels.

Even if you are above the Nine Heavens, you may be able to support yourself to raise a level. With some spiritual power fragments, you will not need to worry about resources in future cultivation. Even if you have more, you can use it to trade with other people.

Faced with such a huge benefit, the people around suddenly became crazy, each with their own unique tricks, all of them desperately snatched all the spiritual power fragments they could grasp, and the air quickly became clear. At this moment , Everyone turned their eyes to other people, "Hand over the fragments in your hand, I will spare your life."

As the first person did it, everyone inevitably did it, especially the two masters of the Sixth Heavenly Spirit, who unceremoniously enveloped everyone with coercion, "Hand over the fragments, otherwise they will be both. Don't want to go."

"Hmph, want something, you don't have the qualifications, everyone rushes together, otherwise don't think about getting better today." A big man in the back roared, and then the axe in his hand waved away at a six-layered master in front.

When other people saw this, they started the battle instinctively. The people present came early. It can be said that they are either small forces with no major forces, or casual cultivators, or they are not valued by some major forces. Personnel, even among the big forces, there are many unwilling people who have to rely on their own struggle to improve.

"Damn, you dare to go against my will and die for me." Under the anger, a master of the sixth heaven of spiritual sage no matter what else, his hands waved with all his strength, and the huge spiritual power instantly condensed into two palm.

On the contrary, the person who did it first had already taken advantage of this opportunity to escape. The spirits who had been staring at this place in the distance hid behind the glacier one after another, so that they could withstand the aftermath of the explosion.

"You dare to kill me, who gave you the courage." At this moment, a group of people suddenly rebelled. The leader of that group had a blade on his chest, which was pierced by a person behind him. .

The people behind sneered: "Why, don’t you understand yourself? You have bullied me for so many years, and you have taken everything I have. I will be found out because I killed you, but it’s different here. The law whirlpool just broke out, right, now who will know you here." Many of these people are in black robes, it is difficult to recognize their identity.

After taking away the shards of spiritual power, the person who was already very close to the edge flashed away and left.

"Ah." At this moment, Huo Hai suddenly heard a scream not far away. Huo Hai knew without looking back that a Spirit Saint Sixth Heavenly Master had just hit him with one move.

Huo Hai himself was not attacked, but two of those teammates were killed immediately, and two others were seriously injured on the spot. The leader did not care about other things at this time, and shouted: "Escape separately, otherwise everyone will die."

At this time, no one can care about the so-called team. The strength is not enough. Even the team cannot be so reliable. Fortunately, there are only two spiritual holy sixth-layer masters. Although the two are very strong, they are fundamentally strong. It is impossible to suppress so many spiritual saints here, if it weren't for other people to have their own ghosts, these two people would have been killed.

The whole sky is like a chaotic pond. The big fish eats the small fish and the small fish eats shrimps. The battle is simply chaos. The two masters of the Sixth Heavenly Spirit are the strongest, so they have the highest income in the early stage.

But later, the two offended too many people, and the people around finally realized that it was wrong, "Let’s kill these two **** first, otherwise no one will have a good result." As the leader of a team reacted, The scene changed again, and many people didn't even think about it, they attacked the two Sixth Heaven masters.

The two realized that it was too late when they had committed the anger. After leaving the battlefield, the two of them were seriously injured and looked very embarrassed.

And the people around are also paying attention to these two people. As long as the two of them dare to enter the battle circle, the others will attack together without hesitation. The two are furious, but they have not found a chance to enter. They can only be on the periphery. .

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