Evil Insect God

Chapter 1648: Alone

Because the team had already dispersed, Huo Hai didn't have to look for a chance to leave. Following the collapsed team, Huo Hai quickly left here. You must know that those who can participate in the battle are at least Lingsheng.

As a master of spiritual sage, which one is easy to deal with, the two six-tier spiritual sages can be mixed here like a fish, it is because the battlefield here is chaotic, when others pay attention to them two When they are on the body, these two people can't easily start, let alone rely on two people to control the whole battle.

Countless people wanted to fish in troubled waters, and many more wanted to take the opportunity to escape. Huo Hai was like this at this time. He secretly left here instead of running around like others. Huo Hai's goal is very clear, that is, the central area.

The central location, with Huo Hai's strength, can be easily entered. Besides, the good things are basically in this place. There are not many high-handed bodies yet, and this is a good opportunity to collect low-level materials.

Along the way, Huo Hai avoided all the people in advance. He didn't want people to see anything. Among these people, how many of them were sent by the big forces to investigate. Huo Hai had no idea, even he didn’t know. , How many people are behind these big forces, and now the law tide has not completely erupted, and a lot of news can be spread.

"What a strong pressure, is this the coercion left by the spirit gods, there is still such a strong power after so long." Huo Hai looked at the front, feeling the pressure around him, and was surprised in his heart.

Perhaps, it is precisely because of this force that the tidal eruption will appear in this place. After this tidal eruption, the power left by the spirit gods here will definitely be greatly destroyed, although it will not be completely cleaned up. But Huo Hai believes that this power will also be weakened a lot. Perhaps, this is the meaning of the ocean tide.

Spirits and gods are individuals who exist independently from the heavens and the earth. The power they leave behind can permanently affect the nature of the heavens and the earth. The nature of the heavens and the earth does not want such power to affect themselves, but there is no way to erase it.

The only method that can be erased is the eruption of the original power of heaven and earth, such as the law and tide. Once these powers erupt, even the power left by the masters of the spirit gods can be erased.

Of course, what exactly is going on, this is not what Huo Hai understands. He is just a spiritual saint now, with insufficient levels. At most, he is just guessing, "Hey, that's a snowman." Suddenly, Huo Hai stopped. As he approached the center, Huo Hai saw a big snowball not far away, and suddenly started to squirm.

In just a moment, the snowball turned into a tall snowman. This snowman has reached a height of more than 15 meters. "Are you a snowman in the realm of Spiritual Saint? The ice crystals on his body seem to be good."

Huo Hai's eyes narrowed slightly. These things are of no use to him, but in fact they are very valuable. They are also a holy material, even if they are used for things in the future, Huo Hai doesn't want to let it go.

With the appearance of this snowman, more and more snowmen appeared in this place, Huo Hai did not do anything, but secretly calculated, "One, two, three... Haha, twenty-seven, this thing really is Gregarious."

Earlier, I heard from the team leader that many of these snowmen live in groups, so Huo Hai has already paid attention. This group, except for a few in the realm of Spiritual Sovereign, are all realm of Spiritual Sage, because the level is not very high , So Huo Hai directly decided to do it. After confirming that there were no other snowmen around, Huo Hai disappeared instantly.

When he appeared again, Huo Hai had already appeared among the snow crowd, holding a long sword with cold light in his hand. It was Huo Hai's weapon that had been polished to the peak of the holy rank. At this level, this weapon had reached its limit.

It is said that Huo Hai hasn't used this weapon for a long time. After more than 20 years of polishing, he has finally polished the weapon to the extreme. When it appears again, the power of this long sword is far better than before.

The long sword traverses wonderful arcs. Even though it is a snowman, there is a feeling of spirit being drawn in. Huo Hai’s long sword seems to have traversed a very strange spiritual formation trajectory, although it is only a part of it, it can express The ferocious power that came out of the entire spirit array passed by with a rush, and Huo Hai appeared in another place.

Behind him, the twenty-seven snowmen were directly stunned. In just a moment, cracks appeared on the snowmen's body. Like the fierce beasts, the snowmen had no inner world, their bodies were severely damaged, and their lives would naturally die out.

It is said that after the snowman’s death, the ice crystals left behind may become new snowmen after a long period of gestation, but Huo Hai is not clear and has no interest in understanding. Apart from the snow crystals, there is nothing good about the snowman. , Huo Hai waved his hand, and several shining crystal nuclei floated out of the center of the dead snowmen.

"Is this a holy-quality ice and snow crystal? It's really a good thing." Huo Hai looked at the crystal nucleus in his hand and his eyes were full of sighs. If this thing is used as a source spirit treasure, it would be really a waste.

Only those who find the right attributes can polish and nurture them with the method of making treasures. This is the best way. Just like the soul-eater, this ice crystal will become a kind of ice and snow treasure after polishing.

Forget it, what do you want to do, these things are not something Huo Hai should consider, besides, even if they are manufactured, they cannot be as scary as the Soul Eater Gourd. The Soul Eater Gourd is not only the gourd itself, but also the almost unique huge Soul Eater. The mist serves as an aid, without these soul-eating mist, the so-called soul-eating gourd is just a joke.

"Hey, another whirlpool has erupted." Huo Hai's eyes lit up. Not far away, a whirlpool suddenly appeared, exactly the same as the law whirlpool he had felt before. Huo Hai's figure flashed, and he instantly came to the vicinity of the whirlpool.

"There is no one, too. Those masters haven't set off yet." Huo Hai discovered that in the whirlpool this time, he was the only one nearby. Those who set out early were all weak people who couldn't come. to here.

As for those with high strength, they came for the fragments of the law, and they didn't care about this at all. Besides, after they left, these fragments fell on the ground, and they didn't just pick them up. Therefore, there are definitely not many people who can come to the central area at this time, and it is very normal that this vortex Huo Hai can monopolize.

The vortex whirled for a while, and finally burst out. Numerous fragments of spiritual power fell from the sky. This time, no one snatched it. Huo Hai unabashedly displayed his power. The spiritual power formed a pair of big hands and grabbed it quickly.

In just a moment, all the fragments in the sky were all taken into Huo Hai's hands. "I finally know why there are so many spiritual masters in those big forces." Huo Hai looked at these fragments and didn't know what to say.

This is just a whirlpool. This time the law tides don’t know how much it will appear. Huo Hai is a bit grateful. Fortunately, it is difficult for others to cultivate a complete body-refining three-spiritual formation, so their bottlenecks are very strong, and there are many. If there is no bottleneck, wouldn't such a powerful master be able to easily reach the realm of spirit gods.

Once relying on his own abilities, Huo Hai never lacked his own cultivation resources, but could still use the same. Huo Hai has always been very proud of this. Now Huo Hai realized that he still underestimated these forces.

Those large forces naturally have their own ways to get a lot of what they need. There are indeed many people in these forces, but for those who really have backers, there is absolutely no shortage of resources, even high-level resources.

Those who lack resources are some people at the bottom, or people who have not entered the core. I really don't know how deep the background of these top powers is. Huo Hai suddenly felt awe of these top powers.

What Huo Hai didn’t know was that these top forces were actually not as good as Huo Hai thought. Similarly, this law of tides is not as often as Huo Hai thought. The law of tides is a gift from the heavens and the earth. As soon as you can encounter it, other methods can't get such a large benefit at once.

Put away the fragments of spiritual power, these things can't be used by themselves, nor can their own spirit worms, but the people in the family need it very much. With these, it can be said that except for the bottleneck, other things do not need to be considered.

It's just a pity that Fang Biya and the others are still a little late in paying attention to the foundation. Perhaps the heights they can reach in the future may not be comparable to their apprentices. These can only be waited for later, maybe there will be a solution.

Huo Hai continues to wander around. In the central area, perhaps only Huo Hai is alone at this time. The glaciers here are even taller, and even Huo Hai can feel a cold breath. Such cold breath, generally When the Ling Zun arrived here, I am afraid that they will be greatly affected. This is not just as simple as pressure, but is fatal.

In this icy breath, there is an aura that makes Huo Hai feel very afraid. This must be the aura left by the ice attribute spirit **** master at the time, but he doesn't know what he wants to do.

Huo Hai doesn’t believe that there will be any treasure left here. If that’s the case, I’m afraid the spiritual masters would have already started it. Where would they keep this kind of place? Walking all the way, Huo Hai discovered that it was in the middle. The vortex is more, and Huo Hai has also collected spiritual power fragments far beyond what the outside world can collect.

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