Evil Insect God

Chapter 1649: Tidal burst

With the passage of time, more and more people entered the sea of ​​glaciers, and the surrounding law fluctuations burst more and more, and there were more and more law vortices that Huo Hai could encounter.

There was even one time when Huo Hai was flying in the air and suddenly felt a heart palpitation. If it weren’t for the quick dodge, I’m afraid the vortex would have involved himself in it on the spot. From then on, Huo Hai knew that he couldn’t be in this place Fly into the air at will, fortunately, only at a certain height in the air, there may be a vortex of laws.

"Hey, it's weird, why there are so few spiritual power fragments." Suddenly, Huo Hai heard a voice not far away. Huo Hai knew that all the major forces had already taken action. At this time, someone had already entered the middle area. .

Another voice sounded: "If you don't have it, there won't be it. Who knows what's going on, maybe someone has entered here in advance, or maybe there are fewer vortices here." For these, the people who came here didn't care at all.

Every time the law tide occurs, no matter the time and place are uncertain, various situations may also occur. After they arrive here, they know that ordinary people in the middle area cannot enter. Originally thought that a large number of spiritual power fragments would be It fell here waiting for them to pick it up, but now they found that there were not many spiritual power fragments on the ground.

Even so, everyone didn't feel anything strange, the law of the tide, naturally everything can happen, they don't know, in fact, most of these fragments have already entered Huo Hai's pocket.

Looking inside the inner space, these spiritual power fragments have accumulated like a hill, Huo Hai shook his head, these are enough, if they can be digested all, the Sky Star Sect becomes a top super first-class sect is nothing.

Now that someone has entered the central area, Huo Hai himself needs to be a little low-key. The so-called low-key refers to acting, but Huo Hai’s breath is not hidden. It is still the breath of the twelfth heaven. After all, There is only Huo Hai alone, acting alone, even if it is the Peak Spirit Saint, it is actually not a strong team here.

The so-called peak spirit saints are just to ensure that other people will not easily hit their own minds. For those powerful teams, even if there are more than a dozen peak spirit saints at the same time, it is actually not impossible.

As far as Huo Hai knows, there are no less than 20 peak spiritual saints in the Golden Tumen team alone, and the eight sects are still like this, not to mention what will happen to the other more powerful sects, "I don’t know the Blood Rose Club I won't be here." Huo Hai suddenly thought of the blood rose, and then shook his head, forget it, now is not the time to think so much.

With the passage of time, more and more people came to the central area. Huo Hai discovered that there are a lot of things like masters. Perhaps, for the central area of ​​the Heavenly Spirit Realm, the Spirit Saint masters are nothing at all.

You must know that those who can reach this place are at least the spiritual sages above the nine heavens, and they are not the kind of incomplete spiritual sages, let alone pseudo-spirited sages. Everyone who can come here is a normal spirit. Saint.

And Huo Hai also discovered that after reaching the Sixth Heaven of the Spiritual Saint, the number of pseudo-spiritual Saints is already pitiful, and can reach the pseudo-spiritual Saints above the Ninth Heaven, and Huo Hai hasn't found that one yet, of course. The magician and some other special spiritualists are not counted, so many people merge the same law, and they want to merge, which is strange.

But even so, Huo Hai discovered that the spiritual saints who entered the central area at this time had at least more than a thousand people, and even Huo Hai discovered that some teams were fighting directly. These people were usually hostile to each other. of.

There are also some people who go to war because the opponent's strength is too weak, and at the same time they value the treasures of the opponent, because the law of heaven and earth is getting stronger and stronger and more and more violent, so you don't have to worry about the consequences when you start here.

"The law tide is about to erupt, and it will fall to the ground soon." A few days later, Huo Hai, who was looking for a new harvest, suddenly heard such a sentence. Huo Hai did not know what methods these people used to detect, but Huo Hai The sea still fell to the ground for the first time, and just when Huo Hai fell to the ground, the law tide erupted completely.

A terrifying force appeared in the air. Feeling the pressure of this force, Huo Hai felt that he was so small, and through this little power leak, Huo Hai felt a huge force like the sea.

This power is not only terrifying in quantity, but the nature of this power is also stronger than the power of the law under his control. Huo Hai shook his head. Under this power, if the mind is not strong, it is really easy. Affected by this force.

The entire sky became gloomy at this time, and there was nothing to be seen on the surface, but it still gave people a very depressed feeling. At this moment, a vortex appeared, followed by another, one after another. , The whirlpool that rarely appeared originally, a large area appeared, one after another, everywhere.

At this time, the strength of this force, I am afraid that even the Spirit Sovereign is here, can feel it, and then, countless vortexes entangled with each other, many vortexes collided together, or merged with each other, or attacked each other, and finally shattered completely.

At this time, the power fluctuations that were originally contained and not sent out completely broke out. Even ordinary people can feel that something is wrong here. Some relatively high glaciers are constantly being weakened and weakened under this power, and even completely. Shredded, Huo Hai saw this scene, the shock in his eyes could not be concealed, this was the real power.

My previous self was really a bit sitting on the well and watching the sky. Faced with such a power, no one is small. At this time, if anyone dares to fly high in the sky, there will never be a good end.

"It turns out that it is precisely because the vortex continues to collide, causing the power to be too chaotic, that's why the deep-seated original power can be manifested." Huo Hai discovered that in the vortex, fragments of the law have appeared, and the more violent it is Wherever, the more fragments of the law appeared, and at the same time, countless fragments of spiritual power fell from the air.

However, most of the spiritual power fragments were swallowed or shattered by other vortices before they fell down. There were not so many that could actually fall down. At this time, everyone did not dare to fly too high. .

The glaciers, like the walls of a maze at this time, completely isolate everything around them, but this is good, at least not having to face too many people at the same time, Huo Hai thought silently in his heart.

"It's a fragment of law, great." Suddenly, Huo Hai sensed a pure law aura falling down. This piece was the fragment of law. Huo Hai moved in his heart and quickly chased up, but Huo Hai was fast, the others Not too slow, when Huo Hai arrived, a master of the eleventh heaven had already grabbed his hand on the fragment of law, and was about to escape.

"Huh, I want to run, let me die." Huo Hai started without hesitation at this time, and a sword aura was sent out instantly. Obviously, the visitor did not expect that Huo Hai's attack power would be so strong, his own defensive shield. , There is no resistance at all.

Huo Hai severely inflicted it with a single sword. Before the opponent could react, another sword completely wiped out the opponent. In this kind of place, not only the message after death cannot be transmitted, even if it is his own soul. It will also be eroded by the laws of heaven and earth, and even swallowed directly into the whirlpool. Instead of wasting it, it is better to make yourself cheap.

Huo Hai has done this kind of thing for souls many times, and he can no longer be familiar with what he is already familiar with. After a quick sweep of the battlefield, there are still useless corpses, which Huo Hai does not intend to keep.

Here, it is very easy to destroy the corpse, just wrap the corpse in the air and throw it into the air. Wrap the spiritual power so that people can't see the original face of the corpse. If thrown in the air, it will soon be swallowed by the whirlpool.

Collecting the fragments of the law, Huo Hai glanced at him, and didn't want to continue to look at it: "Is it just the law of the sand attribute? It's very sideways." Huo Hai took the fragments of the law away, anyway, this thing did nothing to him. Usefulness, I'm afraid, only the soil attributes will like this kind of thing, and the fragments of the law can also be used as the source spirit treasure, but no one will be so wasteful.

After doing all this, Huo Hai immediately left the place and killed a person here. Huo Hai didn’t want to be seen casually. Although there would be no news about the dead here, it would be different if someone saw him. .

"There are law fragments again, great." Not long after leaving, Huo Hai felt the law fragments fall again, this time very close to him, Huo Hai didn't know what fragments it was, but as long as it was a law Fragments are good.

With a flash of figure, Huo Hai easily grabbed the law fragment in his hand: "Is it water attribute, not bad." Just as Huo Hai got the law fragment, he immediately had a sword attack on him. In a blink of an eye, the scene was It was completely reversed from the previous one. It was just that he was sneaking on others, and now he was being attacked, but Huo Hai was prepared.

At this time, the laws of heaven and earth are extremely violent. Even Huo Hai, if it is not very close, can't feel the strength of the opponent's breath, or even feel the existence of the other person, let alone other people.

This man who does this is only the strength of the tenth heaven. He doesn't know how strong Huo Hai is. Huo Hai doesn't even have the idea of ​​dodge at this time. It is directly a sword aura from his hand, facing the opponent's knife. gas.

"Prick" sounded like a cracked silk, Huo Hai's sword aura easily cut the opponent's sword aura from the middle, and then, in the shock and incredible eyes of the opponent, instantly penetrated the opponent's inner world.

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