Evil Insect God

Chapter 1650: Fierce competition

Ignoring this guy who had just been killed by himself, Huo Hai still quickly organized some things and threw the corpse into the air, although there was no sign of great power on this person.

But Huo Hai is not sure whether this guy is from a big power, and the big power has a strong deterrent, but there are also many enemies. In this kind of place, their deterrence has been reduced to the extreme due to the riots in the laws of heaven and earth. , On the contrary, the enemy is here, and seeing the signs on them, I am afraid they will kill without hesitation.

Therefore, the people here have no signs of being from some big powers. On the contrary, some casual cultivators may have signs of some big powers. This is actually a means to protect themselves.

The power is too great, and it is impossible for the disciples of one's own sect to know each other. As long as you see the sign, it is very possible to come forward and help the first time. Here, the identity is completely confused, and you can't believe it casually.

Huo Hai kept advancing along the glacier tunnel, and encountered fragments of the law. As long as there were few people competing, Huo Hai would come forward and **** it. If there were too many people, Huo Hai did not want to have any conflict with them. Huo Hai had seen it. , A master of the Twelve Heavens, because he was too greedy, he was beaten to pieces by a group of spiritual saints.

That kind of attack intensity, even if Huo Hai is facing, if you don't use all the means, don't think about surviving intact.

"There are so many people again." Suddenly, Huo Hai saw dozens of people gathered in front of him. The cultivation base of this person was not low, but at this time, these people were fighting with each other, obviously robbing the fragments of the law.

Huo Hai just wanted to leave here, but the next moment Huo Hai stopped because a piece of law fragment fell in the air. In Huo Hai’s induction, this piece of law fragment was very useful to him, "Star attributes, too Okay." Huo Hai's eyes lit up, and his major is star attributes. With this fragment, maybe he has a chance to break through.

Facing the temptation to break through the spirit gods, even the risk is worth it. Without waiting for other people to react, Huo Hai's speed has reached the extreme, his figure almost disappeared in a flash, and he instantly entered the upper part of the battle circle and stretched out his hand. Take things away.

"Whoever dares to **** the fragments of our law." Huo Hai, the person who suddenly appeared, immediately attracted a lot of attention.

"That was a fragment of the law of the star attribute just now, don't let him run away." A guy in a sun, moon and star robe rushed out, and Huo Hai knew at a glance that this person should be a master of the Sanxiang Sect.

This three-phase sect is also a powerful sect. It is very likely that there are masters of spirit gods inside the sect. The so-called three-phase actually refers to the three-phase of the sun, moon and stars. For the power of the sun, the moon, or the stars, Sanxiangzong believes that these three celestial phenomena are actually unified, and they all represent the power of the sky.

Therefore, the masters of Sanxiangzong's ultimate goal is to merge the three powers. It is said that as long as the three powers merge, they can reach the realm of the spirit god. Huo Hai is not very clear about what is going on.

The person in front of me uses the same power of stars as myself, but different from Huo Hai, the power of stars used by this person is full of weirdness and irritability, and its lethality is far stronger than that of Huo Hai himself. many.

After all, the Sky Star Sect believed that the star attribute was an inclusive force, so the direction of development was different. When he suddenly saw this attribute similar to himself, Huo Hai felt a burst of curiosity. No wonder this person wanted to **** the law fragments in his hands. It turns out that he is also of the star attribute, but unfortunately, there are only three Sanxiangzong masters here.

This is also a characteristic of the usual three-phase sect. When going out, they are all three-phases in one. There are three people in a team, or a multiple of three. When this person starts their hands, the other two attack without hesitation.

Almost at the same time, an upright sun's ray power, as well as a mutated moonlight power full of ice-cold aura, attacked Huo Hai. At the same time, the three forces pulled each other and produced a very wonderful Variety.

These three forces did not merge, but at the same time, they burst out with more than twice the attack power. At this time, even Huo Hai felt a wave of threats, "Huh, I want to keep me, and go dream." Huo Hai Leng snorted, and quickly swiped his hands, a spiritual formation emerged from Huo Hai's hands, and then the spiritual power condensed and turned into a big shield.

With a "bang" explosion, the shield and the opponent's attack fought together. With this force, Huo Hai quickly passed the fighting team and appeared on the other side of the battlefield.

In such a place full of hard glaciers, the battlefield is actually not very big. Just after he came out, Huo Hai turned around and left without turning his head. "What a strong power, this three-phase sect really has some doorways." Huo Hai flew while flying. , I thought to myself.

Huo Hai had already resisted the attack with all his strength, and at the same time used the spirit array, but his hands were still numb. Seeing the tacit understanding of the three people, it would not be easy to deal with them. If they were really entangled, In a short period of time, Huo Hai was unable to leave at all. Simply, Huo Hai had never thought of entanglement at all, focusing on collecting law fragments.

Others also saw Huo Hai leave, but because Huo Hai was too fast, they didn't pursue the chase. When the three wanted to chase, they were intercepted by the team in front of them and quickly became involved in the fight.

The three of them can only watch Huo Hai leave, but there is no way, "I remember, that person is also using the Star Spirit Power, we will definitely meet that guy." Although they said that, everyone did not. How confident, there are too many people using the spiritual power of stars on the Heavenly Spirit Continent, and such people are not uncommon at all.

Huo Hai had never thought of working with other people along the way. Time was the most precious at this time. As long as Huo Hai could collect the debris, he would **** it away at the fastest speed, and then leave immediately.

Because Huo Hai’s inner space is too strong, the fragments of the law are placed inside, and no breath leaks out. It would be different if it were replaced by other people. If it were not for a special hiding method, the inner space would be like a big light bulb. same.

This is a fragment of the law, not something else. Even if a person is killed, the fragment of the law will not be swallowed by the space turbulence, and will basically fall out intact. Such a target, if appropriate, Huo Hai will not Solve it politely, the more fragments of the law, the better, this Huo Hai has never doubted.

Along the way, Huo Hai has collected as many as five laws related to the power of stars. There are hundreds of other fragments of different laws that Huo Hai alone has collected.

The law fragments in the air are falling more and more, and Huo Hai has become more busy. It is not long, but Huo Hai is sure that the spiritual saint who entered this area at this time may have been killed and injured a lot. .

The number of spiritual saint masters who died in Huo Hai’s hands has reached more than twenty. At this moment, the law and aura riots in the air have reached a limit. At this moment, a terrifying force rushed down. Even with Huo Hai's strength, he was caught off guard, was directly suppressed by this force, and fell to the ground fiercely.

Feeling a pain in his body, Huo Hai's eyes widened: "This is the power of heaven and earth, so strong." The entire sea of ​​glaciers became quiet, because everyone was lying on the ground at this time, but no one was thrown away. dead.

At the same time, in the center of the glacial sea, a tidal wave of terrifying force permeated out. Under the impact of the huge force, the original chaotic vortex was swallowed and washed away in the first place.

"No wonder, it's no wonder it's called the tide, it really is almost the same as the high tide." Huo Hai felt this tide-like power, at this time, he could do nothing but look at the sky, and even exhausted his strength. The sea couldn't stand up from the ground.

Under the impact of the violent and mammoth law, the originally hard glaciers were crushed one after another, and pieces of ice fell down. I don’t know if some hapless guys will be crushed to death. Not ordinary ice cubes, but terrifying hard ice that contains the power of the spirit gods, being hit on it is equivalent to being attacked by the power of spirit gods.

"No, this power has disappeared." Huo Hai felt the ice falling around him, and suddenly discovered that the spiritual law contained in it had disappeared without a trace, no, not just the falling ice.

In the entire surrounding sea of ​​glaciers, the law power left by the spirit gods was scoured and diminished. When the tide slowly subsided, Huo Hai discovered that the law power around him had at least weakened by half in the tide.

A sword aura hit the ground, leaving only a little shallow trace on the ice surface. Under Huo Hai’s sword, it actually left a deeper trace. “It seems that the law tide is really to eliminate the spirit. Appeared with the power left by God."

It’s not clear if it’s Huo Hai. In short, Huo Hai has this feeling in his heart. Heavenly level masters, especially spiritual masters, are pigs raised in the world, but these pigs are too powerful, and sometimes they will be punished by the world. Yes, if you want to get rid of this feeling, you can only rely on yourself, keep moving forward, and improve your own strength.

At this moment, the desire for excess power in Huo Hai's heart grew stronger.

The tide gradually subsided, and Huo Hai also slowly felt that the pressure on his body had been reduced a lot. At this time, Huo Hai was able to get up, looking at the surroundings, the originally tall glacier was at least half flattened, and many even directly damaged.

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