Evil Insect God

Chapter 1653: Origin Secret Realm

I don't know if I haven't sorted it out. I really found a lot of good things in this sorting. "I really deserve to be a master from a big sect, and I have a lot of good things." Perhaps this is the habit of these people.

Even as he sorted it out, Huo Hai was a little scared in his heart. He dared to come to such a place, and he was from a big power. Many people have a lot of backs, some scroll spar and the like, there are too many, these things If displayed, many of them can make Huo Hai feel very troublesome, and even get entangled by the other party, it is not impossible.

Fortunately, do it yourself quickly, so that these people will never have the opportunity to use these things, otherwise it will be really troublesome.

At the same time, Huo Hai also found a large number of elixirs and even some special treasures. There are a lot of these kinds of things. They are not used to save their lives or used to deal with other people in battle. These people are really good. well prepared.

It's just a pity that no matter how fully prepared, under absolute strength, there is no opportunity to use it. Sure enough, one's own strength is the most important thing. The others are fake, and foreign objects can be used, but they cannot be relied on.

In addition, there are many people who have faith in themselves or don’t believe in evil at all, and even bring all their belongings with them. These things have now fallen into Huo Hai’s hands, not to mention the spirit. There are a lot of crystal spirits, and there are also a lot of other resources, that is, a variety of different treasure maps, Huo Hai has collected and don't know how many.

There are still many spirit war techniques that can be put on by these people, at least they are all spirit war techniques above the sky level, but it is a pity that most of these spirit war techniques are problematic, and it is difficult for outsiders to know what they have. There is a problem.

Even if you get these, it is not easy to interpret them easily. Perhaps, letting the dead men practice and experiment is a good way to interpret them, but Huo Hai also knows that if it is so easy, I am afraid these Things have flooded long ago.

Of course, it is very helpful to comprehend these things and integrate the concepts into your own Spiritual War Techniques. Unfortunately, there are so many Spiritual Spiritual Techniques, but none of them are at the level of God. Huo Hai shook his head, the god-level battle spirit art is really not so easy to learn, generally there is no major contribution, no one will teach it.

Most of the god-level war spirit arts are tailor-made by the spirit gods according to their own characteristics, and none of the masters who can reach the realm of spirit gods is simple. Basically, it is possible to create war spirit arts. Do it.

In addition to these, Huo Hai has also collected a lot of spiritual formation materials. Although these spiritual formations are very incomplete and many of them are just a few words, these things are after all the spiritual formation materials of the big forces. As long as they can be integrated into themselves, Huo Hai believes that his spirit formation can definitely go to the next level. With Star Soul Attraction, he is outstanding in spirit formation.

Even Huo Hai got some array weapons. Many of these array tools were complete sets. Researching the benefits for him was a lot. I don't know who put the pill on him, and Huo Hai got it.

Huo Hai verified that there is no problem with these pills. He didn't even use any hidden methods. If there are really hidden methods that can make Huo Hai not aware of anything wrong, then the hidden methods are smart enough. .

As Huo Hai sorted it out, he took out some of the books and scrolls that did not use secret language. These can be used directly in the future. Others need to be studied carefully. If you practice according to the above method, you will definitely not be good. The end, "Hey, this is actually a record of a secret realm." Huo Hai's eyes suddenly lit up.

The various treasures or secret realm records he obtained at this time were already very many, but this one was completely different, because Huo Hai discovered that the secret realm on this record was actually a very special original secret realm.

The so-called secret realm of origin is a secret realm that is very closely related to the origin of heaven and earth, even the secret realm formed by the origin of heaven and earth. If the Heavenly Spirit Continent is a subject, then these are all attached worlds.

However, although the ancillary space is ancillary, it does not necessarily have to be smaller than the main world. Many of the original secret realms are much larger than the entire Celestial Spirit Continent, and the internal space is more stable. In these places, spiritual masters It is difficult to cause too much damage by doing it. Many of these secret realms are occupied by the top sects.

Even many of them are the real residences of the top sects. Although the general production of these spaces is far inferior to the Tianling Continent, some of the special products inside are also very valuable.

There are also quite a few more special secret realms with terrifying resources. The record that Huo Hai saw this time is such a secret realm of origin, and it is not owned by a certain power, because this secret realm is too precious.

The location of the secret realm is the central area, and it is not very far from here. The products in this secret realm are actually fragments of law. When Huo Hai saw this, his eyes suddenly widened. This is really incredible, no Knowing how this secret realm was produced, it has been communicating the origin of the world.

In this secret realm, some law fragments often appear, but the law fragments inside, there is no larger one, most of them are very small types, and this secret realm is very fragile.

At least, in the original secret realm, this secret realm is already very fragile. If it is the power of the spiritual **** master, this secret realm simply cannot bear it. If the spiritual **** is in it, it will even destroy the entire secret realm.

For this reason, the major forces have jointly occupied this secret realm, and only people below the spirits are allowed to enter it, especially the masters of the major forces, and there are people who are resident here, often enter it to collect the law fragments, and finally send them back. Among the sects, this is a mine of law fragments, which can be said to be difficult for ordinary people to enter.

But Huo Hai now has a chance. Apart from the direct entry of Spiritual God, it is impossible for anyone to enter this secret realm by force. After all, it is an original secret realm, so to enter, you need a key.

The so-called key is a very special spar naturally produced in the secret realm. This spar is not a fragment of the law, but has some law power. People with this kind of spar can enter the secret realm for a year. , Since this spar always appears in inexplicable places, it will be very difficult to collect it.

There are often such spars that fall into the hands of other people, and the major forces are collecting them one after another. At the same time, because they are worried that they will offend other people too much, the major forces jointly made a decision.

That is, in the future, those who hold the spar can also enter the secret realm, but when they come out, they must hand in ten law fragments, otherwise, they will be blunt, so that some people will be prevented from entering.

Ten rule fragments are already very many. This secret realm is not a safe place. Under normal circumstances, within a year, it is good for a strong spiritual sage to obtain eight to nine rule shards. The peak spiritual sage is also good. Only about ten yuan, such a system, effortlessly, most of the law fragments will still fall into their hands.

Huo Hai quickly searched for the things in his hands. A few minutes later, Huo Hai found a special spar, "Yes, it's exactly the same as in the record, I didn't expect this guy to have such good luck."

Huo Hai didn’t know that this spar was not his luck. In fact, the key to the spar that Huo Hai killed was handed down by his grandfather, because the strength of the people in the family has never been very good. Strong, so no one dares to enter.

Later, when the family was destroyed, this thing would fall into his hands, because he knew the importance of law fragments since he was a child. This time he heard the law tide, this talent will come here, and he is very desperate, who knows that he could live to the end. The person was accidentally hit by Huo Hai, so he was unlucky and was directly killed by Huo Hai's sword.

Huo Hai didn't even know what this person looked like at this time. There were too many people killed this time. "Hehe, I will remember your contribution, although I don't know who you are. "

Huo Hai smiled slightly. He originally thought that there was no chance to break through in a short time, but who would have thought that he would turn around here, no matter how much, in short, in order to be able to break through to the spirit god, sometimes it is necessary to fight.

After thinking about this, Huo Hai didn’t hesitate anymore. After recovering from his injury, Huo Hai had nothing to improve. In other words, even if Huo Hai wanted to improve, he didn’t have the skills suitable for him. There is no way for his current strength. To upgrade, he can only find a way to break through. Before breaking through the spirit god, Huo Hai's combat effectiveness almost reached its limit.

However, Huo Hai is not a person who likes to use foreign objects to fight. His own sky cloud phenomena have reached the peak of the spiritual sage, because his relationship cannot continue to improve. As for the blood flame dragon, it seems to have reached the limit again.

Huo Hai also figured it out. I'm afraid I won't find a real dragon royal family for the blood flame dragon to swallow. This blood flame dragon does not want to break through to the spiritual **** level. Huo Hai himself has broken through and it is useless. At this time, blood flame The dragon has awakened, but it has been entwined with a fragment of the law of blood and energy all day long, and I don't know what it can understand.

What Huo Hai did not expect was that his own spirit worms also liked to stay next to the fragments of the law that were close to his own.

The news from the spirit worms, these fragments of the law, seems to have great benefits for the spirit worms, but the specific benefits are not even clear to the spirit worms.

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