Evil Insect God

Chapter 1654: Mystery Square

After tidying up, Huo Hai set off again, this time the goal was precisely this law fragment secret realm, no matter how fragile the original secret realm was, it would not be able to shake by a spiritual saint.

When Huo Hai arrived nearby, he found that there were many people coming and going. Huo Hai narrowed his eyes. It seems that this place is not as secret as expected, and there are not many people who come and go here. .

Although there are some spirits, but these spirits are all with other people, the masters who have not reached the sky level, none of them have appeared, and yes, so many sky-level masters have gathered together, and the aura is invisible. It is not something that ordinary people can resist. Without the strength of the heavenly level, I am afraid that they will be crushed to death by this momentum.

"Wow, how come there are so few people here today." At this moment, two people, one old and one small, came over. It was the little one who just spoke. The cultivation level of the two is not bad. It is the tenth heaven of the Holy Spirit.

The old man's expression did not change at all: "Should we have all gone to the sea of ​​glaciers, if it weren't too dangerous, we would have passed too." The old man said while walking forward, as if he was not affected at all.

The young man patted his head: "That's right, there are law fragments on both sides, but there are still more produced over there, but I still like it here, as long as the law fragments are handed in here, it's horrible over there." The young man That's correct, but different people have different understandings, such as Huo Hai, who got a lot of law fragments over there.

"Don't say it, first enter Fangshi to take a look. I don’t know what's in here." As the two said, they passed by Huo Hai, and finally entered a cave. It seems that Fangshi is here. Inside.

In fact, the surrounding area was jointly sealed by several top sects and the hidden Sejong gate. Only this cave can enter. Huo Hai shook his head, and then followed behind. There seems to be no guard at all in this place. Even if Huo Hai walked inside, he didn't see anyone obstructing or inspecting it. It was right to think about it. There was a lot of spiritual support behind this.

"It turns out that the real screening is here." Huo Hai's eyes suddenly lit up. In the cave, Huo Hai felt a barrier. After reaching the sky level, he could pass easily, and basically could not pass until the sky level.

But if someone can enter under pressure, even if they use foreign objects, they can still come in. If even this layer of barrier is unable to resist, there is no need to resist the coercion of so many masters inside.

Huo Hai adjusted his aura so that he acted like an ordinary Tenth Heavenly Spiritual Saint. In this kind of place, it is not top-notch, but it is not too bad. Generally, no one will come to trouble him. .

Not long after entering the cave, there was an artificially constructed passage in front of him, and this passage was very gorgeous. After passing through the passage, what Huo Hai saw was a real square city, because there was a layer of spirit around the square city. The array isolated everything, so Huo Hai didn't realize that at the end of the square city was a gate shining with mysterious light.

Huo Hai knew at a glance that this was the only way to enter and leave the secret realm, but the gate was guarded by many masters. Just on the surface, Huo Hai saw at least twenty peak spiritual masters.

There was also a very cryptic aura in the dark. Huo Hai knew that there might be spiritual masters hiding around. This aura was also deliberately released by the spiritual masters. This was a warning to warn against making trouble here.

Huo Hai shook his head, and then entered the Fang Market, "Look, look, the freshly baked saint-level pinnacle sword, pure flame attribute, sold at a low price." Not far from Huo Hai, a big man held one. Shouting the knife here.

This square is similar to many other squares. The only difference is that the stalls here are at least the spirits, and even a considerable part of them are the spirits. This kind of weapon of the peak of the holy level, even if it has been used by others. Polished and intact, but it is still a rare treasure outside, but here, it seems that few people will look at it.

Huo Hai walked around calmly and slowly explored the surroundings. Such a market, so secretive, is definitely not simple. As Huo Hai slowly explored, Huo Hai finally gained some understanding of this market.

This market is created by the big forces that occupy this place. There are only two trading currencies here, one is the spirit, which is also a currency used by the outside world, but the spirit is outside. It's still very precious, but it's different here. The spirit here is actually the lowest value currency.

Use other things, then it can only be regarded as bartering. In this place, the spirit crystals are nothing but rubbish. No one will pick them up when they are thrown on the ground. This kind of retired holy weapon is everywhere here. visible.

Huo Hai was a little surprised just now, but then he was not so surprised, because Huo Hai saw a shop with a lot of holy quality weapons and many artifacts, and even god-level materials can be found here. .

If you want to obtain high-level items, you need another currency. This currency is the law fragments, and the acquisition of these law fragments is usually obtained from within the secret realm. Many people just get it and use it outside. .

The law fragment is a kind of treasure, a kind of goods, and it can also be used as a kind of currency. However, because the law fragments contain different laws and have different requirements, their value is still different. How about it? It depends on the price negotiated by the individual. Anyway, at the end of the day, only these sellers will pay taxes.

Moreover, the fragments of the law are divided here. The fragments of the law can be split or merged. They are all in a perfect spherical shape. Therefore, the law fragments with a diameter of one inch are called a unit.

Regardless of the type of the law fragments, in short, the law fragments of the same size have the same law power. Therefore, the value measurement of the law fragments is also measured in this unit.

It’s not easy to be able to buy things with the fragments of the law. Huo Hai did not expect that there are many god-level materials in such a mysterious city, whether it’s elixir or ores, they are here, and even Huo Hai has seen it. I don’t know which spirit gods placed the rare god-level artifact embryos and pill.

But no one dared to **** these things. Everyone knows that because of the agreement, the spirits and gods who don't want to destroy the secret realm will not appear in this place at all. If they want to trade things, they will also be brought by the sect disciples.

Although the sellers of these things are not spirit gods, many of their masters are spirit gods. Whoever dares to make trouble here is simply looking for death. "It's a pity, they are all tasteless." Huo Hai looked calmly. past.

Huo Hai’s eyes lit up before seeing a god-level swordsmanship before, but Huo Hai discovered that this god-level swordsmanship is too restrictive. From the very beginning, he needed a special method to build a foundation. Later, special items are needed to condense the origin, and then practice step by step, in order to exert the power of this swordsmanship.

Other than that, no one can practice. This sword technique cannot be practiced even if it is given to Huo Hai, and it has no meaning for reference.

There is also a god-level quality war spirit art, which is actually a secret method of defense using flames. Unfortunately, this secret method of defense using flames is very powerful, but when defending, the flames have no attack power at all.

I really don’t know who made this kind of tasteless fighting spirit art. Maybe it will be different when it reaches the level of the spirit god, but the problem is that a few people are sure that they will be able to cultivate to the spirit god. realm.

The things that can be placed here are really bad things. Even the god-level artifact embryos that Huo Hai saw have no special effects, but they are harder, except that they can be upgraded to the god-level. use.

There is also the kind of god-level quality pill. Huo Hai looked at it and couldn't stand it anymore. It was used to heal the wounds, and the effect was not very good for the god-level masters, and Lingsheng used this Things, that is simply a waste, but the pill can not be divided, either eat it all at once, or it will be destroyed if it is divided.

"Hey, there is human trafficking here." Huo Hai suddenly saw a special corner. The people who were trafficked here were all human beings, some were slaves, and I didn't know where they were caught.

These slaves are not just as simple as looking good. The most important thing is that these slaves are not strong in cultivation, or have special physiques and talents, otherwise it is impossible to be sent to such a place, and these people are in a coma at this time. , It is impossible to divulge the slightest information here, and buyers don’t have to worry, these are all specially identified by Fangshi.

There are still some people who are actually selling themselves. Yes, they are selling themselves. A master of Lingsheng Peak hangs a sign and requires ten wind attribute law fragments at the cost of being a bodyguard for 10,000 years.

There is also a contract that has been drawn up a long time ago. Huo Hai is really eye-opening. There is really nothing that can’t be sold here. Huo Hai listened to the conversations of the people around him, and even discovered that there was a beautiful Lingsheng who had sold Chuye here. Just don't know if it succeeded in the end, Huo Hai shook his head, it seems that this Lingsheng master is no different from ordinary people.

Usually, it’s because their eyes are too high. Once they see something that is helpful to them, the bottom line of some spiritual sages is often worse than that of ordinary people. The world is really amazing.

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