Evil Insect God

Chapter 1656: enter

"Five units, this is the least." The person who sold the crystal key refused to let go. When the people around saw this scene, their teeth were itchy and they wanted to go up and kill this guy.

It's a pity that everyone knows what this place is. You can't do it at all in this place. Otherwise, you won't have a good end. Don't think that the spirits and gods here are decorations. This one will also do it when it is critical.

"Don't you think it's too much, you can't be too greedy." The bargaining person also became angry.

The stall owner is determined not to let go: "I also know that the price is too high, but I have to do this. If it is less, I... In short, there are five units, which is the least." This attitude makes the people around me I know, I am afraid that no matter what they say, this person will not let go. They are not ordinary people, and naturally it is impossible to buy and sell like ordinary people.

"Huh, kid, you remembered it for me. After you go out, don't let me meet, or you will be dead, let's go." The guy who was still bargaining just now stared at this person. Remember this person thoroughly.

Although this person was a little afraid, he still didn't let go. Everyone was a master of spiritual sage. What would happen if he blocked the door? As a spiritual sage, he still had various methods, and it was not impossible to escape.

At this moment, Huo Hai stepped forward and asked: "Five units of law fragments, any law is okay." Huo Hai's words made the people around him suddenly startled, but he didn't expect someone to ask for it. Buying, this is a fool. Could it be that this guy is a descendant of a spiritual **** who doesn't care about the fragmentation of these laws.

The people who hadn't been far away just turned their eyes on Huo Hai's body. Speaking of it, there is a hunter in the central area. Hunter is not a real profession, but a general term for a class of people.

These people, always wandering in the dark, regard the masters of the major forces as their own goals, and these people have some clever concealment methods. When they can kill the opponent, the opponent's sect cannot find themselves. .

This kind of concealment ability is exactly what Huo Hai needs, but it is a pity that Huo Hai has no chance to get it. After all, this thing is a prohibited item on the bright side, and it is impossible to appear. Huo Hai hasn't seen the same until now, and these people are very hidden, as long as they don't do it, no one knows who they are.

"Yes, it's okay, as long as it is a fragment of the law." Originally thought that his trade would fail, but suddenly turned around. This person's joyful expression was beyond words. It seems that this guy really has something special.

Huo Hai nodded, and threw a ball-shaped crystal at random. It was a five-unit rule fragment, and the rule fragment was abnormally out of the door. This is a fish rule. Basically, I haven't heard of anyone practicing it. .

This was also when Huo Hai snatched it when the law was in the tide. Usually this type of law fragment is useless except to use it as a material. No one can use this kind of thing to cultivate one. Fish spirit beasts, this kind of side-by-side things, are actually quite a lot in Huo Hai's hands.

"Yes, it's yours now." Huo Hai's breath is not very strong, but this person can still feel the pressure on Huo Hai's body when the distance is close. Besides, it is not the one who can take out so many law fragments casually. What an ordinary person.

Huo Hai nodded, and then took the spar away, and then continued to walk forward. At the same time, Huo Hai felt that many auras had locked himself in, and many people were chasing him around, although secretly. .

With Huo Hai’s powerful perception ability, most of these people cannot hide from Huo Hai at all. It is too easy for Huo Hai to find these people, but this is the city, and Huo Hai can’t just do it, Huo Hai I can feel that as long as I dare to do it, the only spiritual master here will directly kill himself.

As the spirit god, as long as he catches a little handle, it is easy to kill people or something. The fragments of the law on his body have probably attracted the spirit god’s attention. Huo Hai is a little depressed at this time. Some are good.

There is no way now, it is necessary to avoid the sight of these people as soon as possible. At this moment, Huo Hai suddenly felt a ray of breath falling on his body. If it weren't for Huo Hai's very sensitive feeling, most people would really not notice it.

"Does it follow the breath? It's really a clever method. It doesn't fall on the clothes or myself, but on the armor. This armor can always follow me, I don't know who it is." Huo Hai did not Continuing to move forward sensibly, he didn't pay attention to these people at all. After a few laps, many people were thrown away by Huo Hai.

However, Huo Hai knew that there were still some people, and Huo Hai didn't get rid of them at all. These talents are real masters, and Huo Hai didn't care, and slowly walked to the doorway, which was the entrance to the secret realm.

If you want to follow me, just follow, Huo Hai sneered in his heart, and then took out the spar key he had just purchased. The spar started to melt as soon as Huo Hai injected spiritual power into it, turning into a very weird mass. Colored gas.

Then, the gas adhered to Huo Hai’s body. Judging from the rate of gas consumption, it could last for exactly one year, but no one found that while Huo Hai used the spar key, his figure was close to the other right. The person who intends to enter the secret realm, this person, is also using the spar key, and the two released the spar almost simultaneously.

With the help of breath covering ability, Huo Hai immediately transferred some of the more difficult tracking methods from his body to the person next to him, and then entered the gate almost at the same time with this person.

Keeping some poor tracking methods can make those really difficult guys think that they are fake, and the other is real. Many people should have noticed it. Huo Hai smiled slightly, and the scene in front of him has happened. Variety.

"It's so rich and lawful, it seems to be looking at the origin of heaven and earth, it's worthy of the origin secret realm." I have never felt the origin of heaven and earth so clear for a moment, but unfortunately, although the origin of heaven and earth here is clear, it is also very powerful. Today's cultivation base can't use the origin here to comprehend the law, which is really strange.

After letting go of perception, Huo Hai immediately discovered that the entire secret realm was very huge, and his perception did not even sense any area. The whole secret realm was the same as what he heard, probably the entire outer area.

A peripheral area is the area controlled by one of the eight gates, and the space here is very stable. Huo Hai, a person who has no spatial attributes, tried it. As expected, he couldn't move in space here, but at most speed up a little.

This kind of spatial strength is very fragile for the spiritual masters, but for Huo Hai, it is very powerful. With Huo Hai’s strength, you can attack with all your strength. Don’t even think of smashing the space here. No wonder those Lingshen did not dare to come here, but dared to let Lingshen masters come and go freely. Lingshen and Lingshen were not at the same level.

In such a place, the Spirit Venerable is absolutely afraid to enter. In Huo Hai’s perception, this place is indeed very dangerous. There are hundreds of creatures that Huo Hai can feel, and each of these creatures is not low in strength. Yu Shizhongtian Lingsheng.

The only ones who dared to enter here were the spiritual masters above the Nine Heavens. I am afraid that it is precisely for this reason. Many of these monsters even live in groups, and these creatures are very united. When encountering humans, they will definitely let go of their fights.

If you want to get the law fragments, you have to look for these things. After these monsters are killed, the law fragments will fall from their bodies. For them, the law fragments are their own crystal nucleus, the inner world, and everything. It is its own source of strength, and the promotion of these monsters is also carried out by swallowing other fragments of the law.

Monsters will attack monsters with the same attributes as themselves. Once they can kill them, they can swallow the opponent's law fragments and improve their own strength. Unfortunately, the strength of the monsters here are basically the same.

And most of the monsters here are better at defense, and defense is far stronger than attack. Therefore, the natural strength of the monsters here will be similar in the future, and it is almost difficult to improve.

It’s not that there is no chance. After all, there are still some law fragments that have just appeared out of thin air. They have not been bred, so they have not become law monsters. If there are weird monsters with the same attributes passing by, you can eat them and improve your own strength. The monsters are all above the Ninth Heaven, which shows how powerful this law fragment is.

These monsters also have a name, that is, the rule beast. The so-called rule beast is the formation of rule fragments, and uses the power of the law of heaven and earth. Apart from these powers, there is no other means at all.

Huo Hai also discovered that these monsters are simply weird. It can be said that the fragments of their own laws are of what type, and the shape after the final formation is basically not too different. The water attribute law is formed, that is, a bunch of splashes, or other Huo Hai didn't know what something had something to do with water, some strange shapes.

"Hehe, I'm afraid those guys can't wait, it's better to leave as soon as possible." Huo Hai moved in his heart, his figure accelerated instantly, and the other one who entered at the same time as himself had already left.

What Huo Hai didn't expect was that there were a lot of people who came here, and I don't know if they all rushed together. Before Huo Hai entered today, five or six people had entered this secret realm, which was really weird.

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