Evil Insect God

Chapter 1657: Hunt for the debris

To find the right fragment of the law, just look at the shape. If it doesn't work, you can still feel the specific breath of these things.

Huo Hai didn't want to spend time languishing, so after entering here, Huo Hai immediately dispelled all the tracking methods left on him, and then disappeared to the horizon, making these people unable to find themselves. You know, there is actually only one entrance, no matter who enters, they always appear in one place, which is the same as when they left.

When the time comes, no matter where you are, you will be sent to the gate. But not everyone can go out, many people will die in it. Perhaps he died while fighting the beast, or he died in the hands of other people.

Not long after Huo Hai left, many people entered the secret realm. As soon as these people entered, they used their own methods to find Huo Hai's location. It is a pity that some people directly lost the trace of Huo Hai.

There are also some people who traced traces of another person. Soon, someone left here and chased them away silently. And those people who were in a hurry, when they saw this, followed them calmly. As if everyone had discovered Huo Hai's trail, no one noticed that they were following the wrong person.

As for what will happen to the culprit, this is not something Huo Hai can consider. Huo Hai at this time had already put all his attention on his own perception. In the original secret realm, but be careful.

A big battle is inevitable if one accidentally broke into the territory of those rule beasts. There are still many law beasts that live in groups, and these law beasts don't know what's going on. They are all the same law fragments, but they don't attack each other, but stay together. Huo Hai didn't want to provoke them, otherwise even he would be very dangerous.

There were times on the road, in order to be able to move forward, Huo Hai also had to fight some law beasts. For this reason, Huo Hai was able to receive some useless fragments of the law, and Huo Hai was not welcome, and directly merged them with the corresponding fragments.

For these reasons, Huo Hai also learned about the fighting methods of these rule beasts, most of the rule beasts actually only have one fighting method. If it weren't for the defenses were too strong, it wouldn't make people so headache.

In the face of the Tenth Heaven's Rule Beast, Huo Hai needed all his sword energy to break it. The eleventh heaven requires Huo Hai to bless the spirit formation to break through. In the face of the Twelfth Heaven's Law Beast, Huo Hai could only let his Star Gu go together. At the same time, Huo Hai also felt that in this secret realm, there seemed to be a rule beast that was close to the realm of spirit gods.

These rule beasts did not reach the realm of spirit gods, but they themselves contained a very powerful aura, just like the spirit **** masters. Sensed from a distance, Huo Hai could feel a deadly breath, and he didn't want to meet these things at all.

"The recovery speed of spiritual power in the secret realm has been suppressed, probably one-tenth of the original. This is really dangerous enough." Huo Hai finally discovered the difference here. The recovery speed of spiritual power has been suppressed by 90%. At this time, even when Huo Hai fights, he needs to consider saving, otherwise, the spiritual power will easily fail to keep up.

If other people were suppressed by 90%, I am afraid that they would not be able to fight continuously without recovering from the pill for a short time. If this is a big battle and then encounter the enemy, it is easy to be hit by the enemy, and if you die, you will be seriously injured.

Perhaps, those guys will be suppressed even harder, maybe, Huo Hai is different from ordinary spiritualists, his spiritual power is extremely strong, and the recovery speed of spiritual power is also unusually fast. Forget it, no matter so much, continue to collect.

At this moment, Huo Hai suddenly saw a golden dragon flying in the sky. "Isn't there no Dragon Clan here? Wait, that's not right, that's not a Dragon Clan, it's a Law Beast." Huo Hai's eyes suddenly widened. The shape of the rule beast has a certain relationship with its own rule fragment, so this rule fragment is probably the law of the dragon.

Entering here this time is mainly to find the Law of the Dragon, how could Huo Hai let it go. Anyway, the Dragons won't come here, so why are you polite? Huo Hai's figure flashed, and the whole person rushed up. Facing the dragon is a sword gas.

Feeling the dragon being attacked, his body twisted, but unfortunately he still did not dodge his sword energy. But the sword qi fell on the body, but the dragon just broke a little, and nothing happened. Huo Hai narrowed his eyes, this thing was the pinnacle realm of Lingsheng.

"Roar..." The dragon let out an angry roar, a pressure spread, and then rushed up with a claw. Huohai suddenly understood that this rule beast would only have a kind of power, and the rest was to use the body to attack. A sneer flashed in Huo Hai's eyes: "Long Wei, I will too." Thinking of this, Huo Hai unfolded his Long Wei instantly.

What Huo Hai didn't expect was that this Longwei had a terrifying suppression effect on the law beast in front of him. This giant dragon not only weakened its Longwei by a large amount, but also its combat power and defense power dropped by more than half.

The sword energy that could only make the surface of the dragon's body break a little, now it falls on the dragon's body, a hole at once. If it can break the defense, it will be quick to kill. In just a few minutes, the dragon was completely dismembered by Huo Hai.

Putting a golden ball into his hands, Huo Hai checked it, and it was indeed the law of the dragon. "Could it be that Longwei is the nemesis of the rule beasts here? That would be much easier." Huo Hai has to take a break every time he fights. This is to ensure that his spiritual power will not be consumed too much. If Longwei is really useful, then the efficiency will go up.

Without further ado, Huo Hai quickly found a nearby law beast, and then unfolded Longwei and began to experiment. It's just that Huo Hai, after several trials, found that his Long Wei follower had no effect at all.

"I used it incorrectly, or for some other reason. In other words, because Longwei is motivated by the law of dragons, the same law will have a very large impact on these beasts. Moreover, other laws are basically not too much. Great effect."

Huo Hai continued to experiment while talking to himself. On the way, Huo Hai saw a huge beetle, and Huo Hai knew that it must have been formed by the law of insects. Huo Hai quickly stepped forward, without using sword energy, and directly used the means of controlling insects. Sure enough, as Huo Hai thought, under the control of insects, the strength of this beetle was much weaker.

After that, Huo Hai began to search for all kinds of rule beasts. Let Xiaoshui for water attribute, and Xiaojin for poison attribute. After finding the right way to deal with it, it really became much easier to collect the law fragments next.

Since he could collect a large number of them, Huo Hai included the law fragments that were useful to his own spirit worms into his collection list. The law beast formed by the law of stars is in the sky, usually a starlight ball.

In less than two months, Huo Hai collected hundreds of law fragments. If this is known to others, I don’t know what to think. Huo Hai took out a box and quickly loaded ten messy law fragments into it.

Most of the law fragments produced here are in one unit, and the largest will not exceed two units. There are also some very small scattered law fragments that even the law beast cannot form, some of which are not even a tenth of a unit size. But anyway, these are also fragments of the law, and they will be collected when they see Huo Hai.

On this day, Huo Hai suddenly felt the battle fluctuations not far away. If it were changed to normal, Huo Hai would never step forward, but this time it would not work. Because Huo Hai discovered that two people were attacking a dragon.

This law of the dragon, Huo Hai is very much in need. Huo Hai discovered after such a long time that the Law of the Dragon did not actually appear much. I don't know it is because there are few dragons, but because of some special reasons in the world.

I finally saw it, but I can't let it go. But just as Huo Hai passed, the other party suddenly pierced the dragon's head with a sword, and completely wiped out this eleventh-layer dragon's law beast. After taking a breath, seeing Huo Hai's arrival, the two quickly ate the recovery pill, and then looked at Huo Hai vigilantly: "Who are you, leave as soon as possible."

Huo Hai didn't care when he saw the two people's guard, it was like this in such a place. "You two, I want to exchange for your Law of the Dragon. Anyway, this thing is useless to you. The price is easy to negotiate."

There are at least two units of law fragments on such a dragon. If you exchange with the Dragon Clan, you can exchange for two units of other law fragments, but for ordinary people, the price is not necessarily.

Knowing their concerns, Huo Hai quickly said: "I can exchange two unit law fragments. I don't know what kind of law fragments the two need." Huo Hai is rich at this time. When the law was tidal, Huo Hai was just There are hundreds of fragments of the law, but each one is not small. At this time, thousands of law fragments on his body were extremely rich.

The two looked at each other, and they were a little moved by Huo Hai's words. "Well, we can exchange, but we need the law of wind attributes." Very common practice attributes, so the value of wind attributes is actually very high.

Huo Hai didn't take it seriously either. The only thing that needed wind attributes on his body was the Death Moth. It's a pity that the death moth only needs a part, and it also needs spiritual attributes, which is similar to Xiaodie. Huo Hai nodded, and took out two units of Tornado Law fragments, but did not directly step forward, but waited for the two people to slowly recover.

If they step forward before they recover, God knows what kind of misunderstanding it will cause. After taking the pill, the two of them did not recover slowly. In less than a quarter of an hour, the spiritual power of the two of them had basically recovered completely.

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