Evil Insect God

Chapter 1658: War of the beast

After the two people recovered, Huo Hai walked up. "Now you can exchange." Huo Hai said, and then quickly drew a simple contract, which is a quick rule of agreement.

After the other party left the soul aura on the contract, the contract took effect, and Huo Hai threw the fragments of the law over. I heard that the masters of the spirit **** realm already have a certain ability to resist the contract, but the mere spirit saint has no such ability at all.

Huo Hai did not worry that the two would go back in this situation. Sure enough, after the two got the fragment of the law, they threw the fragment of the law of dragon to Huo Hai. The law beast here was originally formed by the power of law. After death, the entire body will disappear, leaving only a fragment of the law in place.

At this moment, the two suddenly looked at each other, and the murderous intent on their bodies burst out without hesitation. In an instant, the two people turned into a group of Fengqing and appeared in front of Huo Hai, and both a sword and a pair of scissors attacked at the same time.

A light flashed on Huo Hai's body, and a layer of spiritual power shield stood in front of him. The spiritual power of the two fully exploded, and as the light flickered, this layer of spiritual power shield was completely shattered. But before the two of them were happy, a layer of spiritual shield appeared on Huo Hai's body again. At this moment, the faces of the two people became serious.

The whole body's spiritual power was poured into the weapon, and with the sound of glass breaking, the second layer of spiritual power shield was also broken. But at this time, the third layer of spiritual shield appeared again. Huo Hai sneered in his heart, already knowing that these two people had no good intentions.

My own nine-fold starlight is now condensed to the extreme, nine-layer and nine-fold, rebirth speed is very fast, let alone the two of them, even if two peak spirit saints attack at the same time, they may not be able to break their shields at once. .

Then, layers of shields flickered out, a full nine layers, and they could be seen clearly with the eyes of two people. The two previously broken layers have been regenerated in the rear at this time, endlessly growing. There was a cold sweat in their hearts. No matter how idiotic they were, they knew that the person in front of them was not something they could deal with.

Thinking of this, the two turned around and prepared to escape. Huo Hai seemed to have only reacted at this time, and said calmly: "I want to run after hitting it, is it a bit too wonderful?" Huo Hai grabbed his hands and the horrible suction burst out.

This is not a war spirit art, just a fighting technique, because the difference in strength between the two sides is so great that the two people can't get away from this suction. The two looked at each other and yelled: "Fight."

After that, all the spiritual power of the two people completely burst out. At this moment, it seems that some secret technique was used. Originally, the attack power of the two of them was not so strong. This move is stronger than the attack power of the previous sword that killed the dragon. However, Huo Hai knew how much they used when they attacked the dragon.

This unknown method weakened the defense of the dragon itself, otherwise such an attack would not be able to kill the dragon. It's just a pity that Huo Hai himself didn't understand what method they were using. This should be the secret of the two.

It is a pity that apart from this method, the two of them have nothing. Huo Hai sent out sword auras in both hands at the same time, and the two purple sword auras instantly broke through the two men's attacks, and at the same time knocked their weapons into the air. At this moment, two sword auras came out again, easily piercing the inner world of the two people's chests. The eyes of the two were full of regret and unwillingness at this time.

Huo Haike didn't care about so much, his figure flashed, taking advantage of the two people's death, tore the inner space of the two people, and the contents inside moved at the same time. At the last moment, seal the two souls and put them away.

These souls are now not only good materials for cultivation, but also a very precious resource.

"I don't know if the luck of these two guys is good or bad. They have got so many insect laws." A smile appeared on the corner of Huo Hai's mouth. After killing the two, it was time to harvest the spoils.

The Law of Insects is not only used by Huo Hai himself, in fact, for Huo Hai's spirit worms, it is more or less effective. Especially the small bones and the silver beads, the two spirit worms that mainly develop their own power, the worm law is an important part of their own law. Both spirit worms love these fragments of the law very much.

After searching for a long time, Huo Hai finally failed to find a way for two people to weaken the defense of the beast. Huo Hai took out the souls of two people, but after a while, he could only give up. "These two guys are really crazy."

Huo Hai only discovered at this time that at the last moment, when the two people found that their souls could not escape, they actually shredded their memories. At this moment, Huo Hai couldn't get something from the memories of the two.

Forget it, it doesn't have much impact anyway. Huo Hai's heart moved and set off again. The gain this time was pretty good. After two people were eliminated, the fragments of the law gained increased. What makes Huo Hai depressed is that the Law of the Dragon still has no way to find it all, this thing is really too little.

After that, Huo Hai wandered back and forth in this original secret realm. Those adventurers who enter it, Huo Hai will not trouble them easily. Although it is possible to isolate information transmission here, Huo Hai always feels unreliable.

The entire secret realm is arranged by those top sects, who knows what they have left here. Didn't you see other people, didn't you dare to provoke those top sect masters casually here, so Huo Hai must be different here. When the time of one year was about to arrive, the Law of Dragon in Huo Hai's hand was still quite different.

But at this moment, Huo Hai suddenly felt strong fluctuations in the distance. "This is, the law beasts are fighting, and the scale is so big." Huo Hai looked at from a distance, a large group of law beasts were fighting each other.

The most in the middle is a group of special-shaped beasts composed of various flames, and a group of special-shaped beasts composed of ice cubes. This is really incompatible with the reality version. I don't know how these beasts fought. However, because of the fighting between the two sides, more and more rule beasts were involved.

Once the war of the beast of the ruler begins, it is very difficult to stop it. Some of the besieged beasts, even though their defenses are very strong, will still be torn apart by a large number of attacks.

At this time, if there is no law beast with the same attribute law nearby, then this law fragment will probably stay on the ground for a while. Until the law beasts here are almost dead, they will have the mood to stop and eat.

"Perhaps, the rule beasts that are close to the realm of spirits and gods are produced by such wars." A strange thought flashed in Huo Hai's heart. Look at the many water and fire attribute law beasts below, if this is gathered, how many law fragments should be. Huo Hai did not carefully calculate the law beasts surrounding the battle, but I am afraid it has already reached thousands.

If this is in the outside world, such a large-scale battle will completely destroy an area that is no problem at all. But here, their attacks cannot even change the surrounding terrain.

If it were outside, Huo Hai would have approached from underground long ago. But everything in this secret realm is so stable. Huo Hai, who has no soil attribute ability, can't even dive underground, let alone free movement.

It seems that we still have to go from above. Huo Haishi displayed the pill-holding technique and quietly approached the edge of the battlefield of the beasts that were fighting. Huo Hai was walking on the ground, so the Law Beast above would not be attacked as long as he paid attention. The law beasts have a single attack method and lack a large-scale attack, otherwise Huo Hai would not dare to come.

Seeing the law fragments falling in the air, Huo Hai walked directly over, and then quietly took away. War fortune is the easiest and most profitable method since ancient times.

Of course, the prerequisite is to have strength. Without strength, this way of making a fortune will turn into death. In a short moment, Huo Hai has obtained more than ten law fragments, most of which are water and fire attributes.

"Hey, this is a rock attribute, the high-end stuff among soil attributes." Huo Hai suddenly saw a fragment of the law falling down in the air. But before Huo Hai walked over, this piece of law suddenly disappeared. "What's going on? Is there a law beast that has the ability to hide. It's not right, it's a fragment of the law of rock properties."

Huo Hai suddenly realized that the person who had just taken away the fragments of the law may not be a beast at all, but a person. A person who is very clever in hiding and can make the slightest difference in his perception.

Huo Hai quickly avoided, hiding in the dark and slowly observing, as long as the fragments of the law disappeared every time, that person must have done it. But no matter what, Huo Hai couldn't feel the trace of this person. This hidden ability is really terrifying. Even Huo Hai's own pill-holding technique could not reach this terrifying level.

Suddenly, Huo Hai thought of something: "Perhaps, this guy might have provoked this battle of the rule beast." It's hard for ordinary people to see the rule beast fighting on such a scale, even if they see it, they dare not casually Come closer.

Huo Hai is a daring master of art. He knew that even if he was discovered, he could escape from it, but this person was different. Although Huo Hai didn't know how strong this person was, he felt vaguely in his heart that this person's strength was absolutely incomparable to his own. Huo Hai's interest in this person now suddenly surpassed those rule beasts.

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