Evil Insect God

Chapter 1659: Three hunters

The person in front of him has a very powerful hiding ability, but the speed does not seem to be very fast. Huo Hai doesn't know if this is because of hiding himself. When Huo Hai used the pill-holding technique, his speed could not be too fast.

Of course, even so, Huo Hai's speed is still much faster than this person. When the two fragments fell, Huo Hai was able to judge the speed of this person from the disappearance speed of the two fragments. "This person's concealment methods are better than me, but the speed is still not as fast as me. Then, this person's cultivation base should not be very strong."

Huo Hai stepped back cautiously, he didn't dare to stun the snake at this time. It's not that he is afraid of this person hiding in the dark, but Huo Hai is worried about so many law beasts above his head. These rule beasts are different, and each of them is not weak in combat effectiveness.

Especially the power of the law carried in the own attack is very powerful. As long as he sees someone appearing, Huo Hai is sure that these rule beasts will immediately give up their disputes and deal with humanity with all their strength.

Faced with the concerted efforts of so many rule beasts, Huo Hai probably had no other way but to escape. If one is not careful, even if it is killed on the spot, it is not impossible. Don't even think that there are only thousands of rule beasts, but each of these rule beasts is a master above the Nine Heavens Spirit Saint, and every attack can have a certain impact on Huo Hai.

Backing behind a small hill, Huo Hai cautiously released Xiaodie. "Hmph, I can't feel your breath, but your soul exists, Xiaodie, get this guy out for me."

Fluttershy's cultivation base far exceeds that of the opponent, so naturally he can easily sense the opponent's soul, as long as the opponent is still in this area. Sensing soul and sensing breath are different, which Huo Hai can't do.

This is Fluttershy's natural ability, even if Huo Hai wants to use spells to borrow. Fluttershy nodded, her mental fluctuations slowly emanating. "Sure enough, those Law Beasts have no souls. They rely solely on the support of laws. No wonder they have only instincts." In Xiaodie's induction, Law Beasts did not have souls, so Huo Hai was relieved.

Before long, the entire battlefield was covered by Xiaodie. At the same time, Xiaodie finally found the person Huo Hai was looking for. "Three? There are actually three, Fluttershy, set up the environment and bring it out to me."

Huo Hai thought for a while, and then quickly walked away. This is not a good place to get started. Almost immediately behind, behind Huo Hai, Xiaodie came here with three people who had completely fallen into illusion. Had it not been for Xiaodie's induction and Huo Hai to be able to connect, Huo Hai wouldn't know that Xiaodie had completely controlled these three people.

"Haha, the harvest this time is really not small, thanks to the boss's Tianxiangsan, otherwise these law beasts will not be able to fight." The three people are completely in the illusion at this time, and they don't know where they are. .

When the three people showed up, Huo Hai saw the three people. Three very thin, seemingly wretched guys. If you only look at looks, who can regard these three people as masters in the realm of Spiritual Saint.

"That's that. The boss has been preparing for this day's incense for many years. If we only rely on our own strength, not only will we not make money this time, we will also lose a lot of law fragments." Actually, it is not always here. One person will earn, but many people actually lose. Some people have fragments of the law, and they can only admit that they are unlucky.

There are some people who have no spares themselves, so in the end, because they can't hand in enough fragments of the law, they will be captured by those big forces and use various tasks to repay their debts.

There is no need to think about running away, these big forces are not so easy to talk about, if they dare to escape, they will definitely run to death one by one.

"Okay, don't talk so much nonsense. There is only one piece of incense powder this day, and it's gone after you use it. Remember, after you go out, let me condense it well, don't show off, otherwise people will know us But it's dead."

The little man who spoke first nodded and said, "That's natural, and we are not doing this kind of thing on the first day. Don't worry, after we go back, we will absolutely keep our mouth tight, and we will never let people know." Saying this, but looking at his appearance, it seems a bit disapproving. This guy is usually a person who is used to showing off.

Especially after his own cultivation level reached the level of Nine Heavens, there were very few people who could threaten them. The three masters of the Nine Heavens, and they are still complete, together, they are a powerful force.

"I am most worried about you. Don't take it seriously. With so many fragments of the law, even the spirits and spirits will be tempted." I said this but it seemed to be for nothing. The other two people didn't care much.

Huo Hai was already a little impatient at this time, these guys had said so much but didn't get the point. "Xiaodie, seal their souls for me." Huo Hai gave an order, and Xiaodie immediately took action. The three people were in a trance, feeling a little sleepy, and finally their souls were slowly sealed up. At this time, Huo Hai started to do it.

It was very far away from the battlefield, Huo Hai directly tore the inner space of the three people, and then took out the things. "Damn it, time is almost here." Suddenly, Huo Hai discovered that his time here has come.

Without thinking about it, Huo Hai directly took out another spar key and activated it, which stabilized. This method of continuous use of keys is actually very common. Anyway, no matter how long you stay in it, you only need to hand in ten law fragments when you go out. There are no other requirements.

This method is also a means of saving fragments of the law. After stabilizing, Huo Hai continued his actions. Sealing the souls of the three people and directly pulling them out, their inner world will naturally be swallowed.

Then, Huo Hai began to sort out the things in his hands: "Hidden? Is this the means they use to hide themselves, really smart." Huo Hai looked at the things he found, with a satisfied smile on his face.

It turned out that these three people were still three hunters, and the three people didn't know how many masters of the big forces had been killed. Only then did they have the resources to cultivate to the present. But the three of them are just casual cultivators after all, so they put everything on themselves. Now Huo Hai has a lot of classics from great powers in his hands. Many of these classics have been completely interpreted.

Especially this kind of retreat, this is the special method that the three people have been able to rampage up to now, if it were not for bad luck this time, they would not be caught and killed by Huo Hai. The method of recluse is essentially to find the texture of heaven and earth.

Using special methods, they can actually see the law and context between heaven and earth clearly, so the first thing to cultivate for recluse is the eyes. "This feeling, how is it so like pupil technique." Huo Hai said to himself.

Continue to look down, when the special runes in the eyes are arranged in order, you can see the law lines between heaven and earth. It is even possible to comprehend the law with this kind of eyes. The following is the method of application. Using special steps, combined with some special spiritual power use methods, you can walk along these lines.

Integrating oneself into the lines of the laws of heaven and earth is like fusing into the world. It is completely invisible, not only invisible, but also hidden. It can be said that as long as you don't use your hands or speak, no one can find out.

This technique seemed to be usable even after reaching the realm of Spirit God. Huo Hai didn't know what was going on, but it was a good thing. It's just a pity that there is not so much time to practice now.

Moreover, there is actually a more special method of use in this retreat, which was displayed while attacking. After killing the opponent, the reclusive rune can be released directly through the eyes. There is no attack ability, but it has hidden effects. Whether it is a death photo or any other means of communication, it can be hidden.

As long as there is such a little time, it is naturally easy to make those big sects unable to find it. If it weren't for the reclusiveness, let alone becoming a hunter, these three people would not even be able to break through the heavens.

The growth of the three people is simply the growth of countless disciples who came from big forces. Huo Hai was worried about what the three people would do in this, and then, with Xiaodie's cooperation, began to explore their memories.

"Unexpectedly, these three guys are actually brothers. It is not easy to cultivate to this level together." These three people are more persevering than Huo Hai, and they treat themselves very harshly. In order to practice all kinds of war spirit art, these three guys even dared to risk their lives to enter some dangerous places. There were more than three people.

From their memory, Huo Hai discovered that these guys were originally five brothers. However, one of them was caught and killed by the big forces in the early years, and the other did not survive when he entered the dangerous place.

So now, there are only three of them left. But these three people have grown up to the present, and luck seems to have been good. I was really unlucky when I met myself today. Huo Hai shook his head and sorted out the things. She had no time to practice now, and what he had to do now was to prepare to collect the fragments of the law.

This kind of war, I don't know when it will end, anyway, just wait here first.

There are many fragments of the law on the three of them, and Huo Hai has also found some fragments of the law of the dragon, and now he is closer to his goal. To help oneself reach the realm of spirit gods, the law fragments must at least reach a hundred units.

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