Evil Insect God

Chapter 1660: Finally got together

I don't know how these people caused a big battle. In short, without the interference of outsiders, the law beasts in the nearby area were all attracted to this big battle.

Huo Hai didn't know how much these rule beasts like to fight. Some of them were obviously weaker, and they risked their lives to join them and were eventually killed. These things just don't have IQ, otherwise any one who can think, I am afraid that it will not be so easy to join the battlefield. During the period, other people also discovered the fighting here.

However, because there were too many rule beasts involved, people around saw this kind of scene and turned around without looking back. Looking at the appearance of these people, for fear of being entangled by the law beast, only Huo Hai was slowly moving below.

As time passed, this battle fought for two full months in a blink of an eye. Two months later, the law beasts died close to 20%, and at least half of the countless law fragments fell into Huo Hai's hands.

Only half, there are thousands of units, no wonder those three guys were so adventurous. As long as a part of the law fragments of thousands of units is suitable, it can support the three of them to cultivate to the peak of the spiritual sage, but this depends on their own conditions. If the conditions are sufficient, it won't even be a problem to break through the spirits.

Even if you can't cultivate, these things can be exchanged for spiritual essence, saving a few million years, or even longer time is enough. But by this time, Huo Hai was afraid to wait any longer.

After fighting for such a long time, the rule beast that hasn't died yet is basically unlikely to be killed. These rule beasts have begun to descend towards the ground, looking for their own rule fragments to eat. Even if it occasionally causes some fighting, this is only a partial battle. But at this time, Huo Hai did not dare to pick up these fragments of the law.

With a flash of figure, Huo Hai quickly left the battlefield and hid secretly nearby. If discovered by these beasts, his fate would not be too good. The battlefield was cleaned very quickly, and it was over in less than half an hour.

There have been some fights during this period, but by virtue of its strong defensive capabilities, none of these beasts died. Huo Hai has been waiting next to him, waiting for the beasts to leave after eating.

"Finally gone, let me see what's left." The law beast eats the same or similar law fragments as it is. Some of the nearby law beast fragments will not be eaten. Huo Hai remembered clearly that a golden dragon had also arrived on the battlefield before, but it had already died on the battlefield. There must be a fragment of the law of dragons here.

Huo Hai searched for a while, and soon saw this fragment of law. "Sure enough, it's still here. It seems that the hard ground here is also good, at least it won't change the terrain." Huo Hai had already remembered its location before the dragon died.

It's just a pity that the giant dragon persisted until the last moment before dying, otherwise Huo Hai would have incorporated things into his inner space. When the rule beasts raged, the remaining rule fragments were actually not many. Huo Hai only collected less than twenty units. "Can't stay here, change place."

Huo Hai shook his head. In fact, the law beasts in this area had already consumed a lot of power after the war, and it was impossible to recover completely in a short time. It is the most suitable to do it here.

But what Huo Hai wanted to find was the law of the dragon, not the fragments of these laws, so this was not suitable for Huo Hai. Moreover, judging from today's situation, the law beasts that are close to the spirit gods are probably not created by a battle. It is very likely that this one will only appear after many battles. That's right, otherwise, wouldn't there be a lot of powerful beasts here.

Huo Hai continued to search all the way, and when he encountered a suitable one, he directly killed it. Even when he meets some people who are more compatible with his family, Huo Hai will collect them, and when he returns, he will give these to the people at home and let them slowly understand.

The Law of the Dragon is indeed difficult to find. In this Origin Secret Realm, Huo Hai searched for it back and forth, but ultimately did not find it all. "Hey, there are still eight units short." When two years arrived, Huo Hai shook his head helplessly.

Eight units don't seem to be many, but they are fragments of the law. If there are no special circumstances, these eight units are not so easy to obtain. Huo Hai couldn't believe that there would be someone outside who sold the keys just like the last person who happened to be seen by him. There are people waiting here all year round, because many times someone is selling keys.

As soon as it appears, the price will be bought right away. Huo Hai has no time to wait here. If you are unlucky, you may not be able to encounter it once in ten years. Forget it, go out and have a look.

After the time arrived, Huo Hai's whole body flickered, and the next moment Huo Hai felt a squeeze of space pressure, but the pressure did not hurt Huo Hai the slightest. Immediately afterwards, the foreground of Huo Haiyan changed and it had become the original market.

"Hello, please hand in ten pieces of the law." Just after coming out, a voice rang in my ear. Huo Hai rolled his eyes, these guys really like to get something for nothing, as always. Fortunately, Huo Hai had already prepared. In order not to be targeted by these people, Huo Hai took out a box. This box was specially purchased by Huohai before entering.

This kind of box is specially used to seal the aura of law fragments. But not all people are the same as Huo Hai, who can rely on the strength of the inner space to forcibly seal the aura of the fragments of the law so that the outside world will not feel it.

Open the box and the people around quickly start to calculate. The largest fragment of law in it is less than three units, and the smallest is not even 10% in size. A lot of scattered fragments of the law, there are some more commonly used.

The value of these things varies, and Huo Hai deliberately made it like this. Fragments of water and fire properties are also available here. Seeing the contents of this box, the people around were completely disinterested in Huo Hai.

After a quick calculation, the person in front said: "You are lucky. You can gather ten units. Okay, you can leave." For Huo Hai, these people don't have the slightest respect for them. All are from top sects. Even the strength is much stronger than Huo Hai's aura now.

Huo Hai didn't say anything, but quickly entered the Fang Market, and then mixed into the crowd. Before long, Huo Hai appeared in the nearby shop again. It is actually easy to acquire the fragments of the Law of Dragon.

However, after Huo Hai went around for a while, he only collected more than six units, and there were less than two units of Dragon Law fragments. This difference made Huo Hai himself unable to reach the extreme, unable to make a breakthrough.

"It's really unlucky, how did you get so many laws of the dragon this time, but there are so many left, which makes me so angry." Three days later, a few people came out again, not looking good enough. When he came to the surrounding shops, the visitor took out the fragments of the Law of Dragon in his hand. After handing in some, they still have more than five units left in their hands.

I really don't know if these guys are lucky or bad. They can earn more than five units of law fragments, which is already very good. It's a pity that it is a fragment of the Law of Dragons, except for the dragons, almost few people can use it.

Like all the transactions, the exchange can be easily completed by the visitor, but only about half of the other law fragments can be traded. Although the fragment of law here is a kind of currency, in fact, most of you use it as a resource for cultivation. Most of the people who come here to collect the fragments of the law want to get the fragments of the law suitable for them.

Huo Hai stepped forward immediately after the people left. "I bought the fragment of the law just now." Huo Hai's voice did not attract the attention of others at all. Even the seller just now didn't notice the changes here.

The store has no courtesy at all, and the selling price of the fragments of the law of the dragon here is the equivalent of the more common fragments of the law. Huo Hai took out some fragments of laws related to defense, and took them in his hand.

"Great, I finally got it together, this time I can finally break through to the realm of spirit gods." Watching the fragments of the law of the dragon merge into the fragments of his original law, Huo Hai's heart trembled. Lingshen, as the last step of the spiritual master, Huo Hai said that it was impossible if he was not excited. Huo Hai took a few deep breaths before suppressing his excitement.

After feeling the surroundings and feeling that no one is paying attention to him, Huo Hai walked slowly towards the crowd as if he were normal. After walking for a while, Huo Hai passed the passage and left quietly.

As he walked out of the tunnel, Huo Hai didn't wait to fly far before he felt that someone around him was following him. "Huh, do you think I'm a bully? Forget it, business matters." Huo Hai also knew that these bandits were hidden all year round. As long as it feels good to be bullied, these people will rush in. Most of the things that can come out are oily water.

If it were changed to normal, Huo Hai would definitely not let these guys go, it would be nice not to kill them, anyway, he would definitely clean them up. But not now, Huo Hai is now anxious to practice and wants to break through as soon as possible.

Once you enter the realm of Spiritual God, you can let go of your hands and feet in the future. Even those top sects, Huo Hai dare to touch them. Thinking of the feeling of aggrieved back then, Huo Hai's mood is even more urgent now.

Regardless of the people behind him, Huo Hai suddenly accelerated his speed in a hidden place. Huo Hai disappeared without a trace. Seeing Huo Hai's speed, the people following him suddenly felt cold and sweaty.

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