Evil Insect God

Chapter 1661: Law of Condensation

I don't know how long it has passed. After choosing several places, Huo Hai finally picked a location that he was more satisfied with. This place was actually close to the glacier ocean.

After the past few years, the law fragments of the glacier ocean have long been cleaned up, and the entire glacier ocean has suffered huge damage, resulting in a lot of ice breath in this place. Although it is still a good place for ice attribute masters to practice, But it is not as attractive as before. At this time, all the spiritual saints and spiritual veterans are not left here.

Although there are still people coming and going, but it is just to try their luck. The only ones who can come here are the Spirit Emperor and the Spirit Emperor. The lower-level people, who don’t even have the qualifications to enter, will be frozen into ice. Piece.

The Spirit Sovereign was able to enter here because of the weakening of the cold here. This place seems to be very lively, but in fact it is very dangerous to Huo Hai. The Spirit God does not pay attention to it, and there is no Spirit Saint coming. Who can threaten him.

Besides, this place is far away from the powers where the masters of spirit gods are located. Huo Hai is not afraid of any movement here. He did not enter the sea of ​​glaciers. Huo Hai picked a barren mountain nearby and went on the entire mountain. He set up his own spirit formation, this time it was of great importance, and Huo Hai was not allowed to be careless, the spirit formation was arranged very tightly and delicately.

Huo Hai took out all the array weapons on his body, and added a lot of spirits. At this time, the defensive ability of this temporary spirit formation is comparable to the protection of the Heavenly Star Sect's large formation, the hidden ability of the spirit formation, and even Beyond.

After finishing all the arrangements, Huo Hai sat down in a cave with confidence, "I can finally break through." Huo Hai was extremely excited, closed his eyes and adjusted for a long time before returning to his peak state.

When he opened his eyes again, Huo Hai’s heart was completely immersed, and he reached its peak. His eyes were not waved, and no mood swings were seen. After that, Huo Hai took both the fragments of the Law of Stars and the Law of Insects. He came out, put it on his hands, closed his eyes, and Huo Hai's mental power radiated, and he began to feel the comprehension slowly.

With the help of the law fragments, the law power in Huo Hai's body once again fluctuated, especially Huo Hai's spiritual power, a touch of gold gradually appeared, these golden lights gradually contacted the original silvery white, and finally slowly turned into purple.

The silver spiritual power is getting less and less, and the purple spiritual power is increasing. I don’t know how long it has passed. Huo Hai’s inner world shook. All the variegated spiritual power disappeared completely, and Huo Hai’s spiritual power has become Pure purple.

Even the laws on the inner world barrier have completed the final fusion. They are integrated, exuding a very mysterious aura of power. Huo Hai knows that at this time, as long as he wants to, he can completely disperse the law of the dragon and instantly condense his own. The source of the law, in that way, he can directly enter the realm of spirit gods.

However, as a perfectionist, Huo Hai either does not do it or does his best to do it. This concept has been deeply rooted in his heart.

Temporarily put down the two fragments of the law, Huo Hai took out the fragments of the law of the dragon. With the insight, Huo Hai's origin began to oscillate, and the silver white on the original origin gradually began to recede.

I don’t know how long it has passed. Huo Hai’s own origin has been condensed a bit more than before, and it has completely turned into gold. At this time, it seems that a golden dragon shadow is flying up and down, exuding a powerful force. At this moment, Huo Hai He clearly felt that his origin was stronger than before, even if he used Longwei and Longying, his power would definitely be stronger.

Taking a deep breath, Huo Hai began to try to fuse, a purple light shining from all directions in the inner world, and then gradually squeezed and merged towards the origin, but when it touched, the golden light of the origin began to recede slowly.

Huo Hai's complexion changed, the purple light instantly retracted, opened his mouth, and a mouthful of blood spurted out. This was the trauma caused by Huo Hai forcibly interrupting the Source of Law Cohesion, "Damn it, how could this happen." Huo Hai stared. Big eyes.

Huo Hai actually felt that the power of the two laws cannot be merged, because the law of the dragon is not as powerful as the law after its fusion. You must know that although the law is fusion, the law is essentially the same. The situation of being directly suppressed is normally impossible, and the purple rule is just for oneself.

At the same time, Huo Hai was also somewhat fortunate. Fortunately, he had been carefully controlling it. He stopped as soon as he found something wrong. If the fusion began, Huo Hai would not be able to stop even if he wanted to stop.

At that time, there was only one possibility, that is, the law of the dragon was completely excluded, and the self-law of the fusion of its own stars and the law of insects would condense into its own origin, and its own power was definitely not as strong as the fusion of the three.

This is not to say that the power is not strong enough, but that in Huo Hai’s hands, the power that can be exerted will be much weaker. Besides, this kind of forcibly rejecting the power of the Law of Consummation is not a good thing for oneself. , Even if it hurts his inner world and even his origin, it is not impossible, Huo Hai does not want to take risks.

"What the **** is going on?" Huo Hai recovered for a while, didn't even try to heal his injuries, so he began to study carefully, and while studying, with the help of the constant exploration of the star rock wall.

At the same time, Huo Hai continued to check some information. Those big sect disciples who died some time ago had a lot of good things on them, and Huo Hai just looked at it roughly.

There are some people who don’t know why. They carry a lot of materials related to spirits and gods. These materials may not be precious to them, but they are absolutely priceless when they are placed outside. Slowly understood what was going on, "So, it seems that the law of dragons is still not consummated. The law of dragon cultivation of different kinds is troublesome."

Huo Hai finally deduced the key point of the problem. He had absorbed the honor-level dragon veins and the holy-level dragon veins, but he had not absorbed the god-level dragon veins. Only after absorbing the god-level dragon veins, he was truly perfect.

At that time, one's own origin will completely become a dragon shape, and will not even have the characteristics of a worm. Only this pure dragon shape can truly raise the law of the dragon to its limit. This is a fundamental.

Huo Hai never imagined that the origin of his use of insect materials would eventually form a dragon shape. If he didn't feel the slightest danger, Huo Hai would never dare to mess around like this. The two laws would not reach equal status. The source of the law of fusion can only dispel one kind, it seems that his preparation is still not enough, Huo Hai is a little disappointed.

Although at this time, as long as you are willing, you can easily break through to the realm of Spiritual God, but everything likes the perfect Huo Hai, but it won't just give up so easily. Ancestral dragon veins, it is not completely out of chance.

However, in order to obtain the Ancestral Dragon Veins, you need to improve your combat power. Huo Hai shook his head. When he was reading the ancient books, he found some Ancestral Dragon Veins. Most of the Ancestral Dragon Veins in the central area were taken over by the dragons. But in fact, there are still some Ancestral Dragon Veins that are outside. Needless to say, those top sects definitely exist.

But Huo Hai’s current strength, not to mention the top sects, is those hidden powers, Huo Hai dare not provoke casually, but there are some more special places, Huo Hai narrowed his eyes and chose the position of his hands. .

But to do something, you still need to prepare. For the time being, let's restore the injury first, and then forcefully interrupt the fusion. This injury is not easy. With Huo Hai's ability, it will take about a month to recover.

Fortunately, my inner world and origin have not suffered the slightest injury. It is safe to have the star wall. Never worry that my inner world will be easily injured. I don’t know what the star wall is made of, or is simply born. , This thing is used to suppress one's inner world, which can raise the inner world to a terrifying level.

At the beginning, Huo Hai thought that after he reached the spiritual sage, the star stone wall would be able to see the limit, but he did not expect that now, the star stone wall still can't see the edge. It seems that this star stone wall is even more advanced than he thought.

A month later, Huo Hai's injury slowly recovered, and the whole person reached the peak again. Huo Hai did not get up, but began to condense the seeds of his own war spirit art. Originally, Huo Hai had already condensed it to the extreme.

But after the two laws reached their limits and then merged, Huo Hai suddenly felt that this extreme seemed to be loose again, and he could go further. Thinking of this, Huo Hai would naturally continue to condense.

Originally there was a silver-white sword, but under Huo Hai’s condensation, it completely turned purple. The original silver-white stars in the sky, after re-condensing, turned into purple stars. Everything in the inner world, Because of the newly formed laws and spiritual power, they began to move closer to purple, and even the color of the Star Soul Yin began to change.

The change of color represents the erosion and spread of the power of the law, allowing people to see more intuitively that Huo Hai's own spiritual power and quality are constantly improving. This is a qualitative change, and there is a faint feeling of being close to the law.

The change is not great, but the impact on Huo Hai is very huge. At this time, Huo Hai can easily feel that the power of his own law power has increased a lot, and his combat effectiveness has risen a lot.

If once again encounter the melee of the beast of the law, Huo Hai can even rely on his own strength to block all attacks and escape without the help of spirit worms, and he will not necessarily be injured.

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