Evil Insect God

Chapter 1662: Reclusive

His own strength has reached the extreme once again, and it can be improved again under the state that has reached the peak. This is what Huo Hai did not think about. Perhaps this is the benefit of the law of fusion.

The two laws have merged into one. From the perspective of the law, oneself is still just a power of law. Then Huo Hai does not know, and no one knows where the power of the previous law has reached. Now, in Huo Hai’s heart There is a bit of speculation, maybe these forces have already settled down, waiting for future outbreaks.

Huo Hai didn't know exactly what was going on. After all, he hadn't reached that level, and no one understood what was going on. Since it was good, then he couldn't give up the Law of Dragon.

Next, Huo Hai did not set off immediately, but wanted to practice the recluse method. Huo Hai himself did not know what was going on with this recluse method. The secret method he obtained earlier was just three things for casual cultivation. .

From the souls of these three people, Huo Hai learned that these three people were found in an abandoned ruin, but they didn’t know what level the ruins were, after all, when they got the things. , The three of them are only in the realm of the Spirit King, which is not even cannon fodder in the Heavenly Spirit Realm.

However, being able to use it all the way to the realm of the Spirit Saint is enough to prove the special features of this war spirit art, and Huo Hai also knows that these three people have not cultivated it to the extreme at all, and this is also obtained from their souls. Known.

"It's such a complicated and strange rune. It seems to be related to many laws, but it doesn't feel like a piece of cake. Instead, it gives people a very mysterious feeling." Huo Hai frowned, wondering what this thing was about. Going on.

Even with Huo Hai’s current level of spiritual formation runes, coupled with his own terrifying perception, and with the help of Star Cliff, Huo Hai still has no way of transforming these runes at all. Huo Hai understands these runes at this time. The law is probably an item of the spiritual **** realm, if it is at the spiritual sage level, it is impossible for oneself to be unable to see through it at all.

When the three hunters were cultivating, they only practiced slowly step by step. Because the level was too low when they were cultivating, the integration of rune descriptions was not perfect, resulting in wasted a lot of space and unable to reach Consummation.

But Huo Hai is different. Although Huo Hai's rune level can't figure out what these things are, Huo Hai can still easily arrange them perfectly. Runes need to be portrayed in the eyes, so they can't be careless.

Along the eyes, these runes can make three laps in total. That is to say, after three laps are actually completed, you can reach the peak. The previous three guys, let alone three laps, didn’t even make a complete lap. Qi, it's just that the two are not very complete, and as a result, Huo Hai can stand in front of him, and none of them can feel the existence of the three.

After studying for a whole week, Huo Hai slowly calculated everything to be perfect, and then Huo Hai began to describe it.

First of all, it is to condense one's own spiritual power, and then to integrate the power of law. This power of law is not its own law, but a purely natural law power without any law attributes.

This is also not difficult for Huo Hai. He quickly prepared a lot of Heaven-removing Pills, and directly extracted the most pure law power from the Heaven-Removing Pills. This is enough, and this power itself has reached the holy level. The strength of the law.

Huo Hai carefully integrated it into his mental power, did not absorb it, only merged, and then Huo Hai spotted the reference point and slowly described it in his own eyes. This kind of rune, although It is portrayed in the eyes, but in fact it has no contact with the eyes at all, and it is not portrayed in the eyes at all.

This is only portrayed with the help of the space where the eyes are. Once the portrayal is successful, the thing itself is actually linked to the soul. As Huo Hai's first shot was portrayed, a severe pain burst out.

Huo Hai gritted his teeth and forcibly resisted the pain. This pain was not only the pain on the eyes, but also the pain on the soul. No wonder this thing ordinary people can't practice casually, this kind of pain is not something ordinary people can resist.

Had it not been for Huo Hai’s strong soul, and replaced by a person with a weaker soul, it would not be impossible for the soul to collapse directly because of pain. Huo Hai has experienced various pains, and this pain can still be tolerated. The average person is in this way. In the pain, as long as there is a little error, it will cause permanent errors in the rune.

Although it will not be a waste of previous work, but like the previous three guys, it will cause permanent damage to the rune, unable to reach Consummation, and once portrayed, it can no longer be changed, wrong is wrong, and even other pupil skills cannot be practiced .

With such a clever secret method, Huo Hai didn’t want to be as violent as those three guys, and forcibly resisted this pain. Huo Hai moved his mental power bit by bit along the route that he had calculated before, slowly in his eyes. To portray runes, if someone is in front of Huo Hai, he will definitely be able to see Huo Hai’s eyes gleaming with strange light.

Perhaps because Huo Hai's soul is transparent and has no color, this light is also colorless, so weird, I don't know how long it has passed, it seems to be a year, and it seems to be a hundred years.

In this pain, time seemed to be magnified countless times. After Huo Hai finished his last stroke, he jumped up from where he was sitting, quickly closed his eyes, and rubbed it with his hands. After a long time, this Then he put his hand down, "This kind of cultivation method is simply self-harm. I really don't know who came up with it."

Huo Hai opened his eyes. At this time, the first round of runes had been completed. After two laps, Huo Hai found that his power seemed insufficient. If he could not complete it at once, this kind of rune ring might leave hidden dangers. .

As Huo Hai opened his eyes, a brilliant light flashed away, and then Huo Hai realized that what he saw seemed a little different. When he concentrated, Huo Hai found that all the scenery in front of him had changed.

In the void, it seems that there are countless weird rune lines drifting by, and there is no conflict with the person itself, but it seems that there is something in it, "This, is this the law between heaven and earth, the law gathers energy and gathers to form matter, this Is the statement true?" Huo Hai felt a little incredible, even his own worldview had changed.

Comparing with the normal scenery that I saw, it seemed that everything and everything had a law. This was from the root, and everything also had a law. Huo Hai looked at himself and the same.

However, because of his strong cultivation base and possessing his own laws, when Huo Hai looked at him, he found that he was almost a human figure made up of purple lines. What was in his body was invisible.

It seems that this method of retreat has its limits. Looking around, Huo Hai feels that he can see the power of the law of the origin of heaven and earth. Through these powers, perhaps it will be easier to comprehend and condense the law in the future. Where is this? What kind of reclusiveness, this is simply the eye of the law, Huo Hai now understands the true value of reclusiveness.

The method of hiding oneself and sealing each other is nothing but a very practical technique. The real value is these eyes. There is no such thing in the memory of the three hunters.

Huo Hai guessed in his heart that perhaps it was to describe the rune circle completely in order to make this happen. These three guys are completely abandoning the original, and it is really a waste of such a good thing to fall into their hands.

If these eyes can be condensed in the realm of Spiritual Sovereign, Huo Hai is sure that anyone on the condensed law of aura will be more smooth and natural, and even at the realm of Spiritual Sage, they will definitely not encounter too many bottlenecks. With just this pair of fish eyes, Huo Hai is sure that this recluse has reached the level of the god-level war spirit art, and the level is still very high.

Afterwards, Huo Hai retracted his gaze. He had reached the limit at this time. Even if he could see the law, it was not of much use. Simply, these things will be studied slowly in the future. What Huo Hai has to do now is to practice seclusion. law.

As long as the rune circle in the eyes is depicted intact, then everything is much easier. Cooperating with the concealment of these eyes is just a skill, in fact, it is really easy to learn.

With the abilities of those three guys, it can be easily learned, not to mention Huo Hai’s insight. Using the law patterns seen by the eyes, adjust the breath of one's own laws, and use the breath to imitate the surrounding laws. If the law can be matched, you can hide yourself, and the three people can completely hide their eyes if they are not perfect. Huo Hai naturally does better.

When fully integrated into the surrounding legal environment, Huo Hai discovered that even Huo Hai himself could not feel where he was. If he hadn't been sure of his existence, Huo Hai would even think that he did not exist at this moment.

Of course, this is just a feeling. Huo Hai can even hide it from himself, let alone other people. At the beginning, Huo Hai was a little uncomfortable, moving while imitating, his speed was not very fast. , But with Huo Hai's adaptation, Huo Hai's own speed slowly increased, faster and faster.

After fully adapting, Huo Hai was even able to burst out his full speed.

Not only speed, even a sneak attack is possible, but Huo Haiwan can burst out his own power as soon as he approaches the opponent. At this time, even if the opponent reacts, it may not be too late.

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