Evil Insect God

Chapter 1663: Hidden Dragon Mountain

Huo Hai didn't know if the previous three guys were able to maximize their speed, but Huo Hai could. This reclusive ability was really terrifying, and Huo Hai couldn't imagine it.

Recluse is definitely created by a spiritual master. He doesn't have a deep understanding of the law. You don't even want to create such a terrifying ability. You must know that at low levels, you can only rely on imitating aura, but once you reach the sky After level, you can imitate the aura of the law, this time, it is truly seamless.

Huo Hai believed that as long as he cultivated to the extreme, even a spiritual master would not even want to find himself, but it was a pity that Huo Hai's current strength was not enough, and he could only imitate the laws of heaven and earth to a certain extent.

If you don't reach the realm of spirit gods, you don't want to completely imitate this breath, but these are nothing, and what Huo Hai will cultivate afterwards is another technique, a technique that can seal all the abilities of the opponent.

That’s right, it’s the seal. Huo Hai didn’t know much about it before, but when he really completed the Eye of the Law, Huo Hai understood that, with the ability of the eye, he would mobilize the power of the laws of the world around him and combine these special runes. Directly mobilized through mental power, so that a powerful law yoke can be formed.

The shackles of this law, facing those whose strength is far less than their own, can even directly seal them, making them unable to exert their abilities. Unfortunately, now Huo Hai can only seal a normal Heavenly Spirit Saint at best.

When you reach the level of your own, using this sealing ability is useless. This is mainly because you don't have a good understanding of this sealing method. If you become proficient in the future, I believe it will be useful for experts of the same level.

In fact, Huo Hai doesn’t like this troublesome way of fighting, but it doesn’t mean it’s not easy to use. A dragon power and a seal can reduce the combat effectiveness of the peak twelve heavenly masters at least by more than half, even this This ability is not a single unit. Both of these abilities can be used for group attacks, and they can be used together with infinite power.

After mastering these two powers, Huo Hai is not afraid of a group attack at least without a master far surpassing him. For a master far surpassing himself, this kind of seal is ineffective, not as good as the dragon. Wei.

But for those who are not as good as themselves, the effect of this seal is much stronger than Longwei. Of course, what Huo Hai values ​​most is not the ability to seal the enemy's strength, but this method, which can seal all power.

While attacking, spread this sealing ability to the surroundings. After the opponent dies, even if there is a photo of death or something, the radiated power will also be sealed. Taking advantage of this time, Huo Hai can easily control This power was eliminated, so that as long as he was sure to destroy the opponent in the future, Huo Hai didn't need to care who the opponent was.

Thinking of the fact that he did not dare to kill others at the beginning, for fear of being targeted by the top powers, Huo Hai has a anger burning in his heart. Now that he has this, he can finally breathe out, "Ghost medicine gate, hum, you will look good in the future of."

Huo Hai took a deep breath. For the next period of time, he was completely familiar with this ability. In fact, this ability itself is also a kind of war spirit art, but the condensed seed belongs to the spiritual power seed, and it is still in the eye. among.

This time the retreat is not long, and it has not been three months in total. Although there is no breakthrough, Huo Hai still feels that this is greater than his own breakthrough. The breakthrough can be any time. There is no bottleneck for Huo Hai. As far as people are concerned, the opportunity to break through is not so rare. What is really rare is to continue to improve one's cultivation base and foundation before making a breakthrough.

Carefully put away the spirit array he placed, Huo Hai's figure flashed and disappeared into this place. This place is still a place of right and wrong. During this period of time, more and more people come and go here to try luck, and it is easy to provoke. Out of trouble.

"Hidden Dragon Mountain, I don't know which idiot dragon made this." Huo Hai looked at a location on the map. From the data he had collected earlier, Huo Hai could also analyze this place. The number of dragons was very small, so the dragons Many children are actually spoiled and not look like. There are many things like the second generation ancestor in the dragon clan.

Some dragon masters occupied a mountain and named it Hidden Dragon Mountain. Afterwards, these dragons established a club-like place here. These were not Huoguan’s heart, he cared about the dragon veins here.

I don’t know what these dragons think. They actually moved an ancestral dragon vein here. The ancestral dragon vein is not easy to find. The ancestral dragon vein has some very special functions. It is said that low-level people are in the area where the ancestral dragon vein is located. Cultivation will have a particularly solid foundation, which is very important for a force.

Perhaps the dragons don’t value this thing. After all, the transformation of the dragons is very terrifying. Each of the dragon veins is at the level of heaven, and the ancestral dragon veins are not used. Besides, the ancestral dragon veins will be changed after the first transformation. It has never appeared.

In short, no matter what these dragons think, Huo Hai's main goal is this. You know, for a long time, no one in the dragons dared to move randomly, even these ordinary dragons are the same.

As Huo Hai moved forward, he inquired intentionally or unintentionally on the road. This Hidden Dragon Mountain was not a secret place. After all, it was just a meeting place, so Huo Hai could easily find a lot of useful news.

The so-called Hidden Dragon Mountain is actually just a few acquired dragons. The so-called acquired dragons are relative to the innate dragons. The innate dragons are the dragons whose dragon veins are directly transformed. Such dragons are the purest and have the greatest potential.

Those acquired dragon races are the descendants of these innate dragon races. These dragon races also have good strengths, and there are many spiritual saints in them. Unfortunately, I don’t know if it is a congenital problem. These acquired dragons are almost hard to reach the spiritual gods. The realm, at best, is just running in the realm of Spirit Saint, and no one knows the reason.

There are a few Houtian dragon races who are powerful and look down on them, while those who are not strong enough dare not provoke them casually. After all, behind them, there are truly powerful orthodox dragons, so they can always stay here at ease.

But today is different. When Huo Hai inquired that the Dragon Clan gathering here is only the Spirit Saint Fifth and Sixth Heaven at most, Huo Hai decided to do it. As long as he doesn’t kill the Dragon Clan, even if he takes away the Ancestral Dragon Veins, I believe the Dragon Clan. It's just that he hates himself, at least Huo Hai believes that those spiritual masters will not fan out for such a little thing.

Moreover, the dragon clan still needs to investigate. When they find out, they have already become the spirit gods. The spirit gods attach great importance to the ancestral dragon veins, but once they reach the realm of spirit gods, the ancestral dragon veins are actually not that serious.

Anyway, the relationship between the Dragons and themselves has always been bad. They wanted to punish themselves, so they let them come. It happened that after breaking through the spirit god, they also lacked a sharpening stone. With the improvement of strength, Huo Hai's guts It's getting bigger and bigger.

"Go, Hidden Dragon Mountain, I want to see if they have the ability to find me." Huo Hai laughed, and then entered a reclusive state. The law of the whole body and the surroundings are completely integrated, and it is impossible to be People find that something is wrong, maybe the spiritual **** master can still see a little problem, people in the spiritual holy realm, then don't even think about it.

Three days later, Huo Hai approached the Yinlong Mountain cautiously. It was really strong here that the dragon spirit was very strong. Huo Hai walked all the way and found some more special abilities for hiding himself. This thing is not just for viewing the law.

Many things that are inconsistent with the law can also be seen here. For example, these spirit array patterns in front of Huo Hai, as well as the laws and spiritual power driven by the spirit array, at this time, in Huo Hai’s eyes, these are all So clear.

"It deserves to be a meeting place for the dragon race. This kind of spirit formation is more brilliant than my own, but it won't be anymore." Huo Hai nodded, giving high praise to this kind of spirit formation. There are not many flaws that can be seen, but as long as there are flaws, Huo Hai at this time can easily penetrate through it.

Huo Hai’s own spiritual formation had many flaws in the past. After all, Huo Hai could not directly see the subtleties of his own spiritual formation, but now it’s different with these eyes. It’s definitely not too great to match the spirit formation. difference.

Going back to study and research, Huo Hai can be sure that his spiritual formation level will definitely be higher, and when Huo Hai uses the Shen Fa, he gradually has a higher level of understanding of his own Shen Fa, and he walks out every step of the way. , It will almost trigger the surrounding laws. Later, every step can step on the special nodes of the laws.

It is precisely because of this that Huo Hai's speed can reach this level. It seems that the so-called spiritual array nodes are the nodes of the power of the natural laws of heaven and earth, and the spiritual arrays are nothing more than to change and fix these law nodes.

For the deeper things, Huo Hai didn't understand for the time being, or even imagined that it would take time to slowly settle. In short, the recluse was given to three unintelligible hunters, which, in Huo Hai's view, was a waste.

"Hey, there are still venerable and holy dragon veins here. It's really extravagant." When Huo Hai approached the periphery of Yinlong Mountain, he found that the whole place was actually a big formation, and the base of the big formation was completely dragon veins. , There are eighty-one dragon veins at the honorary level, and nine at the saint level. They are entangled with each other to form a terrifying spiritual formation.

It seems that the energy of the people behind here is not small, otherwise, how could the dragons let them use their dragon veins to mess around randomly, but it is a pity that most of the dragon veins here are variegated, that is, the kind of dragon veins formed by the influence of the dragon .

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