Evil Insect God

Chapter 1664: Origin Dacheng

Huo Hai didn't bother to take care of the Dragon Clan's own affairs. Speaking of which, there are quite a few dragon veins in the central area. Although most of them were formed due to the influence of the dragon clan, there are too many dragons in the central area.

Huo Hai also heard recently that this dragon clan seems to be doing the dragon vein business very often, using the dragon clan’s own breath to influence the earth veins, eventually forming the dragon veins, and then selling them under seal. This kind of business is said to be doing very well. After all, those are dragon veins, and each one has a huge effect. For ordinary people, the effect of this kind of dragon vein is better than natural ones.

Natural dragon veins are qualified to become dragon veins. This kind of dragon veins influenced by the aura of the dragon clan is not so easy to transform. Otherwise, how could the dragon clan sell them casually, but these dragon veins have different effects.

For example, dragon veins formed under the influence of the water attribute dragon breath will have a large area of ​​blue in themselves. These are not as simple as simple colors. This is a manifestation of water attributes.

Dragon veins affect the formation of spiritual power. Dragon veins with water attribute breath will produce a large part of water attribute spiritual power. For those sects who practice water attribute, the effect is very good. As for these dragon veins, they are good. Bad, who can tell this clearly, anyway, Huo Hai has never heard of the dragon veins of the star attribute.

What Huo Hai needs is the purest species, not others. Huo Hai cautiously bypassed the spiritual formation in front, and then entered it. Huo Hai himself possesses the law of dragons and can imitate the aura of dragons.

Coupled with the effect of recluse, the spirit array here did not find Huo Hai, and even the dragon veins and masters here did not find traces of Huo Hai. "Hey, there are not only dragons here." Huo Hai suddenly noticed. The crowd not far away.

The people here are gathering together, but different from ordinary gatherings, not only eating and drinking, there are also many games that Huo Hai does not recognize, but these games have one characteristic, that is, they test their spiritual control and other In terms of spiritual power use, if the cultivation level is not enough, these games can't even be played.

Of course, these are not what Huo Hai should pay attention to. Huo Hai discovered that the people here are not only the dragons. The table that Huo Hai saw was actually humans and transformed spirit beasts, including one No dragons and beasts exist.

Also, the number of dragons is already very scarce. Naturally, it is impossible to be everywhere. This place may also be an industry of those dragons. Forget it, take care of so many things and move on.

The dragon veins here are not just as simple as the foundation of a spiritual formation. The same many dragon veins together can produce huge dragon energy. It is a good place for dragons to cultivate. Unfortunately, there are too few dragons here. Dragon Qi seemed a bit redundant, it seemed that it was only used to show identity, Huo Hai shook his head to express disdain.

"The spirit array here is really tight. If I don't learn to hide, I'm afraid I won't be able to get in." Huo Hai looked at the complex spirit array in front of him, and suddenly had a headache. The spirit array patterns here are dense and complex.

The power contained in it is even more varied and weird. The master who arranges this spirit formation is definitely a brilliant formation spiritist, because many of the techniques can only be used by the formation spiritist, even if Huo Hai uses them. Does not come out.

With these techniques, the entire spirit formation has been taken to the next level. The outer layer is specially used for warning, and the inner spirit formation has a powerful attack ability. This attack ability is still nurtured by absorbing the breath of Ancestral Dragon Vein. Yes, even Huo Hai, if attacked by this spirit formation, I am afraid that he will be seriously injured, and even death on the spot is not impossible.

The power aura contained in the Ancestral Dragon Veins already possesses some of the characteristics of the spirit gods. After all, this is an Ancestral Dragon Vein. Once it has the opportunity to transform, as soon as it appears, it will directly be a dragon in the realm of Spirit God.

Now Huo Hai has special rune eyes cultivated in recluse, and he can see all the auras of the law, not to mention the spirit array patterns here. According to the change of the law and aura here, Huo Hai slowly deduced the calculation.

After five full days, Huo Hai let out a sigh of relief, "I finally figured out the laws of this spirit formation. It's really complicated and changeable." Huo Hai's eyes flickered. Speaking of which, these five days can help Huo Hai Tired enough, especially the spirit, it consumes a lot, if there is no secret method of hiding, Huo Hai believes that he will never break through this spiritual circle.

For the maintenance of the Ancestral Dragon Vessel, the Dragon Clan did a very good job. Huo Hai didn't do it right away, but closed his eyes and started to rest. A day later, Huo Hai's spirit was restored to its peak again and he could do it.

With a move in his heart, Huo Hai immediately used his spiritual power to compress his body, compressing his body to the size of the original palm. With the improvement of his cultivation, it became easier to use this technique.

Huo Hai did not pay attention to other things either. The time for himself to compress his body is limited. After all, Huo Hai has not learned the brilliant transformation skills. This is just summed up from some common skills. Therefore, the maintenance time will not be too long, and he has seen the spirit The law of the formation, Huo Hai's figure flashed, he entered the barrier of the spirit formation from a gap, and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

With the ability of Seclusion to imitate the surrounding breath, Huo Hai imitated the lawful breath driven by the spirit formation while moving quickly along the gap, with a high concentration of energy. At this time, Huo Hai did not dare to be careless.

I don't know how long it has passed, Huo Hai suddenly felt that the pressure in front of him became even greater. Huo Hai knew that he had passed the alert layer and entered the defense layer. From here, the real danger had arrived.

Huo Hai did not hesitate, and at this time, he could not tolerate the slightest hesitation. Along the gap that was calculated long ago, Huo Hai continued to move fast. The spirit array behind this was more complex and exquisite, so Huo Hai moved faster. Sometimes , Huo Hai is like a high-speed rotating electric saw, every gear is so precise, no error is allowed.

When Huo Hai felt the changes in the surrounding environment again, he breathed a sigh of relief and finally came in. Huo Hai wiped the cold sweat from his head and slowly returned to his normal size.

The time just wasn’t very long, but Huo Hai’s mental power was once again consumed more than half, and his own spiritual power consumption was not small. This spiritual formation was really not easy. Fortunately, he finally entered the interior, and then there was nothing. It's dangerous.

Walking to the front, Huo Hai smiled slightly: "This is the Ancestral Dragon Vein, it's really strong, hey, this thing doesn't seem to be sealed." Huo Hai finally discovered that the Ancestral Dragon Vein seemed to be supported in this place, and It is not sealed in this place, and some special things that Ancestral Dragon Veins like are often thrown down and let them enjoy.

This naturally formed Ancestral Dragon Vein really has a very high status among the Dragon Clan. I am afraid that many dragons do not have this kind of treatment. Perhaps the Dragon Clan has already regarded these Ancestral Dragon Veins as their own clan.

Looking at the surrounding environment, Huo Hai had some guesses in his heart. This ancestral dragon vein may not have been transferred from other places, but was originally conceived from this earth vein. "Could it be that the second generation ancestors of those dragons are just A guise, the real role of this place is actually to protect the ancestral dragon veins."

Huo Hai guessed right. In fact, the dragons have always wanted to cultivate a real ancestral dragon, which is the direct transformation of ancestral dragon veins. Once this kind of dragon is born, it is born a spiritual god, and it will not take long to reach the peak of the spiritual god.

At that time, the strength of their dragon clan will increase thousands of times, and it is not impossible to directly surpass the sky tower, but the dragon clan has not succeeded all the time, and this place is just a test site.

Huo Hai doesn’t care about other things. Because this Ancestral Dragon Vein has been offered for too long, he has lost his vigilance. Huo Hai exudes a little dragon energy. This Ancestral Dragon Vein ignored Huo Hai, and Huo Hai took advantage of it. This opportunity is to create a spirit formation again within the original spirit formation, which can isolate the breath, defend, and seal.

After the spirit formation was set up, a ray of light was born in the void, directly confining the original Ancestral Dragon Veins in place. The Ancestral Dragon Veins were struggling desperately when they discovered that they were wrong, but found that they had no chance to struggle at this time.

There is no thought, only the instinct of Ancestral Dragon Veins, it is not easy to be able to do this step, "Huh, anyway, if the Dragon Race wants Ancestral Dragon Veins, it is of no use, it is better to give it to me." Huo Hai said as he put his palm on the palm. The head of the Zulong Vessel.

Then, at the source of the inner world, a strong suction was generated. The power of the Ancestral Dragon Vein, under this suction, there was no resistance at all. The dragon energy was constantly being crushed and then absorbed, but the Ancestral Dragon Vein was the ancestor. The dragon veins were still unusual, and Huo Hai discovered that his nine dragon shadows were turbulent at the same time, so that he could barely pull part of his strength.

Even so, the power of the Ancestral Dragon Vein is still not so easy to absorb. What's more, this Ancestral Dragon Vein originally contains a very powerful law of dragons. With the absorption, the power of Huo Hai's origin becomes stronger and stronger.

There were still some signs of insects, but slowly began to change, and finally disappeared without a trace. Originally, Huo Hai felt the power of the law of dragon that seemed to have reached perfection, and began to continuously improve, and the original light became more and more. Strong.

This absorption lasted a full month. Fortunately, for this month, no one came down to check it. Huo Hai was very grateful, and at the same time, he was afraid. He never thought that the strength of the Ancestral Dragon Veins was so strong. , His nine dragon shadows were all integrated into the origin, and the aura of the origin was instantly complete and reached the extreme.

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