Evil Insect God

Chapter 1665: Great upheaval

The original aura finally reached completion, and the law of the dragon was not what it used to be. With the help of the ancestral dragon veins, such a law of the dragon could be considered to be the ultimate, as long as Huo Hai was willing, he could merge at any time.

But this place is obviously not a good place for cultivation, but at this time, the last ray of dragon energy dissipated, and without the help of the ancestral dragon veins, the surrounding forces began to collapse, and the entire array lost its center. It is impossible to continue to exist, if you continue to stay here, it will be easy to be discovered.

It just didn't wait until Huo Hai left. Suddenly, the surrounding defensive spirit formation shattered, and then a terrifying force burst out along with the fragmentation of the spirit formation, "Damn, I didn't expect them to have this method."

Huo Hai's eyes widened. It is indeed not easy to say that this master of arranging the spirit formation is not easy. Anyone who moves the dragon vein will cause the collapse of the spirit formation here, but the first time the spirit formation collapses, it is to completely shatter it.

Huo Hai didn't have any consciousness before. Who would have thought that this dragon clan would be so insidious. Had it not been for the protection of the spirit formations he had previously arranged to seal the dragon veins, Huo Hai would have been involved in it before he could react.

Even so, Huo Hai is still very annoyed. Thinking about it, he was really dangerous before, because the dragon veins had not been active before he could insist on completely swallowing and absorbing it. Otherwise, he might be the first time he moved the dragon veins. This spirit formation will launch an attack, and whether the dragon vein will destroy Huo Hai is not known, but he will definitely not have a good result.

"Damn dragons, I'm endless with you." Huo Hai's heart moved, and the whole person entered a reclusive state, because only in this state can Huo Hai avoid the surrounding attacks. Now the surrounding aura is scattered.

But anyway, as long as it escapes along the safer lines, it is nothing. Huo Hai reduces his body with all his strength, and then imitates the surrounding breath, while running outside along the breath.

At this moment, these messy auras are constantly impacting inside, and Huo Hai will go up against the current, and he will naturally be impacted. At this time, Huo Hai finally knows some of the shortcomings of Recluse, that is, once the other party knows the specifics. Position, using a powerful and chaotic attack to cover, then even if the recluse practice reaches the advanced stage, it is easy to be injured.

But now I can't manage so much. The surrounding forces are getting more and more violent and stronger. This force, even in its heyday, is absolutely impossible to resist, and this force does not know how long it has been stored.

The combined strength of his own spirit worms is not as good as this strength. Resistance indiscriminately will only kill himself.

At the first moment when the spirit array collapsed, all the people on the entire hidden dragon mountain suddenly reacted, "What's going on, can there be an earthquake here?" A guest stood up and looked around. It shook.

"No, someone sneaked in and moved the Ancestral Dragon Vein here." Finally, a dragon expert remembered this matter, not to mention that this is just a low-level variegated dragon, but its own cultivation base is a spiritual saint. No one dares to underestimate it.

The other dragons who had just come out immediately understood that something was wrong. Those outsiders only regarded this place as a meeting place, but only the senior insiders of the dragons knew that this place was not a meeting place at all. It was a gestational ancestor. The proving ground of the dragon veins, not counting these, even the ancestral dragon veins themselves are very precious.

Staying here all the year round, relying on the aura of the Ancestral Dragon Veins to practice, is very beneficial to them, but once the Ancestral Dragon Vein has a problem, then his sins are also very serious.

In the slightest, they would be imprisoned and imprisoned after they returned. In severe cases, they would even completely abolish their own power, or even be executed directly. Thinking of this, the dragons here felt that the sky had fallen.

Such a big mistake, even the most orthodox dragon royal family, I am afraid it will be difficult to bear. They regret at this time, why did they have to fight for this position at the beginning, if they did not come here when they changed shifts this time, they would also I won't encounter this kind of thing anymore, I hope the Ancestral Dragon Vein is still there, otherwise things will really become a big mess.

"Everyone, today someone broke into the hidden dragon mountain and destroyed the Ancestral Dragon Vein here. I hope you can help us find it. After the incident, our dragons will have to thank you." Everyone present also knows the Ancestral Dragon Vein. important.

Although you don’t know why this Ancestral Dragon Vein was placed here, but the Ancestral Dragon Vein has an accident, everyone understands how serious it is. This is a good opportunity. If you can find the thief who dared to do anything, you can definitely use it. The opportunity to make good friends with the Dragon Clan, the Dragon Clan is one of the five clans, and there is no doubt that it is powerful.

"Don't worry, these people dare to make trouble under our noses, that is, they don't give us face, everyone of the same kind, now that the dragon is in trouble, we naturally can't stand by." Everyone nodded after hearing the words.

Even if you don’t want to stay very much, you can’t leave casually at this time. Otherwise, you will leave as soon as an accident occurs. Doesn’t that seem very problematic? Who knows if the dragons will regard themselves as that person in the future? Associates.

At the same time, most of the dragons that were stationed in the air have already risen into the air and turned into prototypes. One by one, four-clawed dragons flew in the air, and some three-clawed dragons were assisted, and many dragons followed.

Some other spirit beast races have also become prototypes at this time. It can be said that they have used their own methods to leave a good impression on the dragons. At this time, Huo Hai finally tried his best to extract from this explosive force. Escaped.

A mouth, a mouthful of blood mixed with internal organs, spewed out, this time the injury was not light, Huo Hai felt pain in his whole body, and even a little weak on his body, this dragon clan’s defensive spirit formation was really terrifying, if it weren’t for his own reclusiveness , Had it not been for the fact that he had rushed through the collapsed area desperately, at this time he would have been killed by this pressure.

Looking back, the mountain where the dragon veins lived behind has collapsed. Under that powerful force, the entire mountain has shattered, and the original stone is slowly being crushed into fine sand.

With such a terrifying force, ten Huo Hai will also die. "Fortunately, this spirit array is aimed at the location of the entire dragon vein, otherwise this time it is really dead." The power is scattered, and there is no escape. opportunity.

Huo Hai waved his hand, and a ball of flame burned the blood and internal organs he spit out, and nothing was left. If he left his own blood, it would be no good to be followed by someone to find him. He finished this carefully. Everything, Huo Hai relieved his heart and felt the aura around him. Huo Hai knew that the Dragon Race had already reacted.

"Hmph, you just want to please the Dragon Clan so much, this time I see how you end up." Huo Hai felt that a lot of auras that did not belong to the Dragon Clan were also flying towards here, and he immediately understood what was going on.

But no matter what, he couldn't stay here anymore. Huo Hai forcibly mobilized his little mental power, and once again relied on the ability of Rune Eye to see through the surrounding law environment, and the whole person entered a reclusive state and escaped.

At this time, because of the collapse of the Ancestral Dragon Vein, all the surrounding spirit arrays collapsed at the same time. At this time, it was not a troublesome thing for Huo Hai to leave here. As long as it was not discovered, there would be no problem.

Huo Hai flew all the way at an ultra-low altitude, and the dragon masters also surrounded the surroundings, constantly searching.

At this moment, a middle-aged man in a golden robe said indifferently: "The things here are not small. You should look for them here first. I want to report this matter as soon as possible. Someone is eyeing our dragon clan. This is not one thing. A good thing." When the other dragons heard the words, their faces were a little ugly, but fortunately they were all dragons now.

"My lord, you have seen everything about today, my lord, please excuse us for one or two." Today they started to come here with a big man. At this time everyone finally remembered that there is such a person here.

Although other people have been looking for possible thieves, they are carefully looking at this place. If there is no one to help, maybe the others will have nothing to do, but they will definitely not end well for these Houtian dragons, and those auxiliary dragons You can imagine how much Yalong will survive, everyone is worried.

The middle-aged man nodded: "No problem, I will report this matter truthfully. It is not easy to be able to steal the Ancestral Dragon Vein under my eyelids." The middle-aged man's eyes glowed with golden light.

This is the Innate Dragon Race. Only the Inborn Dragon Race has such eyes. The eyes of the Inborn Dragon Race can see through the falsehood and can see many things that others can't. People around them suddenly breathed a sigh of relief, too, even this one. I didn't find them, let alone use them. Although they will still be punished after they go back, their lives should be saved.

"Okay, then I'll go first." After speaking, this person rose into the air, stepping on a white cloud that did not know when it appeared under his feet. The speed was so fast that it disappeared without a trace in a blink of an eye.

Everyone behind him glanced at each other, and in desperation they could only continue to search, "Quickly, we must find that bastard, so that we can make up for it, otherwise we will not end well." The scene was busy again.

On the other side, the middle-aged man who left shortly after his departure suddenly changed his direction: "Hehe, what a bunch of idiots, will the thief stay here after he escaped? Maybe, I also want to thank you."

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