Evil Insect God

Chapter 1672: Was discovered

With the strength of the spirit and **** realm, the speed of collecting debris is simply not comparable to other people. A large number of debris is continuously being collected by Huo Hai, and various law debris is rapidly enriched.

Now, not only are the law fragments required by Huo Hai’s spirit worms to advance, even if they return home in the future, there is absolutely no shortage of law fragments needed by those people in the house. Such a huge law fragment, even It is a spiritual **** master who will also be moved, I am afraid that, except for a few very powerful forces, most forces do not have so many law fragments.

The law fragment is not a permanent thing, it is also a consumable, which Huo Hai naturally knows.

During this period of time, Huo Hai himself was also deducing the refining method of the God-level Heaven-Scuffing Pill. Generally speaking, the method should not be too different, but the law of absorption and guidance is more advanced, and the materials used have also become law fragments. That's it.

After Huo Hai’s continuous research and study, it can be considered that there is a little result now. Huo Hai believes that as long as this kind of heaven-removing pill appears, then his cultivation speed will never be slow in the future. Huo Hai is completely different from other spiritual gods. of.

Other spirits need to understand and find their own path before the source of the law can improve. Huo Hai’s path has been completely determined and he doesn’t even need to understand. Therefore, knowing that there is sufficient law power to help, he can naturally improve. , It’s just that those Heaven-removing Pills used by the Saint-Level before, the rule level is too low, it is no longer helpful to him.

After two months, at least half of the law beasts in the entire secret realm died in Huo Hai's hands, plus those law fragments that were not bred to become law beasts, Huo Hai wiped out more than half of the law secret realm.

I don't know how long it will take for this original secret realm to return to its original condition in the future, but it doesn't matter, anyway, it doesn't make much difference for those who come in to hunt the beasts of the law.

The most is that they will encounter less beasts, but it is safer for them. Not all people are the same as Huo Hai. No matter what kind of beasts they encounter, they will directly kill them. If they continue to hunt, Huo Hai was worried that he would be found out. Once he reached this point, what he had to do was basically completed.

"It's time to leave." Huo Hai thought for a while, his own spiritual power was shocked, and the light that was originally bound to the surroundings suddenly dissipated. After that, Huo Hai withdrew his spiritual power and no longer resisted the repulsive one. power.

At the next moment, Huo Hai returned to the entrance again. No one knew. Huo Hai had only entered for a few months. "Hello, please turn in the fragments of the law." A voice sounded in Huo Hai's ear.

Huo Hai nodded and didn't say anything. Just like last time, he took out a box with ten fragments of laws placed in a mess. Everything is the same as before, and the person in front of him did not notice that there was any. What's wrong, after the law fragments were enough, this person didn't care about Huo Hai's meaning at all.

Huo Hai wandered around in Fang City for a few times, no different from ordinary people, and then left from Fang City and flew towards the distance at the speed of a normal Eleventh Heaven master. Everything was so secret.

However, at this time, Huo Hai was always a little impatient, because after he came out, Huo Hai felt as if he was being targeted by something, but with Huo Hai's strength, he did not find the position of the opponent.

"Who is it that has such a high hiding power?" Huo Hai has reached the realm of spirit gods at this time, and he also has the special ability of recluse. Normal people can't hide in front of them at all. They dare to keep up with themselves, for sure. They are all spiritual saint level people, Huo Hai thought from the beginning that maybe someone wanted to **** the law fragments from his body.

But I didn’t realize this. Could this person’s level of hiding be so high? In this case, maybe I can get a more clever means of hiding. It’s not easy to be able to hide in front of the spiritual masters. .

Thinking of this, Huo Hai quickly flew towards some remote places. It didn’t take long before Huo Hai appeared over a huge lake. Huo Hai had already felt this lake, including a high-level one. There are no fierce beasts, even in the central area, there are many such desolate and unpopulated places, and even more.

"I don't know who is following, let's come out and talk." Huo Hai has never known who is following him, but Huo Hai's own perception is very powerful, and he believes that someone is hiding in the dark.

After a long time, an old voice slowly sounded: "Hahahaha, I didn't expect this to be discovered, old man Yun Liao, as the guard of the secret realm, the little friend did too much this time." With the old one. In the voice, an old man with white beard and fair hair appeared in front of Huo Hai. It was difficult to feel the aura around the old man.

Some people whose cultivation base is not very high, I am afraid that even if they see the old man, they will subconsciously ignore the past. This sense of existence is really terrifying, even if Huo Hai runs his own recluse, he cannot achieve this effect.

The first time Huo Hai saw this person, he already knew who he was, "It turned out to be Lord Lingshen, I don’t know what this adult is looking for." Huo Hai is very familiar with the breath of this person. This person is the master of the spirit and **** realm who guards the outer secret of the source, his own spirit and **** realm is double heaven, and his strength is unknown.

The old man glanced at Huo Hai indifferently, and then said faintly: "Little friend, the man who doesn’t speak secret words, why I came to you, you should know that the secret realm stipulates that spirits and gods are not allowed to enter. what."

After a pause, the old man stretched out his hand: "Can you take out the things the little friend got in the secret realm." Huo Hai's heart was shaken, he knew that he was exposed this time, and what the old man wanted was his own. Fragments of laws, but these fragments of laws are of great use to oneself, even if they are useless, they are materials for alchemy in the future.

Huo Hai's eyes narrowed slightly: "I don't know how your Excellency discovered me, I think it's not bad to hide it." Huo Hai's aura let go a little, showing that he is indeed a spiritual god, and it has been exposed anyway.

At their level, there is basically no such thing as a hard-headed attitude. If you find it, you will find it. Yun Liao didn't deliberately defrauded himself, so he just let it go.

The old man is not surprised at all: "Your concealment method is indeed very clever. I didn’t even notice the old man, but you were too greedy and killed too many rule beasts. Don’t you know that as long as the rule beast in that secret realm is in a short time If you die within 20%, we will discover what happened, let alone you wiped it out by half."

Huo Hai was taken aback for a moment, and then understood that those in the secret realm did not find that it was wrong, but the secret realm itself was different. Such a big change would be strange if the spiritual formation that enveloped the secret realm didn't feel anything.

I am careless, I am still careless. It seems that after breaking through the spirit god, I am still a little complacent with myself. Every time I break through, I will always feel this way.

The reason why they did not trouble themselves on the spot, on the one hand, they should not want the original secret realm to suffer too much damage. After all, that place is also a mining area where the law fragments are produced. On the other hand, they should want to solve this matter secretly. , I don't want to cause too much influence on the secret realm, nothing more.

Besides, being able to do this kind of thing, you don’t know anything, most of them are spirit gods who have just broken through. Such spirit gods are nothing in Yun Liao’s eyes. He is a master of the second heaven of spirit gods. .

Let alone a person who has just entered the Spirit God and has not yet been completely stabilized, even if he has stabilized for a whole day, he is not his opponent. The gap in the Spirit God realm is really too big, so many law fragments, although for the Spirit God It is not very useful in itself, but if it can be placed in its own sect, it can also bring great benefits to the younger generation.

Therefore, such a large fortune can not be taken by Huo Hai casually. It is only a new spirit god. If you offend it, you will offend it. If you can do this kind of thing, you don’t know any rules. It’s definitely not the top level. Dazongmen origin.

Now that he has been discovered, let's fight a good fight. It just happens that Huo Hai is not very familiar with the battle of the spirit **** realm. Besides, even if he can't win Huo Hai, he is not afraid. Huo Hai believes that he can still escape easily.

"How is my little friend thinking? Those fragments of the law are of no use to the little friend. It's better to hand it over and be a friend." Hearing this, Huo Hai's heart was full of resentment, you don't want to It broke the rules and couldn't enter casually. As a result, Huo Hai spent a few months on himself, and then brought out the fragments of the laws inside.

These guys really dare to think about such a good thing. Don't say that these things are useful. Even if they are really useless, Huo Hai's temper will come up and he will not care about it. "If you want something, it depends on whether you have that ability. "

Huo Hai’s words made the old man stunned, and then looked at Huo Hai interestingly: "Hahahaha, it is true that a newborn calf is not afraid of tigers, little guy, the path of spirituality is not so easy to walk, if you are not careful, it is easy to die. "In Yun Liao's eyes, Huo Hai is the kind of person who has just broken through, so he doesn't know anything, and he still has many habits of the spiritual sage period.

In the Spirit Sage period, if there is a difference of one or two levels, you can only escape by fighting, but when it comes to the Spirit God, one level difference is a world of difference. Even if you want to escape, you can't do it, let alone resist.

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