Evil Insect God

Chapter 1673: War of spirits

"Little friend, you really don't plan to take it out." After a long time, Yun Liao was also a little impatient. Seeing Huo Hai's appearance, he was still a little eager to try, as if he had never thought of compromise.

Not doing it for many years does not mean that Yun Liao will not do it. Those who can cultivate to the realm of spirit gods will have poor combat power. The soul of the heavenly master has undergone transformation and has been kept at the peak. It is not just that it doesn't care about time.

Even if you don’t do it for tens of thousands of years, these heavenly masters will not be unfamiliar. Their own combat experience and all their combat power will easily exert their peak power. The soul of a heavenly master will not leave time on it. With the slightest trace, it is more capable of resisting the erosion of time than the power of law.

When the old man got angry, the surrounding heaven and earth began to vibrate. Huo Hai clearly saw that from the change of Yun Liao's face, the law of power between the surrounding heaven and earth began to vibrate continuously, and Yun Liao itself also exudes a wave strong power.

The old man’s own legal power seems to be cloud and mist, but it doesn’t seem to be. It should be a very similar power. Before Huo Hai could understand it, the old man said: "Boy, the last chance, do you really plan to hand it over? ."

Huo Hai didn't mean to compromise at all: "Of course, I also want to see what the spiritual gods who have been famous for a long time have what they can do."

Yun Liao was completely irritated this time: "Very well, if you want to see, the old man will let you see clearly." Yun Liao opened his right hand and pushed against Huo Hai. The law and power between heaven and earth changed suddenly. When he got up, Yun Liao used his own power to forcibly mobilize the power of the law between heaven and earth, and even twisted it forcibly with his own power.

In the end, the power of these laws all became completely consistent with the power of the old man's own laws, and he was able to change the laws of heaven and earth into the laws he needed out of thin air. This ability to change the laws was only available to the spirits.

It turns out that this is the real fighting method of the spiritual masters. Huo Hai looked relaxed and happy. Although he also has this ability, Huo Hai has never considered this aspect. From the beginning to the present, Huo Hai has always been Use your own power.

It’s too late to think, because the old man’s push, a white cloud has condensed into a sphere, and it comes to Huo Hai’s side with terrifying power. Because the distance is too close, Huo Hai can’t even dodge in time. , Can only hold up with both hands, resisting the ball, the huge spiritual power, constantly rolling in Huo Hai's body.

The purple-golden spiritual power flickered in Huo Hai’s hands. Huo Hai tried his best and kept moving, and finally turned the whole sphere up, "Open it to me." With the rotation, Huo Hai finally caught A chance.

With the burst of power from both hands, the entire ball was thrown into the air. Wherever the ball passed, even the power of the law was shattered. At this time, Huo Hai's hands trembled, and the force of the strike just now was really strong. so horrible.

"It's no wonder that I dare to talk to the old man like this. It turns out that I have two tricks." Although Yun Liao has just used his own hand to strike, in fact, Yun Liao has already used 80% of his power. At their level, except for some special war spirits, he can play easily It is enough to show Huo Hai's terrifying strength that he can resist all his combat power.

Yun Liao has already noticed that Huo Hai may have just stabilized in the first layer of heaven, and there are many shortcomings. If it is completely stabilized, the combat effectiveness will definitely be higher. Where did this kid come out.

"Very well, come and go without being indecent, you also take my trick." Huo Hai squeezed his hands, handprints were printed, and then the star line rotated, and a spirit formation appeared in front of Huo Hai at the same time, spells and spirit formations, A sword gas was issued by Huo Hai.

The purple-golden sword energy swelled against the wind, and quickly reached the thickness of the bucket. The terrifying sword energy instantly reached Yun Liao's face. Upon seeing this, Yun Liao raised his right hand and a cloud of white cloud condensed. The power of's is very similar to Xiaoyun's. Before Huo Hai wanted to understand, the cloud had condensed into a disc, and then it shook.

When his sword aura hits the disc, he was immediately resisted. With every vibration of the disc, his sword aura would be weakened a bit. In just an instant, the disc vibrated thousands of times.

After thousands of times of weakening, Huo Hai’s sword aura has become illusory and transparent. At the last shock, the purple-golden sword aura was directly turned into fragments. He hit Huo Hai and the old man pushed the disc once again. It became a round ball, followed closely behind, but this time the ball was constantly spinning, and the attack power was obviously much stronger than before.

When Huo Hai saw this, his heart was even more shocked. There was never a time when he was suppressed like this during a battle. Huo Hai kept his fingerprints and once again issued a sword aura. After the sword aura was blessed by the spirit formation, it became powerful. Become bigger.

A large number of sword aura fragments came over, but after encountering Huo Hai’s sword aura, he quickly merged in and strengthened Huo Hai’s sword aura. At this moment, Huo Hai suddenly thought of something, "By the way, he can do it, I Why not."

Huo Hai’s eyes gradually glowed. At this time, his sword aura was under Huo Hai’s control, and he began to slowly communicate with the laws around him. Some laws were forcibly mobilized. This is very easy, just to transform them into the same as themselves. The law is more troublesome. Huo Hai tried various methods and finally managed to transform some.

These methods were almost all used by Huo Hai in an instant, so at this time the sword energy had just touched the opponent's ball. Unfortunately, there was no time. Up to now, Huo Hai could only transform these rules.

"Boom" Jian Qi collided with the ball. After a stalemate for a while, it suddenly exploded. There was nothing wrong with the two people in the air, but the water in the huge lake below had been completely evaporated, and there was a large area around. Even if the grass did not grow, even the entire ground had dropped several meters in height due to this blow.

The spirit **** is the spirit god, and the fighting ability is no longer what this world can easily bear. Under normal circumstances, the spirit **** masters rarely do it. It is precisely for this reason, although the spirit **** has control over his spiritual power Both are very high.

But sometimes, once the aftermath erupts, it is easy to cause huge losses. If there are younger generations around, it is easier to bury them all, even if the spiritual masters want to do it, they are generally in the original secret realm.

Of course it is not the fragile secret realm that Huo Hai knows. Most of the original secret realms are very strong. The spiritual masters fight inside, and it is difficult for them to cause too much damage to the original secret. They will do their best to fight the opponent's moves. At the same time, the shock in Huo Hai's heart can be imagined at this time. When he reached the realm of spirits and gods, there was a huge difference between each level.

In fact, what Huo Hai didn't know was that Yun Liao was even more shocked than Huo Hai. There was never any saying that the spirit **** level had leapfrogged to challenge him, and even if he escaped in the hands of a higher level, it was absolutely impossible.

Generally speaking, the spirit **** is one level different, and there is no resistance at all. The other party can do whatever he wants, let alone just entering the spirit god, even if it is the peak of the spirit god, don’t want to hold on in your own hands. one move.

But the one in front of me has actually blocked two moves. Even if it is not a leapfrog challenge, this kind of strength is very terrifying. Yun Liao almost thought that the other party was deliberately hiding his breath to make trouble for him, but no matter how you look at it. , Huo Hai is definitely not a veteran spiritual master, what is going on in the end.

"Learning fast." Yun Liao narrowed his eyes. How could he not see Huo Hai's act of mobilizing and transforming the power of the law just now? Obviously, this kid had never thought about it before, and he just learned it with himself.

Yun Liao has only seen this kind of learning ability and comprehension in his life. You must know that in order to be able to transform these laws and powers, he used the power of heaven and earth to strengthen his own attacks, but it took a year or two to complete.

At this moment, Huo Hai was ready for the second attack. In Huo Hai’s eyes, a gleam of light, a transparent long sword formed in front of Huo Hai, Soul Destruction Sword, Huo Hai’s only attack technique capable of reaching the **** level was released. With the previous experience, Huo Hai was much more relaxed this time, and the surrounding laws were quickly mobilized, and then completely transformed.

To achieve the same weight as Yun Liao, Huo Hai is currently unable to do it, I am afraid it will take a while to fully play out, but at this time this blow has reached Huo Hai's current peak.

In the face of this attack, even Yun Liao felt a slight threat: "Huh, there are really two things." Yun Liao's face changed a little, and the kid in front of him was definitely not an ordinary spirit.

Facing this sword, Yun Liao used his full strength for the first time, dancing with his hands, and the white clouds formed a whirlpool, whirlpool after whirlpool, and dozens of whirlpools blocked him in an instant. , The rotation speed and direction of each vortex were different, and the Soul Extinguishing Sword had just entered, as if it had fallen into a quagmire.

One after another vortex was pierced, Huo Hai stared at the front closely, constantly injecting his mental power, but after piercing the last vortex, his soul-killing sword finally couldn't hold on to collapse.

Huo Hai sighed in his heart. He is worthy of being a master of the older generation. If his various Spiritual Warcraft Seeds reach the **** level, there may be another fight, but now, Huo Hai understands that he is definitely not the old guy’s. opponent.

And Yun Liao is not as relaxed as it seems. It seems to be resisted, but in fact he was finally invaded into the Sea of ​​Consciousness by a bit of sword aura. At this moment, Yun Liao was feeling a burst of pain, the injury was not serious, but After all, he was injured.

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