Evil Insect God

Chapter 1674: Run away

With this sword, because Yun Liao also used his full power, Huo Hai finally understood what Yun Liao's ability was. "Water vapor is actually water vapor. No wonder it is so difficult." The origin of Yun Liao must have something to do with water vapor.

Water vapor and clouds look very similar, even the clouds and mist in nature are water vapor, but Huo Hai actually knows that clouds and water vapor are definitely not the same thing. Xiaoyun’s ability is cloud and mist, so it is the attribute of fog, and it can control any cloud and mist. In fact, even if it is smoke, Xiaoyun can easily control it.

However, water vapor is different. Water vapor itself is a water attribute, but the state of water vapor, which has more variability than water flow itself. In many cases, it can be more powerful than clouds.

Of course, the person who actually controls the water vapor is faintly restrained by the opponent in front of Yunwu masters. Unfortunately, Xiaoyun has not succeeded in transforming now, and Huo Hai has no way to restrain the opponent. He attacked with all his strength and had no effect on Yun Liao. .

At this time, after Yun Liao got serious, his whole body was wrapped in water vapor, and the clouds were lingering. At this time, he wanted to attack the opponent, it was even more impossible. Huo Hai took advantage of the sword qi to test, but his sword qi did not wait to penetrate. The water vapor was completely dissolved, and the corrosive ability of this thing was really terrifying, and Huo Hai felt very headache.

"Damn it, it's really troublesome." Huo Hai cursed, and then said loudly: "Old guy, you play slowly by yourself, I won't accompany you." Huo Hai turned around after speaking, and moved the star to perform, Huo Hai The speed is increased to the extreme.

Today's Star Soul Yin has not reached the level of **** level, but Huo Hai had a new understanding of spirit formations at the beginning, so Huo Hai's body skills are actually not slow at all, and Yun Liao closely follows , Did not want to relax at all.

"Boy, even if the old man chases you to the end of the world today, you don't want to escape." After being a spirit **** for so many years, he is about to forget what it is like to be injured. He feels the pain in the sea of ​​knowledge and thinks of the danger of the attack just now. , Now that he has offended this kid, Yun Liao didn't want to let Huo Hai go at all.

Every spirit **** is not a simple character. It can be said that with the exception of the spirit gods who came from a few top sects, most spirit gods are not constrained by a single power at all. Their cultivation and promotion can be done by themselves. Up.

No one who can reach the spirit **** is a simple character. With Huo Hai’s age and with Huo Hai’s fighting power, if given enough time, he would definitely become a confidant. Yun Liao didn’t want to leave such an enemy.

What makes Yun Liao a headache is that Huo Hai’s speed obviously surpasses his imagination. Even if Yun Liao has not practiced his body technique, he is a master of the second heaven and spirit, waiting for the first and second heaven spirit and **** to be at speed. Maybe compared with myself, the kid in front of me is obviously different, and the speed is almost faster than myself. Where did this run out?

"Hmph, let's talk if you can catch up with me." Huo Hai didn't turn his head back, his speed was just a little bit faster than the other party. Besides, at the speed of a spiritual master, even if he traveled around the entire heavenly spirit realm, I am afraid it will not take too long.

I can't get rid of this old guy in a short time, and there is no way to get rid of it. When I reach the realm of spirit gods, with the improvement of ability, many situations become completely different from before. It is not easy to get out.

But at this moment, Yun Liao suddenly took out a white spar. Just when he took it out, Yun Liao smashed it with his fingers. A white light radiated out and quickly attached to Yun Liao's body. Then, Yun Liao's speed suddenly accelerated by a lot, Huo Hai, who was originally faster than Yun Liao, discovered that the opponent's speed unexpectedly surpassed him.

He is truly a master of the older generation, and his background is really not comparable to him. Huo Hai, who has just broken through, has not had time to prepare everything he needs for the spiritual realm, and his own strength cannot crush the opponent, so it is very disadvantaged. normal now.

"Damn old guy, don't let me find a chance." Huo Hai cursed secretly in his heart, and the old guy behind him chased while condensing the water vapor in his hands into streams of water, attacking Huo Hai from a long distance.

Sometimes, in order to avoid, Huo Hai can only turn around. Taking advantage of this opportunity, Yun Liao can catch up to a certain distance. In desperation, Huo Hai can only suddenly turn around and use this method to extend the distance. Although it may be only a few hundred meters, but at this critical juncture, even a few hundred meters need to be scrambled.

"Hey, this place is so familiar, wait, can it be here." Suddenly, Huo Hai's eyes lit up. Because of the surrounding terrain at this time, Huo Hai actually found that this place was familiar. This place is not exactly where the Blood God Sect is located. Location?

At the beginning, because of the blood rose, Huo Hai collected a lot of information about the Blood God Sect. He was very familiar with this type of terrain. Otherwise, if he flew high in the sky, Huo Hai would not be able to recognize it so easily.

If this is the case, then it's all right, Huo Hai said loudly, "Old guy, I have already gone home, do you want to chase after it? If you are not afraid of death, just come over." Position, Huo Hai will naturally not give up, his figure flashed, and at the speed of Huo Hai, he soon came to the vicinity of the Blood God Sect.

A large area below, the whole blood red, all the plants inside, not ordinary green, but blood, here is a forbidden blood forest of the Blood God Sect, Huo Hai is not very clear about what is inside.

But now that he is here, Huo Hai will not miss it. The other places of the Blood God Sect, Huo Hai cannot easily enter. Only the blood forest is different. As long as there is blood flame, you can enter. The blood flame is the proof to enter the blood forest. And keys.

"Boy, this is the site of the Blood God Sect. Don’t think that the old man doesn’t know." As a spirit god, everyone is erudite, or, in other words, able to live such a long time, with knowledge, plus The ability to never forget, know how little, and as a spirit god, standing very high, there are not many secrets in this world.

Huo Hai sneered and did not answer. The whole person actually rushed down. At this moment, a group of blood flames burned all over Huo Hai. Although the blood flame dragon was sleeping, there was no problem with a little blood flame. of.

The blood flame level of the blood flame dragon is very high, very pure, otherwise it would really not be able to enter the blood forest, a barrier suddenly appeared in the void in front, and a passage appeared in the next moment, with the help of blood flame, Huo Hai easily sneaked into it.

When Yun Liao found something was wrong, it was too late to enter. Once the barrier is closed, it is impossible to enter without blood flames. If you forcibly break in, it will definitely alarm the masters of the Blood God Sect. The Blood God Sect is not ordinary. At least in the blood **** sect base camp, Yun Liao did not dare to mess around, otherwise it would not be impossible to be killed.

"Huh, is the Blood God Sect? The old man remembered it." Yun Liao waited for a while, and found that Huo Hai hadn't come out, so he could only leave temporarily, he still had a task and couldn't stay outside for a long time.

However, Yun Liao was full of doubts at this time, because when Huo Hai fought with him, he used no blood **** sect method at all. He still knew what fighting style the blood **** sect was. , And soul attack ability, no matter how you look at it, you are not a master of the Blood God Sect, besides, if it really is, it is impossible to expose yourself so easily.

You should know that what Huo Hai did this time may have caused dissatisfaction with many big forces. Besides, although the blood flame that Huo Hai used in the end was very pure, he always felt that something was wrong.

"Wait, that blood flame did not reach the spiritual **** level at all, at most only the spiritual saint level. Then, he used other means to release the blood flame." Although he did not know how to do it, Yun Liao had already confirmed it. However, to be able to enter the blood forest, this blood flame must be closely integrated with itself, and it is not easy to do this.

Yun Liao frowned and flew back while thinking, "Who the **** is this? Is this a kind of blame? That's right, that kid's combat effectiveness is too strong. If so, then what is it? who."

Yun Liao's heart flashed through some forces that were not dealing with the Blood God Sect, and then thought and eliminated one by one, "Evil Sect, could it be them." Among the Blood God Sect's enemies, only the Evil Sect and the Blood God Sect were immortal.

In addition to cultivating some special abilities to restrain blood and flames, the evil sect can be said to be open to all rivers and learn everything. The reason why the evil sect is called evil is because of this. As long as the ability is easy to use, they don’t care what it is. Without a specific line, the only thing that can be distinguished is the evil spirit in them.

But even if there is no evil spirit, the strength of the masters of the evil sect is absolutely not bad. The most wanting to destroy the blood **** sect is the evil sect, so that they have the opportunity to deal with those in the blood **** sect and capture them as a tripod. furnace.

Then things are very obvious. The one who ran into the blood forest is probably from the evil sect, "Huh, evil sect, too, so many different kinds of law fragments, only you can fully use it, right, evil sect, this time How dare you take advantage of the old man, how can the old man make you feel better?" Yun Liao decided something in his heart.

Huo Hai didn't know that Yun Liao had actually set his sights on the evil sect. To Huo Hai, neither the evil sect nor the blood **** sect was a good thing. The evil sect had acted on the blood rose, and the capable Huo Hai would not let them go.

As for the Blood God Sect, if you want to bring the Blood Rose out, it will definitely conflict with the Blood God Sect. Especially when the cultivation base cannot be crushed, it is even more likely to go to war. Huo Hai will fight the Blood God There is no good impression on teaching.

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