Evil Insect God

Chapter 1675: Blood forest

Huo Hai doesn’t know much about the Blood God Sect. At first, Blood Rose said something to himself, but he didn’t mention too much. Maybe he thought it didn’t need to be mentioned, or he thought he didn’t say it in a short time. use.

So Huo Hai just knows that this blood forest is the easiest to enter. As long as the blood flame is very compatible with himself, he can enter. Not only the people of the blood **** sect, but also the other people who have the blood flame, but if the person without the blood flame is Forcibly breaking in, at least one needs to have a cultivation base in the realm of Spiritual God, Huo Hai can't believe it, the person behind dared to force in.

The Blood God Sect is not easy to provoke. For a person who is a dual-day spirit and god, the Blood God Sect is not very afraid. In the base camp of the Blood God Sect, even if the spirit **** triple-day masters are chaotic, there may be back and forth. , The higher cultivation base will not end well.

It is the same to leave from the blood forest. The reason why there is no way to distinguish the sect is because it is not a safe place. It has always existed as a place for the experience of the Blood God Sect.

As soon as Huo Hai entered, he immediately entered a state of seclusion. When he did not need to avoid a powerful attack, Huo Hai's use of seclusion would not consume too much spiritual power at all. With Huo Hai’s spiritual power recovery speed, it was absolutely Huo Hai consumed even faster, and Huo Hai let go of perception, and soon felt everything around him, of course, only the surroundings.

The enchantment of the entire blood forest has a very powerful ability to suppress mental perception. This is not naturally formed. Huo Hai’s spirit is not something they can suppress, but Huo Hai does not dare to mess around casually, carefully controlling himself The perceived intensity of.

If you force the perception and touch the spirit circle here, it would be a bad thing to be discovered by the Blood God Sect.

In the perception, there are quite a few fierce beasts in this blood forest, whether it is ordinary fierce beasts or fierce beasts with powerful strength reaching the earth level, and the fierce beasts here have one characteristic, that is, the whole body is blood red.

"Could it be that this is a kind of protective color." Huo Hai thought nonsensically. In any case, the fierce beasts here should also be the one that can limit their own blood energy. With Huo Hai's eyes, it can be easily Some problems are detected.

"The blood is strong, and the absorption of blood gas after killing should be very helpful to the improvement of its own blood flame. Well, and the crystal cores of these fierce beasts, roughly should also be blood-type attributes, the corpses of these fierce beasts after death, for It’s also good for the people of the Blood God Sect.” Huo Hai slowly analyzed and gradually discovered that this place seemed to be a breeding farm.

These fierce beasts are not so much put here as a test for the disciples of the gods, as they are a large warehouse, just like the blood jade red bamboo that they planted, they are just a kind of material origin.

Huo Hai also discovered that many of the beasts here can leave behind a very special kind of crystal nucleus after their deaths, because these beasts themselves can use blood flames, and the crystal nuclei they leave also contain powerful blood flames. power.

Through these, the Blood God Sect can easily develop his disciples, but these crystal nuclei, Huo Hai checked, the highest is only the ground-level quality, not even the top grade, most of them are used as source spirits Bao, I am afraid that he can only reach the Profound level. Such a blood flame crystal core, even if the blood flame origin is cultivated, the future achievements are very limited.

This is really inferior to a naturally occurring product. After all, this is artificially manufactured, and the quality is poor.

"Unfortunately, it's useless at all. Hey, this is the real content of the so-called experience." Huo Hai looked at a big tree. At this time, there was a bright red fruit on the big tree, exuding strong blood energy.

From Huo Hai’s eyes, one can tell at a glance that this fruit contains a strong blood energy, and there is even a strong blood flame in the center. It is a waste of this thing to be used as a source spirit treasure, and there is almost no quality, but If it is used to increase the power of its own blood flame, the effect is very good, especially for people below the sky level.

This place, at least within the area that Huo Hai saw, was also suitable for cultivating people below the heavenly level.

At this moment, a group of people suddenly ran over in the distance. Looking at the red robes on these people and the weird blood-colored half-vortex pattern on them, Huo Hai knew that these people belonged to the blood **** sect. .

"Quickly, detect carefully, Xiaoqi, have you found the target." The headed man looked around with a vigilant look, and at the same time asked carefully, with a long knife in his hand, the blood flame on it was still burning and did not go out.

Not far away, a young girl was holding a mirror and cautiously said: "Just in front, I have felt it, look, the one on the tree is." What they saw was the blood-red fruit that Huo Hai had just found. These people, the purpose of coming here to experience is this kind of fruit, one is enough to improve the whole staff.

The incoming person is a team, with a total of five people, each of which is only about the second and third level of the spirit emperor. Such strength is not a big deal in the heavenly spirit realm. How could the spirit emperor master be so cautious if it were changed to a peripheral area.

"The target has appeared, everyone, be careful, there must be a fierce beast in front of you." These people are definitely not here for the first time. Huo Hai suddenly became interested and wanted to see how this blood **** cult cultivated a master.

After all, this is the place where Blood Rose is currently located. It’s good to know them a little bit, “I was able to bring you out of the Blood God Sect, and I can also bring you out of the Blood God Sect.” A light flashed in Huo Hai’s eyes. From these people in front of them, it is possible to infer some of the fighting methods of the blood **** sect masters, besides, let the blood flame dragon learn.

It didn't take long for a few people to find the fierce beast hidden behind the tree, a terrifying fierce beast that looked like a rhino, with blood flames burning on its sharp horns. The few people cooperated tacitly, separated quickly, and half surrounded the rhino.

"Second, go up and stand, I will attack." The leader roared, and the only strong man in the team immediately rushed up, his whole body exploded, and a big shield was immediately slapped on the rhino's head. At the same time , There is also a small shield in his right hand, which will protect himself tightly. The edge of the small shield is a circle of sawtooths.

The leader of the team always wandered around the big man, and took the time to give the rhinoceros a knife. Both sides will also use the blood flame, but the blood flame is definitely not weak against the beast. The rhinoceros eats pain and attacks desperately.

But no matter what, it was impossible to bypass the defensive guy on the opposite side. In the end, the rhino could only send all the anger towards the person in front of him, and the people next to him nodded each other and launched their own methods.

The first is Xiao Qi. He took a photo of the mirror in his hand to the position of the rhinoceros. The ropes formed by the blood flame quickly entangled the rhinoceros body. It could not be completely restrained, but it was very easy to bring some influence to the rhinoceros. The remaining two people attacked at the same time, and these two people were magic wizards with blood flames.

Almost everyone in the Blood God Sect has blood flame power at its source. One person sends out blood flame giant snakes, biting at the rhino from the side, and the other one uses blossoming blood lotus.

Huo Hai didn't know whether this person worshiped the blood rose, so he followed the blood rose to learn, or because the blood **** sect really had a similar method of using the blood lotus of the blood rose, because the spiritual source itself was a blood-colored lotus.

But looking at the blood lotus sent by this person, it is also very natural. Under the rotation of the blood lotus, it is often possible to stick some petals on the rhino's body in some unexpected areas. It is not directly cut a hole in the rhino's body, or the petals burn. , The skin of the rhinoceros was burned open to the flesh, Huo Hai did not know why, these people never dared to fly into the sky.

"Perhaps, it's because of those things." Huo Hai felt some birds flying by in the sky. These are obviously not good things. "The blood **** cult's research on blood flames has actually reached this level."

Huo Hai sighed in his heart that Huo Hai could make inferences from these people about the various methods of using blood flames. The masters of the Blood God Sect were definitely better than controlling their own star fires. There are so many, no, now I am afraid it can't be completely regarded as the fire of stars. It has been condensed into a purple-gold flame, and Huo Hai doesn't know what it is.

But it's better to call it the fire of the stars, anyway, this thing was originally the flame of the fire of the stars as the main body.

Shaking his head, Huo Hai stopped observing. If he continued to fight like this, the rhinoceros would eventually die in the hands of the five-person team. Before reaching the sky level, the fierce beast was so mindless and found a way to easily kill it.

Huo Hai didn't even think about continuing to watch, but just a few ordinary little guys, there was no need to bother at all, but now Huo Hai didn't know if Yun Liao was still outside, he didn't want to meet him as soon as he went out. , Once a war is started here, it is impossible for the Blood God Sect to even notice it. The Spirit God masters start their hands in other sect base camps, which is simply a challenge.

Since you can't go out, let's just take a good look at it, "By the way, Blood Rose said, the closer you get to the center, the stronger the fierce beast will be. There seems to be a heaven-level fierce beast at the center."

The heavenly masters of the Blood God Sect will hardly enter the blood forest, so what's in it, in fact, even the Blood God Sect people themselves are not very clear. Huo Hai decided to go to the center to see if there is anything. Good things can also be collected. Anyway, the Blood God Sect doesn't value it very much. It shouldn't be a problem to take some by yourself.

Huo Hai walked in the direction of stronger fierce beasts. Because Huo Hai's perception is strong, he can avoid other people in advance, so as to ensure that Huo Hai will never be discovered by the blood gods along the way. .

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