Evil Insect God

Chapter 1676: Mysterious old man

There were not many masters of spirit gods, and there were even fewer spirit gods in the blood **** sect of a hidden power. They would never come to the ordinary place of blood forest casually. No one in the forest could find Huo Hai.

Huo Hai went all the way, but saw a lot of special plants on the road, but unfortunately, these plants were cultivated in this special enchantment, and they can only survive here. If these things are taken outside, then It was useless at all, and Huo Hai couldn't cultivate it, so even if he saw it, he never thought about collecting it.

Besides, the line of the Sky Star Sect and the Huo Family has always been the power of the stars. In terms of power, the power of the stars is not only not worse than the blood flame, but will be stronger, and the future achievements will be higher. Huo Hai does not need it. Change to this kind of thing.

"Hehe, it seems that the Blood God Sect is not monolithic inside, so I will have no psychological burden." Suddenly, Huo Hai turned a corner and saw a very strange plant, or a very familiar one. plant.

Stepping forward, Huo Hai patted the blood jade red bamboo in front of him. Yes, this is the blood jade red bamboo, and in Huo Hai’s perception, many blood jade red bamboos have condensed blood jade essence, which is At the beginning, the blood rose was going to be used to attack the treasure of the spiritual **** realm, but unexpectedly, there was such a thing in the blood forest at the door of the blood **** cult.

"Let me just say, even I can grow blood jade red bamboo, why can't the Blood God Sect." Huo Hai's eyes flashed strange lights, obviously, some people don't want blood rose to get blood jade so easily Essence.

To put it nicely, this is a test, but it’s a bit ugly. I’m afraid someone wants to calculate the blood rose. Let the blood rose cross an area and go to the giant wood forest in the southeast area to find the blood jade red bamboo and enter that There is a time limit inside, and it may not be impossible to find it. Besides, the giant wood forest is much more dangerous for the people of the Blood God Sect than here.

Later, someone from the Evil Sect discovered the trail of the Blood Rose and was able to follow it all the way. Now think about it, the Evil Sect has nothing to do in the giant wood forest. Yes, the Evil Sect does have people who practice various methods.

However, among the evil sects, the only support type masters are very rare, not to mention those who are good at alchemy refining. Without combat power, it is difficult to survive in the evil sect. Every evil sect masters priority in battle. .

The evil sect’s people can know the whereabouts of the blood rose so easily. There must be some problems in this. Besides, even if the blood rose is not taken away or killed by the evil sect’s people, the time in the giant wood forest is limited. Looking for a method, it may not be possible to obtain enough blood jade essence, and it is still difficult to break through after returning.

It can be said that as long as the blood rose does not break through the spiritual **** realm for a day, some people will still dare to calculate the blood rose. Only after reaching the spiritual **** realm, this will be the top level figure, which can no longer be regarded as a reserve talent.

If it weren’t for me, Blood Rose wouldn’t know how much danger it would face, "Huh, don’t let me know who you are." Huo Hai snorted coldly, and his heart moved, a large amount of blood jade essence was directly separated from the red bamboo. .

Since these people don’t want to give it to them, then they don’t have to leave it. With Huo Hai’s current strength, it’s just like playing to take out these blood jade essences, and there is no need to hurt the blood jade red bamboo itself, only the spiritual **** realm. Experts can do this through law simulation. In just a moment, the whole bamboo forest, Huo Hai, did not leave them with a piece of essence.

I don't know what kind of expression the people of the Blood God Sect will have after discovering the changes here. Huo Hai leaves the red bamboo forest and continues to move forward. The closer to the center, the stronger the strength of the fierce beast.

I don’t know if it was affected by this or the reason for the deliberate cultivation of the Blood God Sect. Basically every beast here uses the power of blood flame. For the blood flame, the research of the Blood God Sect can be said to have reached. An extreme.

Sure enough, there are celestial beasts in this forest. Not to mention those in the realm of Spiritual Venerable. Even if they are in the realm of Spiritual Sage, Huo Hai has felt so many of them, but it is a pity that the beasts here have no thinking. At one point, it was almost the same as the Gu beast he had refined. I'm afraid, these things are used to protect the blood **** sect itself.

Huo Hai thought of the Gu beasts he had left in the Sky Star Sect, as well as those special fierce beasts that had been assimilated by the power of the stars. In fact, they were ultimately similar to the fierce beasts here, but the power they used was different.

Shaking his head, Huo Hai continued to walk inside. When he reached the center, Huo Hai suddenly saw a large pool of water. The pool was crystal clear, completely different from the blood pool in the imagination. There were more than a dozen huge flowers on the water. Each of the red lotus flowers is the size of a small house, exuding a strong and pure blood, and there is a group of blood flames slowly burning in the center.

"What is this?" Huo Hai cautiously walked over and stretched out his hand, wanting to touch the blood red lotus.

At this moment, a voice suddenly sounded: "If I were you, I would never move these things." Hearing this, Huo Hai was taken aback. I don't know when, a figure in the distance was walking towards here. come.

The visitor is an old man, with a very ordinary white gown on his body. It doesn’t seem to be special, but when you look closely, the white hair on the old man’s head seems to have a very special aura, although it is naturally hanging down. But it always gives people a very sharp feeling, a pair of bright eyes seems to be able to penetrate the bottom of my heart.

Who is this person? No, Huo Hai suddenly thought that he seemed to be in a reclusive state at this time, but Huo Hai felt the surroundings and didn't find anyone else here.

"He can see me." A very peculiar thought flashed in Huo Hai's mind. Thinking of this, Huo Hai worked in seclusion, imitating the surrounding atmosphere as much as possible, fully integrating himself into the world, and running away as soon as his figure turned.

But before Huo Hai was far away, a sharp aura suddenly rushed forward. Before Huo Hai could react, a sword aura in the void hit Huo Hai, but what surprised Huo Hai was this. Jian Qi didn't hurt him at all. The power of Jian Qi was not very strong, but he was still unavoidable, so he was hit.

When, in the skill of using the sword, he was so much worse than others, what shocked Huo Hai the most was that the moment this sword aura hit him, he actually shot himself out of the reclusive state.

"Is it a coincidence." Huo Hai's eyes narrowed, and between footsteps, he once again entered the retreat. This time, Huo Hai was a lot more careful, but before he ran far, the old man once again launched against Huo Hai Attacked.

The sword finger lightly clicked, and a sword qi came towards Huo Hai. It was obvious that the sword qi was not very fast, but Huo Hai just felt that he couldn't escape it anyway. No, it's not that the sword qi was unhappy, but he felt unhappy.

Because it was only an instant, Huo Hai hadn't reacted until it was almost time. This sword aura once again accurately hit Huo Hai. Even if Huo Hai wanted to dodge, he couldn't do it. He couldn't do it if he wanted to defend. At this moment, Huo Hai's nine-layer defense had been fully opened, but this sword aura completely ignored his own defense.

As soon as the sword qi passed through, his defense was torn apart, but the torn defensive barrier did not shatter, but a gap appeared. At first glance, it seemed that this originally existed.

Then, Jian Qi hit Huo Hai, knocking Huo Hai back one step again, just such a step, Huo Hai was beaten out of the retreat once again, and Huo Hai's expression was unusually solemn at this time.

The person in front of him is definitely not simple. Not only has his cultivation level far surpassed himself, Huo Hai has no sense of the margins at all, but he doesn't know why he can actually see through himself in seclusion. Otherwise, it would be impossible to continue. Finding one's position accurately twice is not the result of a large-scale attack.

After letting Fluttershy use the illusion technique last time, Huo Hai once again discovered a problem with reclusiveness. He just didn't know what the problem was. Huo Hai stared at the old man closely, and his sword energy slowly condensed.

"Empty has its form, but no god." The old man looked at Huo Hai and shook his head, as if his eyes were full of disdain. I don't know why, the old man didn't seem to have any hostility. The old guy's methods didn't seem to be a blood god. Means of teaching.

The old man turned his head and walked towards the back, and the words slowly sounded: "Boy, come with the old man, let's have a good talk." As if the breeze was blowing, the sword energy in Huo Hai's hand suddenly disappeared. Huo Hai took the initiative to dissipate, but disappeared very naturally. Huo Hai's eyes widened, what is going on.

In front of this old man, couldn't he even make a move, "Forget it, let's see what he is going to do." He couldn't beat and beat, and he didn't have to run. Now Huo Hai is like a cutting board. The same meat.

That being the case, let's go and take a look. Huo Hai followed the pace of the old man. In just a moment, the two came to a bamboo forest nearby, but when Huo Hai entered the bamboo forest, he suddenly discovered that the bamboo forest had changed.

No, it’s not that the bamboo forest has changed. I’m afraid there are some spirit formations around. The spirit formations at the level of spirit gods, based on Huo Hai’s research on the spirit formations, I can’t tell at all. The scenery in front of me changed and turned into one. residence.

There is still a bamboo forest on the outside, but there is a bamboo house in the middle, and a small pond. Everything around it looks like a small farmyard, without any special features, and the materials are very common.

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