Evil Insect God

Chapter 427: collapse

Panic can easily be boiled in the country where the country is flourishing. If it is normal, the country will be chaotic, someone will soon come out to stop it, but today it is very abnormal because no one has come forward.

In the end, the whole country was completely boiling, but there was still no high-level person coming out to say anything. It seemed that all the high-level people disappeared overnight, but at this time it was almost disappearing.

"What to do, do we want to close the city gate? The chaos is now like this. Isn't there no order on it." The guards guarding the city gate looked at the riots getting closer and closer to them, a little at a loss. If this kind of thing happened, I am afraid that the city gate has already been ordered to close. What is going on today?

The captain in charge of the city gate, why didn't he show up until now, didn't he just wander around here?

At this moment, a voice sounded in the distance: "No, it's not good... Big, the captain is dead." What, all the faces suddenly changed, the captain is dead, how could this be possible, here is the wind. The capital of Yang country.

The captain is also a magician no matter what, the captain in charge of the city gate still has a certain status in Fengyang country. If you say it, you will die. Could it be that the riot today was caused by the death of the captain of.

"No, close the city gate quickly and don't let the prisoner escape." The captain is dead, so just go on top of the small captain yourself. A small captain guarding the city gate immediately ordered the city gate to be closed. In my heart, the enemy must have come to the country to make trouble. In order to be able to escape afterwards, the captain was killed so that the city gate could not be closed in time.

When the team leader spoke briefly, he immediately received the approval of all the soldiers, and the gate quickly closed. As this gate closed, the soldiers at the other three gates also began to close the city when they saw it. door.

After a while, the whole country was cut off from the world and completely isolated. The same riots quickly spread to all places inside and outside the capital. In a small family, a group of people were sitting together in a meeting.

"Why is it so noisy outside? What happened? Could it be that the magician came to trouble us again?" A big man shouted with annoyance. Not all families will choose to join after the kingdom is occupied. On the side of the magician, this small family is like this, and there is no plan to join the magician.

And because the family is too small, the members are not many, and the strength is not strong, so the magician did not force it to demonize, but put it here, wanting to wait until the entire Fengyang country is controlled. Say it again.

After Feng Yang country was completely controlled, the high-level demon masters had forgotten that there was such a small family. Because of this kind of power, there were many more. It is impossible for the demon master to be retaken Feng Yang because of such a small family. country.

And such small families have become the targets of bullying by lower-level demon masters. They can say that they dare not speak up with these demon masters. Even some small families eventually joined demon masters because they couldn’t bear it. In the ranks, the magician is very welcome to outsiders who want to join. No matter who comes, they will accept it.

"Patriarch, Patriarch, it's not good, it's not good, now it's all messed up outside." Before the top of the family got angry, there was a voice outside, and a housekeeper-like person ran in in a panic.

"What are you talking about, it's all messed up outside, isn't anyone going to take care of it?" No matter how messed up these demon masters are, it's impossible to mess up the whole country. It's not that the kingdom is about to be destroyed.

Although they look down on the demon master, the war potential of the demon master is really very strong. As long as there are civilians, there will be a continuous stream of demon being created. In a short period of time, it is simply to defeat Feng Yangguo. It's like a dream.

The Patriarch frowned and said loudly, "Go out and ask what happened." Now that Feng Yang country has changed at all, they dare not neglect. After all, the magician is different from normal people. Many magician thinking Began to become nervous, and even the inheritance of the entire family will be cut off if you are not careful.

Not long after, a guard ran in from outside the door: "Know Patriarch, the matter has basically been figured out. A large number of demons died outside, which caused the whole city to panic." Hearing this, Patriarch His face turned pale.

"What are you talking about, many demon masters have died? Could it be that heaven is going to perish me?" The heart of the Patriarch suddenly sank. What does it mean that a large number of demon masters were killed? Come to make trouble.

At that time, in order to catch the murderer, a small family like my own will definitely be targeted by the magician at the first time. The magician is unreasonable. No matter whether he is involved in this matter or not, in short, he is not theirs. People, they won't let it go, not to mention that the previous burst of holy light caused Feng Yangguo and even the demons to suffer heavy losses.

Now that people who have caught their own small families, whether they are forcibly demonizing them into demon masters or turning themselves into demon men, their family heritage will be cut off, and the face of the Patriarch becomes extremely pale.

At this moment, the guard said again: "Patriarch Qi, someone has just checked it out. It seems that all the members of the families that have joined the ranks of demon masters have died. Now someone has gone to the palace to report."

Before the guards finished speaking, another guard ran in, "My Patriarch, it's not good. We just discovered that all the people in the palace are dead. Now there are no more demon masters in the capital. "These small families also have a certain degree of influence. Without the suppression of large families, they investigate things very quickly.

"What did you say, what you said is true, is there really no demon master in Guodu now." A gleam of hope flashed in the eyes of the Patriarch, frowning, his face serious, not knowing what he was thinking at the moment .

The guard immediately said, "Knowing Patriarch, until now, no one has been found alive outside the demon master. All the people related to the demon master are almost dead. The wounds on the dead are exactly the same. The only one who can do this is...only the killing **** Huo Hai." In the last sentence, the guard's voice was already very quiet.

Huo Hai is a taboo in Feng Yangguo. When Huo Hai hits Feng Yangguo again and again, no one in Feng Yangguo dared to talk about it casually. If you say Huo Hai, you might be devil The spiritualist found an excuse to deal with.

"Big brother, what should we do now, do we want to escape? Now that there is no demonist's control, it is the best time for us to escape." It's not that they didn't think about running before, but all those who escape will be caught by the demon master. Live and make a demon.

The Patriarch walked back and forth, raised his head, and asked with a serious face: "Are you sure these are true, have you confirmed by yourself." The Patriarch asked, it was the guard who had just returned.

The guard said with a serious face: "Known Patriarch, his subordinates have personally visited it, the palace is already **** at this time, and the number of deaths is definitely more than half of the palace." The reason why this guard came back so late is to To really determine what happened, it is better to investigate some things clearly.

The Patriarch raised his head and said loudly: "Very well, it seems that the day of our family's rise has come. I will immediately notify the other families who have not joined the Demon Master. I think they should be fine now. We must first control the country."

"Brother, what do you mean..." Next to him, the brother of the Patriarch asked with a careful look.

"Yes, that's what it means. We have had enough of the oppression of the demon master. Now is the time for us to fight back. Now that Huo Hai has started, then Feng Yangguo will soon fall. We must seize this opportunity now. , First occupy the national capital, and then take the national capital as the center, cut Fengyang country in half, and wait until the magician is destroyed, which is the moment of our rise."

As a Patriarch, the development of the family is always the most important thing. They were reluctant to join the magician at the beginning, but this does not mean that they don’t want the family to develop well. In the eyes of the Patriarch, it is now the best opportunity. .

Huo Hai kills all the senior leaders of Fengyang Country, and then everyone in Fengyang Country's other demons will be at risk, and if they lose their dragon heads, there are no demons around to control the border of the kingdom, and they can support them at any time.

In this way, if Feng Yang country does not perish, it would be strange. In the process of overthrowing Feng Yang country demon spiritist, the greater the credit he made, the higher his status will be in the future, and the better his family will be. Development, development for so many years, they have always been a small family, if they can use this opportunity to grow, this is a good thing.

Others thought about it, and then they understood what the Patriarch was thinking. The Patriarch meant that Feng Yangguo would be completely broken first, "I understand, I will contact other families." A family elder immediately bowed. Said.

The entire capital of Fengyang, under the actions of these small families, quickly began to change, because the gates of the entire capital have been completely blocked, and the country is isolated from the world at this time. Nothing is happening inside the outside world. .

The demon masters around the capital cannot get news from the capital, and they will not be able to enter the capital for a while. They can only wait for the power in the capital to evolve bit by bit. When the evolution is completed, the wind will raise the demons. Even at the highest level of the division, even if it completely collapsed, the other demon masters within Feng Yangguo followed closely behind.

A huge turmoil, from here, slowly unfolded, but the instigator has already left here.

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