Evil Insect God

Chapter 428: Surging

Huo Hai sat quietly on the ground, thinking about what he had done before. To be honest, Huo Hai did not regret what he did. Even if he did it again, Huo Hai would do it.

However, most of the people killed before were indeed not magicians. Many of them were probably innocent people. This is what depresses Huo Hai the most. Huo Hai has always considered himself a bad person. But are the bad guys just talking? Deep down, Huo Hai has always had his own principles, but today he has broken them.

"What is righteousness and what is evil." Huo Hai said to himself. Since ancient times, righteousness and evil are not at the same time, but there is yang in yin, and yin in yang. These are the principles that have never changed. Then everything he did, and How is it?

The first time I took the initiative to kill tens of thousands of people, and the first time I took the initiative to kill innocent people, everything was done to achieve my goals. Could it be that I became the kind of person who did nothing to achieve his goals? .

Huo Hai can’t think clearly. It’s rare, he didn’t practice, and he didn’t do anything else. Huo Hai stayed here all the time, quietly, as if he had lost his soul. The blow he received was more than what Huo Hai thought. It was even more serious. Huo Hai hadn't thought about this when he was killing, but now it has calmed down, and everything has come to mind.

Before I knew it, three days passed in a blink of an eye. On this day, a light flashed in Huo Hai’s eyes, "Haha, what is right and what is evil, I take care of so many things, what I do is to let my family Live better."

Huo Hai got up, the decadent aura on his body was swept away. Although Huo Hai looks very sloppy now, he can't hide the divine light in Huo Hai's eyes. After three full days, Huo Hai finally figured it out.

Aren’t you not planning to be a good person? Why consider for those irrelevant people. As long as your own people can live well, the death of these people can make the demon master die faster. Besides, sacrificing these people, but More people can survive. Although Huo Hai is not a high-level person, he still has his own sense of how to choose.

If his family is involved, then no matter how many people, Huo Hai will not hesitate to send him to the west, this is his own way, this is everything he wants to do, Huo Hai has completely figured it out at this time Up.

"Hahahaha, I'm really mediocre, I actually have such an idea, forget it, go to the front line to see, after annihilating the magician, I can relax." Huo Hai moved and planned set off.

Suddenly, Huo Hai noticed his current image. At this time, he was no better than a beggar. In desperation, Huo Hai could only let the Star Gu survey the surroundings and find a source of water first. He cleaned up his whole body at his position, and then set off, heading in the direction of the Eastern Frontier of Nanyun Country.

Walking on the road, Huo Hai was surprised to find that Fengyangguo's people are coming and going in a hurry than before, but the difference is that this time these people are not afraid to say anything, but often hear The discussion of these people.

Although the voice is very small, after Huo Hai releases Fluttershy, he can easily hear it. The Fluttershy who has reached the realm of the general is more colorful and beautiful than before, and his hiding ability is more powerful, making it difficult for people to discover.

When flying, even the air doesn’t fluctuate at all, as if it’s completely floating in the air by itself. The original fragile body is stronger than before. Huo Hai has tried it by himself. With Xiaodie’s current mental power, he can even do it. Control a person silently, as long as they are inactive and do not speak, it is difficult for outsiders to see the difference.

Controlling people directly from the spiritual level is not something ordinary people can do. Huo Hai sometimes hears something interesting, and even asks Xiaodie to control the person, and then tell everything he knows. .

"I didn't expect the changes in these three days to be so big." Huo Hai sighed. Along the way, Huo Hai has figured out the changes in the past few days. First of all, he slaughtered Feng Yang country and caused the whole The country has changed drastically.

After Feng Yangguo blocked the city gate for one night, the entire country has undergone tremendous changes. It is said that it was occupied by the small family in the capital at the time. The leader of the small family is the Wang family. This Wang family, previously unknown, but also very bold.

At this time, stand up, integrate other families in all the kingdoms, and unite against the demon masters. After only one night, the country without demon masters was completely controlled by these people, and then the army near the capital was completely controlled in secret. In the hands of the next morning, when the magician found something was wrong, the situation could not be controlled.

With the national capital as the center, a large area around it has become a stronghold against the power of the magician. The army uses the defense of the city to fight against the powerful magician, but the magician can't draw too much force to fight.

On the two fronts, hostile countries seized this opportunity and attacked desperately. Now Feng Yangguo is almost unable to support it. He was cut in half directly from the capital of the country, and at the same time he lost his leader.

Nowadays, there is a scarcity of demon masters, and even higher levels. Even if there is a leader like Fenghu, it is still impossible to stop this decline. This is no longer a situation that can be reversed by one person. The three sides attack at the same time. It is the demon master who has gone mad now, and it is still useless, but it has aroused the resistance of other people.

In order to continue to survive, the demon masters on the two fronts have established temporary headquarters, intending to stabilize their territory with the two fronts as the center. However, these people can be used to fight, and others can't.

Being cut off from the capital, the evaluation Huo Hai made at the time finally revealed that the demon masters’ food has gradually been insufficient, but there are still a large number of demon people to feed, so the demon masters came up with a way .

That is to continuously capture the civilians within the range and directly make them into demon. When the demon accumulates to a certain number, they will launch an attack. On the one hand, it consumes the excess population on their side, and on the other hand, they can also consume the other side. But this method can only solve for a while, after which more troublesome things erupted.

There is absolutely no benefit to knowing that you have been caught by a demon master. Even civilians are bloody. When the demon master arrives, everyone will immediately run away, and the excess food will be destroyed before they escape.

I don't know who organized it. When these civilians find that they cannot escape, they will immediately choose to commit suicide as long as they have a short chance. Even if they die, they will not become a demon. The corpse will become food for the demon.

Some people even used various methods to destroy their corpses. Even if they didn't leave the whole corpse, they couldn't satisfy the devil's hunger. As a result, the situation developed and it became more and more unfavorable for the demon master.

Without a source of food, even the source of the demon is about to be lost. Even recently, even if someone is sent out to capture it, it is easy to be blocked. Some of these blocks are from Feng Yangguo’s rebellious army, and some are from hostile countries. Others, even more from civilians and adventurers in the territory, seem to be attacking everywhere.

The magician caught in the ocean of the People's War, even if he is in control of a powerful army of magicians, still feels a little uncontrollable. In recent days, there have even been assassins who dare to touch the barracks to attack the magician.

Many people do not want to resist, but they dare not. There are so many people who have enemies with the demon masters. What Huo Hai did not expect is that the demon masters actually seem to have an inner bar, not all demon masters. All are voluntarily demonized.

Some demon masters were forced to demonize, and there are many demon masters. Before demonization, they had enmity with each other. There used to be high levels of hierarchy, so they will not quarrel with each other. , They are high-level people, and these hatreds began to erupt. At this time, signs of chaos began to appear in the magician army.

The Southern Cloud Nation has already begun to increase investment in war. If this continues, the magician army will completely collapse in a short time. Even if Fenghu is constantly using various methods, it cannot turn the tide.

"Hehe, things are getting more and more interesting. Why don't I add a fire to make them die faster." Huo Hai smiled slightly. After this time, Huo Hai also plans to go to Nanyun Country. Things after that seem to have nothing to do with me.

After all, it is not something that can be done in one or two days to destroy the magician. After these kingdoms are cleaned up, there will be the elites of the magician in the grave of the demon. These magicians are the real dangerous elements. .

After inquiring everything clearly, Huo Hai recognized the direction and continued to go west. I am afraid that without going far, he would be able to see the troops on the western front of Fengyangguo. "By the way, there is that traitor. I have a chance to see who did it." There are many traitors, and there is only one traitor who can collapse the entire Eastern Front.

Because of this traitor, his family members are now in a dangerous situation. Huo Hai will naturally not spare him. If this person dies, then that is fine. If he is not dead, he will be sent off by himself.

In addition to this person, the person Huo Hai wants to meet is Fenghu. The ability of this guy is really terrifying. If placed on the earth, this guy is definitely Zhuge's second. How can we not let Huo Hai Curious.

Huo Hai's speed is very fast. On the way, I don't know if it is because of the war. The densely packed levels seem to be missing a lot. Even Huo Hai has seen a level and is being attacked by others.

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