Evil Insect God

Chapter 432: Out of the barracks

Today’s things have already been done, so Huo Hai does not intend to stay here anymore. With an order in his heart, Huo Hai immediately unlocked the illusion set by Fluttershy. Since entering, Fluttershy has already controlled it. The entire camp.

The tent is shrouded by Fluttershy's illusion. Nothing happens inside, people outside will not be aware of it. Since Fluttershy broke through to the realm of the spirit general, the range of illusion control is greater, and the envelopment of a tent has been very easy. There are not a large number of masters in the realm of spirit generals, and no one is aware of such simple illusions as Xiaodie.

However, at the moment when Fluttershy dismissed the illusion, the surrounding soldiers immediately noticed something was wrong, "It's not good, it smells bloody, something happened to the big account." The surrounding soldiers reacted immediately, and then called other people around.

The soldiers reacted very quickly. When Huo Hai walked out of the camp, he was already a demon army with three layers inside and three layers outside. Behind him, there were a large number of Fengyangguo ordinary soldiers who were waiting.

"Let it go." When it was determined that the camp had an accident, the people around had no intention to ask, and they directly issued an order to release arrows. Perhaps these ordinary soldiers would also like to get rid of the demonist generals with them. , Huo Hai didn't know what these people were thinking, in short, these people had done something to themselves, and the arrows rained all over the sky, like locusts.

With a move in his heart, the surrounding Star Gu had already exuded spiritual power, wrapping Huo Hai's whole person in it. The Star Gu that reached the realm of the Spirit General was more powerful in defense, with a faint light attribute power in the spiritual power.

However, when the Star Gu is not attacking, it is difficult for even a demon master to detect it. At this time, just a Star Gu, and the defensive spiritual power emitted can also form a small shield as big as before. It does not need to be the same as before. Star Gu combined with each other.

A few Star Gus can enshroud Huo Hai's whole person. Of course, if you are facing a powerful item such as Spirit Breaking Arrow that specializes in dealing with spiritual power, you still have to use a lot of Star Gus to protect yourself. The spirit-breaking arrow of's was actually classified into the profound level in quality, and neither the Huang-level nor the Xuan-level masters had the spiritual power to resist this kind of spirit-breaking arrow.

"The sound of jingle bells sounded." All the arrows fell on Huo Hai’s Star Gu shield, unable to shake even the slightest spiritual power, so they fell so weakly. Some arrows did not fly towards Huo Hai, but Swept the entire camp.

After that, the camp was completely opened, and the corpses inside were also exposed and appeared in front of all the soldiers.

Fenghu walked slowly from behind, and said faintly: "Obviously you can sneak out, but you have to stand up on your own initiative. This is not the work of a wise man." Huo Hai can come in silently, and naturally also silently. Go out without interest.

Feng Fox knows Huo Hai very well. Feng Fox can roughly tell what abilities Huo Hai has. The kind of bug that controls spirit and illusion makes two people go out silently. There is no problem at all. But Huo Hai took the initiative to face the entire army of the barracks. This is really not something normal people can do.

You know, in the face of a powerful army, let alone Huo Hai, a master of the realm of spirit generals, even if it is a master of spirit command, such being surrounded by people and constantly attacking, in the end, he can only drink hate on the spot and cannot live at all. get away.

Huo Hai said indifferently: "Hehe, you just joined me, do I want to show you my strength too? If you don't know my strength at all, I think even if you join, you will not Have fun."

Huo Hai did not hide his thoughts at all. After Fenghu listened to it, he nodded, stopped talking, and didn't make trouble. Since Huo Hai wants to show his strength, he should be sure to go out, so he won't come. After making trouble, Huo Hai is not the kind of person who is not self-reliant. Otherwise, Huo Hai would have already died in Feng Yangguo.

"Damn, these people killed the general and can't let him escape." The next moment, everyone was angry. For the soldier, being silently killed his general was the greatest shame.

Even if this general is unpopular, even if they have planned a betrayal, this kind of thing is still a shame to them. As for the magicians, they are pure anger. The dead generals are all the magicians. High-level.

They also count on these people to give themselves a way to survive. The offensive on the opposite side has become stronger and stronger, and now the high level on their side has been wiped out. If the other side launches a general offensive, what can they do to stop it? An army with expert support, and The combat effectiveness of an army without the support of masters is completely different.

After a moment of stunned, the surrounding demon rushed towards the two people. Upon seeing this, Huo Hai shook his head: "Without a master, these guys really only have this kind of play." I want to show my strength.

Seeing what these people look like now, Huo Hai knew that he couldn’t show anything. This kind of swarming style of play was simply a waste of troops. If they were replaced by ordinary people, they would be surrounded and suppressed here, but Huo Hai, from It's no ordinary people who come, "Let's go. Such an army will not make much sense if it is destroyed."

Huo Hai didn’t want Star Gu to waste his hard-earned spiritual power on these wastes. With a move in his heart, a few Star Gu dragged his feet and made his whole person fly. The wind followed closely behind him. Fox, even Wind Fox did not expect that Huo Hai would actually use this method to make himself fly, which is really amazing.

Under normal circumstances, only a master who has reached the prefecture level can let himself fly for a short time, but Huo Hai can do that. At this moment, Fenghu suddenly felt that joining the Huo family's army is not a bad thing.

"Let me down and shoot them down." Many soldiers around have recognized them. Among the two, one of them is Fenghu. Since Fenghu stayed with Huo Hai, it is very likely that he has rebelled. Since the rebellion is the enemy.

They don’t know if Huo Hai’s killing of the generals was done by Fenghu, but it’s nothing to do with them. First kill these two guys before talking. Being in the air makes it easier for archers to aim. Target, at this moment, a large number of arrows shot out from all directions, as if it wouldn't stop until the two people were killed.

"Huh, it's really a good calculation to be mixed with spirit-breaking arrows." If it weren't for my strong perception, and I didn't really feel these spirit-breaking arrows mixed in, if it was the same as before, I would suffer.

Huo Hai's heart moved, some Star Gus set up a protective layer around them, and more Star Gu stayed in front of Huo Hai and Fenghu. The arrows fell on the spiritual shield, one by one.

Suddenly, an arrow actually penetrated the spiritual defense set by the star gu. These star gu didn't care at all, and directly emitted spiritual power, repaired the shield, and then continued to defend. In the eyes of everyone, the broken spirit arrow penetrated After the spiritual defense, he flew towards the two people, but at this moment, the fluorescent light flashed suddenly, and a small shield appeared in front of the two people.

This time, it was not the defense of the spirit power, but the defense of the Star Gu's body. With the powerful defensive ability of the Star Gu, the Spirit Breaking Arrow fell on the shield composed of the Star Gu. There was no response at all, it made a soft sound and then dropped. Fall down.

Below, as if it was raining, a lot of arrows fell from the sky. I don't know how many people were accidentally injured at this moment, but no one would care about this now, even if it was a manslaughter, no one would care about it.

"Okay, let's go." Huo Hai gave an order in his heart, and Star Gu suddenly exploded with power. The two figures floating in the air suddenly accelerated, and the army below followed closely behind and chased. But under the speed of Star Gu, how could such an army rely on two legs to catch up? After a while, they had already lost track of the two.

Huo Hai shook his head. It was really boring. Without a commanding army, he couldn't bring himself even a little pressure. As long as he could fly, it would not be difficult for such an army to come in or out.

"You are too reckless. The behavior just now fell into the eyes of the caring people, and you can analyze a lot of things, and your strength has exposed a lot." Fenghu suddenly spoke indifferently by Huo Hai's side.

From the battle just now, even Fenghu has a great understanding of Huo Hai’s abilities. He can’t fully understand all of them. At least part of his strength has already been understood. Huo Hai waved his hand: “It’s okay, as long as mine The strength can continue to improve, even if it is understood by people, they can always catch up, but they can never surpass."

"I can only catch up but can't surpass it? It's really brilliant, maybe this is the real reason for my loss." Fenghu's eyes lit up, and Huo Hai's strength was indeed increasing very quickly. According to Huo Hai's initial strength, it was very good. easy.

But Huo Hai’s current strength, even if Fenghu can control the entire Fengyang country’s army, it seems that there is no master of the realm of Lingshu, and he cannot be killed. When facing the army, this guy can actually leave calmly and dominate the air. It is always so terrifying, any army, facing a flying master, I am afraid it will have a headache.

"I understand, I will pay more attention in the future." Not knowing what I understood, Fenghu suddenly said to Huo Hai. Huo Hai's thinking may not be able to keep up with this monster. He glanced at Fenghu. Can only sigh helplessly.

At this moment, Fenghu suddenly said: "Huo Hai, you are planning to return to Nanyun Nation directly. If I were you, I would not do this, because there is one very important thing you did not do. Arrived." Fenghu's words left Huo Hai stunned. There was nothing else he had done. Huo Hai thought for a while, but never thought.

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