Evil Insect God

Chapter 433: Creating trouble

Asking if you don't understand, Huo Hai doesn't feel embarrassed at all: "I don't know what is important. I still need to stay and finish it before I can leave." Fenghu said it was important, so it must be very important.

Fenghu didn't hesitate, and said directly: "The Northern Front, the Northern Front of Fengyang Country. You have just collapsed the Western Front, but not in the North. If I were you, I would go to the Northern Front and move the Northern Front. It also made it collapse. The best thing is to do a little bit more than the western line." Huo Hai felt strange for Fenghu's words, and really couldn't figure it out.

What is the benefit to him in doing this, Chu Yuntian asked doubtfully: "Why do you want to collapse the Northern Line? It will not be more troublesome, and there will be no benefit."

From Huo Hai’s point of view, now that the army of the Southern Cloud Nation can go directly to Fengyang Nation, it can clear out all Fengyang Nation’s demons. Doesn’t it seem too much to do this kind of thing at this time, no matter what. Do not understand.

Fenghu smiled faintly: "You must think that in the current situation, it is very easy for Nanyun Nation to destroy Fengyang Nation. It is correct to think that you can consider the situation of the entire humanity and the demon master. Happy, but doing this is not in your own interests, or in other words, not in the interests of the Huo family." Fenghu looked at Huo Hai with a smile on his face.

After a pause, Fenghu continued: "If the Northern Line remains like this, then the power of the Northern Line will be enough to block the northern kingdom. At that time, Nanyun Nation will drive straight in and eventually occupy the entire Fengyang Nation."

"What about this." Huo Hai seemed to think of something, his face gradually becoming serious.

Fenghu also did not sell the key: "Nanyun country will occupy Fengyang country, and its national power will be greatly improved. The biggest increase is the royal family of Nanyun country, and this royal family has a poor relationship with you. This is equivalent to Enemy, I don’t think you want this, the Huo family’s foundation is in the western borders of the Southern Cloud Nation, so Nanlin Nation is the kingdom you want to do."

"It turns out that this is the case, that is to say, this Feng Yangguo must never fall into the hands of Nan Yunguo." That's all, if Huo Hai doesn't understand it, then he is really an idiot. Weakening the power of the royal family of Nanyun Kingdom.

"No, it's not that we don't give them at all. It's best to give them half, and we have to think about this half. The time should be stricter." Fenghu explained his thoughts to Huo Hai.

Gradually, Huo Hai's eyes changed when he watched Fenghu. This guy was really terrifying. He was thinking about something. Fenghu was planning to cede half of the land to Nanyun Kingdom and the other half to Nanyun. As long as the kingdoms in the north are fighting against Fengyang, as long as they are well controlled, in the future, after the two kingdoms expand, problems will arise on the border.

Perhaps in the case of the erosion of the magician, this problem will not be highlighted, but once the magician is destroyed, then this dispute will gradually become prominent. The issue of land has always been the most fundamental issue between countries.

It is absolutely impossible for two kingdoms with disputes in their territories to coexist peacefully. Whether it is the northern kingdom or the southern cloud kingdom, they will fight for this. In this way, the power of the royal family will be restrained and weakened.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, the Huo family, who now has control of the western frontiers, can develop vigorously and use their own strength to separate Nanlin Kingdom and Nanyun Kingdom from each other, and then bit by bit to eat away. At that time, Whether it is to preserve the family's interests or re-establish a new kingdom, there is no problem at all.

Even in the future, integrating the army and launching an attack on Nanyun Nation, with the help of the wind fox, it is easy to conquer Nanyun Nation. As long as you do well this time, then the Huo family will be inherently invincible in the future.

"Okay, just do it, but how to control it." Huo Hai is not very clear about this question.

Feng Fox looked like a bamboo in his chest: "It's very simple. I will give you a list later. You only need to kill these people. The remaining people, with their personalities, will naturally go as I imagined."

The high-ranking generals have a terrifying grasp of the human heart. Fenghu is just such a person. Huo Hai will not hesitate and nodded and said: "Okay, let's find a safe place first. If you are found by the magician Okay." Fenghu has a very powerful mind, but his own cultivation is too weak, Huo Hai can't worry if he doesn't find a safe place.

Feng Fox stopped talking, and the two quickly flew out, not knowing how far away. Even the hiding place was found by Feng Fox himself. It was just a cave not far from the front line. There are probably not many people in this kind of place. Can think of.

After that, Huo Hai sorted out the cave, and quickly ran towards the north alone. This place is not very far from the northern line of Fengyang Country, because it was originally the north of the western line, and it took less than a day. Huo Hai came to the destination.

After that, after spending a day, Huo Hai used Xiaodie to control some people, and handed Fenghu to the people on his list, and found them all. These people, but occupy most of the high-levels of the northern line, that night. When it came, Huo Hai, who had determined his goal, didn't do anything extra, and directly aimed Star Gu at the people on the list.

Since Fenghu was the one who made the plan, Huo Hai didn’t want to have extra branches. Apart from these people, Huo Hai had no idea of ​​dealing with other people. Only Star Gu entered and bypassed the anti-insect measures. A few minutes later, the ones on the list Everyone is dead and clean, "Hehe, there will be a good show tomorrow morning, but unfortunately I can't see it."

All of Huo Hai’s actions were silent and silent. Before tomorrow morning, I am afraid that so many high-level things will die here. No one will find out. With Star Gu, Huo Hai didn’t do anything extra and ran straight. Went back.

When Huo Hai appeared in front of Fenghu again, only two days had passed. Other than that, everything was so natural, "How about it, don't you do anything extra?" Fenghu faintly. Asked.

Huo Hai nodded: "No, I just killed the people on the list. There are no more people. There are also a lot of people on the list." Huo Hai said that he did exactly what Fenghu said. do.

Feng Fox nodded: "Very well. At this point, you are much smarter than those demon masters. If it were them, they would definitely do a lot of extra things. Okay, since there is nothing to do, then we will leave. This Feng Yangguo has no value anymore." Fenghu glanced back, a trace of loneliness flashed in his eyes.

In any case, Fenghu is also a member of Fengyangguo's royal family, and he is still a direct line. No matter how dissatisfied with the royal family, Fengyangguo is his motherland after all. Now, his motherland is about to perish in front of him.

Even Fenghu himself was still making plans to squeeze out Feng Yangguo's last bit of value. If there was no uncomfortable feeling in his heart, it would be impossible, Huo Hai knew it, so he didn't bother him.

After Feng Fox finished sighing, Huo Hai took Feng Fox and walked across the front line. There was a Star Gu dragging two people to fly. Some special terrains and levels could not stop them at all. He took advantage of the night sky, plus Fluttershy's illusion, the silhouette of the two in the air, no one can discover, and the journey went smoothly without surprises and dangers.

It’s just that when flying people in the air for such a long time, Star Gu consumes a lot of energy, and it is necessary to replenish some spirit stones from time to time. If it hadn’t been for a large amount of spirit stones in Feng Yangguo before, there is really not so many spirit stones now. Star Gu wasted.

In the air, Fenghu was led by Huo Hai to fly, commanding Huo Hai from time to time, flying to some special places, and then observing and recording the distribution of the army on the ground. Huo Hai didn't care and just let Fenghu watch.

The southern countries have no awareness of air defense at all, and there is no one here who can fly in the air. Therefore, the two of them looked on the ground from the air, and everything on the ground was very clear. Some military secrets were also in terror. Under his thinking, they were clearly analyzed. After swaying for a whole night, the two approached the border fortress of Nanyun Country.

At this time, a large area outside the fortress was already under the control of Nanyun Kingdom. For Feng Yangguo, Nanyun Kingdom’s army was ready and ready to attack at any time. When Huo Hai arrived, he saw that many troops around him were all In assembly.

The two fell slowly, Fluttershy released the illusion, the next moment the two figures appeared in front of the fortress, the surrounding soldiers were shocked, and immediately pointed their weapons at the two people, and other soldiers around them kept moving closer. come.

"Who are you guys, don't you know what place it is? Hurry up and report your name." A legion commander shouted.

Huo Hai took a step forward and said loudly: "I am Huo Hai, this is my token." After that, Huo Hai threw out his token. After confirming that it was correct, the legion commander immediately ordered the other soldiers to put it away. Weapon, with a respectful expression on his face, stepped forward: "The subordinates have seen the general, and they have offended a lot just now, but I hope to redeem them." The legion commander held the token in both hands very respectfully.

Huo Hai took the token over, took a look, and then asked strangely: "What did you call me, General, when did I become a general." He was clearly the title of a legion commander, as if it hadn't arrived yet. General.

The legion commander immediately said: "The general was in Fengyang country before, but the credit you made is unmatched. The country lord has issued an edict to raise your rank to the general of the kingdom." Hearing this, Huo Hai suddenly realized.

It turned out to be like this. Counting time, it seemed that when he was imprisoned in Feng Yangguo, perhaps Nan Yunguo thought that he couldn't go back when he came. It didn't matter to give himself a general title, otherwise it would be so happy.

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