Evil Insect God

Chapter 437: Blood rose

With an exclamation, Yun'er immediately ran behind Huo Hai and hid. At the same time, he stretched out half of his head and looked at Blood Rose carefully. This kind of action made Blood Rose unable to get angry even if he wanted to get angry.

Yun'er's appearance is so pure. Comparing with Yun'er, Blood Rose feels as if she is heinous. Then Blood Rose shook her head and said softly, "Little sister, don't be afraid, sister will not be like you. Don't worry." At this moment, the people around looked at the blood rose, their eyes widened, and their faces were incredible.

Is this still the blood rose with thorns? How can it look like a big sister next door, and the appearance of the blood rose does not seem to be pretended, can it be said that this appearance is the nature of the blood rose.

"Really, really." Yun'er whispered, still afraid to run out from behind Huo Hai, Yun'er didn't know how he looked, how pitiful and affectionate he is now, it is simply a killer of men and women. However, Hao Chen, who was not far away, had greedy gazes in his eyes. When he noticed this gaze, Huo Hai frowned slightly, wondering if he could find a chance to kill this guy.

Blood Rose nodded vigorously and said a good word. Yun'er finally relaxed now, but still did not go to Blood Rose's side, but ran into Fang Biya's arms, apparently just shocked.

Huo Hai patted his forehead. Yun'er is still so timid. Forget it, wait until she grows up. Yun'er has rarely had contact with outsiders since she was a child. In Xijiang, Yun'er was kidnapped. After one time, Yun'er became very wary of some strangers.

At this moment, the blood rose suddenly changed back to its original charming appearance. The change was so fast that it made people feel that it was the same as before. It seemed to be an illusion. "But little sister, if you want to protect you, you don’t have the strength. Your brother has If you don't have this strength, it's better to let my sister protect you." This was said to Yun'er.

But Blood Rose's eyes were clearly looking at Huo Hai. This can be regarded as a provocation. Huo Hai didn't know where he had offended these guys. Why did these guys trouble him when they came.

Could it be that they knew that they had inherited the relic, but it shouldn't be. If that's the case, according to that Haochen's character, I'm afraid they would have asked for it a long time ago, so what is the reason?

"My brother is the most powerful." Hearing that others belittle Huo Hai, Yun'er immediately became angry and said aloud, and then shrank into Fang Biya's arms again. In Yun'er's heart, his brother will always be The most powerful.

"Really, if that's the case, then let me see if Brother Huo Hai has such strength, I don't know if I have this honor." The blood rose looked at Huo Hai, a trace of danger flashed in his eyes. Looking at it, Huo Hai's brow furrowed higher and higher, and these guys seemed determined to want to fight themselves.

If this is the case, Huo Hai will not be afraid: "If the girl insists on playing a game, then I can only accompany her." Huo Hai is not good to bully either. He doesn't show his strength and prevents these people from kicking their noses. face.

Blood Rose smiled slightly: "Okay, courageous, I don't know if your strength is so strong." Then, Blood Rose waved his hand and gently wiped it behind his back, and a dark green whip appeared like a vine. In hands.

Whip? Huo Hai smiled slightly. Ji Mu used the whip method, so Huo Hai was familiar with whip. A green light and shadow swept over. Huo Hai was very used to Ji Mu's high speed. With a whip of sex, how could Huo Hai hurt him? With a light stroke, the Frost Sword appeared in Huo Hai's hands.

The long sword was a little bit, and the vines that had been thrown away flew to the side, while Huo Hai used this free time to get close.

"Hey, how do you use swordsmanship? Didn't you say that this kid is a worm spiritist? Why does he look like a war spiritist." People in the distance talked a lot. Obviously, for Huo Hai, they also have certain understand.

Wuhen said coldly, "I don't know, but looking at his appearance, the war spiritist of the same level may not be his opponent. This set of swordsmanship should be obtained from the ruins." Wuhen's voice, Into the ears of other people.

"Yes, this set of swordsmanship is a spirit-attached swordsmanship, which was put into it by the predecessors of our vast empire, but unfortunately this set of swordsmanship is completely melee swordsmanship, which is too limited, so there are very few people. I have practiced." Seeing Huo Hai using the spirit-attached sword technique, Hao Chen's eyes lit up, and he immediately recognized the origin of this set of sword techniques. When the ruins were built back then, they had their share.

Except for the final inheritance, which was put into it by the ancestors of Tianhui, the others were put into it by the major forces that participated in the construction in order to cultivate their descendants. Of course, it could not be anything precious.

Otherwise, it would be bad if the secret is leaked. In the field, two people come and go, fighting with each other. Huo Hai’s spiritual power is obviously not as good as the blood rose, but in terms of physical strength. Huo Hai is much stronger than Blood Rose. They cancel each other out. The melee strength of the two seems to be similar. You come and I fight, and the fight is very lively.

Especially Huo Hai’s perception is really terrifying. Every time Blood Rose wants to use his ultimate move, Huo Hai will dodge in advance and let his ultimate move back without success. Gradually, Blood Rose’s heart also hits. Out of anger, there are not many people among the younger generation in the Molian Domain who are their opponents. Huo Hai is just a person from the wild, how could it be so strong.

"Huh, Brother Huo Hai is really bullying, but my blood rose is also good." The blood rose groaned, holding a long whip, spinning in place, following the graceful figure, a large number of red petals from the blood rose Gush.

No, this is not an ordinary petal. It is a rose petal that is condensed with spiritual power. The ability to have such a natural petal is definitely the ability of the blood rose source spirit treasure. The most powerful spiritual master is not the spiritual practice. Whether it is strong or not, it is the spirit battle art that is used in conjunction with the ability generated by the source spirit spirit treasure. This is the most fundamental power as a spiritual master.

The petals spread, and quickly enveloped the surroundings, Huo Hai quickly backed away, but the petals that were still swept opened a hole in the clothes. The sharpness of these petals was almost comparable to that of Jian Qi.

The long sword in Huo Hai's hand spun slightly, the light of the sword flickered, and the petals in front of him were shattered. At this moment, a red shadow struck, Huo Hai's instinctive horizontal sword was blocked, and then by a huge force. Shocked a few steps back.

"Huh, it can still be used like this." Huo Hai looked at it from a distance. The red shadow was the whip of the blood rose. The dark green whip was enveloped by petals and turned completely red. When used, it is more powerful than before. Much more powerful, even at the end of the whip, the petals formed a rose, which is really a thorny rose.

However, this delicate rose gave Huo Hai a very dangerous feeling. Huo Hai could clearly feel that this thing was the most dangerous part of the entire whip. Once it exploded when attacked, its power was definitely not simple.

The red shadow flashed away, and then he hit Huo Hai again. The red rose seemed to be in a hurry, with a fatal temptation. Huo Hai didn't dare to hold on to this rose. How familiar.

But in the same way, Huo Hai never thought about using bugs, let alone using spells. These people have to deal with themselves. God knows why. Without keeping some hole cards, it will be difficult for him to fight against these guys. Their own combat power will also make these people somewhat hesitant, if they use Star Gu, they can easily kill the opponent.

Huo Hai did not advance and retreated, his figure quickly retreated back. At the same time as he retreated, his left hand quickly waved in front of him, a few cold lights flashed by, and the blood stab was already emitted from Huo Hai's hand.

Face-to-face confrontation with these masters from the Molian Domain. Some things cannot be hidden. The first bone spurs instantly hit the blood-red rose. A huge shock burst out, and the blood rose's face changed because she found that her own The rose could not be controlled, and then the rose exploded directly from the middle, which was completely detonated.

The bursting rose flower, like a large scattered sword energy, cut everything around it to shreds. A rose petal cut across a stone, and then the stone broke in half. The cut was very smooth.

If an attack of this level falls on oneself, even if Huo Hai has a soft silver armor on his body, he is not sure whether he can block it. This Molian Domain is really unique. The application of this special ability will allow People are breathtaking.

However, the next two bone spurs did not make merit. The long whip in Blood Rose's hand gently circled, and the whip made a circle. Before the two bone spurs passed through, they were intercepted by the long whip, and the bone spur hit the long whip. , The shocking force burst out.

A blood-red burst broke out, and the vibrational power of the bone spurs shook off some of the red petals on the long whip, and then the bone spurs fell weakly, but Huo Hai didn’t know how much shock his actions had brought others. , The rose whip of the blood rose, among the younger generation in the Molian domain, but very famous, it will be broken here.

"What technique did this kid use to shoot down the petals on the rose whip, can you do that?" Hao Chen narrowed his eyes and asked Wuhen next to him without looking back.

Wuhen squinted at this time and stared at Huo Hai closely: "If I only shoot down the petals, I can do it, but then the blood rose will seize the opportunity to attack." Wuhen does not have such a powerful hidden weapon warfare. Ling Jue, if you deliberately deal with these petals in close combat, then you will definitely lose yourself. Wuhen is very clear about this.

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