Evil Insect God

Chapter 438: Sneak attack

The battle gradually progressed to a feverish degree. Huo Hai insisted on using his own fighting skills, whether it was bugs or spells, they did not use them. This performance was even more shocking.

Huo Hai is very special. You don’t need to think about it. Otherwise, which worm spirit master can fight against a secret war spirit master in melee combat, even the war spirit art used by Huo Hai is relatively good. The same is true for that one, its own spiritual power is not suitable for blessing oneself, and the same does not have the original ability to cooperate with Zhan Ling Jue.

The only thing Huo Hai could use was that he had reached the powerful cultivation base of the mid-lings, but at this point, the blood rose had also reached the mid-lings, and it was still the peak of the mid-lings, not too far away from the latter.

At the same level, even his own cultivation base is higher than the opponent, but he was forced into a tie by an insect spiritist. It is impossible for the blood rose to say that it is not annoyed. The long whip in his hand is waving more and more urgently, and the angle is getting more and more. The more tricky.

On the other hand, Huo Hai has become more and more calm. From his original incompatibility, he gradually adapted to this attack speed. After all, Huo Hai rarely uses melee attacks. It is normal not to adapt, but this growth rate is It's not too fast. If this goes on, I don't know if the Blood Rose will be defeated by Huo Hai with the skills of the War Spiritist.

The whip of the blood rose has been used to its limit. The red petals are constantly circling around, and Huo Hai's war spirit art also runs to the limit. Every time the petals come close, Huo Hai will crush it with a sword.

The spirit-attached sword technique has no long-range attack method, but the close proximity advantage is very strong. The long sword is impervious to the wind, and there is no petal to get close. Similarly, Huo Hai has not thought about it. distance.

Across the distance, Huo Hai sent out blood spurs from time to time. The power of the blood spurs was not weak. Every time the blood rose forcibly intercepted the blood spurs, the vibration power brought by the long whip even felt a little in the palm of his hand. He was numb, and Blood Rose was sure that if he was hit, he would definitely lose his combat effectiveness in the next moment. This kid is really difficult.

In the same way, Huo Hai did not dare to pick up the rose on the blood rose whip. Every time he saw a rose hit, he could only use the blood spur to disperse it from a distance. If he was injured by the rose It's troublesome.

The two of you come and go, it seems that his combat skills have been used to the limit, Huo Hai has even used his own spirit snake movement, otherwise, maybe he has been wounded by these petals, which is really troublesome.

"That bad woman, Yun'er will never ignore her again." Yun'er has absolute confidence in her brother, but in such a fierce battle, Yun'er is still very worried about the situation in the field, Huo Hai's clothes Above, because I didn't check it at first, I was opened several times. Fortunately, my body was not injured, even the soft armor was not touched.

Beside, Fang Biya whispered: "Don't worry, don't forget what the strongest of the sea is, I haven't used it yet."

Hearing this, Ji Mu and Yun'er were relieved that Huo Hai’s strongest place was of course the insects, and if insects were used in conjunction with spells, Huo Hai’s combat effectiveness would soar to a terrifying level.

I remember that Huo Hai said to himself earlier that he had hunted and killed a master of the spirit commander realm. How could this kind of strength be comparable to these people? Huo Hai at this time is just like playing with each other, really His strength was not shown at all.

In the distance, looking at the disciples of the Molian Domain who are also in this discussion, their expressions are even more wonderful. If it is not that the intelligence is wrong, it is that there is a problem with Huo Hai in front of him. When will a worm spirit master show such a terrifying effect. The strength is here, this is the method of the war spirit master, if every insect spirit master can do this, then what will the war spirit master do?

You know, in this world, there will always be the most war spirits, and the number of other spirits can't compare with that of war spirits.

Wuhen said faintly: "If this continues, wouldn't it be impossible to be sure of what we want to know? If the task cannot be completed, wouldn't it be troublesome." Wuhen's eyes flickered, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

Hao Chen glanced at Yun'er, and then said: "Why don't we do this? Let's do it too. I think this kid should be able to use his strongest war spirit art if he is caught off guard. Did he get something? , We’ll know if we try."

Wuhen was silent for a while, and continued to watch the performance of the two in the field. He didn't know how strong Huo Hai's spiritual power was, but an insect spiritualist, how to say spiritual power, is also better than a war spiritualist of the same level. Stronger is.

The blood rose uses its own special abilities in conjunction with spiritual power, which consumes less spiritual power, but no matter how small it is, it can’t be compared with Huo Hai’s broken face. How much spiritual power a blood shock thorn can withstand, every time In the confrontation, the blood rose consumes more spiritual power than Huo Hai. If this continues, the blood rose will run out of spiritual power sooner or later, and it will not work if you don't want to admit defeat.

After a long time, Wuhen nodded: "Well, this time we can join hands, but only this time." With that, Wuhen rushed towards Huo Hai's direction in the field, and no one arrived yet. A chill broke out.

For all the people in Xuanbing Sect, the merged source spirit spirit treasures are all similar things, and have something to do with cold ice. Everyone cultivates the cold ice attribute spirit art and war spirit art. Therefore, the Xuanbing Sect follows from I won't be random income.

Following him is Hao Chen. The folding fan in Hao Chen's hand is his weapon. The folding fan is combined and clicked on Huo Hai's body. Every time he taps it, a powerful spiritual force will burst out. The penetrability is very terrifying, this guy did not intend to let Huo Hai leave alive, if he was hit, he would not die or be seriously injured.

"Despicable." Suddenly seeing this change, Ji Mu was shocked. Instinctively, he wanted to rush through at his own speed, but it was too late to rush through at this time. Besides, facing the master of the spirit general realm, Ji Mu What's the use in the past.

It’s true that Ji Mu is fast, but she is different from Huo Hai. Huo Hai can kill spirit generals in the realm of spirits, but even so, Huo Hai still bears huge dangers. Ji Mu does not have the ability to come up. Can only add chaos.

But at this time, Huo Hai did not panic at all. As early as the battle, Huo Hai had already paid attention to these two guys. Now, in order to achieve their goals, these two guys actually attacked him. He was prepared. Not at all scared, Huo Hai sighed, it seems that we still have to expose some things, these people are really troublesome.

A few blood-shaking thorns instantly forced the blood rose that attacked him back. The Frost Sword in his right hand struck a stab. The spirit-attached sword with a powerful sword light pierced towards Wuhen with one sword. There is also a long sword in his hand.

Perhaps in terms of sword aura, Wuhen can attack farther, but in close combat, it can’t take advantage of it. Spirit-attached swordsmanship specializes in swordsmanship itself. In terms of swordsmanship, there are really few swordsmanships that can match it. .

As for the last Haochen who was cruel to himself, Huo Hai didn't do it himself. Since the start of the war, the Star Gu that has been around Huo Hai exudes spiritual power and forms a shield. The next moment, Hao Chen's attack Just hitting the shield, there was a crackling sound, and Hao Chen's face became very ugly.

Because his own attack fell on this shield, there was no ripple at all. This meant that his attack was weak and weak, and he didn't even have the qualifications to shake the opponent's defense. This was obviously arranged with bugs.

Hao Chen noticed that as soon as the insects started, there are many such insects around. The data shows that these insects not only have the ability to defend, but also have powerful attack power. "Damn it, how do these insects compare to data? The record on the previous record has been so much stronger. Is it because Huo Hai was not strong enough to exert the power of the bug, or that this kid has been hiding his strength." Hao Chen narrowed his eyes slightly, shifted a direction, and attacked again.

However, Hao Chen’s attacks were all intercepted by Star Gu. There were too many Star Gus and the speed was too fast. Hao Chen was completely unable to break through Huo Hai’s defenses. Huo Hai himself was the same as Blood Rose and Wuhen. Personally fighting fiercely.

Facing two people at the same time, Huo Hai’s potential was fully aroused. Under tremendous pressure, Huo Hai could only deal with one with one hand. With the terrifying power of spirit-attached swordsmanship, Huo Hai and Wuhen continued to compare swordsmanship with each other. fighting.

On the other side, Huo Hai has completely given up the attack and can only use the blood spur to contain it. However, the blood spur and the blood rose also dare not to connect it casually, and can only use the long whip to intercept it. Unfortunately, the long whip After all, it is not a weapon suitable for defense. Such interception makes the blood rose's spiritual power drain faster and faster.

I have been fighting for a while before, and the blood rose felt that his spiritual power at this time seemed to be gradually unable to keep up. On the other hand, seeing this situation now, the faces of the people in the Molian domain were full of shock. livid.

With one enemy against three, this is a brilliant record. It is a pity that it was not a master in the Molian domain who created this record. On the contrary, it was a young man from the savage land of the southern countries. Huo Hai’s performance was almost like a face slap. , Making their faces hot.

Even the fighting skills Huo Hai used, except for a spirit-attached sword technique that their predecessors put in the ruins at the time, no matter the blood spur or Huo Hai’s own bugs, they are not the legacy of the Molian Domain at all. Things are the best. They think that everything in the wilderness is rubbish, it is strange that they can look good.

What's more, Huo Hai's insects are just defending now, and have no intention of attacking at all. This proves that Huo Hai has not used all his strength at all, and is just playing with them.

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