Evil Insect God

Chapter 439: Transfer secret order

As the battle continues to stalemate, these people also know that it is impossible for them to win Huo Hai, and even Huo Hai's true strength has not been completely forced out, and it will not take long for these people to stop.

On the other hand, Huo Hai is now a person who must repay him. The Haochen behind him who has been cruelly attacking him, from the beginning, Huo Hai was full of hatred for him. Before the battle is over, how can he lose his face? That's good.

Once again, the blood spur was sent out, and the blood rose that wanted to attack him was forced back. At this time, the blood rose had no spiritual power. Huo Hai's perception was very strong, and he could naturally feel the blood rose's breath starting to fluctuate. At the same time, Huo Hai's sword pierced Wuhen who was attacking him, and when Wuhen resisted, Huo Hai's long sword suddenly changed its direction.

The long sword that originally pierced Wuhen, stabbed backwards backwards. Before Wuhen's attack fell on Huo Hai, it was blocked by a spiritual shield that suddenly appeared. This time, some of them were in front of Huo Hai. Star Gu shot.

It is precisely because of the powerful defense of Star Gu that Huo Hai can calmly deal with these three people. When the long sword pierced out, Hao Chen just hit the shield with his full strength. Since the sneak attack just now, Hao Chen was very depressed. .

My own attack was the most fierce, but it was completely blocked by these bugs. Knowing that these bugs are defensive is nothing, but I don’t know, I thought I was releasing water. In fact, many people behind me think so. This prince Haochen, in the eyes of many people, has always been synonymous with unreliable, so it is no wonder that he thinks so.

The prolonged attack made Hao Chen feel very boring, and his vigilance had been reduced to the limit. Some fighting taboos seemed to have been forgotten at this moment, every time he attacked the Star Gu shield with all his strength without reservation.

But he forgot. At this moment, Huo Hai was not dragged by the two people in front, but because he didn't use bugs at all, suddenly Huo Hai attacked himself while he was attacking with all his strength.

Haochen, who was originally focused on the spiritual power shield, saw that the spiritual power shield suddenly disappeared, and then a long sword pierced with a sharp sword light. Haochen was so scared that he was sweating all over his body. Haochen's sword made Haochen too late to dodge, instinctively opened the folding fan and defended in front of him. The next moment, the long sword had already stabbed over.

With a soft sound, the Frost Sword easily pierced the folding fan. Then, Hao Chen finally recovered with the resistance of the folding fan being pierced. The folding fan closed, clamped the long sword, and then quickly retreated back. .

On the other two sides, seeing this situation, the two of them invariably stepped back, "Hearing is illusory and seeing is believing. Your Excellency Huo Hai's strength is indeed tyrannical. I am ashamed of my younger sister." Blood Rose said, arching her hands. Blood Rose panted heavily, her face turned reddish, and more charming, but everyone knew that this woman was definitely a dangerous element.

Haochen's expression changed, and finally he bit his head and said: "Huh, it's very good, but the external force is external force after all. This is a draw." Haochen just wanted to open the folding fan twice, but suddenly stopped. Down.

There is a hole in the top of my folding fan at this time. If it is opened and used, it will not be laughed to death.

But even so, the eyes of other people looking at Haochen were a bit wrong, and now even the blind could see that they went all out, but they were regarded as one enemy three. Now Huo Hai is just being merciful.

This guy's cheek is really thick, Huo Hai glanced at Haochen disdainfully, "I'm a little tired today, let's go back first." Huo Hai said, and then left here with Ji Mu and others. The rare rest days were disturbed by all these guys. Although Huo Hai verified his combat effectiveness, his mood was still not very good.

"Brother, I knew you were the strongest." Yun'er looked excited, and kept wandering around Huo Hai.

Huo Hai shook his head: "Yun'er, these people didn't use their full strength at all, they all have hidden." Although the blood rose had already gone all out at the beginning, but she hadn't used it. Huo Hai could see that blood Rose actually learned the body method.

As a disciple of the Piaohua Pavilion, how could it be possible that they can't know how to be at all. The other two people have more or less hidden things, but they don't have so much hidden by themselves. Even if they use their full strength, the result is the same. , But these hidden things, no one knows what kind of abilities they have, and some abilities, without preparation, will suffer.

On the other side, the three people looked at each other solemnly, "What do you think, is this kid inherited?" Wuhen frowned, and asked the other two people faintly.

Blood Rose spread his hands: "I don't know the little girl, I only know that he is very strong, and it really makes my heart touch."

Hao Chen glanced at it and said disdainfully: "Who asked you to go to the side, don't hinder us from doing serious things here." After a pause, Hao Chen continued: "I think this kid must have got it. , When I first fought, I felt a light-attribute spiritual power. Only the inheritance of the ancestors of the celestial radiance can have the light attribute spiritual power.

But Wuhen did not agree, and instead retorted: "I also felt it, but this light attribute spiritual power radiated from his insect. This is the attribute of the insect itself, and the inheritance of Tianhui ancestors is not. relationship."

The ancestor Tianhui is a magician, and he also has a deep research on the spirit formation, but he has never studied bugs, and no one has heard of it. The ancestor Tianhui also uses the light attribute to assimilate the spirits. Although this light attribute worm is rare, it is not absolutely impossible to find. If the other party just uses the light attribute worm, they find the wrong target, and the trouble will be serious.

Blood Rose hugged her chest and said with a look of temptation: "I see, it is meaningless for us to discuss here. How about letting the little girl use a beautif, it will always have results over time."

These words were in exchange for a group of people's eyes, Wuhen waved his hands: "Is it a long time? This is a good idea. Now Nanyun Nation is stable, the next step is to go to the front line of Mingyang Nation. Let that Huo Hai go with us."

Hearing this, the two looked at each other, and finally nodded in agreement: "I agree." The three team leaders agreed, and the others were the same. Soon, the decisions of several people were sent to Nan Yun through various channels. In front of the country's lord, time slowly passed, and Huo Hai was just playing with his family in the next time.

Early the next morning, a guard knocked on Huo Hai’s door. Huo Hai opened his eyes and stretched out comfortably. It’s been a long time since he got up so late and looked at Fang Biya who was sleeping beside him. Huo Hai's face was full of smiles.

It’s been a long time since Xiaobiesheng’s newlyweds have not been so comfortable. Last night, I finally convinced the girl, Bi Ya, but who the **** is, disturbing people’s dreams early in the morning, "Okay, I'll be here. "

Huo Hai whispered, then got up, put on a piece of clothing, walked out, opened the door, and there was a guard outside. The guard did not squint, lowered his head and said respectfully: "General Huo, this It is a transfer order from the country's lord, please check it by the army." Holding an envelope with both hands respectfully, when Huo Hai got the things, the guards turned and left.

"Hai, who is it, what is this?" Huo Hai made such a big movement, Fang Biya had also woke up, but there were outsiders, so Fang Biya never said anything.

Huo Hai walked back, sat on the side of the bed, and slowly said: "It seems to be the order of the lord of the country. I don't know what it is." With that, Huo Hai checked the paint and then opened the envelope. A transfer order.

Looking at the seal above, Huo Hai knew it was true. After reading it again, Huo Hai sneered: "Huh, this country lord seems to not want me to take credit for it, so he even said this. "On the transfer order, it was an order for Huo Hai to go to Mingyang State and enter the front line of the Heavenly Demon Tomb. Now Huo Hai, after all, is still the general of Nanyun State in name.

It’s not good for Huo Hai to openly ignore the orders of the lord now, otherwise he will become a rebellion. It’s better to be when the wind is rising. No one is taking care of himself. Just after he came back, the lord began to want to suppress himself. .

From Huo Hai’s point of view, the battle against Feng Yangguo was about to begin. Feng Yangguo was already in the bag of Nanyun Kingdom. The next step was a lot of meritorious deeds. If Huo Hai was still here, perhaps most of the credit was taken. They would be snatched away by him, and now no matter whether it is the country lord or the children of other big families, they don't want Huo Hai to stay here anymore.

It’s quite normal for the country’s lord to issue such an order. As for sayings that have extraordinary abilities and need to go to the front to show their talents, Huo Hai sneered at this. There are more people who are stronger than his own, and he has one more ability. how about it.

Do you want to destroy the army of demons with the help of insects? This is simply a joke, but speaking of it, even if the lord does not let him go, Huo Hai will find a way to pass, there is nothing left behind. Unable to destroy the devil.

"Are you going to the front line of the Demon Tomb? You, you have to be careful." Fang Biya originally wanted to say that she would go with Huo Hai, but thinking about her strength, she really couldn't help. Huo Hai's own performance yesterday The fighting power that came out far surpassed him. Looking back, Fang Biya was full of loss, and Huo Hai quickly hugged Fang Biya.

"Okay, Bi Ya, I will be careful, as long as I work **** my own cultivation level, don't force it too much. As your husband, of course I will protect you when things happen." Huo Hai lowered his head, Fang Biya kissed her on the cheek.

Fang Biya's face was flushed, and the feeling of loss was temporarily replaced by shyness, but the depths of her pupils still couldn't hide.

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