Evil Insect God

Chapter 440: Join the sect

At this moment, another footstep sounded outside the door: "Yeah, it's really affectionate, I'm so envious of my little girl." This familiar voice sounded, and Huo Hai's brows immediately frowned.

This voice is too familiar. Isn't it the voice of Blood Rose? How did this woman come here? Before Huo Hai could say anything, the door was opened directly, and Blood Rose's head protruded from behind the door.

"I didn't bother you." Although Blood Rose said so, but she was not embarrassed at all. She walked in directly, but seeing Huo Hai's appearance, Blood Rose's face turned a blushing faintly. Rolled his eyes, because Huo Hai didn't wear clothes at all, and he didn't have anything on him. After all, he still had a pair of shorts.

As a person from the earth, Huo Hai would not feel embarrassed even if only a pair of pants came out to see people. A big man, let people see what there is, and besides, he was still wearing a piece of clothing.

But in the Tianling Continent, meeting a woman who is not very close in this way is a bit of that. Seeing Huo Hai's appearance, the blood rose can resist not running out, which already shows that her face is very thick.

If such a thing is said, it might affect her reputation. Behind him, Fang Biya wrapped herself in a quilt tightly, buried her head behind Huo Hai, and cursed in her heart. With a blood rose, why did this woman just come in? Wouldn't she wait until she put on her clothes? How can she see people like this?

Blood Rose just came in, and two people entered again behind him. These two people are Ji Mu and Yun'er. "Brother, I came to see you. Oh, why don't you wear clothes." Yun'er saw Huo Hai's Looks like, yelled.

But she didn't care much. Instead, she sat beside Huo Hai with a happy face and wrapped her around Huo Hai. Seeing Yun'er's appearance, Blood Rose's eyes didn't know why, a trace of envy flashed through her eyes. The relationship between the two brothers and sisters is really good. Thinking back to myself...

A trace of envy flashed in Ji Mu's eyes, but it was not Yun'er who was envious, but Fang Biya. Fang Biya looked at this time, Ji Mu looked at him, and he didn't know why, a thick complex color flashed in his eyes. , Close the door.

Huo Hai didn't get up, let alone change clothes in a hurry. Instead, he continued to sit like this, being a man by himself and letting people take a look at it. It's no big deal, "I don't know what is going on with the girl here. Other people's rooms are not a good thing." Seeing the appearance of Blood Rose, he should have brought Yun'er and Ji Mu over.

If there is nothing to say, Huo Hai would never believe it. Huo Hai decided to deal with it carefully. If this woman wanted to inquire about the ruins, Huo Hai would never say it. These people in the Molian domain, really Difficult.

Who knows, Blood Rose didn't ask about this at all, but instead said: "Nanyun Country's transfer order, I think you have already received it, don't look at me like this, because we will also go to Mingyang Country to participate in the war later."

Dealing with demon masters, their masters in the realm of spirits are very important combat power. They came to the southern countries this time mainly to deal with these demon masters, even in the north, because they received news that the northern army It has begun to attack the three northern countries controlled by the magician, and the situation in the southern countries has gradually stabilized.

"Yeah, but what does this have to do with you girl?" Huo Hai waved his hand and did not deny at all. These powerful forces in the Molian Domain naturally have their own news channels. It is difficult to hide these things from them. .

Blood Rose smiled: "Why, Big Brother Huo Hai, you hate the little girl so much." Seeing Huo Hai frowned, Blood Rose knew not to make too much teasing, and quickly said, "Actually, this time. The matter is mainly for your two confidantes and your sister." Hearing this, Huo Hai looked puzzled.

What did this have to do with them, the blood rose did not let Huo Hai guess, and said directly: "If Haochen hadn't seen it, it didn't matter, you can see it too, Haochen is lustful and greedy, it is not What is good, even if it is protected by you, he will never let go of the things he likes, let alone you have to leave."

Yes, Haochen himself will go to Mingyang country, but as the prince of the Haotu Empire, as long as one word, someone will come to capture Ji Mu and others. I believe many people will deal with themselves in order to curry favor with Haochen. .

"What can you do, and why do you want to help me? With your character, I am afraid you will not do meaningless things." Huo Hai's eyes narrowed slightly, and the blood rose is not as pure as it seems on the surface.

Blood Rose rolled his eyelids, and said dissatisfied: "Really, I was kind of suspected, okay, let me tell you, I want three younger sisters to join my Piaohua Pavilion, as long as they are from Piaohua Pavilion. People, even the prince of the vast empire, dare not deal with it easily. Don't worry, our Piaohua Pavilion has never had the rules to give away disciples."

Then, Blood Rose talked to Huo Hai. Huo Hai finally understood what Blood Rose wanted to do. Ji Mu and others were young and their cultivation bases were not bad. After all, this is a barren area, and Blood Rose naturally needs to be tested well. Some.

Secretly testing, the blood rose confirmed that the potential of the three is very high, and the fused source spirit stone is at least ground-level or above, and the source spirit spirit treasure is not bad. In this way, the blood rose is tempted.

Piaohua Pavilion only accepts female disciples, but this talented female disciple is usually hard to find. If you retrieve three from the sect, then you will get even greater benefits in the sect. Blood Rose also repeatedly assured that the female disciple who joined the Piaohua Pavilion had never been sent out to sacrifice by the sect, even in the vast empire.

Unless the disciple voluntarily, Piaohua Pavilion will never persecute, repeatedly promised, and even vowed a curse, Huo Hai believed her, you know, in the Heavenly Spirit Continent, this kind of oath is not casually issued.

Once the vow cannot be completed, it will leave a shadow in the heart. This kind of shadow has a great impact on the spiritual master. No one dares to ignore his vows casually, otherwise Huo Hai will not be so easy to believe.

"Brother Huo Hai, please let them join. We Piaohua Pavilion has very high-level spirit art and war spirit art. Only by joining us can we have a better future. You don’t want them to be in front of you in the future. Go old."

Huo Hai frowned. It seems that there is no need to worry about it now, but this is indeed a problem in the future. The lifespan gap is very problematic on the Heavenly Spirit Continent. Before the Spiritualist, the lifespan of the Spiritualist is at most a little longer than ordinary people. What, but once you reach the realm of the spiritual being, a person's life span can at least be more than one hundred and fifty years old.

Now Huo Hai is in the realm of spiritual masters, and his life span will only be longer, at least between 200 and 300 years old. With the continuous improvement of his strength, his life will be longer and longer. Therefore, the general spiritual masters are very strict when looking for a partner. of.

Especially female spiritual masters, they all like to look for someone with a cultivation base similar to their own, otherwise they would rather not, especially those whose cultivation base is worse than their own. Basically they don’t have to think about it, but the problem is that the spirit of Piaohua Pavilion, Huo Hai Not very attractive.

"Hai, just let us join in, we don't want to hold you back." At this moment, Fang Biya behind him suddenly said with a firm face. If the life expectancy is not long, Fang Biya doesn't bother to take care of it. , Because it was a long time later, but in terms of strength, Fang Biya really didn't want to drag Huo Hai back.

Even if he can’t help Huo Hai in the future, at least he can’t be distracted. Just like this time, in order to protect himself and others, Huo Hai’s worries will never be less. Huo Hai himself didn’t say it, but Ji Mu and Fang Biya could. Clearly noticed.

After joining the Piaohua Pavilion, at least in the Molian domain, no one dared to do it easily. Huo Hai, who had let go of his hands and feet, would not have an obvious entanglement with what he is doing now.

At this time, Ji Mu also said: "Huo Hai, let us join in, we can't always rely on you, we must rely on our own efforts." Ji Mu is definitely a strong woman, if it is not Huo Hai dragging, It wouldn't be like this forever. Seeing the two firm gazes and looking at Yun'er's expectant eyes, Huo Hai patted his head.

Although I don’t know what exactly Blood Rose used to seduce Yun'er, the Blood Rose’s method is really good. Yun'er accepted it so quickly, "Okay, I agree, but you better make sure that they are floating flowers. Ge will not be bullied."

As Huo Hai said, the murderous aura all over his body surged towards the blood rose. Facing this murderous aura, he rushed at close range now. Even if it was a blood rose, his face was pale. Yesterday, it was far away and I didn't feel very much. Really, I felt it today, and the Blood Rose felt scared. How many people this Huo Hai has killed in order to condense such murderous aura.

"Don't worry, our Piaohua Pavilion girl will definitely not be bullied." Blood Rose took a deep breath, and then said: "Brother Huo Hai, you really won't take pity on Xiangyu, really. Know how you lied to your two younger sisters."

Just a few minutes later, the blood rose returned to its original appearance again. This really made Huo Hai depressed. Fortunately, the two would not stay together often. Otherwise, who could stand such a person, Huo Hai turned over. Rolled his eyelids and didn't answer, I hope Ji Mu and the others won't follow along. This kind of performance made Blood Rose a bit boring. He touched it in his arms and found three badges.

"Take this, you are the preparatory disciples of Piaohua Pavilion. Even if you are the leader of the vast empire, you will not easily do anything to Piaohua Pavilion disciples." Each of the three badges will be one, and then the blood rose will look again. Put it on Huo Hai.

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