Evil Insect God

Chapter 446: Beast

Sure enough, for this battle beast, the people in this Colosseum took a lot of thought, this spirit beast of the spirit general realm, it is very difficult for ordinary people to kill it, let alone capture it alive.

There are two spirit beasts in the realm of spirit generals now appearing here, which is enough to show that there are masters of the realm of spirit generals behind this Colosseum, but there is more than one. There may even be masters in the realm of spirits, ordinary people, It can't support the operation of such a Colosseum. Judging from various rules, the benefits of this Colosseum are not a small amount.

"Brother Huo, what do you think, which side of the two spirit beasts will win?" The blood rose came up again. Huo Hai didn't want to gamble, but Huo Hai didn't say that he would not judge.

Through the judgment of spirit beasts, it is sometimes possible to see what is special about a person's own vision and cultivation.

Before Huo Hai spoke, Feng Yu said it first, "Haha, how can it be so easy to distinguish, all the spirit beasts in the Colosseum are usually about the same strength, these two spirit beasts are also the same, but the speed of the wind wolf is fast Some, I think, after this game is over, Hayate Wolf will win." With that, Feng Yu couldn't wait to start placing bets.

However, the blood rose completely ignored Feng Yu's words, his eyes still fixed on Huo Hai, and Huo Hai carefully observed the spirit beasts in the two cages, "These two spirit beasts are both in the middle of the spirit generals. not bad."

"Haha, don't show off here, kid, who doesn't know that this is a spirit beast in the middle of the spirit general." Feng Yu pointed to a spar in the room. I don't know when some information has appeared on the spar.

In the box, they are the most distinguished guests, so there is more information in the box, and the people above the seats below can’t see this. But the blood rose knows that Huo Hai is here for the first time. In a place, how could he know what's in this box, so Huo Hai's judgment on the two spirit beasts completely relied on himself.

With her own eyesight, being able to distinguish the strengths of two spirit beasts from such a distance, and even through the protection of the spirit formation, is not easy for Huo Hai, but the blood rose is not too shocked, because she can also distinguish between them. .

"Then Big Brother Huo, who do you think can win." The blood rose still entangled Huo Hai, which made Feng Yu extremely jealous.

Huo Hai said faintly: "If under normal circumstances, the hurricane wolf will win, but now, I think this blazing tiger has a higher chance of winning." Huo Hai came to this conclusion after careful study.

"Why, why do you think so." Huo Hai's conclusion was different from his own, and Feng Yu laughed on the spot.

Huo Hai said faintly: "It's very simple. The hurricane wolf is fast. If you want to catch the hurricane wolf, you must naturally limit its speed. I just observed that the hurricane wolf's leg has been injured and has not fully recovered. If it takes a little longer, the speed of the hurricane wolf will decrease. When that happens, the hurricane wolf is definitely not an opponent of the blazing tiger."

After a pause, Huo Hai continued: "Furthermore, the center of the Colosseum seems to be very large, but for the spirit beasts in the spirit general realm, it is very narrow. In such a place, the speed of the hurricane wolf can't be used at all. "

What Huo Hai did not say is that based on his understanding of the Flame Tiger, the Flame Tiger also has a powerful large-scale attack method. When displayed in such a place, the Storm Wolf is inevitable, regardless of the difference between the two. The cultivation base is similar, but all the conditions are not good for Dust Wind Wolf. If you consider it according to the general situation, errors will naturally occur in the end.

Huo Hai's analysis was very reasonable. At this time, even Feng Yu couldn't help but hesitate to guess whether he had guessed wrong, but looking at the appearance of the blood rose, Feng Yu gritted his teeth and determined not to admit defeat at this time.

"Hmph, it seems to be the case, but what if you guess wrong." Feng Yu looked at Huo Hai provocatively.

Huo Hai glanced at it and said indifferently: "If I read it wrong, it proves that my eyesight is not enough. What else can I do? Could it be that I am wrong, you will not be able to leave because of the wind." Huo Hai's words were full of provocative.

Feng Yu almost didn't come up in one breath. This guy deliberately opposed himself, right, "Huh, I'll see who won in the end." Feng Yu stopped talking, and the three of them stared at the Colosseum below. It didn't take long for the betting to end. According to the top spar, more people believed that the hurricane wolf was more certain of winning.

The two cages were quickly placed in the center of the Colosseum, and the surrounding defensive spirit formations were immediately expanded. A defensive barrier enveloped the center of the Colosseum. Then, two spirit beasts appeared in the middle.

Even though there are various defensive barriers, the people around can still feel the powerful power of the two spirit beasts. At this moment, the two spirit beasts were released. Many people around involuntarily tilted their bodies back. .

At this moment, a faint smoke floated out and enveloped the two spirit beasts inside. After a while, the eyes of the two spirit beasts began to turn red, and the two began to stare at each other and gradually attacked. Gesture.

"Is this the method of the Colosseum? Is this kind of medicine or something else, it can actually increase the aggression of the spirit beast." Huo Hai squinted, not knowing what he was thinking, as the smoke absorbed more and more , The two spirit beasts finally couldn't bear it gradually, "Roar..." The Flame Tiger suddenly roared, and first rushed towards the Storm Wolf.

From the perspective of the cultivation base, the Flame Tiger is indeed a bit worse than the Storm Wolf. If it is in the wild, then the Storm Wolf absolutely restrains the Flame Tiger, but in such a small place, this restraint is infinitely compressed.

The hurricane wolf often won’t be able to run for long, so it has to turn around, and the breeze surrounds itself. The hurricane wolf is getting faster and faster, and the blazing tiger can’t keep up. It can only spit out flames from behind and launch its own attacks on the blast wolf.

From time to time, the hurricane wolf issued a wind blade to offset the attack of the blazing tiger, or issued a whirlwind to interfere with the blazing tiger. The situation became more and more unfavorable for the blazing tiger. Gradually, the flames appeared on the body of the blazing tiger. Red blood flowed out, and the hurricane wolf did not show any injuries.

"Hahahaha, how? I'll say it must be the hurricane wolf that will win." Feng Yu roared, looking at Huo Hai freely, but Huo Hai did not speak at this time, his eyes were tight. Staring at the flame tiger.

The flame tiger was indeed injured just now, but this was because the flame tiger itself slowed down, its spiritual power was not consumed much, but its speed was slow. Obviously, the flame tiger was preparing for a powerful attack.

Sure enough, Feng Yu's words had just fallen, and the Flame Tiger roared into the sky: "Roar..." A wave of sound waves spread towards the surroundings, and the powerful flame spiritual power, centered on the Flame Tiger, was constantly sweeping around, as if Just like an explosion, this terrifying flame is completely an all-round attack without dead ends. Feeling the horror of this wave of attacks, the blast wolf retreats again and again.

It is a pity that this is not the wild, and the blast wolf cannot leave the attack range. Soon, the blast wolf hits the barrier next to it. The blast wolf with nowhere to escape can only explode with its spiritual power and protect itself with its spiritual power.

In the next moment, the hurricane wolf was swallowed by this flame, and the flame hit the defensive barrier, shaking the barrier continuously. Many people around were panicked, for fear that the defensive barrier could not support it and let the power vent outside.

The narrow space has increased the power of the Flame Tiger's trick. When the flame disappears, the two spirit beasts in the middle are exposed. The Flame Tiger's trick directly consumes most of the spiritual power, but the effect is very significant. During the attack, although the defense was down, the hurricane wolf was not so good-looking at this time, not only its spiritual power was almost exhausted.

Moreover, the hurricane wolf’s fur was burnt and black, and it was obviously injured. He just ran, and the injury on his leg recurred again, causing the hurricane wolf’s speed to slow down. Without spiritual power, his body was injured. How could the hurricane wolf’s speed? Get up quickly.

When the blazing tiger rushed over, the hurricane wolf could only continue to flee, dodge left and right, but even the speed he was proud of was not as fast as the blaze tiger, and soon he was overtaken by the blaze tiger. , The strength is not as good as the opponent, and the spiritual power is also exhausted. How can such a hurricane wolf resist the attack of the flame tiger, the scene has entered the garbage time.

Next, there was a unilateral performance of the blazing tiger berserking the hurricane wolf, one claw after another, constantly falling on the seriously injured hurricane wolf, in the Colosseum, there was a shout and a roar.

However, no one expressed sympathy for the hurricane wolf. A few minutes later, among the crazy and indifferent eyes of everyone, the hurricane wolf's movements became slower and slower, and finally he was bitten by the blazing tiger's neck.

After struggling for a while, the sound of the hurricane wolf gradually dissipated. After confirming the death of the hurricane wolf, the referee said from a distance: "The first game, the flame tiger wins, and the next game is the second game. Please be prepared." Immediately after the referee announced the result, a very special gas was injected into the field. The flame tiger, who was still very impressive, soon became groggy.

After the unconscious Flame Tiger was dragged out by the staff, he brought two cages again not far away. The spirit beasts in these two cages, Huo Hai felt from a distance, these two are still in the middle of the spirit general realm. of.

The unexpected result caused Feng Yu's expression to change. He didn't feel distressed about the loss, but was annoyed that he actually lost to Huo Hai. Huo Hai didn't bet with him, but in terms of vision, he had indeed won. , How could Feng Yu not feel uncomfortable when he missed in front of the blood rose? This guy has already regarded the blood rose as his prey.

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