Evil Insect God

Chapter 447: This is a fighting beast?

The look in Feng Yu's eyes had already seen Blood Rose. Blood Rose was not the kind of innocent girl who didn't know anything, but Blood Rose didn't say anything about it, as if he hadn't paid attention at all.

"Brother Huo, look at who will win this game." Feng Yu, who had already lost once, didn't say anything this time. Instead, he stared at Huo Hai closely, wanting to see what Huo Hai plans to do. Say.

When Huo Hai saw the following things clearly, he finally shook his head: "I don't know." In the second scene, there are two bears, one uses the soil attribute spiritual power, and the other is the mutated rock attribute, defense. On the one hand, the rock bear has stronger defense and strength, but in terms of recovery, the earth bear is stronger.

In this way, the two bears whose defenses far exceed their own attacks, and there is no strong attack ability. Huo Hai really doesn't know who will win in the end. Perhaps, only in the end can he see it. There is no way to tell.

Feng Yu curled his lips, but this time he said nothing, because it was not just Huo Hai, but the others couldn't tell. The battle started to the end without any surprises or passion. The two bears kept attacking each other.

The same defense is strong, and the same recovery ability is abnormal. In the end, the result unexpectedly exceeded everyone's expectations. The two bears finally tired each other down. A rare draw in the Colosseum was born. All people have no complaints. It is a rare experience to see this tie.

It’s just that all the bets are basically in the hands of the Colosseum in the end, “I didn’t expect that the last game ended in a draw, but this one shouldn’t be. Let’s see what kind of spirit beast is playing this time. ."

After seeing the last scene, Huo Hai frowned involuntarily. One side was a snake. At first glance, he knew that it was extremely poisonous. This is a poisonous snake spirit beast that has reached the late stage of the general. In terms of toxicity, Xiao Jin continues Want to rush over.

On the other side, it turned out to be a rare beast. The beast looked like a huge scorpion. It was the first time Huo Hai had seen this large beast. If he hadn't been in the Colosseum, Huo Hai Hai would definitely buy it. If he could refine it using Gu refining methods, such insects and beasts would be of great help to him.

Today Huo Hai has a lot of insects in his hands, but there are no insects that can truly be used as a spiritualist and can be used alone. The spiritual insects are very powerful on one side, and the whole is far inferior to normal spiritualists.

Even Star Gu, relying on a powerful body and quantity, it still needs to be under the command of Huo Hai to exert such a powerful force. I didn’t expect Mingyang to see insects and beasts, which is really exciting. .

Huo Hai suddenly thought that at the beginning, it seemed that the deputy dean had said that there were many insects and beasts in Mingyang country, so the essence of spirit insects could only be produced in Mingyang country. However, the deputy dean did not expect that he had already fired the earth. The four essences of wind worms have been fully assembled, and what Huo Hai needs now is the rare spiritual essence.

"Brother Huo, look at who can win this game at the end." Blood Rose said to Huo Hai with a smile on his face. This game is different from the previous one. In the previous game, both sides were both offensive and high-defense bears. This one is a spirit beast with high attack and low defense.

Huo Hai shook his head: "I don't know, the spirit beasts from this Colosseum are not so easy to be guessed. The result is that these two spirit beasts are too strong and too toxic, no matter who attacks first. To the other side, you can win directly."

"Huh, it's not that I don't know yet." Feng Yu said to Huo Hai disdainfully, but he himself didn't know who would win in the end. Such a bet, as long as there is no one making trouble, can only rely on luck in the end.

It didn’t take long before the betting was over. At the referee’s order, the two spirit beasts were sent to the field. The difference from the previous one was that the two spirit beasts were ready when they saw each other. The preparation for the attack, both are very powerful attacking spirit beasts. When the special gas was injected, the two spirit beasts were already restless.

The two spirit beasts remained motionless, as if they had become statues. The two sides stared at each other closely. This was completely different from ordinary spirit beasts. I don't know how long it had passed before, suddenly, the two spirit beasts moved.

The two sides attacked each other at the same time. The giant snake flicked its tail and the whole body turned into a sharp arrow, while the large scorpion wielded two pincers and slammed it against the giant snake almost instantly. Contact each other.

The scorpion first grabbed the giant snake’s body. With force, the pliers quickly penetrated under the giant snake’s skin and cut it open. The next moment, the giant snake opened its mouth and bit the scorpion’s body regardless of its own injury. On his body, terrifying toxins followed his teeth and slowly injected into the scorpion's body, and the scorpion's breath descended visible to the naked eye.

Just when everyone thought that the giant snake would kill the opponent at the cost of injury, a flash of lightning flashed. This lightning is the tail behind the scorpion. No matter what kind of scorpion, the tail is always the strongest attack. arms.

The tail needle of the scorpion's tail easily broke through the skin of the giant snake, and the toxins were injected into the poisonous snake. The toxicity of the two was very terrifying, and there was no immunity to each other's toxins.

It didn't take long for the two to maintain this kind of action, completely stiffened, and the referee judged from a distance, and finally had no choice but to spread their hands: "Both sides are all dead, this is a tie." Suddenly there was a shout of curses. What happened today? How could there be two consecutive draws, and the referee kept sweating.

This time, in order to cater to the tastes of the children of the great forces in the Molian Domain, the Colosseum deliberately found a very powerful and very difficult to catch spirit beast. Who would have thought that the final result would be like this.

The emcee hurriedly said: "Everyone, there is another most exciting beast in our Colosseum. This will be the last one. Now we enter the next link. You can bet against each other and use our Colosseum to prepare. You can also use the spirit beast you bring. Of course, according to the rules, if you use the spirit beast you bring, you must get the consent of the other party."

After a lot of quick talk, everyone's emotions were finally calmed down. The two unexpected draws in a row have already made many people dissatisfied, but in the end, everyone accepted the result.

After all, it turned out like this in the end. Even the people at the Colosseum didn’t expect, “Boy, do you want to bet against me once, you won’t have that much money? It’s okay. If not, I can lend You."

Feng Yu once again began to provoke Huo Hai. When faced with the blood rose, Feng Yu always becomes a brain-dead so easily. Huo Hai glanced at it and said faintly: "Forget it, you My money is too little, I can't stand it anymore." With that, Huo Hai took out a spiritual crystal and shook it. Under Feng Yu's drooling expression, he took it back.

This guy, if you don't show him a bit of color, he doesn't know that the sky is high and the earth is thick. Seeing the spirit crystal in Huo Hai's hand, Feng Yu's eyes suddenly become red. In Mingyang Country, the spirit crystal is definitely one of the top treasures.

Even if it is the blood rose, the eyes are bright. There are not many spirit crystals in the Molian domain. Many people, when reaching the peak of the spirit commander realm, will use the spirit crystal to break through the ground level. The spirit crystal is also one An important training resource.

Feng Yu's eyes rolled, and he didn't know what he thought of, but before he could speak, the sound of a bell suddenly rang from below. This sound indicated that the gambling battle had already begun. Huo Hai glanced outside, and then frowned: "This is also fighting beasts." Huo Hai pointed to the two cages below and asked with a strange expression on his face.

Because in the two cages below, there are not two spirit beasts at all, but two people, unless there is a spirit beast that can look exactly like a person, the two people are shirtless, and they don't carry any weapons.

Moreover, both of them have reached the peak of the spiritual bone realm. They are not very strong, but they are evenly matched. If they only use their fists without weapons, this kind of battle is really boring. Who would have thought that there would be such a scene in the Colosseum.

"Hmph, you country boy, don't talk nonsense if you haven't seen it before. The Colosseum can naturally use slaves to play." Feng Yu finally found an excuse to despise Huo Hai. In their eyes, slaves can't be regarded as humans at all. Huo Hai thought of the fighting beasts in ancient Rome, isn't it the same, frowned, Huo Hai didn't say anything.

Huo Hai does not have the ability to challenge the rules of the entire world, so naturally he will not put himself on the opposite side of the entire world. There are slaves in the Heavenly Spirit Continent, and there are many others. However, slaves are not very popular in Nanyun Country. That's it.

Blood Rose also nodded and said: "The Colosseum can indeed allow slaves to play, and even if both parties are willing, even if they go up by themselves, winning can win a huge honor, and if the slave wins, it can also be used to get rid of the status of a slave, and In the end, he can get a large amount of wealth reward." Huo Hai gradually understood the words of the blood rose.

For many slaves, this kind of beast is also a shortcut to get rid of the status quo and live a good life. "Hehe, if I destroy this system, I wonder if these slaves will hate me."

Huo Hai smiled bitterly in his heart, shook his head, did not say anything, after a while, Huo Hai asked, "I don't know who belongs to these two parties." Huo Hai looked at the sign printed on a slave. , It seems to be very similar to the Feng Family logo on Feng Yu, but there are some differences. Huo Hai doesn't know what it represents.

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