Evil Insect God

Chapter 448: provocative

"The next gambling fight comes from the young master of the Feng family and the big prince. You can place your bets." The emcee announced loudly to the bottom. This Colosseum will not casually announce the identities of both parties.

As long as the identity is announced, it will be done after both parties agree. In normal gambling, these two people rarely reveal their identities directly, even though everyone knows that it is the same for both of them, but this time , But don't know why, the two directly publicized their identities. The two people have been fighting with each other for a long time.

In Mingyang Kingdom, the Feng Family is the biggest challenger to the royal family. His strength is not worse than that of the royal family, but he is always held down by the royal family. The Feng family always wants to replace him. In the eyes of the royal family, the Feng family is the greatest Rebellious, the two families are almost incompatible.

The two sides just haven't completely torn their faces apart, and various fights are frequent in private. The eldest young master of the Feng family and the eldest prince of the royal family are naturally also one of the centers of the struggle. Now, it is directly announced.

The people around have different minds and don’t know what they’re thinking. These two people have now made the fight more obvious. I don’t know if it means that the Feng Family and the royal family have completely broken apart. Any major problem can be troublesome. The major forces have sent people to pass the news back, so that the forces behind them can prepare in advance.

Faced with such a situation, even the wonderful competition below seems to have become uninterested, but speaking of it, such a level of competition is indeed boring for a real master.

Both are people in the realm of spiritual bones, you come and go in the field, give up your life and forget your death, have no weapons, you can only use your fists under normal circumstances, but now it is not just a fist as simple as a tooth and nail. As long as they can be used to attack, they are all used up. The two people keep attacking each other. It is very **** and cruel. You punch and I will kick.

Soon, these two evenly matched people had become scarred, and the battle proceeded very fast. After a few minutes, one of them was grabbed by the opponent's throat, and then bitten up, and the opponent's throat was blown like a beast. Ripped apart.

When he killed the opponent, he himself was not much better. At least half of the bones in his body were broken. He didn't know where he fell. Blood was flowing all over his body, and he didn't know how long he could live.

"This time, the prince won." The referee confirmed that one of them had died and immediately announced the result.

"Very well, you won this game. I give you freedom, and the reward will not be less for you." A voice suddenly came out through the box. Don't think about it. This voice should belong to the prince. Up.

At this moment, another voice sounded: "Huh, it's really hypocritical. How long can he live like this? This time I lost the gambling fight. If there is something, come with me again." This voice should be. The so-called Young Master of the Feng Family, Huo Hai thought silently in his heart, this power struggle in Mingyang Kingdom is much more intense than Nanyun Kingdom.

Next, the two sides lost their voices, and they didn't know what to discuss. As for the guy who had already won, he was dragged out by the Colosseum. The injury on this guy was really too serious.

Huo Hai took a long look and knew that if this guy didn't get a good treatment, he would definitely not live tomorrow. Even if the treatment is done and there is no suitable medicine to recover, his life will be considered abolished.

This kind of medicine is not something that someone who has just left the status of slavery can get. This is the cruelty of the Colosseum. These people are really not good things. Huo Hai shook his head, but said nothing. Forget it, anyway, it has nothing to do with him, Huo Hai said silently, the next moment, Huo Hai will not think like this.

A voice suddenly spread throughout the venue: "Huo Hai, I know if you are here, do you have the guts to bet against me? Of course, if you give in directly, I can stop you from making a fool of yourself here."

Huo Hai frowned, why he was provoked when he first came here, and when he heard this voice, Blood Rose suddenly laughed: "Hehe, Brother Huo, Haochen is challenging you, now you can't No answer."

Through the voice, everyone in the entire venue has already heard. If Huo Hai does not follow, his reputation in the entire Mingyang Kingdom and even the southern countries will be ruined to the end. This is to force himself to follow. .

Huo Hai frowned, and then adjusted the spirit formation in the box, "If you want to play, I will play with you." Huo Hai's voice spread out of the box through the spirit formation to deal with such people. Huo Hai's consistent aim is to kill him, one hundred times, but this kind of occasion is obviously not suitable for such a method.

In order to be able to clean up a little bit, Huo Hai can only choose to see the tricks and let this guy stop first.

"Very well, it really deserves to be the opponent I value." Hao Chen's voice came out again, and there was no more text after that. Soon, an attendant came to the box where Huo Hai was and knocked on the door from behind.

"Is it Mr. Huo Hai? Please come with me. You can choose the spirit beasts of our Colosseum, or you can prepare it yourself." The attendant said cautiously. None of these people can be offended by a small person like him. .

Huo Hai nodded, and then got up: "Use your spirit beasts from the Colosseum, I didn't prepare it myself." Huo Hai got up, followed the attendant and walked out, the blood rose didn't mean anything else, and followed closely. Huo Hai, who didn't know how close the relationship between the two people was, Huo Hai frowned, this blood rose was really troublesome.

"I'm coming too." Feng Yu looked around, got up and followed out. In fact, he just wanted to see Huo Hai's jokes. When this happened, the battle at the Colosseum was temporarily stopped. Down.

Although it shows that Prince Yang and Prince Haochen are both princes, but the gap between the two is like a difference between heaven and earth. Haochen is the prince of the Haotu Empire. Compared with him, even the Lord of Mingyang is just an ordinary people.

It didn't take long for the group of people to arrive in a large empty warehouse. There were many cages in the warehouse. Basically, some spirit beasts were placed in them, and some even contained people.

Haochen walked over from one side, surrounded by a large number of high-level and high-level children of Mingyang Country. He saw Huo Hai from a distance, and Hao Chen said with a big smile: "Huo Hai, I didn't expect you to come here. , I don't know what your bet is. If you play too small, I have no interest at all." What good things can someone from Nanyun Country have.

Huo Hai said indifferently: "Oh, I don't know what your bet is. If your dignified prince of the empire is too bad to block, it will make people laugh." Huo Hai tit-for-tat, not giving him any face .

"Huh, this is my bet, the purple pattern pill, the purple pattern pill can raise the realm master to a level with little side effect." After a pause, Hao Chen stared at Huo Hai closely: "Why, do you have There is no suitable blocking. If not, you can use the woman next to you. I won't mind." Hao Chen said scorchingly.

The people around suddenly lowered their heads. They thought that Haochen was talking about the blood rose. If Haochen was interested in the blood rose, they wouldn't have to think about anything, especially Feng Yu, who suppressed his anger. .

Only Huo Hai and Blood Rose knew that Hao Chen was talking about Yun'er and the others. Huo Hai’s words made Huo Hai’s heart angry, and the killing intent in his heart continued to surge. No matter what kind of identity Hao Chen was, Huo Hai did. It has been decided that as long as he has the opportunity, he will not be allowed to survive, and Huo Hai will not let him go if he dares to hit his family's attention.

Suppressing the anger in his heart, Huo Hai said faintly: "Don't bother, I use this to gamble with you, but it seems that our gambling is not equal." Huo Hai waved his hand and took a piece of Lingjing. come out.

This spirit crystal, in the vast empire, is definitely a very rare treasure. Basically, the spirit crystal is circulated in the hands of the earth-level masters. Those who want to break through the earth-level, if they can get a spiritual crystal, it will be greatly improved. Great chance of breakthrough.

It is a pity that the Molian Domain is not an area rich in spirit stones, so there are not many spirit crystals here. According to the price of goods in the Molian Domain, the value of the spirit crystals in Huo Hai's hands is indeed higher than the purple in Haochen's hands. The value of the pill is high, and a trace of anger flashed in Hao Chen's eyes. He did not expect that there was such a treasure in the hands of this kid.

But as soon as he rolled his eyes, Hao Chen suddenly said, "Haha, it is indeed of high value. This is what you found from the ruins." The implication is that Huo Hai only has such a thing, it is really nothing.

After thinking for a while, Hao Chen waved his hand and took off his saber: "Purple grain pill plus this Luoxia sword, I think the value should be enough." This Luoxia sword is Haochen's usual saber, although Haochen didn't use a sword as a weapon.

However, what can be regarded as the Haochen Sabre has reached the level of the Xuan-level top grade. Huo Hai nodded slightly: "Yes." After the Frost Sword was wounded the last time, he could no longer keep up with his own requirements. It is also good to be able to change to a better long sword, although Huo Hai is not actually a war spiritist.

Seeing that the two had already talked about it, a middle-aged man walked over not far away, "The two can place the bet with me. After the gambling fight is over, the winner will take the bet from me." Man is the master behind the Colosseum.

Huo Hai didn't know his identity, but as the owner of the Colosseum, he was indeed qualified as a middleman.

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