Evil Insect God

Chapter 449: Pick a beast

The two put the things in the middle-aged man's hands. Behind the middle-aged man, an attendant walked immediately with a box in his hands. The middle-aged man put the things in the box and then gently closed it.

Put a spiritual stone in, and the spiritual circle of the whole box will be activated immediately. In this way, if there is no special method, it will be difficult for others to open the box. If you open the box rashly, it may cause damage to the contents inside. , Other things are harder, but this purple pattern pill might be completely destroyed.

Everyone can only use the purple pattern pill once, but this kind of pill is very beneficial to the masters of the spirit generals. In the eyes of many masters in the southern countries, this purple pattern pill may be the most valuable. s things.

Things were sealed, and the middle-aged man said, "I don't know what kind of spirit beasts the two want to use."

Haochen stepped forward and said loudly: "Of course it is the most powerful spirit beast. There should be spirit beasts in the realm of spirit generals." Haochen is the prince of the vast empire. He spoke, even the Colosseum The master behind did not dare to neglect.

"Of course, the spirit beast of the spirit will be at the end, please follow me." If it is someone else, it is impossible to use the spirit beast of the spirit will be used by them. The value of this thing is too high. But now it's Haochen who is speaking. People here don't dare to neglect, and even they won't collect money from spirit beasts. Others choose spirit beasts to collect money.

Haochen must get the spirit crystal in Huo Hai's hands this time. In the Haotu Empire, even if he is the prince, it is not easy to get the spirit crystal, unless he can cultivate the spirit crystal. Shuai Dianfeng is qualified.

After all, the prince of the Royal Family of the Haotu Empire was not the only one himself. How could such an important training resource be obtained casually? Haochen still needs to rely on his own efforts if he wants to stand out among the princes.

The other people around looked at the two people with envy. The blockage in this scene was too great. No matter which of the three things was taken out, it was enough to make the entire Mingyang country crazy, and some people even hoped , Huo Hai could finally win this gambling battle, Hao Chen and the others did not dare to move, but Huo Hai was different.

Don't look at the blood rose beside Huo Hai, but the blood rose is not Huo Hai himself after all. It is enough to find a chance that the blood rose is not by Huo Hai's side. There are many such methods, and it is really too simple.

The group of people quickly came to the deepest part of the warehouse. The size of the warehouse was much larger than on the surface. The innermost cage was the strongest. This was where the spirit beasts of the spirit general realm were stored.

It's a pity that there are too few spirit beasts in this spirit general realm. Even here, there are only less than twenty. Huo Hai looked around, his eyes full of sighs, this Mingyang country is really extraordinary, if it is in Nanyun country, Even the imperial family might not have the ability to create such an amphitheater. Similarly, Mingyang Kingdom’s spirit beast resources would far exceed Nanyun Kingdom.

"Yes, yes, I want this one." Suddenly, Huo Hai heard Hao Chen's voice and turned his head to take a look. Hao Chen had already pointed at a very strange spirit beast with a faint smoky body.

The three words Cangyun Beast were written on the spirit beast cage. Huo Hai thought about it for a while, and gradually came up with the information of Cangyun Beast in his mind. This Cangyun Beast is a spirit beast with dual attributes of water and soil, but it has no powerful talents. Ling Jue.

The Cangyun Beast’s attack methods are basically derived from physical attacks. It looks like a combination of a bear and a wolf. The cloud on its body can increase its own defensive power. It is said that it has a strong recovery ability. Judging from the aura of the Cangyun Beast, it has reached the peak of the spirit general realm. I really don't know how the Colosseum was caught.

"Since Prince Haochen needs it, then this spirit beast is given to Prince Haochen." The middle-aged man hurriedly bowed and said respectfully, as if he didn't care about the value of this Cangyun beast at all. .

"Hahahaha, good, very good, you can rest assured that this prince will not treat you badly." Haochen happily patted the middle-aged man, then turned his head and said to Huo Hai: "Huo Hai, you haven't Choose well, is it right? I think you might as well choose the one that looks very similar to you, hahahaha..." Hao Chen pointed to a big mouse next to him and said.

"The prince has no trouble, you'd better stay with the Cangyun beast that looks a lot like you." Huo Hai's unceremonious irony, Haochen's eyes changed on the spot, a fierce aura permeated Open.

Huo Hai completely ignored this. He had already focused on the spirit beasts around him at this time, but after looking around, Huo Hai's brows couldn't help but frowned, because there was only one spirit general. The spirit beast at the pinnacle of the realm, that is, the Cangyun beast that had just been given to Hao Chen, had no other cultivation base.

Huo Hai gradually understood. It seems that this is a person from the Colosseum who wants to favor Prince Haochen. Originally, the spirit beast here was the Cangyun beast at the peak of the spirit general. It was also the strongest among all spirit beasts one of.

When I first arrived, I’m afraid the people here have already given Haochen some guidance. Even the spirit beast that still had the peak of the spirit general might have been transferred. They bullied themselves from the Nanyun kingdom. These guys thought It's really good.

"Why, I haven't chosen it yet. Do you want to give you a little more time to let yourself go out and grab one." Hao Chen shook the folding fan in his hand and said lightly. Not far from the side, there was nothing in the blood rose. Said, but it was interesting to look at the two guys who were fighting fiercely, and didn't know what the blood rose was thinking.

Huo Hai sneered in his heart: "Hmph, if you want to make me embarrassed, then just see whose methods are better." Huo Hai looked around, pointed to a cage not far away and said: "Well, I will I want this."

In the cage, there was a huge scorpion. This scorpion was the same kind of insect beast that appeared in the third game, but there were two in the Colosseum, and only one died just now.

Seeing Huo Hai's choice, Haochen said calmly: "Hehe, do you want to use toxins to win? It's a good idea." Haochen secretly winked at the middle-aged man, and the middle-aged man nodded intently. nod.

Afterwards, the middle-aged man said: "Since you have chosen this insect beast, then this is the spirit beast for your next bet. Do you want to watch it here or go back to the box." As the young man asked, he cast a look at the person behind him, and some attendants next to him quickly stepped back, not knowing what he was going to do.

"Of course I watched it here. It doesn't make sense to be far away." There is also a special box here, but it is very close to the Colosseum, and the box here does not have that special window, but rather empty. .

Huo Hai nodded: "Yes, I am watching it here too, after all, this is my own gambling fight." Both of them have already chosen, and the middle-aged man didn't say anything, but turned his head and walked back. , Soon, the two cages were carried to both sides of the beast arena, and when the surrounding barriers were unfolded, everyone immediately moved away from here.

"This is a gambling battle between the prince of the Haotu Empire, Haochen, and Huo Hai from the Southern Cloud Nation. Everyone can place a bet." Huo Hai frowned. The referee did not agree with him. The name is spoken out.

Unexpectedly, the people in this Colosseum had already done this in order to curry favor with Haochen. Huo Hai snorted in his heart. Since these guys want to make trouble for themselves, they are not welcome. Huo Hai will not. Save them face.

Soon, the bet was completed. Almost most people believed that Prince Haochen could win. Even those who thought Prince Haochen would not win, they still placed a heavy bet on Prince Haochen in order to curry favor with the prince. In their opinion, as long as they can make good prince Haochen, a small amount of money is nothing at all, and besides, it is not necessarily a loss.

Look at the spirit beast chosen by Prince Haochen, and then at the spirit beast chosen by Huo Hai. It is like the origin of the two. The Cangyun beast is so noble, so powerful, and its strength far exceeds that of the opposite insect. beast.

On the contrary, Huo Hai's selection of insect beasts can only win surprisingly, but the speed of its own may not be able to keep up with the blue cloud beast. If this fight continues, I am afraid that it will not take long to die in the hands of the blue cloud beast.

"Hey, this is...huh, even if you can do this kind of thing, then I'm not welcome." Huo Hai's eyes narrowed slightly, and Xiaojin sent a message to himself from the inside of his sleeve. This kind of special aura, Xiao Jin would really not be able to feel it if it hadn't broken through the realm of the spirit general, this aura was actually an antidote.

The people in this Colosseum have just given the Cangyun Beast the medicine in advance, and this kind of antidote is the antidote to the scorpion toxin selected by themselves. Even the most powerful poison is useless. It's a **** to win.

Huo Hai was full of disdain for Haochen at this time, and would use this kind of indiscriminate means. If such a person can become the leader of the Haotu Empire, then the Haotu Empire may end up, "You have The antidote, is it impossible for me to have no poison." At the beginning, Huo Hai summoned Xiaojin to use Xiaojin's toxin.

As early as the beginning, Huo Hai was already prepared, but at the beginning, Huo Hai was a little embarrassed.

Now, Huo Hai has no psychological burden at all. The other party uses a lot more methods than he wants. If Xiao Jin is not in his hands, I am afraid that when he starts fighting, he will really suffer a big loss.

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