Evil Insect God

Chapter 450: Unexpected

As before, the defensive barrier has been fully deployed, and the interior is once again filled with special gas, but before the spirit beasts of both sides are sent in, there are special people who have conducted all-round inspections on the spirit beasts of both sides.

The main thing to do is to remove the insects. When the inspection is completed and it is found that there is absolutely no insect on the spirit beast and the ring, then it is put into it. Huo Hai sneered in his heart. These guys have done too much, because of themselves It's an insect spiritualist, so do you have to deal with yourself like this? Unfortunately, they don't know that they are not an insect spiritualist.

When the gas was absorbed by the two spirit beasts, the management staff of the Colosseum couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. The next battle could only look at the spirit beast itself. At this time, other people could not intervene at all.

Even if Huo Hai is a worm spiritist who can control and command worms to a certain extent, he will definitely not have any effect in the face of worms that have absorbed special gas. At this time, the worms have become completely violent. .

The two spirit beasts confronted each other. Finally, the Cangyun Beast, who couldn't bear it first, rushed towards the Scorpion. When the giant scorpion faced the Cangyun Beast, he involuntarily stepped back two steps. After all, there is still a big power gap between them, but this action immediately caused a burst of laughter, and various curses hit Huo Hai and the insects.

Faced with this situation, Huo Hai didn't care at all. When the Cangyun Beast was about to attack the Scorpion, the Scorpion's tail instantly turned into a flash of lightning, and he attacked the Cangyun Beast.

With a soft "ding", the tail of the scorpion beast slammed into the body of the blue cloud beast, but it did not penetrate the skin at all. After this blow, the cloud mist on the body of the blue cloud beast was dimmed a lot, Huo The sea can see clearly, the location where the scorpion has just attacked, flashes a white light, like metal, but obviously not metal.

"Haha, after the fog of the Cangyun Beast is condensed, the local defensive ability is very strong. I am afraid that it will take five or six attacks for that scorpion to break the Cangyun Beast's defense." Next to him, a Mingyang country kid laughed loudly. stand up.

Then, another voice sounded: "Yes, yeah, five or six attacks, I'm afraid this scorpion has been dismantled a long time ago, I'll just say it, in terms of vision, it turns out that Prince Haochen is stronger." Hearing this Then, Hao Chen raised his head high, with a complacent expression.

Huo Hai nodded secretly in his heart. Unexpectedly, this Cangyun Beast had such abilities, and the records in the book were not very complete. There are many things that you can’t know the truth of the matter without seeing it with your own eyes. Seeing that he had selected this insect beast, Hao Chen didn't look wary at all. Even the people in the Colosseum were the same. They were already ready.

After blocking this attack, Cangyun beast waved its claws and attacked the scorpion. However, the scorpion could only instinctively lift his two pliers and block them in front of him. In terms of physical strength, the scorpion was far away. Not as good as Cangyun Beast.

"Kill it, kill it..." Seeing this scene, the surrounding audience suddenly cheered.

The claw hit the scorpion fiercely, and a sound of metal clashing sounded. Unlike everyone's imagination, the scorpion was not directly slapped to death by the Cangyun beast's claw, but only a few steps back.

After moving the pliers, the two confronted once again, "Huh, this thing is really hard, it's mutated, but it's okay, if it ends too soon, it won't be fun." Hao Chen squinted at Huo Hai next to him. At a glance.

Huo Hai's mouth twitched slightly. According to normal circumstances, such a hard scorpion beast is indeed a mutant type. Only Huo Hai knows that this scorpion has not mutated at all. It was actually shot by himself. This Colosseum's Although the defensive barrier is strong, it is still unable to defend against some special abilities.

I am an insect spiritualist who is mainly insects. The hand I just placed underneath made a very special gesture. This gesture is a set of celestial handprints recorded in the star change. In the past, Huo Hai was fundamental. Unable to play it out.

Now that he has reached the realm of the spirit general, Huo Hai can finally play it simply. People who don’t know these handprints don’t even know what Huo Hai uses. On the Heavenly Spirit Continent, the handprints are ever-changing. It is impossible for anyone to take all of them. Know all of his handprints.

An enhanced handprint, Huo Hai used a little spiritual power to strengthen the carapace of the scorpion. The carapace of the scorpion was originally extremely hard. After a little strengthening, it naturally blocked the attack of the blue cloud beast, but Huo Hai did not dare. One-time use of too strong spiritual power, otherwise, the monitoring methods for spells here will find that you are using your hands and feet.

"It's really troublesome, I still have to come bit by bit." Huo Hai said lightly, watching the two spirit beasts in the field that were in the confrontation again, Huo Hai smiled slightly, he was almost tentative, and then began to truly Do it.

Huo Hai's hands moved slowly, one after another, but he didn't dare to change too fast, otherwise it would be bad if someone found out, and the other party moved his hands and feet, how could Huo Hai not use his hands or feet at all.

After the five handprints were printed, Huo Hai said faintly in his heart: "The ability is transferred." The spiritual power in his hand appeared little by little. This is a new way of using spells that Huo Hai has researched. This spell, It is possible to transfer the abilities of one insect to another insect, but it is a pity that Huo Hai can transform very rarely now.

Outside of the scorpion's tail, there was a trace of toxins that could not be detected by the naked eye. These toxins were not the scorpion itself, but the toxins of Xiaojin connected by Huo Hai. After this battle, maybe the scorpion beast would be poisoned.

Xiaojin's toxicity is not so simple. After a while, a little toxin infiltrated the scorpion's tail, and then Huo Hai's next handprint was printed, and he began to strengthen the scorpion's tail bit by bit.

At this moment, the Cangyun Beast rushed up again, the same as the last time, except that the power used was stronger. The scorpion's tail turned into a flash of lightning, and the Cangyun Beast was a tail against it. The Cangyun beast with a tail hit the scorpion with one claw, and everything seemed to be a copy of the previous attack.

"Kacha." This time it was not useless. The huge claws came down, and the two pliers of the scorpion were smashed to pieces on the spot. Then, the scorpion was shot out and struggled for a long time without standing up.

"Hahahaha, I know, no matter how much it mutates, this scorpion is also a scorpion and will never be on the stage." Prince Haochen laughed and gestured at Huo Hai, but Huo Hai showed no frustration at all.

"Is that so?" Huo Hai said lightly, and the people around looked at the situation in the field, and they had already begun to speak out.

Feng Yu next to him did not endure anymore: "Of course, haven't you seen it, your scorpion is half dead, no matter how it mutates, it is not the opponent of the Blue Cloud Beast, as long as you attack it again, it will... It will be like this." Before Feng Yu had finished speaking, he opened his eyes wide on the spot, and the entire Colosseum became extremely quiet in an instant.

The Cangyun Beast, which was originally agitated, shook his body at this moment, and suddenly fell down. The place on the chest that had just been attacked by the scorpion broke the defense. This was originally impossible.

The wound was not big, as if it had been cut with a small knife. Such a wound, placed on the huge Cangyun Beast, was nothing at all, but the black poisonous gas around it continued to spread, but it was the real cause of the Cangyun Beast’s death. .

The toxicity is very strong and it continues to spread. The original white hair gradually began to turn black and green. Seeing this scene, Hao Chen couldn't sit still: "How could it be, how could it be like this, just now clearly..." What happened, Hao Chen quickly closed his mouth, but when he turned his head, he saw Huo Hai looking at himself with a strange expression.

"What happened just now? Why didn't you tell me? Is there something we didn't know about?" Huo Hai didn't save Haochen a bit of face. Some people around had blinking eyes, wondering what was thinking.

Hao Chen snorted coldly: "Huh, what I want to say is that the defense was clearly not broken just now. Didn't it take five or six attacks to break the defense? What the **** is going on." Hao Chen looked panicked. come out.

However, Huo Hai can see some panic in Haochen's eyes. Even if Haochen is the prince, he is not the only prince. He can't tolerate the slightest stain on his body. If it is publicized, he will move while fighting the beast. In the end, he lost his hands and feet. Seizing this opportunity, God knows how many so-called brothers will launch various attacks on him.

This Haochen resilience is good, but he was too anxious. He just strengthened the Scorpion's tail attack, otherwise he really couldn't break it, but unfortunately he couldn't completely let go of his hands and feet, only temporarily strengthened one part.

It was just because there was no pliers to strengthen the scorpion, so it was smashed. Under normal circumstances, this is the real appearance of the two fighting each other. Unfortunately, now the scorpion is still alive, but the Cangyun Beast has died.

The person in charge of the Colosseum stood in front of the owner of the Colosseum with a cold sweat on his face, "Tell me why this happened. Haven't you already prepared the antidote for the Cangyun Beast? Why was it poisoned? "At this time, the referee can no longer withstand the pressure of others, and can only declare Huo Hai to win. This time, the Colosseum might offend Haochen.

"I, we don't know either, I have already taken the antidote." The person in charge was sweating coldly.

Suddenly, the person in charge thought of something: "By the way, I know, the insects must have mutated. It is definitely the toxin that has mutated. That's why this is the case." The person in charge remembered that the first attack had just been blocked. Yet.

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