Evil Insect God

Chapter 452: Mutant beast?

However, relying on these things, he wanted to have the same value as the Lingjing, which was an insult to his IQ, Huo Hai completely ignored Feng Qing's words, just looked at the map in the other's hand.

"The map is good, but the distribution of these worms, I believe other people will have some records even if they are not so detailed. If you want to compare the value of this thing with the spirit crystal, you don't think it is funny."

Hearing what Huo Hai said, Feng Qing's expression suddenly froze. He knew that Huo Hai would not be fooled. "Hehe, this map is the most detailed map of the entire Mingyang Kingdom. You can't find it anywhere else, even if There is no royal family, but in terms of value, it is indeed a bit lower." Seeing Huo Hai's unmoved appearance, Feng Qing could only compromise.

The spirit crystal is tasteless to Huo Hai, but to the Feng Family, it is a top treasure. As long as the spirit crystal is obtained, the Feng Family can use this spirit crystal to add a master of the spirit commander realm.

Even if the Lingjing is used well, you can add several Lingshuai realm masters to the family in the future. Once there are a few more Lingshuai, even if you don’t need to cooperate with the magician, the Fengjia can still replace the current royal family. .

Therefore, Feng Qing is determined to win the spirit crystal in Huo Hai's hand, "Since you also know, what are you going to use to gamble with me, or how about I change something with the same value as your map? "Huo Hai smiled slightly, he knew that this Fengqing would definitely not let go of Lingjing, no matter what, he would come up with good value things to bet against himself.

Feng Qing nodded, and said in his heart. Fortunately, he had prepared something good, "This map is not enough, then, how about this? This is a mysterious high-grade body method, a snake, and I think the value should be enough. Up."

Hearing this, Huo Hai remained calm on the surface. He didn’t expect that he insisted, and he really came up with good things. If it were other war spirits, perhaps Huo Hai was not so excited. This kind of fighting spirit tactics have their own.

As for spells, it’s not so easy to find a spell that suits you. What makes Huo Hai’s heart touch the most is this Shenfa and Spiritual Art. So far, the Shenma and Spiritual Art that Huo Hai has obtained is just Only the spirit snake moves, but this kind of body cannot increase the speed, at most it increases the ability to dodge a little, nothing more.

Spirit Snake Movement is only a subordinate war spirit art of the profound level. I have now reached the realm of spirit generals. This spirit snake movement is gradually not enough. Finding a high-level body technique and war spirit art is a top priority. I didn't expect it now. Sent to his own hands.

Regardless of whether it is a map or a battle spirit, the value is very high for Huo Hai, and Huo Hai is determined to win, "Well, although the value is still a bit poor, I like this thing very much, so be it."

Feng Qingsong breathed a sigh of relief when Huo Hai spoke. Don’t look at Feng Qing’s expression just now. In fact, he was already very nervous. If this thing doesn’t match Huo Hai’s taste, then Feng Qing really doesn’t have any. What's valuable, Feng Qing wouldn't take out his family's battle spirit art.

The two handed the things to the middle-aged man. As before, the middle-aged man put it in a box again, "Hehe, this box should have a key, if it can't be opened, it won't be good." Huo Hai Suddenly said something.

The middle-aged man smiled awkwardly, but said nothing. He wanted to return to the box in Huo Hai’s hand to help open it, but Huo Hai didn’t mention it himself. The middle-aged man couldn’t say anything now and didn’t figure out what Huo Hai’s was. Before his true identity, the manager of this Colosseum would never dare to mess around. After putting away the box, the middle-aged man smiled awkwardly.

"Two of you, what kind of spirit beast do you plan to use? Did you bring it yourself or something else."

Feng Qing said indifferently: "I brought the spirit beast myself, the peak of the spirit person, as long as it does not exceed this level, I can choose whatever you want." Feng Qing waved his hand and asked to lift the spirit beast he had brought. Up here.

These self-contained spirit beasts were not put together with the original spirit beasts in the Colosseum. This was also to avoid causing some unpleasant things. The place where individuals carry the spirit beasts is stored in another warehouse not far away.

Soon, a spirit beast that looked like a lynx was brought over. This lynx had a good coat of oil and seemed to be well-raised at ordinary times. It is no wonder that the spirit beast that he brought with him must participate in a gambling battle. They are all the best. If they were just ordinary spirit beasts, Huo Hai wouldn't care, but this one, Huo Hai didn't think so.

"This is your spirit beast, it is really interesting." Huo Hai smiled and said with deep meaning.

Feng Qing nodded and looked proud: "Of course, this is the spirit beast I am preparing. This is a mutant species, very rare. Please don't be surprised if something special happens when you are going to be gambling."

The gambling money in the battle just now is very scary, and now there is another one, and many people have been attracted around. Everyone looked at this mutant lynx and started to publish their own comments. It was very lively for a while.

Huo Hai looked at this weird lynx with a slight tick at the corner of his mouth, the mutant species, who is fooling, whether this thing has been mutated, Huo Hai doesn't know, but just now, Xiao Jin once again sent himself a very strange The news is that this bobcat is poisonous, and this poison is very toxic.

The toxin is mainly on the claws and teeth. If it is injured by this thing, even a spirit beast in the realm of spirits will not feel good. A spirit beast in the realm of spirits will die in less than a minute after being poisoned. On the top of the ring.

Moreover, Xiao Jin also felt the breath of a special medicine from the bobcat. This medicine happened to be an antidote to the bobcat's toxin. Obviously, this kind of poison was definitely not the bobcat's own mutation.

"Huh, as the saying goes, ten gambling and nine frauds, it is true." Huo Hai thought silently in his heart. He didn't expect to come here and be challenged twice, and two times someone was doing it. If only he mutated Huo Hai will not be so good about the toxins produced, but this person actually started to swindle, then Huo Hai is not welcome.

"Very well, I actually dare to use poison in front of me. I really think Gu Master is good for bullying, right?" As a Gu Master, using poison, Huo Hai thinks he will be no worse than anyone else, so he dares to use it in front of him. Poison, this is simply reckless.

"Master Huo, I don't know what kind of spirit beast you plan to choose." At this time, Feng Qing had already started to inquire. Feng Yu, who didn't know what he thought of, immediately began to roar with a group of people.

Huo Hai walked into the warehouse, took a few glances, and then said: "Just this, it happens that both sides have similar strengths." Huo Hai pointed to a spirit beast that looked like a rhino, but the carapace of the whole body was stronger than a rhino. There are many, and they are more flexible. Both are the same. They are both spirit beasts at the pinnacle of the spiritual realm, and their strengths are similar.

The lynx is just a little faster, and the attack is not strong enough. In the face of such a defensive spirit beast, if it is in the wild, no one can do anything with each other, but on the ring, it is restrained.

Feng Qing didn't seem to care at all: "Since Mr. Huo has chosen it, let's start." Feng Qing is very confident in his arrangement. No one has been able to crack this method yet.

Huo Hai also nodded: "Let's do it, wait until this match is over." At this time, another match below has already begun. The Feng Family is here, and the match below is naturally not the one between Feng Qing and the Great Prince. The fight between them, I don't know who is gambling with each other, but at this time, it has come to an end, and neither party has announced their names.

Soon, one of the parties won. After the referee announced, Huo Hai’s selected rhino and Fengqing’s lynx were dragged up. “The next one is a gambling battle involving a very large stake. Now let’s look at it. Look……"

The emcee announced the beginning of the routine, but the names of both parties were not announced in this scene. It seems that this Colosseum has also realized that Huo Hai is not offensive, otherwise, it will announce the names just like just now.

It’s the same as the previous gambling battles. After the introduction, they started betting soon. However, these young ladies have already passed the backstage and knew what kind of people the two sides tried in this match. , Huo Hai's previous victory made many people full of confidence in Huo Hai, so this time it was not as one-sided as the previous one.

In the end, the amount of the two sides bet was almost the same, and even Huo Hai was even slightly better. Seeing this result, Feng Yu was annoyed: "These bastards, really have no vision, if you are not sure, will the big brother gamble?"

Next to him, Feng Qing said lightly: "Feng Yu, don't care about other people's opinions. These people will regret it later. When we win, it would be better to watch them lose money." Feng Qing said with a face. Indifferently, Feng Yu seemed to be infected too.

"Yes, it's still right." Feng Yu stopped talking, but watched the start of the game quietly. Neither of them returned to the box, but continued to stay in this place, the closest special one below. The box, because Huo Hai is here, they want to watch from here to see how Huo Hai looks after his failure. Huo Hai sneered in his heart when he saw the performance of the two.

With a move in her heart, Xiaodie didn't know when, she had already appeared by her side, and the illusion was activated to hide herself and Xiaojin. Then, the two flew towards the top of the ring and stopped secretly above the ring.

"Hmph, let's see if it is your poison or mine is stronger." Huo Hai muttered to himself.

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