Evil Insect God

Chapter 453: Use poison and detoxify

Routinely, the staff of the Colosseum began to constantly check around. This kind of inspection mainly involves checking insects. Huohai, the worm spiritist, is very famous in the southern countries.

When all the inspections were completed, the surrounding barriers slowly opened. At this time, even if there are insects trying to enter, it is impossible for these people to notice at all. When they checked themselves, there were invisible insects flying above. .

It’s a pity that in the entire Colosseum, at this time, there is no expert in the realm of Lingshuai for close inspection, and there is no preparation. How could it be possible to find the existence of Xiaodie and Xiaojin, just like this, when the defensive barrier opens, Xiaodie He Xiaojin also entered. After a while, the two cages were opened and the two spirit beasts were released.

Under the protection of Fluttershy's illusion, Xiaojin quickly fell and landed on the rhinoceros spirit beast. He twisted his body and crawled into the gap under the rhinoceros neck. No one noticed this detail. Xiaojin was here, just completely hidden.

At this time, even if Fluttershy didn't release the illusion technique, no one would still be able to spot Xiaojin, and mysterious gas began to emanate around him. The eyes of the two spirit beasts that had absorbed this gas gradually began to redden and became more irritable.

"Hey, it's not a medicine, it's a spiritual formation that works on the spirit." Through Xiaodie and Xiaojin, Huo Hai clearly understood what the smoke in the Colosseum was. Originally, Huo Hai thought it was some kind of medicine. It was discovered that this was not a medicine at all. To be precise, it should be a special form of spiritual power, which was generated by the inspiration of the spiritual formation.

This kind of power can stimulate the spirit of the spirit beast and make the spirit beast become violent gradually, but it will not lose its reason. They will only treat the creature in front of them as their own enemies. This kind of thing is nothing to humans. used.

So when there are slaves in the Colosseum, this kind of gas will not be released. Similarly, this kind of gas does not have a great effect on the spirit worms that constitute a special body, let alone Fluttershy And Xiaojin.

The two spirit beasts gradually became violent. The rhino spirit beast's head was lowered, and the huge sharp horns were aimed at the front, while the lynx spirit beast turned back and forth around the rhino spirit beast, looking for an opportunity to attack. Knowing how long it had passed, when the lynx walked around behind the rhinoceros beast, taking advantage of the moment when the rhinoceros beast could not react, quickly rushed up.

With a wave of paws on the rhinoceros spirit beast, leaving a few scars, the figure quickly retreated. The rhinoceros spirit beast followed its attack and was dodged in this way. The Lynx knew that the opponent's attack was better than its own. Much stronger.

"What a strong toxin, it started to break out so soon." Huo Hai was taken aback. He already felt that the toxin had begun to spread towards the rhino in the scar, but Huo Hai was not worried at all.

Xiaojin hid in the neck of the rhinoceros spirit beast, biting his teeth fiercely, biting the skin of the rhinoceros spirit beast, a stream of toxins followed the rhinoceros spirit beast's body, and was quickly absorbed by Xiaojin. The whole process was the rhino spirit The beast himself didn't notice any abnormality, at most it just felt weak and then returned to normal.

After the Lynx attacked, he returned to the confrontation again, but Feng Qing frowned: "What's the matter, there is no reaction at all, it is impossible." The scars on the rhino's body are still clearly there.

"By the way, it must be because the carapace is too thick. This time the attack did not break through." In Feng Qing's heart, only such a situation was possible. With a calm mind, Feng Qing continued to watch the fight in the court, not knowing why. After Feng Qing noticed that Huo Hai was not worried at all, he had a bad premonition in his heart. What was it because of.

In the field, the two spirit beasts became more and more violent with each other. Suddenly, the lynx attacked again. Just like the last time, it still made scars on the rhino's body, and then quickly backed away.

Next, the Lynx attacked four or five times in a row, but in the end it failed to break through the rhino spirit beast's defense. Every time it was poisoned, Xiaojin quickly helped to absorb it, and the rhino itself did not feel much.

However, with the attacks again and again, the bobcat's physical strength seems to have begun to decrease significantly. If the rhinoceros beast cannot be quickly destroyed, it may not be long before the bobcat will be attacked by the opponent because of lack of physical strength. The lynx does not have the strong defensive ability of the rhinoceros. Once it is hit, the lynx will lose its combat effectiveness in the next moment.

"What kind of mutant spirit beast, is Feng Qing fooling us." Finally, a young man who bought Feng Qing Shengli couldn't bear it. No matter how you look at it, this lynx has nothing special and behaves very normal.

"Don't say that, since Feng Qing dare to bet such a big bet, it shouldn't be fake. Let's continue to look at it." Obviously, they already know the bet between Feng Qing and Huo Hai. Such a huge bet. As long as it is not deliberately lost in order to curry favor with the other party, then people like Feng Qing should not talk nonsense.

A person next to him said: "This Huo Hai is too despicable. He actually found a spirit beast with such a thick scalp. When will this be done?" The spirit beast that Huo Hai found is almost like a tank. I can't move anything.

These words are in line with Feng Qing’s intentions. The skin of this thing is too thick. After four or five consecutive attacks, the toxins cannot penetrate into the body at all. Without poisoning, the toxins would be useless. .

At this moment, the lynx attacked again, and his claws slammed on the rhinoceros. This attack was at exactly the same position as the previous one. Upon grabbing, the rhinoceros came out. After seeing the blood, Feng Qing almost jumped up excitedly when he saw this scene, and finally saw the blood, which was easier to handle.

Seeing blood, the toxin would definitely work, and the bobcat moved too much, causing the body to be unbalanced. As soon as the rhinoceros beast turned around, it knocked the bobcat out, and the bobcat that fell on the ground was obviously weak.

But the next moment, Feng Qing could not sit still. The rhinoceros spirit beast staggered a few steps obviously, originally thought the rhinoceros spirit beast was going to be poisoned and died, but who knows, after a few steps, the rhino spirit beast actually stopped. Same as before.

"What the **** is going on, why is my preparation useless." Feng Qing's eyes widened, but he couldn't figure out how to deal with this matter. How could it be possible that the poison was applied by himself? It would be useless, "Damn it, can someone fool me with fake medicine." Feng Qing's eyes were slightly narrowed, and murderous flickering in her eyes flickered.

The toxin was useless, and there seemed to be no suspense in the next battle. In the face of the exhausted Lynx, the Rhino Spirit Beast finally seized the opponent's flaws and launched an attack for the first time, running on all fours, very fast.

Although the Lynx tried to dodge, in such a narrow place, it is not an easy task to completely dodge the opponent's attack. When the rhinoceros rushed past, the huge sharp horns swept across the Lynx's body.

"Bah..." The sharp horn tore open the lynx's fur, and with a light stroke, a huge wound has appeared. As the blood flows, the lynx's physical strength is further decreasing. At this time, facing the already completely violent rhino , The Lynx had no resistance at all. When he fought desperately, his paws once again left scars on the rhino.

It's a pity that the toxins were all swallowed up by Xiaojin. Without the toxins, how could the lynx fight against the rhino of the same level and restrained himself? I really don't know how the lynx was cultivated by Fengqing. The speed is so fast, but the attack is so weak.

If it were a normal lynx, the rhino's injury could not have been so light. The second time it launched an attack, the lynx was hit head-on, and most of his body's bones were broken. At this time, Feng Qing could not stand it anymore.

"I'm going back first." Feng Qing said, and left here with a pale expression on his face. Feng Yu looked around, gritted his teeth, and then left here with Feng Qing. The two people really had no face to stay here. After using disgraceful means, he finally lost. It would be strange if the two people were in a good mood.

Huo Hai smiled slightly and did not care about them. He watched the unilateral killings below, "Use poison in front of me. Isn't this playing a big knife in front of Guan Gong." Huo Hai thought with disdain, within a few minutes, the battle below was just It's almost over.

Before the battle was over, the middle-aged man in the Colosseum had already handed the box to Huo Hai, "This is your bet, please check it." The spirit circle around the box has been lifted this time, and he did not continue to get on. Same time.

Huo Hai opened the box, the spirit crystal inside, as well as the map and snake walking inside, were all placed here quietly. Huo Hai smiled slightly and put things into his inner space. As for the box itself, for Huo There is no value for the sea, and Huo Hai put it aside, and the Colosseum can handle it as much as it likes.

"Brother Huo, now you are making a lot of money, you can't forget the little girl." The blood rose, which seemed to have not made a sound for a long time, came up again. If it weren't for this sentence, Huo Hai would have almost done it. She forgot.

Huo Hai shook his head and said faintly: "Blood Rose, didn't you also make a lot of money, don't tell me, you didn't make a bet just now." Blood Rose did not make a sound just now, and actually took time out to bet. , For Huo Hai, Blood Rose seemed very confident, betting twice in a row, this can make the Colosseum lose a lot.

Blood Rose spit out his tongue: "Huh, really, Brother Huo, why are you so stingy." Huo Hai didn't reply, stingy, it seems that Blood Rose, this woman, should be richer than herself.

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