Evil Insect God

Chapter 454: Smooth war

When speaking, the battle below was over. Under the constant attack of the rhinoceros beast, there was no speed, attack and strength, and even the lynx, who was unqualified in physical strength, was completely unable to resist and died on the spot.

Huo Hai didn't even know that in order to train its ability to resist toxins, this bobcat was far inferior to normal spirit beasts, whether it was physical or spiritual, otherwise, how could it behave so badly? It seems like a shortcut. Like the spiritual master, in addition to the toxin of his own, the others are all scum. After the battle is over, the referee judged it and announced the end soon.

The surrounding defensive barrier was opened, and then Fluttershy used illusion once again. Xiaojin crawled out of the gap in the neck of the rhinoceros beast. Under Fluttershy's illusion, he quickly returned to Huo Hai's side and got into his sleeves. among.

Everything is so secretive. With the ability of this Colosseum, it is impossible to find Huo Hai's hands and feet. These Colosseum are like this. No matter what kind of hands and feet you do, as long as you are not caught on the spot, there is absolutely nothing. problem.

"Okay, let's go back too, it's really boring here." Huo Hai didn't want to continue chatting with these guys. He ignored the last wonderful battle beast, turned and walked outside, Blood Rose's eyes rolled. , Immediately followed Huo Hai: "Wait for me, I am not interested in fighting beasts, how about we go back together."

It seems that the blood rose has entangled himself, Huo Hai shook his head helplessly, and ignored him. After leaving the Colosseum, Huo Hai returned to his temporary residence in the capital of Mingyang. This is also the other masters of Nanyun Kingdom. Residential area.

In the next few days, the Blood Rose ran to Huo Hai in his spare time. Huo Hai has long been used to this. Because the blood rose is here, there will be a lot of information in Huo Hai’s home from time to time. The children of Yang Guo's senior level.

These people came to find themselves in name, but in fact, they all came for the blood rose. In these short days, the blood rose caused a lot of trouble for themselves. Now they are walking outside. The high-level women looked at them as normal, and the eyes of men of similar age were always full of anger and jealousy.

Fortunately, Huo Hai is not a member of Mingyang, and he will not live here for long. When he is fine, he will continue to study the snake walking. After research, this snake walking can only be regarded as a very ordinary body among the Xuan-level high grade. It's just law.

Sure enough, the Shenfa and Spiritual Technique used as a bet is not much better. There is no obvious level of snake walking, so it can only be divided into three vague realms of entry, Xiaocheng and Dacheng.

The entry is very simple, and it is the Xuan-level low-grade body that is dealt with. With Huo Hai’s understanding ability and his own cultivation base, it took less than two days to get started, but this power is really not that great. That was the case, but in the process of cultivation, Huo Hai found that the snake walking and the movement of his spirit snake actually matched very well.

One is to increase your own speed and to be flexible and changeable when fighting, and the other is to increase pure dodge ability. The two kinds of war spirits are derived from snake spirit beasts, and they are compatible. very high.

When the two body techniques were combined, Huo Hai was surprised to find that the overall effect had actually improved a lot. He just didn’t know if he would surpass the general mysterious-level upper-grade body technique after his snake walk reached the Dacheng state. .

Unfortunately, at the current rate, it takes a month or two to cultivate to a small level. Unless there is something that can stimulate oneself, or make one enter an epiphany, it is said that it is an epiphany. Huo Hai did not insist on the things that could not be met, so he cultivated slowly like this. In the cultivation of Huo Hai, three days passed in an instant.

On this day, Huo Hai stopped helplessly looking at the blood rose that ran to his home again. After a while, I am afraid that many high-level children will follow, but looking at this leisurely blood rose, Huo Hai suddenly felt a little puzzled.

"Blood Rose, when are we going to leave? We have been wandering here for three days. Could it be that the army of Mingyang State is so slow to prepare." Although the master is a master, it is impossible to fight an army alone.

Therefore, when these masters came to Mingyang country, they all had to wait for Mingyang country’s army to rest, and then set off to the front line together. The demon tomb was in the north of Mingyang country. At this time, the entire northern border of Mingyang country was Becoming the front line against the demon master, with the current situation and strength of Mingyang Country, it shouldn't have been silent for three days.

Blood Rose curled his lips: "What else? The frontline warfare has now stabilized. Under the siege of the armies of various countries, the magician can only retreat steadily. Of course, Mingyang Country is not willing to let us intervene. "

Huo Hai nodded clearly. He already knew it from the beginning, but this situation really made Huo Hai feel a little strange, "The magician is not so weak. With their strength, how could it be so easy? Was forced to go back."

Since the demon master launched the demon disaster, and the speed is very fast, in a blink of an eye, he has fallen into several kingdoms. Now even with the help of the Molian Domain, he should not fail so quickly, this Molian Domain. The so-called support is not unreserved, Huo Hai already knows that the total number of ground-level masters dispatched by the Molian Domain is only so few.

Now that there are no high-level demon masters, these land-level masters have not appeared on the battlefield for the time being. With the support of the few spirit masters and spirit generals here, how can they push the demon master so quickly Retreat.

Blood Rose and Huo Hai have been with each other for so many days, and they have some understanding of Huo Hai’s character, and they didn’t make a mistake: "These magicians are not idiots. Of course, they are shrinking their forces. If they attract the attention of the big figures in the Moline , This demon spiritist is really not enough for us to kill." The so-called demon disaster, the Molian Yu didn't take it seriously.

If the influence is not too great, and the inheritance of the ancestors of the Tianhui has also appeared, they really will not send so many masters, if they really provoke the high-levels of the Molian Domain to anger, they will destroy the entire ground vein as a whole.

Destroying the ground veins will have a certain impact on the Molian Territory, but it is not very big. Maybe after many years have passed, the southern countries will regenerate a ground vein here, and here can also take this opportunity to get rid of the embarrassing situation of the wild land.

"Then when can we set off? We can't stay in Mingyang country all the time." Staying here, but there is nothing to do. It's not as good as staying at home comfortably. Here, people are unfamiliar with life. There are no friends, but many enemies, and many potential enemies, ready to find opportunities to take a bite at any time.

The blood rose whitened Huo Hai and said, "Why, Brother Huo is so bored, don't I have no attraction for my younger sister." The blood rose put on a very seductive pose, and Huo Hai patted his head.

Why is this woman here again? How many times have it been. Doesn't she feel uncomfortable if she doesn't tempt herself every day? Forget it, no matter what he does, the front line is stable and stable. According to the blood rose, as long as the magician Launching an attack can become unstable at any time. Mingyang is not a fool. It is precisely because of this that he will let himself and others stay here.

Huo Hai took out the box and looked at it carefully: "Okay, the power on this box is about to dissipate. Tonight I will retreat and practice. Don't bother me. Otherwise, when I don't know, my bug It won't be so polite."

This is a reminder and a warning, Huo Hai’s bugs, how could the blood rose not know anything about the fact that the blood rose has been close to Huo Hai for so many days. Without Huo Hai’s control, these bugs would only follow the previous command line. .

Tonight Huo Hai is practicing in retreat. These worms must be on guard around him. If he gets close at this time, these spirit worms will attack him without hesitation. Previously, he had a lot of understanding of these spirit worms and the blood rose. Once these worms really launched an attack, with the strength of her blood rose, it would not be easy to live without death.

"Okay, okay, it's true, why is it not at all humane, who will come to you in the middle of the night, you will die for your own cultivation." Huo Hai's performance during this period of time seems to be a cultivator madman.

Blood Rose looked at Huo Hai with a reddish face, and thought that there was something between the two of them, but Huo Hai didn’t appreciate it at all. This woman definitely pretended to be, and it didn’t take long for the noise outside It's already ringing.

"The person looking for you is here, I'll go back first, and don't bother me." Huo Hai held the box and walked towards his room. Blood Rose wanted to follow, but he also knew that Huo Hai had something to do now. , Forget it, don't create any bad impression for the time being. As for those people, Blood Rose has some means to deal with them.

Huo Hai, who returned to his room, looked at the box in his hand, this box, but when he returned from the Colosseum, the box that had not been opened, now in Huo Hai’s hands, for so many days, the power of the spirit formation Basically almost exhausted.

Huo Hai would specifically take time every day to circulate his spiritual power around the box, constantly attenuating and weakening the spiritual power of the box. The same is true today. After three days of hard work, the power of the spiritual array on the box is almost exhausted.

A wave of silver-white spiritual power emanated from Huo Hai’s hand, constantly rubbing on the surface of the box. Each friction would consume some of the original spiritual power. I don’t know how long it has passed, Huo Hai suddenly felt his own As soon as the spiritual power was loosened, on the surface of the box, that repulsive force disappeared without a trace. Huo Hai was taken aback, and immediately became happy.

"Finally succeeded, it took me such a long time." Huo Hai revoked the spiritual power, the spiritual formation on the box has lost the supplement of the spiritual power, and gently flipped his hands to open the box completely.

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