Evil Insect God

Chapter 456: Set off to find bugs

After careful inquiry, Huo Hai came to the conclusion of the current situation in his mind, that is to say, within a short period of time, the magician will not launch an attack, it is not that the magician does not want to regain his disadvantage.

The biggest reason is that the magician wants to use this opportunity to paralyze the people from the Molian domain. Once the entire southern countries are completely eroded, even the people from the Molian domain can only abandon this place.

In fact, many people know the plan of the magician, but the problem is that most senior leaders in the Molian domain believe that even if the magician launches an offensive, they can only be suppressed in the end. These people from the Molian domain are quite I look down on these native wild people, so now no matter what I say, the magician's plan has been successful.

The second reason is that the magicians are gathering their strength. When the evil disaster broke out, the magicians swept the southern countries, and the number is very large, but the truly powerful magicians are actually not so many, and they are scattered. throughout.

Nowadays, it is not easy to get together completely. The reason why the demon masters are delaying time should also be doing this kind of thing. The high level of the Molian domain does not care about the movements of the demon master at all.

Within a short period of time, the scene can only be stalemate like this. At least within a few months, the situation of the battle will not change much. After understanding this, Huo Hai does not want to waste time here: "If this is the case, then I want to leave first, don't worry, I will come back anytime when the war begins." Huo Hai said indifferently.

"Where are you going, or how about I go with you? Anyway, people can relieve your boredom, or you can..." The blood rose showed a shy face and looked at Huo Hai.

Huo Hai has seen this look many times in the past few days. It seems that he has long been immune to it. This time it looks like this, and there is no extra action. The blood rose is helpless, this guy seems to be more and more. The more I adapt.

"No, I can go by myself. This time I mainly go to find bugs. Besides, if you follow along, it will definitely cause a lot of trouble." The blood rose is now the most popular person in Mingyang. One, countless self-proclaimed young masters, come here every day to surround the blood rose.

If the Blood Rose really leaves with him, God knows what these guys will do after leaving the capital. It is also a good thing for the Blood Rose to attract the attention of others here. Besides, there are many secrets in Huo Hai.

These secrets, if there is no need, Huo Hai still doesn't want to be exposed to Blood Rose. Blood Rose has long known that it is impossible, and he curled his lips: "Really, can't you say something nice to coax others." Blood Rose is full of Said quietly.

Huo Hai completely ignored this. On the same day, Huo Hai submitted his application to leave to the Temporary Combat Department. Originally, Huo Hai thought that many people in Mingyang would make trouble for themselves, even Huo Hai had already I was ready to clean up the trouble, but unexpectedly, this thing went smoothly without any hindrance.

Huo Hai had just handed in the application, and the above immediately agreed to Huo Hai's departure, only to let Huo Hai pay attention that some places should not be rushed in casually, there is not too much confusion, and other precautions.

Then Huo Hai got permission to leave, but when the war started, Huo Hai wanted to come back at any time, nothing more, "I didn't expect it to be that simple." Standing at the gate of Mingyang City, Huo Hai said to himself He said in words, then took out the map and looked at it, compared it with the map he had obtained from Feng Qing, and quickly decided where he was going.

"Just here, the Bone-Crushing Plain, it seems that it is still a dangerous place." Huo Hai looked at the map. It was a plain located in the east of Mingyang Country. This plain is famous for Mingyang Country. Boneless Plain.

However, this flat pressure is not occupied by humans. There are many spirit beasts here, and they are very dangerous. There are many adventurers on the edge of the plain, but not many people dare to go deep. This time Huo Hai is going to be in the Boneless Plain. deep.

Looking at the back of Huo Hai leaving, several figures slowly emerged above the gate not far away. If Huo Hai were here, he would definitely see clearly that the one headed here is the blood rose, Wuhen, and Hao. Chen three people.

"Blood Rose, you have been by that kid's side these few days, have you noticed anything abnormal?" These people, the attention is not only on Huo Hai alone, in fact, when they got the news, they all entered the ruins. The people in it were all under their observation, but unfortunately for so long, they did not find any suspicious news.

The blood rose frowned: "Of course there was a discovery." Hearing this, the person next to it immediately stared at the blood rose.

At this time, the blood rose seemed to have not noticed anything, and slowly said: "I found that the guy is a piece of wood, and everyone is like this. That guy is not at all interested, it's true."

Wuhen and Haochen felt their eyelids jump, and the whole person almost fell. Sure enough, this woman couldn't talk to her normally, "Stop it, you know what we asked." Haochen said with some annoyance. .

The blood rose spread out his hands: "Who is making trouble, that guy is really funny, he really likes it." Hearing this, Wuhen and Haochen looked at each other. Needless to say, they also knew about the blood rose, maybe it was on Huo Hai. No abnormality was found.

"It is worthy of the opponent I value, it is not so easy to deal with." Wuhen said lightly, I don't know why, Wuhen always has a feeling in his heart, the inheritance of the ruins is definitely related to Huo Hai, even if it is not Huo Hai I got it, and I must know something, but Wuhen never said it to the other two people.

Inside the city gate, there are also some figures gathered here, but these are not masters of the Molian domain, but people from the Mingyang Kingdom. Looking at their clothes, they should not be ordinary people, but the children of the big family.

"This kid finally left. He is here. We have no chance to get close to Miss Blood Rose. I hope this kid will never come back." One of the brothers said coldly, looking at Huo Hai's back.

A person next to him immediately answered: "Don't worry, we are all ready. This is Mingyang Country. I want to be wild on our territory. I really look down on us. This kid leaves this time and never has to come back. "Several people glanced at each other, with triumphant glances flashing in their eyes. They have done this not once or twice.

"Don't be careless, Huo Hai's cultivation is at the realm of the spirit general, and not everyone can deal with it. We are not too many masters of the realm of the spirit general of the Mingyang country." Not far away, one by one, leaning against the wall The young man whispered.

However, everyone did not see that the two brothers Feng Qing and Feng Yu, who didn’t speak much behind them, had their eyes flickering. Obviously, both of them had already started. One valued Huo Hai’s resources and the other. Just like everyone else, long before Huo Hai left, many people had quietly left the capital.

Huo Hai didn't even know that if it weren't for these people to exert his strength behind his back, I'm afraid he wanted to leave the capital, it would be really not an easy task. The energy that these brothers can unite is extremely terrifying.

"Okay, well, let's not talk about this. The kid has left. The next thing we have to consider is how to get the favor of Miss Blood Rose." A wretched guy smiled very disgustingly.

"What do you call us? I am right. Only I am worthy of Miss Blood Rose." At this time, an arrogant voice sounded. Everyone turned their heads and saw that there was no more words, because it was Mingyang National University. The prince, in the entire Mingyang Kingdom, there are few people whose status can be compared with that of the prince.

But looking at the eyes of the people around, you know that they won't give up so easily. As long as they can get the favor of the blood rose, then what is a mere prince of Mingyang country.

Coming to the Molian Territory, even people like Mingyang Kingdom Lord would not care about it. Sure enough, after Huo Hai left, these anti-Huohai Alliance guys immediately fell apart, even between each other. It became hostile for the first time.

"Brother, what should we do? The prince has made a move. We are not opponents." Feng Yu asked Feng Qing beside him. Feng Qing and Feng Yu are different, and they seem to have no intention of pursuing Blood Rose.

The wind said calmly: "From now on, everyone is an enemy. Of course you have to fight. What happened to the prince, even if it is the leader of the country, will fight for you. As long as we can succeed, you will be far ahead of the leader of the country in the future. It’s a lot noble. As for other things, leave it to Big Brother and I will help you finish it. Big Prince, it’s not necessarily my opponent."

Over the years, I don’t know how many times I have fought with the eldest prince. Although it is said that he loses more and wins less, but most of the time Feng Qing is actually letting the prince. .

If you really do it, Feng Yu believes that his elder brother will definitely not be worse than the prince. With Feng Qing, Feng Yu immediately feels relieved. Looking at the prince's eyes, there is a little hostility between them.

Feng Qing glanced at Feng Yu, and said indifferently, "Huh, it's really a mud that can't support the wall. Do you really think I will give you such a good opportunity." As long as there are enough benefits, even brothers can turn their heads. What's more, the two are not yet a mother. Poor Feng Yu doesn't even know that the elder brother he respects has already used himself as a tool.

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