Evil Insect God

Chapter 457: Was targeted

After leaving Mingyang City, Huo Hai didn't mean to hide his whereabouts, but swayed forward along the way. This was to make the seniors of Mingyang Country feel more at ease.

In order to ensure that as soon as the war begins, he can be notified immediately, and then let himself go to the front line, so when he left, Feng Yangguo's high-level officials had told Huo Hai that Huo Hai could not hide his whereabouts, so they should be able to grasp it at any time To his specific position, so as long as it is not necessary, Huo Hai will not deliberately hide himself.

It is precisely because of this that along the way, Huo Hai discovered that there will always be people watching him around him. Some of these people are spies of Mingyang Country, and some may be spies of other people.

Huo Hai couldn't tell the specific identities of these people, so he could only let it go, "Hmph, I want to see, when I enter the depths of the Boneless Plain, will you still dare to follow in?" Huo Hai expressed disdain in his heart.

All the way to the east, Huo Hai did not stop at all. Since he didn’t need to hide his whereabouts, Huo Hai would not treat him badly. Along the way, as long as he encountered a city, he would go in. When eating, he didn’t have to eat dry food all the time. Hurrying is much easier than before. This Mingyang country is really more prosperous than Nanyun country, Huohai thought silently.

On the road, there were two times when someone actually poisoned food. Huo Hai did not say anything about this. The dose of poison was very small once. Huo Hai's own anti-toxin ability was completely fearless. On the other time, Xiao Jin was also very relaxed. Untie it.

Even the poisoned food, Huo Hai still ate it, but what he wanted to do to himself that day was solved secretly by the Star Gus. As a result, the next day, Huo Hai still drove easily, and other people, It was because of this situation that it stopped. On the road, Huo Hai's speed was not very fast. It took more than five days before he approached the Bonebreaking Plain.

The town in front of me is the last place that can be used for supplies. After I leave here tomorrow, it is impossible to get supplies on the Bone-Crushing Plain. Huo Hai has already penetrated himself into the Bone-Crushing Plain and is ready for everything. Up.

"It's really sturdy folk style here." Huo Hai walked on the road. It is no longer known how many adventurers team passed. The town is close to the Bonebreaking Plain, so there are many mercenaries and adventurers here.

Even the majority of young adults in this small town are themselves adventurers. The overall strength of the small town is very strong. Some smaller cities may not be able to compare with this small town. It is truly breathtaking.

Even after Huo Hai came to this small town, he still sensed some auras that made him feel a little dangerous. Needless to say, it was definitely a master of the spirit general realm who could make him feel dangerous. Undoubtedly, there is still hidden in this town. The master of the spirit general realm, Huo Hai said he was not surprised, that is absolutely impossible, the spirit general is not a Chinese cabbage, there are everywhere.

Time passed slowly, and in a blink of an eye, it was night. In the evening, Huo Hai, who was quietly practicing, suddenly felt something wrong, suddenly stopped practicing, and opened his eyes, "Why is it so quiet? Could anyone have done something to me? ."

After thinking about it, Huo Hai immediately communicated with the surrounding Star Gu, and explored the surroundings. At this time, Huo Hai strangely discovered that there was no one around him, and all the people who had lived in an inn disappeared strangely. not see.

This situation is very abnormal. Although Star Gu’s IQ has improved a lot, some details are still not understandable as a bug. There is no one around, which means there is no threat, so Star Gu did not notify. Huo Hai, if it wasn't for Huo Hai to feel the surrounding atmosphere a little weird, he really hadn't noticed that it had become like this now.

"Huh, I want to see, who would dare to hit my attention." Huo Hai said indifferently, but the vigilance in his heart was raised to the maximum. Around him, a thousand star Gu surrounded him, and put the rest. Got out.

Not far away, outside the hotel, a group of people are gathering here, "Head, our goal seems to be very alert."

These people are members of a mercenary group. The symbol of the mercenary group is a blood-red wolf head. The three leading people have reached the realm of the spirit general, the head of the mercenary group, and even reached the peak of the spirit general. , Such a powerful mercenary group, probably one of the best in the entire Mingyang country, has now appeared here.

"Even if you are more vigilant, what can you do? We haven't met such a person before, and in the end he didn't die in the hands of our group leader." Not far away, an old group member who was a little older said with a look of disdain. .

The blood wolf was calmly slapped on a horse. Although there was no change on his face, he was still very comfortable in his heart. Yes, such a vigilant person had never seen it before, and finally did not see that person who was able to leave alive.

After thinking about it, the blood wolf said in a low voice: "Don't be careless. This time the employer has given a big price. Our goal is not ordinary people. If possible, don't leave any clues to others. It's not good to know that we did it." The others nodded with a serious face, expressing their understanding.

In fact, assassinating a person is not very troublesome. The most troublesome thing is that people know that they did it themselves. There are many big people in Mingyang Country, none of them can provoke them, regardless of their strength.

But if faced with the encirclement and suppression of the army, they have no other way besides fleeing. There are not many masters in the realm of spirit generals who sell their lives for money, but they are not uncommon. As long as they give a sufficient price, even It's no problem for someone to deal with his blood wolf, who can make people spend such a large price to buy his life, the blood wolf dare not neglect.

There was already a circle of people surrounding the hotel. In fact, when they found the target, it was two days ago. At that time, the blood wolf mercenary group had already begun to set up, and the final location was this hotel.

I don't know what methods they used to get Huo Hai to successfully live in this hotel. In fact, all the people in this hotel are from the Blood Wolf Mercenary Group.

In the middle of the night, when Huo Hai didn’t know, these people got up one after another, and then left here cautiously. In order to prevent Huo Hai from discovering something abnormal, they just cleaned up the bugs in advance, and then even took measures to prevent them. Nothing at all, otherwise, a worm spiritist would have discovered that this hotel was abnormal.

Now that Huo Hai found something was wrong, it was too late. He noticed that in the room, Huo Hai seemed to have gotten up, and the blood wolf immediately made a gesture to notify the people around him, and the people around nodded, expressing understanding.

"Attention everyone, do it." With an order, the twelve people around who surrounded the hotel in a circle immediately injected their spiritual power into an iron rod in front of them. This iron rod was covered with all over the surface. All kinds of weird patterns.

This should be a special kind of spiritual formation. I really don’t know where the blood wolf got it. Not everyone can get this kind of spiritual formation that can be carried around. When Huo Hai walked to the window , Found an old man, typed a special handprint, surrounded by a flash of light, and formed a spiritual formation out of thin air.

"Magic Spiritist, is there such a person in Mingyang Country?" Huo Hai's pupils shrank. Only a Spiritual Formation can do this method of constructing a spiritual formation out of thin air. Unfortunately, in the next moment, Huo Hai has already lost his sight. The trail of everyone.

As if the whole world was quiet for a moment, everything around him was far away from him, Huo Hai frowned, his figure flashed, and he jumped out of the hotel, but the surroundings seemed to have become a clearing. Nothing at all.

Looking back, Huo Hai's brow furrowed even more severely, because the hotel where he had just left, disappeared without a trace at this time. This is a spiritual formation that can confuse himself, the level of the spiritual formation can be imagined Knowing, after thinking about it, Huo Hai waved his hand and summoned Xiaodie. When it comes to illusion, this is Xiaodie's housekeeping skill.

Xiaodie's whole body shone, and the surrounding air seemed to be distorted, but after a long time, nothing happened. "Why, can't it? The opponent's strength is too strong, you can't break it." Huo Hai frowned.

Fluttershy said that the opponent is too strong, but in terms of spirit, it should be inferior to Fluttershy. It's just that the opponent is a psychic. This psychic is originally good at arranging spiritual formations, and once the spiritual formation is completed, the weak will defeat the strong. may.

In addition, I just seemed to see that there are people around who use special array tools to assist. With such a spirit formation, it is too difficult for the bugs of the realm to break open with Xiaodie's spirit. I thought of this. , Huo Hai no longer insisted: "Forget it, let's see what these people want to do."

Although the spirit formation can completely isolate his perception, but the perception between himself and the spirit worm cannot be completely separated, Huo Hai can still feel the position of Xiaoxing and can easily control Xiaoxing.

Through Xiaoxing, the other Star Gus are also under his control. Fortunately, I have used auxiliary refining formations to refine these Star Gus before. Otherwise, in such an illusion formation, my own Star Gus are really difficult to control. In the spirit formation, not only Huo Hai had lost the perception of his surroundings, even his own Star Gu was the same. Huo Hai could only summon it to his side now.

"Well, we can also start. This kind of spiritual formation consumes a lot of time, so don't waste it."

After the spirit formation unfolded, while maintaining the spirit formation, the old man said to the person next to him that this person is also a member of the blood wolf mercenary group, and is a deputy commander. The blood wolf mercenary group can have the power today. This array spirit master is indispensable.

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