Evil Insect God

Chapter 462: Boneless Plain

There are not many bones on the Bonebreaking Plain. On the contrary, there are many spirit beasts, and even some mutated plants. Along the way, Huo Hai has encountered many such things.

If it’s a spirit beast, it’s okay to say that the star gu is constantly circling around. As long as there is a spirit beast approaching, it can tell Huo Hai the first time. As Huo Hai deepens, the number of spirit beasts has gradually increased. More and more, stronger and stronger.

Just yesterday, Huo Hai just discovered a group of spirit beasts. This group of spirit beasts is led by a spirit beast in the realm of spirits and followed by hundreds of spirit beasts in the realm of spirits. Without using Star Gu protection, even with Huo Hai's current cultivation base, I am afraid that such a group of spirit beasts would be torn to pieces, very terrifying.

Fortunately, the spirit beasts here are more spiritual. When encountering a strong enemy, even if they can win, they will avoid it. Otherwise, it would be bad if you lose both. The spirit beast’s thinking increases with strength. The improvement is also constantly improving.

On this day, Huo Hai saw a wild boar-like spirit beast from a distance, "Very good, today's dinner is you." Staring at this wild boar from a distance, Huo Hai was thinking about which part should be eaten today. .

However, just when Huo Hai was about to do it, the mutation suddenly happened. Under the ground, as if boiling, something like vines suddenly appeared. The wild boar spirit beast did not react at all and was swept by the roots on the spot. When he got up, the next moment, the entire wild boar spirit beast was torn in half, and was finally dragged into the ground weakly.

"Damn it, how come it's a mutant plant again." Huo Hai saw this scene from a distance and knew that there must be mutant plants nearby. These plants were not of the same level as the dryads he had ever seen, but there were a lot of them.

Along the way, Huo Hai didn't know how many mutated plants he had encountered. Their attack methods were also varied, very strange, with the most common roots, vines, or branches of big trees.

There are also rare ones, such as the fragrance of flowers, or special fruits that are used to attract wild beasts and spirit beasts. Even on the road, Huo Hai once saw a plant that looks like a pitcher plant, and I don’t know if it’s from this world. Nepenthes mutated, and from far away, Huo Hai smelled a tempting scent. This is exactly the method of this Nepenthes.

But this Nepenthes is not the one I knew before, but each fruit is more than three meters high, like a big pool, all the beasts and spirit beasts that enter it will be digested, even the bones. Will not be left.

This kind of dangerous thing, Huo Hai's consistent principle is to get out of the way, the farther away the better, the mutant plants are not very high, Huo Hai is not very afraid, but these things are very difficult.

Some plants often possess some very special abilities. After fighting with a few mutant plants, Huo Hai, who was disgusted by various unpleasant smells and disgusting mucus, didn't want to meet these things.

Now that he saw the mutant plants from a distance, Huo Hai would not go to **** prey from the mutant plants. I am afraid that the wild boar that has just been torn apart has now been infused with digestive fluid all over his body. Even if it is snatched, I am afraid he cannot eat it. In desperation, Huo Hai avoided the road ahead, changed a direction and moved on, there were a lot of prey here.

The wild beasts and spirit beasts on the plains are very rich in resources. As long as you look for them, you will be able to find them quickly. I don't know how long to go out, and Huo Hai suddenly felt a shock on the ground, "Is there a mutant plant."

Huo Hai has encountered this kind of vibration several times on the road. Every time, a mutant plant hidden in the ground launched an attack. The surrounding star gu surrounded him, and he was ready to attack at any time. Kill off.

But after waiting for a while, Huo Hai didn’t notice anything. The vibrating sound seemed to be a lot louder: “This sound, isn’t it a mutant plant, it’s a beast tide.” Gradually, the voice made Huo Hai feel very familiar. Huo Hai, who has caused two beast tides, is very sensitive to the movement of the beast tides. After confirming that this is not a mutant plant, Huo Hai immediately hid it.

Huo Hai was able to cause the beast tide alone, but he couldn't contend against the beast tide head-on. Huo Hai was sure that he would never get better. With Huo Hai's ability, he would not die in it, but he fled in embarrassment It's for sure.

Hiding behind a large rock, Huo Hai looked towards the place where the sound was made. Soon, Huo Hai saw a group of bulls rushing towards the horizon above the horizon. Every bull had a strength to reach its spirit. There are many in the Bone Realm and even the Spirit Realm. The spirit beasts here are indeed much stronger than those around Nanyun Kingdom.

"No, it's not a wave of beasts." Huo Hai narrowed his eyes, and suddenly some figures appeared on the other side. Huo Hai took a closer look and took a breath. The thing that came here looked like a dog. It looks like a wolf again.

It seems to be a variant of the Iron Armored Dog, a mutated spirit beast. With so many mutated spirit beasts, it should have become a new-born spirit beast. Now Huo Hai has no intention of considering this, because he Already attracted by both sides, the two beast tides rushed towards each other at all, without any intention of slowing down.

It seems that for them, the only purpose is to completely kill each other. I really don’t know how these two races have such a big hatred. They were just far away, but not long after, both sides Bumped into each other.

With a "boom" sound like thunder, the two sides have already fought like this. With the power of the charge, the sharp horns on the head pierced the body of the mutant iron armor dog. The hard fur did not seem to have much defense ability. .

At the first time of contact, many mutant dogs were pierced by the sharp horns of the bull, and their bones were completely shattered. For a while, the scene seemed to become one-sided, and a large number of mutant dogs were in the charge of the bull. , Was torn to shreds, but unfortunately, with the passage of time, the speed of Man Niu gradually slowed down, losing the impact just now.

At this time, it was time for the performance of the mutant iron-clad dogs. After all, dogs far exceeded the bulls in terms of physical flexibility. After losing their impact, many mutant dogs easily avoided the bulls' charge.

Some climbed directly behind the bull and attacked the bull. Some bit the bull’s neck and refused to let go. Others simply used their bone spurs to collide with the bull. Of course, they did so. What will happen next? Looking at the iron-clad dogs lying on the ground, Huo Hai already knew that this fight was extremely tragic.

When I came to the Bonebreaking Plain, I encountered a lot of strange things, but all the things, it’s not as strange as the one in front of me. Why on earth are the two sides fighting each other like this? You know, the food on this plain is Very adequate.

The mutant iron-clad dog doesn't need to hunt down the bulls, and bulls eat grass at all. These two races don't seem to be able to fight. This battle is really inexplicable.

The fight was extremely tragic. The fight between the spirit beast and the spirit beast reminded Huo Hai of the fight between the demon and the beast. It was also the same tragic, the same... Hey, what is going on, Huo Hai has a face Looking at the scene in the field weirdly, after the two sides fought with each other, they killed many members of the other side, and then they stopped like this.

The bull and the mutant iron-clad dog, who were close at hand, did not continue to attack, but guarded each other, and then quietly stepped back. After a while, they split into two groups and ran in other directions.

This battle started inexplicably, and ended inexplicably. Huo Hai couldn't figure out what was going on. There must be a very special thing happening in this bone-breaking plain.

No matter what kind of battle, Huo Hai firmly believes that there is a reason, even if looking at the opponent is not pleasing to the eye, it is also a reason, especially such a large-scale battle, Huo Hai does not believe that they will be so inexplicable The war started, and then suddenly stopped. It seems that this bone-breaking plain is really not as simple as the information mentioned above.

This place can be used as a forbidden place in Mingyang Country, or even a Jedi. How could it not be dangerous? The map that Fengqing gave him back then was also very problematic.

"Huh, these guys really didn't feel at ease." Huo Hai snorted coldly, and did not move at this time. Who knows how many spirit beasts' attention will be drawn to such a battle, but the facts told Huo Hai, he guessed wrong again .

Such a big battle did not attract the attention of any spirit beasts. Even if the surrounding spirit beasts were very close, they did not come to check the situation here. On the contrary, after noticing that there was a big battle here, the nearby spirit beasts seemed to be affected. It was shocked, and quickly ran towards the distance, even if there were no spirit beasts here.

"Strange, what are they afraid of?" Huo Hai had a strange expression on his face. Even some carnivorous spirit beasts didn't want to come here to eat a big meal for nothing. Is it necessary to let these things rot here.

If so many corpses rot all the year round, the entire bone-crushing plain would definitely become a plague plain. Huo Hai stayed here for a long time, but did not see anything dangerous happening.

Just when Huo Hai was about to get up, a feeling of palpitations suddenly rushed into his mind. Huo Hai's body stiffened, and then he hid himself again, secretly looking into the distance, I don’t know when, the air floated in. Countless light spots, these light spots exudes a gray light, and they can feel a very frightening breath even far away.

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